Meeting Agenda
1) Call to Order
2) Pledge of Allegiance
3) Roll Call
4) Approval of Minutes
5) Staff and Student Recognition
6) Public Participation
7) Recommendations
7)A) Budget and Plan Document Public Hearing
7)B) $2M GO Bond Action
7)C) Additional Appropriation- Rainy Day Fund
7)D) Summer Roofing Proposal for 2018
7)E) Bid Award- Glen Acres New Building
7)F) 2017-2018 College Connection Coach MOU
7)G) 2017-2018 School Based Youth Liaison MOU
7)H) LSC China Field Trip Request
8) Employee Recommendations
9) Acceptance of Gifts
10) Treasurer
10)A) Financial Reports
10)B) Approve Claims and Ratify Payrolls
11) Board Reports
12) Information Only
12)A) Career Academy Update
12)B) Construction Updates
12)C) ISBA Fall Conference
12)D) NSBA Conference
13) Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 11, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
1) Call to Order
Subject: |
2) Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
3) Roll Call
Subject: |
4) Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the August 14, 2017 Regular School Board Meeting and the August 28, 2017 Memorandum of Record were presented for approval.
Subject: |
5) Staff and Student Recognition
Subject: |
6) Public Participation
Subject: |
7) Recommendations
Subject: |
7)A) Budget and Plan Document Public Hearing
Presenter: Eric Rody The administration presented the overall budget and appropriate plan documents to the Board at the work session of August 28, 2017. At that meeting it was explained that the budget and plan document public hearing would be advertised for September 11, 2017. Legal ads to this effect were published on August 31 and September 7, 2017 accordingly. It would, therefore, be appropriate for the Board President to open and close three different public hearings to this effect, as follows:
1.) Open Public Hearing on the overall budgets of the General, Debt Services, Capital Projects, Transportation, Bus Replacement, and Rainy Day Funds as advertised. After public comment – close hearing. 2.) Open Public Hearing on Capital Projects Fund 3-year Plan Document. After public comment – close hearing. 3.) Open Public Hearing on Bus Replacement Fund for 2018 through 2029. After public comment – close hearing. This action concludes what needs to take place at the September 11 Board meeting. The Treasurer can answer any question from either the public or Board. Further action by the Board in terms of budget adoption will take place on October 9, 2017. |
Subject: |
7)B) $2M GO Bond Action
Presenter: Eric Rody Enclosed with this email are two condensed pdf files of
legal documents needed to start the process of issuing our annual $2M GO
Bond. The 2017 GO Bond will be used for the following projects:
Digitizing Student Records, Telephone System Upgrade, Classroom Audio-Visual
Upgrades, Practice Baseball Field, and Roofing Projects. None of
these projects individually cost more than $1M. Included with this
board packet are copies of excerpts of minutes of the meeting, a preliminary
bond resolution, an intent to reimburse resolution, all covered with an
executive summary of those documents. The second attachment
includes all of the legal notices required at this time for proceeding with
this issuance. The Board received a timeline of these proceedings
at their August 28 work session. Administration recommends approval
of the resolutions as presented and further recommends that the proper board
officers and administrators be authorized to execute the documents and legal
ads accordingly.
Subject: |
7)C) Additional Appropriation- Rainy Day Fund
Presenter: Eric Rody
Additional Appropriation – Rainy Day Fund At the August 14 board meeting the Board gave permission for
the Business Office to pursue an additional appropriation in the Rainy Day Fund
in the amount of $300,000. The purpose of the appropriation was to
purchase various maintenance trucks, including pickup trucks with snow plows,
on truck with lift, one tool van and one mail-truck van, along with various
pieces of lawn mowing equipment. Legal ads for the additional
appropriation were published on August 24 setting September 11 as the public
hearing and resolution adoption date for the appropriation.
Administration recommends approval of the additional appropriation via the
enclosed resolution. Certified copies of these documents will be
further filed with the Department of Local Government Finance
accordingly. |
Subject: |
7)D) Summer Roofing Proposal for 2018
Presenter: Eric Rody
Summer Roofing Proposal for 2018 During calendar 2017 the corporation did not do any of our
regular roofing projects. The reason was the we needed to use the
CPF and Rainy Day Funds at the time to pay architect fees to keep the larger
building projects going in the planning stages. Since we are past
that stage, we now want to pick up our roof replacement plans in
2018. Attached is a copy of a roofing proposal from Etica
Architects, Chris Baker, for continuing roof work in 2018. The
buildings effected will be Sunnyside, Washington, Miami, and Career
Center. At this point, we estimate total roofing projects to amount
to $1.25M. Etica’s fee proposal amounts to $87,500 which is about 7
percent of the project estimate. Administration recommends approval
of Etica’s proposal and would ask that the Superintendent and/or Chief
Financial Officer be authorized to execute contracts with Etic
accordingly. |
Subject: |
7)E) Bid Award- Glen Acres New Building
Presenter: Eric Rody Attached with this note are copies of a bid recommendation letter, bid tabulation, and supporting recommendations for the Glen Acres New Elementary School project. Administration will review the bids with the Board and recommend the lowest responsive and responsible bidders per Indiana Code. Administration recommends as well that these contracts be assigned to the Vinton-Tecumseh Building Corporation for proper payments. |
Subject: |
7)F) 2017-2018 College Connection Coach MOU
Presenter: Les Huddle
Subject: |
7)G) 2017-2018 School Based Youth Liaison MOU
Presenter: Les Huddle
Subject: |
7)H) LSC China Field Trip Request
Presenter: Les Huddle
JHS & TJHS Students, China, October 23-31, 2017, Chinese language students will actually practice Chinese language and visit famous tourist sites. |
Subject: |
8) Employee Recommendations
Presenter: Les Huddle
The Administration recommends approval of the following employee requests: Resignations: Melinda Allbaugh, Head Nurse, Jeff, effective August 15, 2017 Scott Allen, Sub Para, All Building, effective September 1, 2017 Nada Alshantir, Paraprofessional, Tecumseh, effective August 8, 2017 Cynthia Cade, Head Nurse, Sunnyside, effective September 1, 2017 Ann Coller, Head Nurse, All Buildings, effective September 29, 2017 Traci Cupp, Title I Aide, Miami, effective August 28, 2017 Cheryl Eberle, LSC Clerical Paraprofessional, Jeff, effective August 8, 2017 Stacey Fisher, Paraprofessional, Jeff, effective August 16, 2017 Courtney Freeman, Paraprofessional, Woodland, effective August 15, 2017 Kristy Gebhart, LSC Clerical Para, Jeff, effective August 20, 2017 Heather Hakes, Title I IA, Glen Acres, effective August 15, 2017 Morgan Hicks, Title I Para, Miller, effective July 24, 2017 Timothy Jenkins, Sub Bus Driver, Transportation, effective August 7, 2017 Amy Keller, Job Coach, Durgan/Itinerant, effective August 10, 2017 Christine Lukis, Paraprofessional, Vinton, effective September 1, 2017 Alma Magallanes, Paraprofessional, Tecumseh, effective August 8, 2017 Lori Moore, Paraprofessional, Hershey E.S., effective July 24, 2017 Sara Neiley, Paraprofessional, Harrison, effective July 6, 2017 Dara Snow, Paraprofessional, Earhart, effective July 26, 2017 Jacqueline Thomas, Title I/ Lunch Supervisor, Miller, effective August 25, 2017 Onyx Uzomah, Paraprofessional, Wea Ridge M.S., effective July 24, 2017 Kirby Williams, Paraprofessional, Tecumseh, effective August 8, 2017 Termination Audra Jarrard, Lunch Supervisor, Sunnyside, effective August 29, 2017 Jennifer Merritt, Sub Bus Driver, Transportation, effective August 14, 2017 Retirement Leave Sara Elizabeth Garcia, Pregnancy/Childbirth Leave, March 18, 2018-April 30, 2018 Employment Tierra Allen, Bus Attendant (new) Ana Avelar, Lunch and Recess Supervisor (new) Nancilee Christine Babb, Head Nurse (replacement) Ashley Jay Baldwin, Lunch Supervisor (replacement) Jessica Beavers, Title I Intervention Assistant (replacement) Sheenalynn Boothroyd, K-2 Resource Room Para (new) Danelle Broussard, Paraprofessional (replacement) Beth Casto, Head Nurse (replacement) Kelsey Chapman, GLASS Paraprofessional (replacement) John Christy, GLASS Paraprofessional (replacement) Rebekah Day, Paraprofessional (new) Mary Fisher, Teacher (replacement) Courtney Freeman, Lunchroom Supervisor (replacement) Susan Gibson, GLASS Nurse/Paraprofessional (replacement) Barbara Hall, Resource Room Paraprofessional (replacement) Jennifer Hollibaugh, LSC Clerical Paraprofessional (replacement) Wendy Maxon, GLASS Paraprofessional (replacement) Kelsey Norwalk, Paraprofessional (replacement) Lori Olsen, Bus Attendant (new) Cassie Quinton-McGruder (replacement) Allison Pace, Paraprofessional (replacement) Jennifer Riccius, Recess Supervisor (replacement) Stephany Salazar, Lunch/Recess Supervisor (replacement) Adrienne Schmid, LSC Paraprofessional (replacement) Kira Sherlock, Paraprofessional (new) Greg Simpson, GLASS Paraprofessional (replacement) Callan Smith, GLASS Paraprofessional (replacement) Alondra Solis-Zuniga, ELL Title I Paraprofessional (replacement) Gina Theesfeld, Breakfast Supervisor (new) Nikki Urbanski, GLASS Like Skills Paraprofessional (replacement) Jason Vandewalle, Assistant Principal (replacement) Linze Vanostran, Bus Attendant (new) Carolyn Vester. 1:1 Paraprofessional (new) Jenna Watkins, Lunch & Recess Supervisor (replacement) Jaime Whalley, Secretary (replacement/ change in wages/salary) Alexander White, Security Officer (new) Angela D. Wilson, GLASS Paraprofessional (replacement) Noemi Ybarra, Title I Instructional Assistant (replacement) |
Subject: |
9) Acceptance of Gifts
The Administration recommends the acceptance of the
following gifts for the month of August: |
Subject: |
10) Treasurer
Subject: |
10)A) Financial Reports
Subject: |
10)B) Approve Claims and Ratify Payrolls
Presenter: Eric Rody
The Administration recommends approval of the vendor claims and ratification of payrolls. |
Subject: |
11) Board Reports
Subject: |
12) Information Only
Subject: |
12)A) Career Academy Update
Presenter: Les Huddle
Subject: |
12)B) Construction Updates
Presenter: Eric Rody
Subject: |
12)C) ISBA Fall Conference
Presenter: |
Presenter: Les Huddle
When: October 2nd & 3rd Location: Indiana Convention Center 100 S. Capitol Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46225 *Please let Heather know ASAP if you will be attending. |
Subject: |
12)D) NSBA Conference
Presenter: Les Huddle
Early Registration: October 18th Conference: April 7th-9th, 2018 Location: San Antonio, Texas |
Subject: |
13) Adjournment