Meeting Agenda
1) Call Meeting To Order
2) Roll Call
3) Pledge of Allegiance
4) Approve Agenda
5) Approve Addendum
6) Approval of Minutes
7) Recognition of Visitors/Public Comments
8) Financial Reports
8)a) Accounts Payable and Payroll
8)b) Cash and Investment Report
8)c) Detailed Payment Register
9) Approve Monthly Bills
10) Accept Donations
11) Consent Agenda
11)a) Approval of the Consent Agenda
11)b) Approve Memorandum of Agreement for Cayla Buentemeier
11)c) Approve Indus Volleyball Head Coach Contract
11)d) Approve Indus Volleyball Assistant Coach Contract
12) Approve 2025 Band/Choir York City Trip
13) Approve Indus Star Camp Overnight Trip
14) Approve Northome Star Camp Overnight Trip
15) Approve Indigenous Studies Overnight Trip
16) Approve Indus Pro-Start Academic Club
17) Approve Northome & Indus Teacher Seniority List
18) Approve Northome & Indus Classified Seniority Lists
19) Approve District Purchasing Policy (1st Reading)
20) Approve Revision to Policy 518 Student Fundraising (1st Reading)
21) Approve District Student Activity Account Manual
22) Approve Bids for Northome Shop Equipment
23) Approve 2022-23 Bus Competencies
24) District School Buses Discussion Topic
25) Addendum
25)a) Approve Hiring of Northome Pupil Support Assistant Para Professional Nichole Adegun
26) Informational Items
26)a) Financial Reports
26)b) Indus Principal Report
26)c) Northome Principal Report
26)d) School Board Report
26)e) Superintendent Report
27) Set Next Meeting Date
28) Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | October 12, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1) Call Meeting To Order
Subject: |
2) Roll Call
Subject: |
3) Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
4) Approve Agenda
Subject: |
5) Approve Addendum
Subject: |
6) Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
7) Recognition of Visitors/Public Comments
Subject: |
8) Financial Reports
Subject: |
8)a) Accounts Payable and Payroll
Subject: |
8)b) Cash and Investment Report
Subject: |
8)c) Detailed Payment Register
Subject: |
9) Approve Monthly Bills
Subject: |
10) Accept Donations
Subject: |
11) Consent Agenda
Subject: |
11)a) Approval of the Consent Agenda
Subject: |
11)b) Approve Memorandum of Agreement for Cayla Buentemeier
Subject: |
11)c) Approve Indus Volleyball Head Coach Contract
Subject: |
11)d) Approve Indus Volleyball Assistant Coach Contract
Subject: |
12) Approve 2025 Band/Choir York City Trip
Subject: |
13) Approve Indus Star Camp Overnight Trip
Subject: |
14) Approve Northome Star Camp Overnight Trip
Also shared with Indus School
Subject: |
15) Approve Indigenous Studies Overnight Trip
Subject: |
16) Approve Indus Pro-Start Academic Club
Subject: |
17) Approve Northome & Indus Teacher Seniority List
Subject: |
18) Approve Northome & Indus Classified Seniority Lists
Subject: |
19) Approve District Purchasing Policy (1st Reading)
Subject: |
20) Approve Revision to Policy 518 Student Fundraising (1st Reading)
Subject: |
21) Approve District Student Activity Account Manual
Subject: |
22) Approve Bids for Northome Shop Equipment
Subject: |
23) Approve 2022-23 Bus Competencies
Subject: |
24) District School Buses Discussion Topic
Subject: |
25) Addendum
Subject: |
25)a) Approve Hiring of Northome Pupil Support Assistant Para Professional Nichole Adegun
Subject: |
26) Informational Items
Subject: |
26)a) Financial Reports
Subject: |
26)b) Indus Principal Report
Subject: |
26)c) Northome Principal Report
Subject: |
26)d) School Board Report
Subject: |
26)e) Superintendent Report
Subject: |
27) Set Next Meeting Date
Subject: |
28) Adjourn