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Meeting Agenda

1. Call to Order at __:__ P.M.

1.A. Pledge of Allegiance

1.B. Roll Call (alphabetical order): Jodie Davy, Cari Dostal, Jamie Isane, Brent Olson, Jeramy Swenson, and Jared VonEnde

Student (non-voting) Representative: Open for SY2023-24

1.C. School Employees in Attendance:

1.D. Community Members in Attendance:

1.E. Other people attending virtually from remote locations:
Matt Rantapaa, Director of Baird Public Finance, 7755 3rd Street North, Suite 400, Saint Paul, MN  55128

Blair Stoltman, Business Dev. Specialist with ICS, 104 Park Avenue North, Suite 104, Park Rapids, MN  56470


2. Visitor Comments

2.A. Listening Session


All speakers are asked to complete the listening session with a Sign-in Card including as much detail as possible and including a printed and/or written copy of your presentation if one is available. The Sign-in Cards are at the table by the entrance door, and anyone who has not called in or emailed the Superintendent, in advance, may complete them now. Please include all requested information on the Sign-in Card so administration can provide follow-up as needed.

This is an opportunity for the Board to listen, the Board will not engage in dialogue. As a general rule, the Board will not comment on or respond to any comments made by speakers. Please do not include names of Badger Community School employees or representatives, their title, or location in your remarks for your own legal protection and the legal rights of staff.

Each speaker will have five (5) minutes to speak; speakers may not roll their time to another speaker. Speakers will be timed and are asked to complete their comments in this time frame. Board members may ask questions if needed.  Please begin your presentation by stating your name and topic only.

In the spirit of fairness to all participants, we request that you respect the format above. Thank you for taking the time tonight to attend this meeting and share your concerns and suggestions.

3. Recommendation to add and/or remove items to the agenda by Board Members or School Administrators

4. Approval of Agenda

4.A. A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the agenda for this Thursday, June 27, 2024 Special School Board Meeting as presented/amended. The motion seconded by ____________________ .


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.

5. Reports

5.A. Badger Student Enrollment Forecast for SY2024-2025:

Safeguard:  208 pupil count for grades K-12 including Early Childhood Sp Ed (EC) would be the ‘low range’ safeguard projection for slightly under-estimating a conservative revenue projection

Rollover:  About 211 would be the ‘mid-range’ approximation for end of year rollover including 13 pre-registered kindergarten students.    211 = 214 end of year count – 16 outgoing grads + 13 incoming registered Kindergartners

Optimistic:  Above 214 (or more) would be the count for grades K-12 plus Early Childhood Sp Ed (EC) which is the optimistic ‘high range’ (active + in-active in JMC)

5.B. Superintendent's Notes regarding the Preliminary Initial Fiscal Year 2025 Budget


Please see attachment

6. Proposed Resolutions

6.A. Approve and Adopt Initial Revenue and Expenditure Budget for the 2024-2025 School Year (Fiscal Year 2025): A motion was made by  ____________________ to approve and adopt the initial revenue and expenditure budget for the coming year. The motion seconded by  ____________________


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.


MN Statute 123B.77 indicates that prior to July 1 of each fiscal year, the Board of each school district must approve and adopt its revenue and expenditure budgets for the next school year.  The budget document so adopted must be considered an expenditure-authorizing or appropriations document.  No funds shall be expended by any board or district for any purpose in any school year prior to the adoption of the budget document which authorizes that expenditure, or prior to an amendment to the budget document by the board to authorize the expenditure.

The administrative recommendation for adopting this initial budget is for legal compliance with the understanding the 2024-2025 school budget will be revised at a later time.  School boards are required to adopt annual budgets before the fiscal year ends June 30.

What we do know is state general education revenue is projected to increase at least 2.0% on the basic formula per Badger student for the 2024-25 school year (not all categorical increases apply to Badger). However, the increase in State Aid may be negated by declining K-12 student enrollment, increasing Sp Ed student enrollment, higher inflationary costs and new legislative mandates.


6.B. Resolution to Complete and Submit a Review and Comment to the Commissioner of Education:

A motion was made by ________________

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of Badger Independent School District Number 676, County of Roseau, State of Minnesota adopt and approve:

Authorization of Badger School Administration to work with District consultants to complete and submit all required information to the Commissioner of Education to request Review and Comment on an approximate $15.2 million construction project financed through the issuance of voter-approved bonds, if approved by voters in an election on November 5, 2024.  The project would include the following:


  • Renovations to include:

    • HVAC improvements

    • Restroom improvements

    • Door and window replacement

    • Interior renovations to create a new music room and media center


  • New construction to include:

    • A new gymnasium, locker rooms, weight room, commons, concessions, restrooms, flex classroom and Career and Technical Education (CTE) space

    • Parking lot

The motion was seconded by ________________ .

Yes-No Roll Call Vote:

BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.


Please note in the near future, it will be necessary for a Resolution Relating to the Issuance of School Building Bonds and Calling an Election.

7. Adjourn: Recommended motion: ____________________ moved to adjourn at _________ PM. The motion seconded by ____________________.


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.

Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: June 27, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Special Meeting

1. Call to Order at __:__ P.M.


1.A. Pledge of Allegiance


1.B. Roll Call (alphabetical order): Jodie Davy, Cari Dostal, Jamie Isane, Brent Olson, Jeramy Swenson, and Jared VonEnde

Student (non-voting) Representative: Open for SY2023-24


1.C. School Employees in Attendance:


1.D. Community Members in Attendance:

1.E. Other people attending virtually from remote locations:
Matt Rantapaa, Director of Baird Public Finance, 7755 3rd Street North, Suite 400, Saint Paul, MN  55128

Blair Stoltman, Business Dev. Specialist with ICS, 104 Park Avenue North, Suite 104, Park Rapids, MN  56470


2. Visitor Comments


2.A. Listening Session


All speakers are asked to complete the listening session with a Sign-in Card including as much detail as possible and including a printed and/or written copy of your presentation if one is available. The Sign-in Cards are at the table by the entrance door, and anyone who has not called in or emailed the Superintendent, in advance, may complete them now. Please include all requested information on the Sign-in Card so administration can provide follow-up as needed.

This is an opportunity for the Board to listen, the Board will not engage in dialogue. As a general rule, the Board will not comment on or respond to any comments made by speakers. Please do not include names of Badger Community School employees or representatives, their title, or location in your remarks for your own legal protection and the legal rights of staff.

Each speaker will have five (5) minutes to speak; speakers may not roll their time to another speaker. Speakers will be timed and are asked to complete their comments in this time frame. Board members may ask questions if needed.  Please begin your presentation by stating your name and topic only.

In the spirit of fairness to all participants, we request that you respect the format above. Thank you for taking the time tonight to attend this meeting and share your concerns and suggestions.


3. Recommendation to add and/or remove items to the agenda by Board Members or School Administrators


4. Approval of Agenda


4.A. A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the agenda for this Thursday, June 27, 2024 Special School Board Meeting as presented/amended. The motion seconded by ____________________ .


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.


5. Reports


5.A. Badger Student Enrollment Forecast for SY2024-2025:

Safeguard:  208 pupil count for grades K-12 including Early Childhood Sp Ed (EC) would be the ‘low range’ safeguard projection for slightly under-estimating a conservative revenue projection

Rollover:  About 211 would be the ‘mid-range’ approximation for end of year rollover including 13 pre-registered kindergarten students.    211 = 214 end of year count – 16 outgoing grads + 13 incoming registered Kindergartners

Optimistic:  Above 214 (or more) would be the count for grades K-12 plus Early Childhood Sp Ed (EC) which is the optimistic ‘high range’ (active + in-active in JMC)


5.B. Superintendent's Notes regarding the Preliminary Initial Fiscal Year 2025 Budget


Please see attachment


6. Proposed Resolutions


6.A. Approve and Adopt Initial Revenue and Expenditure Budget for the 2024-2025 School Year (Fiscal Year 2025): A motion was made by  ____________________ to approve and adopt the initial revenue and expenditure budget for the coming year. The motion seconded by  ____________________


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.


MN Statute 123B.77 indicates that prior to July 1 of each fiscal year, the Board of each school district must approve and adopt its revenue and expenditure budgets for the next school year.  The budget document so adopted must be considered an expenditure-authorizing or appropriations document.  No funds shall be expended by any board or district for any purpose in any school year prior to the adoption of the budget document which authorizes that expenditure, or prior to an amendment to the budget document by the board to authorize the expenditure.

The administrative recommendation for adopting this initial budget is for legal compliance with the understanding the 2024-2025 school budget will be revised at a later time.  School boards are required to adopt annual budgets before the fiscal year ends June 30.

What we do know is state general education revenue is projected to increase at least 2.0% on the basic formula per Badger student for the 2024-25 school year (not all categorical increases apply to Badger). However, the increase in State Aid may be negated by declining K-12 student enrollment, increasing Sp Ed student enrollment, higher inflationary costs and new legislative mandates.



6.B. Resolution to Complete and Submit a Review and Comment to the Commissioner of Education:

A motion was made by ________________

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of Badger Independent School District Number 676, County of Roseau, State of Minnesota adopt and approve:

Authorization of Badger School Administration to work with District consultants to complete and submit all required information to the Commissioner of Education to request Review and Comment on an approximate $15.2 million construction project financed through the issuance of voter-approved bonds, if approved by voters in an election on November 5, 2024.  The project would include the following:


  • Renovations to include:

    • HVAC improvements

    • Restroom improvements

    • Door and window replacement

    • Interior renovations to create a new music room and media center


  • New construction to include:

    • A new gymnasium, locker rooms, weight room, commons, concessions, restrooms, flex classroom and Career and Technical Education (CTE) space

    • Parking lot

The motion was seconded by ________________ .

Yes-No Roll Call Vote:

BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.


Please note in the near future, it will be necessary for a Resolution Relating to the Issuance of School Building Bonds and Calling an Election.


7. Adjourn: Recommended motion: ____________________ moved to adjourn at _________ PM. The motion seconded by ____________________.


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.

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