Meeting Agenda
A. Call to Order
B. Roll Call
C. Pledge of Allegiance
D. Public Hearing - ESSER III, ESSA, Perkins Grant
E. Public Communications
F. Consent Agenda
F.1. Minutes
F.2. Financial Statements
F.3. Investment Report
F.4. State Aid Comparison - Budgeted vs. Earned
F.5. Earned vs. TEA Payments
F.6. Tax Collection Report
F.7. Bond Payments Resolution
G. Information Items
G.1. Financial Report
G.2. Superintendent's Report
G.3. School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) Report
G.4. District and Campus State Accountability Ratings Report
G.5. Second Draft of the 2023-2024 District Budget
G.6. Tentative August Agenda Items
H. Action Items
H.1. Schedule a Date for Board Strategic Planning Meeting
H.2. Consider Approval of Revised 2023-2024 Salary Schedules
H.3. Consider Approval of Safety and Security Plan Based on HB3 Requirements
H.4. Approval of Expenditure in Excess of $50,000
H.5. Consider Action to Join an Interlocal Agreement for DIR Shared Technology Services
H.6. Call for Public Hearing on Proposed Budget and Tax Rate
H.7. School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) SB9 Resolution
H.8. Consider Approval of 2023-2024 Student Code of Conduct
H.9. McMurray College Dual Credit Introduction and Change to the 2023-2024 High School Course Catalog.
H.10. Consider Approval of 2023-2024 TTESS Appraisers and Appraisal Calendar
H.11. Personnel
H.11.a. Resignations of Certified Personnel
H.11.b. Employment of Certified Personnel
H.11.c. Superintendent's Mid-Point Review
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | July 17, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
A. Call to Order
The Board President or his/her designee will call the meeting to order.
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B. Roll Call
The Board President or his/her designee will call the roll of members.
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C. Pledge of Allegiance
The group will recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
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D. Public Hearing - ESSER III, ESSA, Perkins Grant
Dr. Bethany Logan, Director of Curriculum, will conduct a public hearing on ESSER III, ESSA, Perkins Grant to comply with grant requirements.
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E. Public Communications
Citizens wishing to address the Board of Trustees have so indicated by listing their name on the Communications from the Public sign-in sheet located on the table at the entrance to the boardroom if the meeting is done in person, or at the link provided on the published board agenda if conducted remotely. Those signing have given a brief indication of the topics to be addressed.
Comments to the Board of Trustees under this provision will be limited to three minutes. The members of the Board of Trustees will listen to citizen presentations during this portion of a regularly scheduled meeting, but they will not comment or participate in a discussion of the topic. |
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F. Consent Agenda
Board members routinely approve items on the consent agenda as a group. These are routine agenda items. Board members have the option to ask questions regarding any of the items listed under "consent agenda".
Subject: |
F.1. Minutes
State law requires that a record be kept in the form of official minutes on each meeting held by a governmental body and that these minutes be approved at the next regular meeting.
Attached are the minutes from the June 12, 2023 regular meeting. |
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F.2. Financial Statements
Monthly reporting of financial position in relation to the budget. The Board is provided monthly financial statements.
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F.3. Investment Report
Meet legal reporting requirements for investments.
In order the meet legal reporting requirements for investments, the Board receives quarterly reports on District investments. |
Subject: |
F.4. State Aid Comparison - Budgeted vs. Earned
The Board has requested a monthly status report of earned state aid in relation to the budget.
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F.5. Earned vs. TEA Payments
The Board has requested a monthly status report of earned state aid in relation to the budget.
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F.6. Tax Collection Report
Attached is the Tax Assessor-Collector's Report.
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F.7. Bond Payments Resolution
First National Bank and Lone Star Investment Pool, depositories for Smithville ISD, require that the Board pass a resolution each time we wire transfer our bond payment.
Attached is a resolution for the Board’s approval. |
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G. Information Items
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G.1. Financial Report
The Chief Financial Officer, Jean Ann McCarthy, will review the financial disbursements for the previous month with the Board of Trustees. No action is required.
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G.2. Superintendent's Report
The Superintendent will update the Board on important issues pertaining to the District.
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G.3. School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) Report
As per Texas Education Code, Chapter 28, at least annually, the local school health advisory council (SHAC) shall submit a report to the board of trustees. The board packet includes a report of activities from the 2022-2023 school year.
Subject: |
G.4. District and Campus State Accountability Ratings Report
In order to inform the Board and the public of Smithville I.S.D.'s accountability ratings, Dr. Bethany Logan, Director of Curriculum, will review district and individual campus performance in comparison to the state.
The accountability system utilizes STAAR data to evaluate three areas: 1) Student Achievement, 2) Student Progress and 3) Closing Performance Gaps. The accountability system is designed to insure that campuses and districts are evaluated annually on multiple criteria and performance levels. |
Subject: |
G.5. Second Draft of the 2023-2024 District Budget
The school district staff is currently in the process of developing the proposed budget for the 2023-2024 school year. The process began in January with budget planning at the campus level. The Board must adopt the final budget on or before August 31, 2023 in accordance with legal requirements.
Budget hearings were conducted with each campus principal and each department director. Expenditure adjustments from the first draft were made based upon input received from SISD staff as well as the public. The first draft of the 2023-2024 district budget was presented to the Board of Trustees at the June 12, 2023 regular meeting. Mrs. McCarthy will present the second draft to to the Board of Trustees. |
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G.6. Tentative August Agenda Items
Tentative items to be included on the August agenda are:
a. Public Hearing on Proposed Budget b. Financial Report c. Superintendent’s Report d. Preliminary STAAR Test Results e. Adoption of 2023-2024 District Budget and Tax Rate f. Approval of District and Campus Improvement Plans g. Senate Bill 1267 h. Personnel |
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H. Action Items
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H.1. Schedule a Date for Board Strategic Planning Meeting
The Board, along with the Superintendent, is required to participate in at least three hours of team building conducted by the Texas Association of School Boards, or another registered provider, on an annual basis. A strategic planning meeting would qualify as a team building session. Jody Duran, with the Texas Association of Mid-Size Schools, will conduct the meeting on the agreed-upon date.
Subject: |
H.2. Consider Approval of Revised 2023-2024 Salary Schedules
District administrators have been working on an updated salary schedule for teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, and trades for the upcoming school year 2023-2024. Salary schedules are necessary to calculate the 2023-2024 budget, and it has been Smithville I.S.D.'s practice to inform staff as early as possible of any changes to the salary schedules. Salaries have to be set each year and have a major impact on the district budget, which must be adopted no later than August 31, 2023.
The Board of Trustees adopted the salary schedule at its regular meeting on June 12th, 2023. However, there have been revisions to the adopted salary schedule that require board approval. |
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H.3. Consider Approval of Safety and Security Plan Based on HB3 Requirements
The Texas House has passed a bill, HB3, that would require at least one armed security officer at every campus and silent panic buttons in every classroom. At the board meeting last month, the Board of Trustees discussed options to address these requirements. The Superintendent will review the options available at tonight's meeting.
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H.4. Approval of Expenditure in Excess of $50,000
The purpose of this agenda item is to authorize contracted services for the 2023-2024 school year.
Depending on the pathway that the Board of Trustees and Superintendent decide to follow in regards to campus security, Smithville ISD would spend between $93,500 - $140,352 for contracted commissioned security. During the 2023-2024 school year, Smithville ISD will be utilizing the services of contracted clinicians for our Special Education students. We will be utilizing the services of 3rd party companies, Trinity Educational Services, Texas Therapy, Candor Consulting and Diagnostics, LLC, Terraza Consulting and Mindset Assessment Services of Texas to supply us with Educational Diagnosticians, Speech Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist and Licensed Specialist in School Psychology. Currently, we are budgeting $507,000 (from the General Operating budget and federal funds) to be paid for these services. |
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H.5. Consider Action to Join an Interlocal Agreement for DIR Shared Technology Services
The Texas Department of Information Resources is the leading resource for school districts in all aspects of technology. By entering into the interlocal agreement with the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR), Smithville ISD has the opportunity to work with vendors for different technology needs, especially with cybersecurity, ransomware and disaster recovery).
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H.6. Call for Public Hearing on Proposed Budget and Tax Rate
The goal of the District is to adopt a budget and set the tax rate for the 2023-2024 school year. State Truth in Taxation laws require the school district to publish a public notice of public hearing to discuss the proposed budget and proposed tax rate for the new fiscal year. Legally the budget must be developed on or before August 20th, 2023 and adopted by August 31st, 2023. The school district will publish the notice of the public hearing in the local newspapers to comply with state laws and timelines for budget adoption and setting of the tax rate.
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H.7. School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) SB9 Resolution
The Smithville ISD School Health Committee (SHAC) plans to convene for the purposes of recommending course materials for the prevention of child abuse, family violence, dating violence and human trafficking. Therefore, the SHAC is requesting that the Board of Trustees adopt a resolution that supports them in their efforts.
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H.8. Consider Approval of 2023-2024 Student Code of Conduct
It is a requirement that the Student Code of Conduct for the upcoming school year is reviewed, revised and ultimately approved by the Board prior to the commencement of the new school year. Administrators have reviewed the current Code of Conduct. The proposed 2023-2024 Student Code of Conduct is included for the Board's review. It is anticipated that there will be additional changes to the Code of Conduct due to legislative mandates. However, in order to have it prepared for distribution at the beginning of school, and due to the fact that there is not another board meeting scheduled prior to that time, administrators are requesting approval of the Student Code of Conduct as is with the understanding that there is a possibility of changes due to legislative mandates.
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H.9. McMurray College Dual Credit Introduction and Change to the 2023-2024 High School Course Catalog.
The Board of Trustees approved the High School Course Catalog for 2023-24 at a previous meeting. However, there have been edits and editions to the catalog, including an agreement with McMurray Junior College. Smithville ISD is revising the course catalog to include dual credit options for students in grades 9-12 in partnership with McMurray University in Abilene, Texas. Courses offered will transfer to Texas colleges and universities. Courses that will be offered will begin at the fall of the 2023-2024 school year. This edit requires board approval.
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H.10. Consider Approval of 2023-2024 TTESS Appraisers and Appraisal Calendar
The Board must approve the district appraisal calendar and the list of administrators trained to evaluate teachers. Teachers must be evaluated annually by trained and board-approved appraisers. For the 2023-2024 school year, the District plans to continue to use the state-adopted appraisal system, Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS). All appraisers will be trained before they conduct classroom observations. Teachers are evaluated on performance in the classroom, staff development activities, and performance of students on the campus. A list of appraisers and the appraisal calendar is included in the board packet.
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H.11. Personnel
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H.11.a. Resignations of Certified Personnel
The Superintendent would like to inform the Board of the resignations of: Justin Benvegnu and Rebecca Walla, teachers at Smithville High School, Raylynne Fillman and Sara Parks, teachers at Smithville Elementary, Katie Pena and Sue Borel, educational diagnosticians.
No action is required. |
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H.11.b. Employment of Certified Personnel
According to Board Policy DC [Local], the Superintendent has the authority to make recommendations to the Board regarding the selection of all personnel.
Ava Zapalac - Teacher Degree - Bachelor of Arts from Tarleton State University Certification - Core Subjects EC-6 pending completion of program Years of Experience - 0 years Campus - Smithville Elementary School Additional third grade teacher Wendy Carroll - Teacher Degree - BA from Sam Houston State University Certification - Business and Finance 6-12 Years of Experience - 0 years Campus - Smithville High School To replace Stetson Gommert Doug Simms - Teacher/Coach Degree - BS from Missouri State Certification - Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources 6-12 Years of Experience - 5 years Campus - Smithville High School To replace Rebecca Walla Judy Supak - Teacher Degree - BS from Texas State University Certification - Mathematics 8-12 Years of Experience - 11 years Campus - Smithville High School To replace Deanna Seidel Leanne Vinklarek - Teacher Degree - BS from Texas A&M University Certification - ELA and Reading/Social Studies 4-8, ESL Supplemental Years of Experience - 9 years Campus - Brown Primary To replace Rachel Castillo Deborah Thorp - Teacher Degree - BA from University of New Hampshire Certification - Social Studies 7-12, Special Education EC-12 Years of Experience - 3 years Campus - Smithville Elementary To replace Goldie Sunshine Jordan Trahan - Teacher/Coach Certification - History 7-12, pending completion of program Years of Experience - 2 years Campus - Smithville High School To replace Augie Ramirez's coaching position, and Terri Prihoda's teaching position (moving staff from within) Susan Schultz - Speech Language Pathologist Assistant Degree - BS at Arizona State University in Speech and Hearing Science Years of Experience - 0 years Campus - District-wide New Position |
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H.11.c. Superintendent's Mid-Point Review
Board Policy BJCD [Legal] requires the Board to annually evaluate the Superintendent. One part of the appraisal process involves the superintendent completing and providing to Board members a self-evaluation. The self-evaluation is presented to the Board in December, and the superintendent’s evaluation by the Board takes place in closed session in January. The Superintendent would like to provide the Board with a mid-point review of her progress and accomplishments. She will present this to the Board in closed session.