Meeting Agenda
I.A. VHS Chamber Singers - Dustin Morris
I.B. Introduction of New Staff
I.B.1. Indian Lake Elementary
I.B.1.a. Jill Boudrie - 5th Grade
I.B.1.b. Sawyer Duncan - PE
I.B.2. Sunset Lake Elementary
I.B.2.a. Erin Clark - Kindergarten
I.B.2.b. Cindy Kessler - Special Ed
I.B.2.c. Justin Lehman - Begindergarten
I.B.2.d. Breanna Welling - School Psychologist
I.B.3. Tobey Elementary
I.B.3.a. Julie Sorenson - Behavior/Guidance
I.B.4. Middle School
I.B.4.a. Jennifer Heeres - Science
I.B.4.b. Lauren Noyes - Math
I.B.5. High School
I.B.5.a. Cody Caswell - PE & Health
I.B.5.b. Justin McDonald - Business/Computer
I.B.5.c. Kyle Roberts - Economics
I.C. Recognitions
I.C.1. VHS AP Honor Roll Recognition
I.C.2. Ruth Hook - MEMSPA Region IV Principal of the Year
I.C.3. Steve Goss - MSBO Leadership Institute
I.C.4. Rebecca Durant - MSBO Business Office Manager Certification
I.D. Legislative Update
II.A. Business and Finance - Steve Goss
II.A.1. Monthly Budget Progress Report
II.A.2. Bond Update
II.A.3. Skyward Update
II.B. Generous Hands - Paula Schriemer
II.C. Audience
III.A. Approval of the November 13, 2017 meeting minutes
III.B. Approval of the Following General Fund Invoices Totaling $220,346.71 - ROLL CALL VOTE
III.B.1. November 3, 2017 = $93,972.03
III.B.2. November 17, 2017 = $126,374.68
III.C. Approval of Purchase Card Disbursements totaling $213,729.61 - ROLL CALL VOTE
III.D. Approval of Resolution Opposing Senate Bills 584-586 and 366 - ROLL CALL VOTE
III.E. Approval to Delegate Authority to the Assistant Superintendent to enter the Contract with Skyward, Inc. for software and related services, upon satisfactory completion of legal review - ROLL CALL VOTE
III.F. Approval to Enter Contract with Kalamazoo Mechanical for replacement of the rooftop condensing unit at Vicksburg Middle School, based on the low bid of $69,195 - ROLL CALL VOTE
III.G. Approval to Accept Student Enrollments through Section 105C of Public Act 94 for the Second Semester of the 2016-17 School Year
III.H. Approval to Appoint Amy Manchester as Board Secretary effective December 22, 2017
III.I. Approval to Appoint Amy Manchester as Election Representative for all Matters Pertaining to Vicksburg Community Schools' Elections effective December 22, 2017
III.J. 1st Reading Approval of the following policies - ROLL CALL VOTE
III.J.1. P5111.01 - Homeless Students (Replacement)
III.J.2. P5111.03 - Children and Youth in Foster Care (Replacement)
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | December 11, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
I.A. VHS Chamber Singers - Dustin Morris
Subject: |
I.B. Introduction of New Staff
Subject: |
I.B.1. Indian Lake Elementary
Subject: |
I.B.1.a. Jill Boudrie - 5th Grade
Subject: |
I.B.1.b. Sawyer Duncan - PE
Subject: |
I.B.2. Sunset Lake Elementary
Subject: |
I.B.2.a. Erin Clark - Kindergarten
Subject: |
I.B.2.b. Cindy Kessler - Special Ed
Subject: |
I.B.2.c. Justin Lehman - Begindergarten
Subject: |
I.B.2.d. Breanna Welling - School Psychologist
Subject: |
I.B.3. Tobey Elementary
Subject: |
I.B.3.a. Julie Sorenson - Behavior/Guidance
Subject: |
I.B.4. Middle School
Subject: |
I.B.4.a. Jennifer Heeres - Science
Subject: |
I.B.4.b. Lauren Noyes - Math
Subject: |
I.B.5. High School
Subject: |
I.B.5.a. Cody Caswell - PE & Health
Subject: |
I.B.5.b. Justin McDonald - Business/Computer
Subject: |
I.B.5.c. Kyle Roberts - Economics
Subject: |
I.C. Recognitions
Subject: |
I.C.1. VHS AP Honor Roll Recognition
Subject: |
I.C.2. Ruth Hook - MEMSPA Region IV Principal of the Year
Subject: |
I.C.3. Steve Goss - MSBO Leadership Institute
Subject: |
I.C.4. Rebecca Durant - MSBO Business Office Manager Certification
Subject: |
I.D. Legislative Update
Subject: |
Subject: |
II.A. Business and Finance - Steve Goss
Subject: |
II.A.1. Monthly Budget Progress Report
Subject: |
II.A.2. Bond Update
Subject: |
II.A.3. Skyward Update
Subject: |
II.B. Generous Hands - Paula Schriemer
Subject: |
II.C. Audience
Subject: |
Subject: |
III.A. Approval of the November 13, 2017 meeting minutes
Subject: |
III.B. Approval of the Following General Fund Invoices Totaling $220,346.71 - ROLL CALL VOTE
Subject: |
III.B.1. November 3, 2017 = $93,972.03
Subject: |
III.B.2. November 17, 2017 = $126,374.68
Subject: |
III.C. Approval of Purchase Card Disbursements totaling $213,729.61 - ROLL CALL VOTE
Subject: |
III.D. Approval of Resolution Opposing Senate Bills 584-586 and 366 - ROLL CALL VOTE
Subject: |
III.E. Approval to Delegate Authority to the Assistant Superintendent to enter the Contract with Skyward, Inc. for software and related services, upon satisfactory completion of legal review - ROLL CALL VOTE
Subject: |
III.F. Approval to Enter Contract with Kalamazoo Mechanical for replacement of the rooftop condensing unit at Vicksburg Middle School, based on the low bid of $69,195 - ROLL CALL VOTE
Subject: |
III.G. Approval to Accept Student Enrollments through Section 105C of Public Act 94 for the Second Semester of the 2016-17 School Year
Subject: |
III.H. Approval to Appoint Amy Manchester as Board Secretary effective December 22, 2017
Subject: |
III.I. Approval to Appoint Amy Manchester as Election Representative for all Matters Pertaining to Vicksburg Community Schools' Elections effective December 22, 2017
Subject: |
III.J. 1st Reading Approval of the following policies - ROLL CALL VOTE
Subject: |
III.J.1. P5111.01 - Homeless Students (Replacement)
Subject: |
III.J.2. P5111.03 - Children and Youth in Foster Care (Replacement)