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Meeting Agenda
1. Convene:  6:00 PM     (Roll Call)
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Agenda Review and Approval:      (Action)
4. Approval of Previous Minutes:      (Action)
4.A. August 28, 2023 Regular Business Meeting Minutes
4.B. September 11, 2023 Brief Business Meeting
4.C. September 11, 2023 Workshop Notes
5. Spotlight on Success:  6:05 PM     (Information)
5.A. Eden Prairie High School - How students and staff are partnering together to cultivate a school experience that truly inspires each
5.B. 2023 National Blue Ribbon School - Oak Point Elementary
6. Public Comment:  6:25 PM      (Information)
7. Announcements:  6:35 PM      (Information)
8. Superintendent's Incidental Information Report:  6:40 PM      (Information)
8.A. FY 2022-23 Year-end Preliminary Financial Report
8.B. FY 2023-24 Preliminary Enrollment Report
9. Board Work:  7:00 PM       (Action)
9.A. Decision Preparation
9.B. Required Board Action     (Action)
9.B.1) Approval of Preliminary FY2024-25 Levy     (Action)
9.B.1)a. Executive Summary
9.B.1)b. Tax Levy Comparison
9.B.1)c. Tax Levy Presentation Pay 24
9.C. Policy Monitoring     (Action)
9.C.1) Executive Limitations (EL's)     (Action)
9.C.1)a. EL 2.3   Treatment of Parents:  The Superintendent shall not allow a culture or district practice that fails to proactively engage parents of district students in a respectful partnership that supports the successful education of their child.     (Action)
9.C.1)a.(1) EL 2.3.1  Furthermore, the Superintendent shall not:  Impede the flow of timely, adequate, and easily accessible information about the district in general and their child, in particular.
9.C.1)a.(2) EL 2.3.2   Furthermore, the Superintendent shall not:  Allow an environment where concerns or inquiries directed to the Superintendent are not acknowledged and subsequently handled by the district in a timely, respectful manner.
9.C.1)a.(3) EL 2.3.3  Furthermore, the Superintendent shall not:  Set school policies or make major decisions without appropriate input and representation from district parents.
9.C.1)b. EL 2.6   Financial Management and Operations:  The Superintendent shall not cause or allow the development of financial jeopardy or a material deviation of actual expenditures from the current budget without School Board approval.     (Action)
9.C.1)b.(1) EL 2.6.1   Furthermore, the Superintendent shall not: Allow payroll or debts to be settled in an untimely manner.
9.C.1)b.(2) EL 2.6.2   Furthermore, the Superintendent shall not:  Allow payments or other government-ordered payments or filings to be overdue or inaccurately filed.
9.C.1)b.(3) EL 2.6.3   Furthermore, the Superintendent shall not:  Use contingency funds greater than $100,000 without informing the School Board.
9.C.1)b.(4) EL 2.6.4   Furthermore, the Superintendent shall not:   Acquire, encumber, or dispose of real property without School Board approval.
9.C.1)b.(5) EL 2.6.5   Furthermore, the Superintendent shall not:  Lease real property or remodel leased real property without School Board approval.
9.C.1)b.(6) EL 2.6.6   Furthermore, the Superintendent shall not:  Allow receivables to remain unpursued after a reasonable grace period.
9.C.1)b.(7) EL 2.6.7   Furthermore, the Superintendent shall not:  Allow fee-based relationships in excess of $100,000 annually to continue beyond 3 years without a formal review that includes an analysis of contract fees and performance.
9.C.2) All Board Management Delegation Policies (BMD's)          (Action)
9.C.2)a. BMD 3.0 - Single Point of Contact:  The School Board’s sole official connection to the district, its achievement, and its conduct will be through the Superintendent. Therefore, the School Board does not direct or evaluate any other district employees.
9.C.2)b. BMD 3.1 - Unity of Control:  The School Board will direct the Superintendent only through official School Board action.
9.C.2)c. BMD 3.2 - Delegation to the Superintendent:  The School Board will instruct the Superintendent through written policies that prescribe the district ends to be achieved and describe district situations and actions to be avoided, allowing the Superintendent to use any reasonable interpretation of these policies.
9.C.2)d. BMD 3.3 - Superintendent Accountability & Performance:  The School Board will view the Superintendent performance as identical to district performance on the School Board’s Ends and Executive Limitations policies.  
9.C.3) Governance Process Policies:  4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7., 4.8, 4.10     (Action)
9.C.3)a. GP 4.4 - Officer Roles:  Officers of the School Board are empowered with specific responsibilities delegated to them by the School Board or by state statute. Officers are elected following nominations during the first meeting in January. The following outlines their responsibilities.
9.C.3)b. GP 4.5 - School Board Members Code of Conduct:  The School Board commits itself and its members to ethical, businesslike, and lawful conduct, including proper use of authority and appropriate decorum when acting as School Board members.
9.C.3)c. GP 4.6 - Process of Addressing School Board Member Violations:  The School Board and each of its members are committed to faithful compliance with the provisions of the School Board’s policies.

The School Board recognizes that alleged willful and or continuing policy violations must be addressed. Each member is responsible for promptly initiating the process outlined below.
9.C.3)d. GP 4.7 School Board Committee Principles:  School Board committees, when used, will be assigned so as to reinforce the wholeness of the School Board’s job and so as never to interfere with delegation from School Board to Superintendent. Accordingly:
9.C.3)e. GP 4.8 - School Board Committee Structure:  A School Board-level committee is created by a majority vote of the School Board to assist in the completion of School Board business. Each committee submits a yearly plan of action to the Board, submits minutes of meetings in a timely manner, and reports progress during Board business meetings. The only School Board committees are those that are set forth in this policy.
9.C.3)f. GP 4.10 - Operation of the School Board Governing Rules:  The purpose of this policy is to provide governing rules for the conduct of meetings of the School Board. An orderly School Board meeting allows School Board members to participate in discussion and decision of school district issues. Rules of order allow School Board members the opportunity to review school-related topics, discuss school business items, and bring matters to conclusion in a timely and consistent manner.
9.D. Record of Board Self-Evaluation     (Action)
9.D.1) 2022-23 Record of Board Policy Monitoring - Governance Policies - BMD's & GP's (No Updates)
9.D.2) 2022-23 Record of Board Policy Monitoring - Executive Limitation - EL's     (Action)
9.D.3) 2022-23 Record of Board Policy Monitoring - Ends (1.1 - 1.6) (No Updates)
10. Superintendent Consent Agenda:  8:00 PM      (Action)
10.A. Monthly Reports
10.A.1) Human Resources Report
10.A.2) Business Services Reports
10.A.2)a. Board Business
10.A.2)b. Financial Report - Monthly Revenue/Expenditure Report
10.A.2)b.(1) June 2023
10.A.2)b.(2) July 2023
10.A.2)b.(3) August 2023
10.B. Withdrawal from Learning Exchange
10.C. Naming of the Aeronautics Lab
11. Board Action on Committee Reports & Minutes:  8:05 PM 
11.A. Board Development Committee
11.B. Community Linkage Committee
11.C. Negotiations Committee
11.D. Policy Committee
12. Other Board Updates (AMSD, BrightWorks, ISD 287, MSHSL):  8:25 PM     (Information)
12.A. AMSD (Association of Metropolitan Schools) - Abby Libsack/Kim Ross
12.B. BrightWorks (formerly ECSU) - Dennis Stubbs
12.C. ISD 287 (Intermediate School District 287) - Kim Ross 
12.D. MSHSL (Minnesota State High School League) - Dennis Stubbs 
13. Board Work Plan: 8:40 PM      (Action)
13.A. Work Plan "Change" Document     (Action)
13.B. 2023-24 Board Annual Work Plan     (Information)
14. Adjournment:     (Action)
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: September 25, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
1. Convene:  6:00 PM     (Roll Call)
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Agenda Review and Approval:      (Action)
4. Approval of Previous Minutes:      (Action)
4.A. August 28, 2023 Regular Business Meeting Minutes
4.B. September 11, 2023 Brief Business Meeting
4.C. September 11, 2023 Workshop Notes
5. Spotlight on Success:  6:05 PM     (Information)
5.A. Eden Prairie High School - How students and staff are partnering together to cultivate a school experience that truly inspires each
5.B. 2023 National Blue Ribbon School - Oak Point Elementary
6. Public Comment:  6:25 PM      (Information)
7. Announcements:  6:35 PM      (Information)
8. Superintendent's Incidental Information Report:  6:40 PM      (Information)
8.A. FY 2022-23 Year-end Preliminary Financial Report
8.B. FY 2023-24 Preliminary Enrollment Report
9. Board Work:  7:00 PM       (Action)
9.A. Decision Preparation
9.B. Required Board Action     (Action)
9.B.1) Approval of Preliminary FY2024-25 Levy     (Action)
9.B.1)a. Executive Summary
9.B.1)b. Tax Levy Comparison
9.B.1)c. Tax Levy Presentation Pay 24
9.C. Policy Monitoring     (Action)
9.C.1) Executive Limitations (EL's)     (Action)
9.C.1)a. EL 2.3   Treatment of Parents:  The Superintendent shall not allow a culture or district practice that fails to proactively engage parents of district students in a respectful partnership that supports the successful education of their child.     (Action)
9.C.1)a.(1) EL 2.3.1  Furthermore, the Superintendent shall not:  Impede the flow of timely, adequate, and easily accessible information about the district in general and their child, in particular.
9.C.1)a.(2) EL 2.3.2   Furthermore, the Superintendent shall not:  Allow an environment where concerns or inquiries directed to the Superintendent are not acknowledged and subsequently handled by the district in a timely, respectful manner.
9.C.1)a.(3) EL 2.3.3  Furthermore, the Superintendent shall not:  Set school policies or make major decisions without appropriate input and representation from district parents.
9.C.1)b. EL 2.6   Financial Management and Operations:  The Superintendent shall not cause or allow the development of financial jeopardy or a material deviation of actual expenditures from the current budget without School Board approval.     (Action)
9.C.1)b.(1) EL 2.6.1   Furthermore, the Superintendent shall not: Allow payroll or debts to be settled in an untimely manner.
9.C.1)b.(2) EL 2.6.2   Furthermore, the Superintendent shall not:  Allow payments or other government-ordered payments or filings to be overdue or inaccurately filed.
9.C.1)b.(3) EL 2.6.3   Furthermore, the Superintendent shall not:  Use contingency funds greater than $100,000 without informing the School Board.
9.C.1)b.(4) EL 2.6.4   Furthermore, the Superintendent shall not:   Acquire, encumber, or dispose of real property without School Board approval.
9.C.1)b.(5) EL 2.6.5   Furthermore, the Superintendent shall not:  Lease real property or remodel leased real property without School Board approval.
9.C.1)b.(6) EL 2.6.6   Furthermore, the Superintendent shall not:  Allow receivables to remain unpursued after a reasonable grace period.
9.C.1)b.(7) EL 2.6.7   Furthermore, the Superintendent shall not:  Allow fee-based relationships in excess of $100,000 annually to continue beyond 3 years without a formal review that includes an analysis of contract fees and performance.
9.C.2) All Board Management Delegation Policies (BMD's)          (Action)
9.C.2)a. BMD 3.0 - Single Point of Contact:  The School Board’s sole official connection to the district, its achievement, and its conduct will be through the Superintendent. Therefore, the School Board does not direct or evaluate any other district employees.
9.C.2)b. BMD 3.1 - Unity of Control:  The School Board will direct the Superintendent only through official School Board action.
9.C.2)c. BMD 3.2 - Delegation to the Superintendent:  The School Board will instruct the Superintendent through written policies that prescribe the district ends to be achieved and describe district situations and actions to be avoided, allowing the Superintendent to use any reasonable interpretation of these policies.
9.C.2)d. BMD 3.3 - Superintendent Accountability & Performance:  The School Board will view the Superintendent performance as identical to district performance on the School Board’s Ends and Executive Limitations policies.  
9.C.3) Governance Process Policies:  4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7., 4.8, 4.10     (Action)
9.C.3)a. GP 4.4 - Officer Roles:  Officers of the School Board are empowered with specific responsibilities delegated to them by the School Board or by state statute. Officers are elected following nominations during the first meeting in January. The following outlines their responsibilities.
9.C.3)b. GP 4.5 - School Board Members Code of Conduct:  The School Board commits itself and its members to ethical, businesslike, and lawful conduct, including proper use of authority and appropriate decorum when acting as School Board members.
9.C.3)c. GP 4.6 - Process of Addressing School Board Member Violations:  The School Board and each of its members are committed to faithful compliance with the provisions of the School Board’s policies.

The School Board recognizes that alleged willful and or continuing policy violations must be addressed. Each member is responsible for promptly initiating the process outlined below.
9.C.3)d. GP 4.7 School Board Committee Principles:  School Board committees, when used, will be assigned so as to reinforce the wholeness of the School Board’s job and so as never to interfere with delegation from School Board to Superintendent. Accordingly:
9.C.3)e. GP 4.8 - School Board Committee Structure:  A School Board-level committee is created by a majority vote of the School Board to assist in the completion of School Board business. Each committee submits a yearly plan of action to the Board, submits minutes of meetings in a timely manner, and reports progress during Board business meetings. The only School Board committees are those that are set forth in this policy.
9.C.3)f. GP 4.10 - Operation of the School Board Governing Rules:  The purpose of this policy is to provide governing rules for the conduct of meetings of the School Board. An orderly School Board meeting allows School Board members to participate in discussion and decision of school district issues. Rules of order allow School Board members the opportunity to review school-related topics, discuss school business items, and bring matters to conclusion in a timely and consistent manner.
9.D. Record of Board Self-Evaluation     (Action)
9.D.1) 2022-23 Record of Board Policy Monitoring - Governance Policies - BMD's & GP's (No Updates)
9.D.2) 2022-23 Record of Board Policy Monitoring - Executive Limitation - EL's     (Action)
9.D.3) 2022-23 Record of Board Policy Monitoring - Ends (1.1 - 1.6) (No Updates)
10. Superintendent Consent Agenda:  8:00 PM      (Action)
10.A. Monthly Reports
10.A.1) Human Resources Report
10.A.2) Business Services Reports
10.A.2)a. Board Business
10.A.2)b. Financial Report - Monthly Revenue/Expenditure Report
10.A.2)b.(1) June 2023
10.A.2)b.(2) July 2023
10.A.2)b.(3) August 2023
10.B. Withdrawal from Learning Exchange
10.C. Naming of the Aeronautics Lab
11. Board Action on Committee Reports & Minutes:  8:05 PM 
11.A. Board Development Committee
11.B. Community Linkage Committee
11.C. Negotiations Committee
11.D. Policy Committee
12. Other Board Updates (AMSD, BrightWorks, ISD 287, MSHSL):  8:25 PM     (Information)
12.A. AMSD (Association of Metropolitan Schools) - Abby Libsack/Kim Ross
12.B. BrightWorks (formerly ECSU) - Dennis Stubbs
12.C. ISD 287 (Intermediate School District 287) - Kim Ross 
12.D. MSHSL (Minnesota State High School League) - Dennis Stubbs 
13. Board Work Plan: 8:40 PM      (Action)
13.A. Work Plan "Change" Document     (Action)
13.B. 2023-24 Board Annual Work Plan     (Information)
14. Adjournment:     (Action)

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