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Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order/Announce Quorum
2. Invocation/Pledges to Flags
3. Vision Statement
3.A. Honoring Traditions, Elevating Expectations, Cultivation Leaders
4. Presentation/Recognition:  
4.A. Film Team-Dustin Swatzell 
5. Public Participation
5.A. Public Hearing District Annual Report
5.B. Public Hearing on Vernon High School & Vernon Middle School Targeted Improvement Plan 
6. Non Action Items (Discussion Items/Reports)
6.A. Board Member comments/announcements/calendar time
6.B. Curriculum and instruction report
6.C. Campus reports
6.D. Discussion on TIA.
6.E. Discussion on TAPR report
6.F. Discussion on the VISD AG Barn.
7. Action Items
7.A. Consider and approve the consent agenda
7.A.1. Minutes
7.A.2. Financial report
7.A.3. Consider and approve the sale of tax properties by the Texas Communities group. The property to be sold is at 2501 Bowie St, 3110 Main St, 3114 Main St, 2020 Eastland St. 
7.A.4. Consider and approve the 2025-2026 calendar.
7.A.5. Consider and approve Vernon Middle School & Vernon High School Targeted Improvement Plan 
7.B. Discussion and possibly consider and approve Policy Update 124
7.C. Consider and approve the hire of WRA for architecture and engineering services on the VISD roofing projects.
7.D. Consider and approve hiring Gallagher Construction Services as the construction manager and agent for the VISD roofing projects.
7.E. Discussion and take action on appointing a VISD representative for Wilbarger County Appraisal district. 
8. Lone Star Governance
8.A. GPM 1. 1-4, 2. 1-4, 3.3
8.B. Board Self-Cnstr 4- The board shall not overstep boundaries to give administration operational advice or appear to manage. 
8.C. Super Cnstr 2: The Superintendent shall not allow staff, student , and community surveys to reach an unacceptable level.
8.D. CPM 2.2- The number of two-way engagement opportunities for parents to provide feedback will increase from 0 in June 2023 to 1 each semester by June 2028.
8.E. Discussion on Board Training.
9. Adjournment to Closed Session
9.A. Personnel
9.A.1. Discuss the Superintendent's recommendations for administrator contracts.
9.A.2. Discuss the deployment of specific occasions for, or implementation of security personnel or devices, or security audit 551.076 
Safety and Security
Intruder Detection Audit Findings
TxSSC Intrusion Detection Assessment
Vernon ISD Emergency Operation Plan
Vernon ISD Threat Annex
Vernon ISD Weekly Door Sweeps
Vernon ISD SRO Program
9.A.3. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 a governmental body is not required to conduct an open meeting to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee, including a discussion concerning the appointment of a Trustee. 
10. Reconvene to Open Session
10.A. Consider and approve the Superintendent's recommendations for administration contracts.
11. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: February 17, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order/Announce Quorum
2. Invocation/Pledges to Flags
3. Vision Statement
3.A. Honoring Traditions, Elevating Expectations, Cultivation Leaders
4. Presentation/Recognition:  
4.A. Film Team-Dustin Swatzell 
5. Public Participation
5.A. Public Hearing District Annual Report
Texas Education Code Chapter 39 requires each district’s board of trustees to publish an annual report that includes the Texas Academic Performance Report, PEIMS Financial Standard Reports, District Accreditation, campus performance objectives progress, a report of violent or criminal incidents, information received under Texas Education Code §51.403(e) from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, and progress on reaching HB goals.  This information will be published on the school website after the hearing.
5.B. Public Hearing on Vernon High School & Vernon Middle School Targeted Improvement Plan 
6. Non Action Items (Discussion Items/Reports)
6.A. Board Member comments/announcements/calendar time
6.B. Curriculum and instruction report
6.C. Campus reports
6.D. Discussion on TIA.
6.E. Discussion on TAPR report
6.F. Discussion on the VISD AG Barn.
7. Action Items
7.A. Consider and approve the consent agenda
7.A.1. Minutes
7.A.2. Financial report
7.A.3. Consider and approve the sale of tax properties by the Texas Communities group. The property to be sold is at 2501 Bowie St, 3110 Main St, 3114 Main St, 2020 Eastland St. 
7.A.4. Consider and approve the 2025-2026 calendar.
7.A.5. Consider and approve Vernon Middle School & Vernon High School Targeted Improvement Plan 
7.B. Discussion and possibly consider and approve Policy Update 124
7.C. Consider and approve the hire of WRA for architecture and engineering services on the VISD roofing projects.
7.D. Consider and approve hiring Gallagher Construction Services as the construction manager and agent for the VISD roofing projects.
7.E. Discussion and take action on appointing a VISD representative for Wilbarger County Appraisal district. 
8. Lone Star Governance
8.A. GPM 1. 1-4, 2. 1-4, 3.3
8.B. Board Self-Cnstr 4- The board shall not overstep boundaries to give administration operational advice or appear to manage. 
8.C. Super Cnstr 2: The Superintendent shall not allow staff, student , and community surveys to reach an unacceptable level.
8.D. CPM 2.2- The number of two-way engagement opportunities for parents to provide feedback will increase from 0 in June 2023 to 1 each semester by June 2028.
8.E. Discussion on Board Training.
9. Adjournment to Closed Session
9.A. Personnel
9.A.1. Discuss the Superintendent's recommendations for administrator contracts.
9.A.2. Discuss the deployment of specific occasions for, or implementation of security personnel or devices, or security audit 551.076 
Safety and Security
Intruder Detection Audit Findings
TxSSC Intrusion Detection Assessment
Vernon ISD Emergency Operation Plan
Vernon ISD Threat Annex
Vernon ISD Weekly Door Sweeps
Vernon ISD SRO Program
9.A.3. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 a governmental body is not required to conduct an open meeting to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee, including a discussion concerning the appointment of a Trustee. 
10. Reconvene to Open Session
10.A. Consider and approve the Superintendent's recommendations for administration contracts.
11. Adjournment

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