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Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order:
2. 2013-14 Budget Updates/Revisions:
3. World's Best Work Force:
4. Achievement & Integration Proposal:
5. One to One Technology Recommendation:
6. Policy Review:
7. Other:
8. Upcoming Events/Meetings:
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Meeting: March 10, 2014 at 6:00 PM - School Board Work Session
1. Call to Order:
2. 2013-14 Budget Updates/Revisions:
Mr. Keller
Mr. Keller is working on budget revisions for the current school year and will present available information on budget revisions on Monday night.  We will be asking for approval of budget revisions at our regular meeting on March 31.
3. World's Best Work Force:
Dr. Smith
We are working to finalize our WBWF plan so it can be recommended for approval at the March 31 board meeting.  I will bring the most current version to the work session on Monday night.
4. Achievement & Integration Proposal:
Dr. Smith
The Achievement & Integration (formerly called Desegregation or Integration) proposal this year has changed the focus to action plans that encourage integration of our minority students into our student body and on the closing of the achievement gap for our minority and FRP meal students.  We have three major areas that our proposal is addressing:  Assisting student integration through the continued use of Youth Frontier programs for students in grades 4, 7, 9 & 11 and hosting these sessions collaboratively with Nicollet and Sibley East; Professional Development program to deal with cultural bias; and an additional .67 FTE (4 classes) math teacher to concentrate on our least proficient students in an effort to close the achievement gap for minority and FRP students.
Our proposal will be for $60,560 with 70% state aid and 30% local levy.  The proposal is still being finalized in the form that MDE requests the information be provided to them.  I will provide a draft copy at the work session on Monday night.  I will be seeking approval of this proposal at our March 31 board meeting.
5. One to One Technology Recommendation:
Dr. Smith/Mr. Wick
At our most recent Technology Committee, a recommendation was made to use iPad minis in any future 1 to 1 technology initiative with carts of Chromebooks to support some activities at the high school.  I know that there are still some questions regarding the selection of a device for 1 to 1 and I feel it would be helpful to have a conversation about this decision.  Mr. Wick and I will have additional information available for your on Monday night regarding this decision.
6. Policy Review:
Dr. Smith
We will continue with our review of policy that has had revisions since our local policy was last approved.  The policies up for review this time are:  614 - District Testing Plan & Procedure; 615 - Testing Accommodations, Modifications & Exemptions;  616 - School District System Accountability;  624 - On-Line Learning Options; and 701 - Establishment & Adoption of School District Budget.  I have attached copies of our current policy and the suggested policy revision for your review.
7. Other:
8. Upcoming Events/Meetings:
Monday, Mar. 31 -   5:30 Finance Committee Mtg.
                                6:00 Regular Board Mtg.
Monday, Apr. 14  -   6:00 p.m.  School Board Work Session

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