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Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order at 6:30 P.M.
2. Roll Call
3. Listening Session
4. Recommendation to add items to the agenda from Board members or School Administrators
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Act on Previous Minutes
6.1. May 20, 2024 Regular Meeting
6.2. May 29, 2024 Special Meeting
7. Business Services
7.1. Approve payment of checks, Purchasing Card electronic payments
7.2. Treasurer's Report
7.3. Greenbush Middle River School District Budget to Actual Expenditure Report
8. Reports & Information 
8.1. Boards and Committees
8.2. Principal
8.3. Superintendent
8.3.a. Introduction of Kevin McKeever
8.4. Referendum Election Update
8.5. Year-End Financial Audit (FY 24)
9. Action
9.1. Personnel
9.2. Gifts & Donations
9.3. Field Trips
9.4. Approve Fund Raising - Advertising Board Ads in gym
9.5. Adopt MSHSL Resolution
9.6. Adopt Preliminary Fiscal Year 2025 (2024-2025 school year) Budget
9.7. Approve School Management Services (SMS) Contract 
9.8. Designation of Superintendent of Schools as the Identified Official with Authority (IOwA) to authorize user access to MDE secure website(s) for the Greenbush Middle River School District.
9.9. Renew membership in Minnesota Rural Education Association (MREA)
9.10. Renew membership in Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA)
10. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: June 17, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting (Preliminary Agenda)
1. Call to Order at 6:30 P.M.
2. Roll Call
Members Present: 
_____ Kurt Stenberg 
_____ Joe Melby
_____ Allison Harder 
_____ SueAnn Wahl 
_____ Bradon Ignaszewski 
_____ Branson Kuznia 
_____ Peter Kern

Members Absent:
3. Listening Session
All speakers are asked to complete the Listening Session Sign-in Form including as much detail as possible and including a printed / written copy of your presentation if one is available. This is an opportunity for the Board to listen, the Board will not engage in dialogue. As a general rule, the Board will not comment on or respond to any comments made by speakers. Please do not include names of Greenbush Middle River employees or representatives, their title, or location in your remarks for your own legal protection and the legal rights of staff.

Each speaker will have five (5) minutes to speak: speakers may not roll their time to another speaker. Speakers will be timed and are asked to complete their comments in this time frame. Board members may ask questions if needed.  Please begin your presentation by stating your name and topic only.
In the spirit of fairness to all participants, we request that you respect the format above. Thank you for taking the time today to attend this meeting and share your concerns and suggestions.
4. Recommendation to add items to the agenda from Board members or School Administrators
5. Approval of Agenda
Suggested Board Action:  Motion by _____ second by _____to approve the agenda of the June 17, 2024 Regular Board Meeting as presented/amended.
6. Act on Previous Minutes
6.1. May 20, 2024 Regular Meeting
Suggested Board Action:  Motion by  _____, second by _____ to approve the minutes of the May 20, 2024 regular meeting as presented.
6.2. May 29, 2024 Special Meeting
Suggested Board Action:  Motion by _____ second by _____ to approve the minutes of the May 29, 2024 special meeting as presented.
7. Business Services
7.1. Approve payment of checks, Purchasing Card electronic payments
Suggested Board Action:  Motion by _____ second by _____ ,  to approve the payment of bills check #41238 through #41284 for a total of $101,467.43 and Purchasing Card electronic payments dated May 7, 2024 and Electronic Funds Transfers as submitted.
7.2. Treasurer's Report
May, 2024

  Current Year Previous Year
Beginning Balance $683,697.96 $96,479.60
Receipts $356,112.84 $438,810.86
Expenditures $386,620.07 $383,122.92
Ending Balance $833,190.73 $152,167.54
7.3. Greenbush Middle River School District Budget to Actual Expenditure Report
01 General Fund
02 Food Service
04 Community Service
07 Debt Redemption
08 Scholarship Fund
09 Student Activities

See attached

8. Reports & Information 
8.1. Boards and Committees
  1. NWRIC
  2. BGMR Sports Board
  3. GMRTC Joint Powers Board
  4. Board Committees
8.2. Principal
8.3. Superintendent
8.3.a. Introduction of Kevin McKeever
8.4. Referendum Election Update
8.5. Year-End Financial Audit (FY 24)
The district has a previous engagement letter from Brady Martz to conduct the audit for FY24. 
In-district audit:  October 28, 29, and 30
9. Action
9.1. Personnel
No action items at time of agenda release
9.2. Gifts & Donations
Suggested Board Action:
Motion by _____ second by _____ to accept the $500.00 donation to student meals from Diane Rud.
9.3. Field Trips
None at the time of Agenda release
9.4. Approve Fund Raising - Advertising Board Ads in gym
Suggested Board Action:  Motion by _____ second by _____ to approve the Gator Athletic fund raiser to sell ads via the advertising board in the gym for $1000.00 one time fee good for 5 years.
9.5. Adopt MSHSL Resolution
Board Member _____ introduced the following resolution:

RESOLVED, that the Governing Board of Greenbush Middle River School District #2683 located in the State of Minnesota delegates the control, supervision and regulation of interscholastic activities and athletics (referred to in MN Statutes, Section 128C.01) to the Minnesota State High School League, and so hereby certifies to the State Commissioner of Education as provided for by Minnesota Statutes.

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the school listed is authorized by this, the Governing Board of said school district, to renew its membership in the Minnesota State High School League; and to participate in the approved interscholastic activities and athletics sponsored by said League and its various subdivisions.

FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Governing Board hereby adopts the Constitution, Bylaws, Policies, Rules and Regulations of said League and all amendments thereto as the same as are published in the latest edition of the League's website, as the minimum standards governing participation in said League-sponsored activities and athletics.  Further, the administration and responsibility for determining student eligibility and for the supervision of such activities and athletics are assigned to the official representatives identified by the Governing Board.

Signing this Resolution for Membership affirms that this Governing Board has reviewed all required membership materials provided by the League which defines the purpose and value of education-based activity and athletic and programs and defines each member school's responsibilities.

Member schools must develop and publicize administrative procedures to address eligibility suspensions related to Student Code of Responsibilities (Bylaw 206.2) violations for students participating in activity and athletic programs by member schools.

The Resolution was seconded by member _____

Roll Call Vote

The above Resolution was adopted by the Governing Board of this district and is recorded in the official minutes of said Board and hereby is certified to the State Commissioner of Education as provided by law.

9.6. Adopt Preliminary Fiscal Year 2025 (2024-2025 school year) Budget
MN Statute 123B.77 indicates that prior to July 1 of each fiscal year, the Board of each school district must approve and adopt its revenue and expenditure budgets for the next school year. The budget document so adopted must be considered an expenditure-authorizing or appropriations document. No funds shall be expended by any School Board or School District for any purpose in any school year prior to the adoption of the budget document which authorizes that expenditure, or prior to an amendment to the budget document by the School Board to authorize the expenditure.

Suggested Board Action:  Motion by _____ second by _____ to approve the preliminary annual budget for fiscal year 2025 as presented.
9.7. Approve School Management Services (SMS) Contract 
Suggested Board Action:  Motion by _____ second by _____ to approve the contract with School Management Services (SMS) for the time period of ____ as per the contract presented.
9.8. Designation of Superintendent of Schools as the Identified Official with Authority (IOwA) to authorize user access to MDE secure website(s) for the Greenbush Middle River School District.
Suggested Board Action:

Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the School Board of Independent School District No. 2683, Greenbush-Middle River, Minnesota was held on the 17th day of June, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. for the purpose, in part, to APPROVE RESOLUTION FOR DESIGNATION OF AN IDENTIFIED OFFICIAL WITH AUTHORITY FOR EDUCATION IDENTITY ACCESS MANAGEMENT

The following Board members were present:

and the following were absent:

Member ____________  introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:

BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No.2683, State of Minnesota, as follows:

Designation of an Identified Official with Authority for Education Identity Access Management

The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), Professional Educator Licensing Standards Board (PELSB), and Office of Higher Education (OHE) require annual designation of an Identified Official with Authority (IOwA) for each local educational agency that uses the Education Identity and Access Management (EDIAM) system. The IOwA is responsible for authorizing, reviewing, and recertifying user access for their local educational agency in accordance with the State of Minnesota Enterprise Identity and Access Management Standard, which states that all user access rights to Minnesota state systems must be reviewed and recertified at least annually. The IOwA will authorize user access to State of Minnesota Education secure systems in accordance with the user’s assigned job duties, and will revoke that user’s access when it is no longer needed to perform their job duties.
The Greenbush Middle River School Board must designate an IOwA to authorize user access to State of Minnesota Education secure websites for its organization. This EDIAM board resolution must be completed and submitted to the Minnesota Department of Education annually, as well as any time there is a change in the assignment of the Identified Official with Authority.

Designation of the Identified Official with Authority for Education Identity and Access Management

Organization Name: Greenbush Middle River School Board
6-Digit or 9-Digit Organization Number 2683-01
Superintendent or Exec. Director Name: Kevin McKeever.
Will act as the IOwA?  X   Yes _____ No
The above-mentioned resolution was seconded by Board Member _____ and upon roll call vote;

The following voted in favor thereof:

and the following voting in opposition:

Thereby the resolutions passed.
9.9. Renew membership in Minnesota Rural Education Association (MREA)
  • MREA advocates exclusively for Greater Minnesota School Districts · MREA provides guidance and information relating to best practice within education, professional development opportunities as well as legislative policy.
  • MREA provides a voice at the Minnesota Legislature advocating for policy, testifying before committees as well as informing legislators on the issues that impact rural education. 
  • Membership dues are required annually.  MREA provides an annual dues discount for School Districts who share a Superintendent,
Suggested Board Action:  Motion by _____ second by _____ , to renew the District's annual membership with the Minnesota Rural Education Association (MREA). 
9.10. Renew membership in Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA)
  • The MN School Boards Association (MSBA) is an organization specific to School Board members.
  • Greenbush-Middle River School District currently is a member of the Minnesota School Boards Association 
  • Membership dues are required annually 
  • MSBA assists the Greenbush-Middle River School District on a variety of issues such as policy development, negotiations, human resources, advice based on legal precedent, legislative lobbying 
Suggested Board Action:  Motion by _____ second by _____ to  approve
Greenbush-Middle River School District membership renewal with the Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA) including the BoardBook Subscription and Policy Services for 2024-2025. 
10. Adjournment

Motion by _____ second by _____ to adjourn.

Next Regular Meeting:  July 15, 2024,  6:30 p.m., Greenbush-Middle River School Library

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