Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order at 7:30 P.M.
2. Roll Call
3. Listening Session
4. Recommendation to add items to the agenda from Board members or School Administrators
5. Approval of Agenda
5.1. A motion was made by ____________________, seconded by ____________________ to approve the agenda of the June 26, 2023 Regular Board Meeting as presented/amended.
6. Minutes
6.1. A motion was made by ____________________, seconded by ____________________ to approve the minutes of the preceding regular meeting of May 15, 2023.
7. Business Services
7.1. A motion was made by ____________________, seconded by ____________________ to approve the payment of bills check #40307 through #40388 for a total of $159,975.42 and Purchasing Card electronic payments dated May 5, 2023 and Electronic Funds Transfers as submitted.
7.2. Treasurer's Report
7.3. Greenbush Middle River School District Budget to Actual Expenditure Report
8. Significant School Events and Communication:
8.1. FCCLA Competing/Attending National Competition
8.2. State Golf Tournament Participation
8.3. State Girls Softball Participation
8.4. Participation in State Track & Field Meet
8.5. Participation in State Clay Target League
8.6. Donations to the school:
9. Old Business
9.1. Approval of Revised & Amended Joint Powers Agreement
9.2. Mo Motion to terminate previously approved Superintendent Agreement and recommend approval of a revised Agreement based on Joint Powers revisions. [see Agenda item 9.1]
9.3. Motion to approve Shared Superintendent Services Agreement between Greenbush Middle River and Tri-County School Districts
9.4. Staffing: 2023-2024 School Year
9.5. School Facilities: Board sub-committee report on Proposed softball rest room, storage and press box.
10. New Business:
10.1. Approval to employ Elementary Teacher
10.2. Approval to employ Music Teacher
10.3. Approve renewal of Sharing Services Agreement with Badger School District for Licensed School Social Worker
10.4. Approval to employ Para Professional
10.5. Renew membership in Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA)
10.6. Renew membership in Minnesota Rural Education Association (MREA)
10.7. District Support of Summer Recreation Baseball
10.8. Designation of Superintendent of Schools as the Identified Official with Authority (IOwA) to authorize user access to MDE secure website(s) for the Greenbush Middle River School District.
10.9. Adopt PRELIMINARY Fiscal Year 2023-2024 School Budget based on "roll over" of 2022-2023 School Budget
11. Reports:
11.1. Superintendent
11.1.a. Report on the 2023 Minnesota Legislative Session and its impact on Public Education.
11.1.a.a. Model Policy Revisions as a result of 2023 MN Legislative Changes
11.1.b. School Facility Improvements - Summer 2023
11.1.c. MN State High School League video
11.1.d. Negotiation(s) of employment Agreement with GMR-Education Association
11.1.e. Negotiation(s) of employment Agreement with non-licensed staff
11.1.f. Year End Financial Audit
11.2. Principal
12. Adjournment
13. Communications
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 26, 2023 at 7:30 PM - Regular June 2023 Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order at 7:30 P.M.
Subject: |
2. Roll Call
Subject: |
3. Listening Session
All speakers are asked to complete the Listening Session Sign-in Form including as much detail as possible and including a printed / written copy of your presentation if one is available. This is an opportunity for the Board to listen, the Board will not engage in dialogue. As a general rule, the Board will not comment on or respond to any comments made by speakers. Please do not include names of Greenbush Middle River employees or representatives, their title, or location in your remarks for your own legal protection and the legal rights of staff.
Each speaker will have five (5) minutes to speak: speakers may not roll their time to another speaker. Speakers will be timed and are asked to complete their comments in this time frame. Board members may ask questions if needed. Please begin your presentation by stating your name and topic only. In the spirit of fairness to all participants, we request that you respect the format above. Thank you for taking the time today to attend this meeting and share your concerns and suggestions. Members of the public may wish to email Board [listening session] communication(s) to <> |
Subject: |
4. Recommendation to add items to the agenda from Board members or School Administrators
Subject: |
5. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
5.1. A motion was made by ____________________, seconded by ____________________ to approve the agenda of the June 26, 2023 Regular Board Meeting as presented/amended.
Subject: |
6. Minutes
Subject: |
6.1. A motion was made by ____________________, seconded by ____________________ to approve the minutes of the preceding regular meeting of May 15, 2023.
Subject: |
7. Business Services
Subject: |
7.1. A motion was made by ____________________, seconded by ____________________ to approve the payment of bills check #40307 through #40388 for a total of $159,975.42 and Purchasing Card electronic payments dated May 5, 2023 and Electronic Funds Transfers as submitted.
Subject: |
7.2. Treasurer's Report
![]() |
Subject: |
7.3. Greenbush Middle River School District Budget to Actual Expenditure Report
Greenbush Middle River School District Budget to Actual Expenditure Report
Description: - 01 General Fund - 02 Food Service - 04 Community Services - 07 Debt Redemption - 08 Scholarships - 09 Student Activities •- see attached |
Subject: |
8. Significant School Events and Communication:
Subject: |
8.1. FCCLA Competing/Attending National Competition
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Competition was held in the Twin Cities March 26-28.
Qualifying for National Competition in Denver, CO in July are: Chance Christian Meagan Otto McKenna Bennett Elizabeth Gust The Arlys Graff Trust Fund donated $2,500 towards GMR expenses related to the National Competition. |
Subject: |
8.2. State Golf Tournament Participation
B/GMR Golfers participated in the State Golf Tournament June 13-14 in the Twin Cities metro area.
Jade Reese Jaxon Janousek Ava Christianson Val Truscinski is the Head Coach. |
Subject: |
8.3. State Girls Softball Participation
The B/GMR Girls Softball team participated in the State Tournament June 8-9. The girls were runner-up in the State Class A Tournament. Mr. Kent Christian is the Head Coach.
Cassie Dahl & Kinsley Hanson were name to the All-Tournament Team. Mr. Christian was named Section 8A Coach of the Year. |
Subject: |
8.4. Participation in State Track & Field Meet
Liam Collins participated in the Long Jump competition in the State Track & Field Meet. Mr. John Lee is the Head Coach.
Subject: |
8.5. Participation in State Clay Target League
Nearly 35 GMR students participated in State Clay Target Competition in Alexandria MN June 16-17.
Subject: |
8.6. Donations to the school:
- $500.00 LifeCare Medical Center donation for Hunter Pinke Speaker
- $1,000.00 St. Paul & MN Foundation donation for Hunter Pinke Speaker - $3,127.00 Greenbush Badger Lions for Restroom Facility Project from Pancake Breakfast - $5,000.00 Bayer Fund for Restroom Facility Project (Application made by John & Allison Harder) - $100.00 Nancy Goslein for Restroom Facility Project - $150.00 North Border Umpire Group for Restroom Facility Project - $1,000.00 Greenbush Badger Lions for Restroom Facility Project THANK YOU Motion by Board Member ____________________ and seconded by _________________ to accept June 2023 donation(s) to the school. |
Subject: |
9. Old Business
Subject: |
9.1. Approval of Revised & Amended Joint Powers Agreement
A Joint Powers Agreement between the Greenbush Middle River School District and the Tri-County School District was established to share a School Superintendent effective with the 2023-2024 school year. The Agreement was developed with the assistance of the MN School Boards Association (MSBA).
Various issues associated with the actual implementation of the Joint Powers Agreement resulted in the original Joint Powers Agreement needing to be amended. Suggested Board Action: Motion by Board member _______________ and seconded by _______________ to approve the amended Joint Powers Agreement as recommended by GMR Joint Powers Board representatives. |
Subject: |
9.2. Mo Motion to terminate previously approved Superintendent Agreement and recommend approval of a revised Agreement based on Joint Powers revisions. [see Agenda item 9.1]
Board approval of a revised and Amended Joint Powers Agreement, results in a recommendation to terminate a previously approved Superintendent Agreement and replace the Agreement with a revised Superintendent Agreement reflective of changes in the Joint Powers Agreement. (The terms and conditions of the revised Agreement remain the same as the original Agreement).
Suggested Board Action: Motion by Board Member ________________ and seconded by _____________________ to terminate a previously approved Superintendent Agreement and replace that Agreement with a revised Superintendent Agreement. |
Subject: |
9.3. Motion to approve Shared Superintendent Services Agreement between Greenbush Middle River and Tri-County School Districts
Attached Shared Superintendent Services Agreement between Greenbush Middle River and Tri-County School Districts indicates a 50% and 50% cost share. Tri-County is the fiscal Agent for the Supt. Agreement.
Motion by Board Member _____________________ and seconded by ________________ to approve the Shared Superintendent Services Agreement between Greenbush Middle River and Tri-County School Districts. |
Subject: |
9.4. Staffing: 2023-2024 School Year
see attached GMR Staffing as of June 16, 2023
Subject: |
9.5. School Facilities: Board sub-committee report on Proposed softball rest room, storage and press box.
Board sub-committee report on the status of a proposed softball rest room, storage and press box .
Subject: |
10. New Business:
Subject: |
10.1. Approval to employ Elementary Teacher
New GMR Principal Mr. Dan Carpenter (along with Principal Schultz) interviewed three (3) candidates for a vacant 1st grade teaching position.
The Administrative recommendation is to hire Mrs. Samantha Alme as an Elementary Teacher effective with the 2023-2024 School Year. Suggested Board Action: Motion by Board Member ________________ and seconded by ___________________ to approve hiring Mrs. Samantha Alme as licensed Elementary Teacher effective with the 2023-2024 School Year. |
Subject: |
10.2. Approval to employ Music Teacher
Suggested Board Action: Moved by Board member __________________ and seconded by _______________________ to approve employment of Mary Beth King as a licensed Music Teacher effective with the 2023-2024 School Year.
Subject: |
10.3. Approve renewal of Sharing Services Agreement with Badger School District for Licensed School Social Worker
Shared Services with the Badger School District for School Social Worker:
Suggested Board Action: A motion was made by Board member ____________________ and seconded by ____________________to approve sharing two days per week with the Badger School District for licensed School Social Worker Services. Forty-percent (40%) of a 185 duty day contract in accordance with the Employee Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Badger Education Association and the Badger School Board. |
Subject: |
10.4. Approval to employ Para Professional
A elementary student with increased special education needs and based on special education plans [IEP].
Motion by Board member __________________ and seconded by _______________ to approve employment of Rebecca Prevost as a para professional. |
Subject: |
10.5. Renew membership in Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA)
Subject: |
10.6. Renew membership in Minnesota Rural Education Association (MREA)
Subject: |
10.7. District Support of Summer Recreation Baseball
Request has been received from GMR School District Summer Recreation programs to continue support of youth ball in Greebush and Middle River. The district has provided this support in the past.
Suggest Board Action: Motion by __________________ and seconded by ___________________ to provide funds in the amount of $2,000.00 to each community to offset expenses for Summer Recreation youth ball. |
Subject: |
10.8. Designation of Superintendent of Schools as the Identified Official with Authority (IOwA) to authorize user access to MDE secure website(s) for the Greenbush Middle River School District.
Suggested Board Action:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the School Board of Independent School District No. 2683, Greenbush-Middle River, Minnesota was held on the 26th day of June, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose, in part, to APPROVE RESOLUTION FOR DESIGNATION OF AN IDENTIFIED OFFICIAL WITH AUTHORITY FOR EDUCATION IDENTITY ACCESS MANAGEMENT The following Board members were present: and the following were absent: Member ____________ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No.2683, State of Minnesota, as follows: Designation of an Identified Official with Authority for Education Identity Access Management The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), Professional Educator Licensing Standards Board (PELSB), and Office of Higher Education (OHE) require annual designation of an Identified Official with Authority (IOwA) for each local educational agency that uses the Education Identity and Access Management (EDIAM) system. The IOwA is responsible for authorizing, reviewing, and recertifying user access for their local educational agency in accordance with the State of Minnesota Enterprise Identity and Access Management Standard, which states that all user access rights to Minnesota state systems must be reviewed and recertified at least annually. The IOwA will authorize user access to State of Minnesota Education secure systems in accordance with the user’s assigned job duties, and will revoke that user’s access when it is no longer needed to perform their job duties. The Greenbush Middle River School Board must designate an IOwA to authorize user access to State of Minnesota Education secure websites for its organization. This EDIAM board resolution must be completed and submitted to the Minnesota Department of Education annually, as well as any time there is a change in the assignment of the Identified Official with Authority. It is strongly recommended that only one person at the local educational agency or organization (the superintendent or exec. director) is designated as the IOwA. The IOwA will grant the IOwA Proxy role(s). Designation of the Identified Official with Authority for Education Identity and Access Management Organization Name: Greenbush Middle River School Board 6-Digit or 9-Digit Organization Number 2683-01 Superintendent or Exec. Director Name: Barbara Muckenhirn. Will act as the IOwA? X Yes _____ No The above-mentioned resolution was seconded by Board Member _____ and upon roll call vote; The following voted in favor thereof: and the following voting in opposition: Thereby the resolutions passed. |
Subject: |
10.9. Adopt PRELIMINARY Fiscal Year 2023-2024 School Budget based on "roll over" of 2022-2023 School Budget
MN Statute 123B.77 indicates that prior to July 1 of each fiscal year, the Board of each school district must approve and adopt its revenue and expenditure budgets for the next school year. The budget document so adopted must be considered an expenditure-authorizing or appropriations document. No funds shall be expended by any Board or district for any purpose in any school year prior to the adoption of the budget document which authorizes that expenditure, or prior to an amendment to the budget document by the board to authorize the expenditure.
The administrative recommendation for adopting this "rollover" budget is for legal compliance with the understanding the 2023-2024 estimated school budget will be amended at a later time. School boards are required to adopt annual budgets before the fiscal year ends June 30. . What we do know is State general education revenue is projected to increase 4% for the 2023-24 school year. However, the increase in State aid will be offset in-part by declining K-12 student enrollment and / or high inflationary costs and /or mandates passed by the 2023 MN Legislature. Suggested Board Action: Moved by _____________ and seconded by _____________ to adopt the estimated 2022-2023 (FY 23) budget as a preliminary working budget for July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 (FY24) with the understanding the FY 24 Budget will be amended at a later date. |
Subject: |
11. Reports:
Subject: |
11.1. Superintendent
Subject: |
11.1.a. Report on the 2023 Minnesota Legislative Session and its impact on Public Education.
The 2023 regular MN Legislative Session concluded on May 22, 2023.
Various different legislative with different implementation dates. |
Subject: |
11.1.a.a. Model Policy Revisions as a result of 2023 MN Legislative Changes
see attached
Subject: |
11.1.b. School Facility Improvements - Summer 2023
see attached
Subject: |
11.1.c. MN State High School League video
Board members were to view a video as a part of renewal of membership in the MN State High School League.
The video conveys a message in a motivating, clear fashion. In the video, the school community will learn more about the League’s three main goals:
Subject: |
11.1.d. Negotiation(s) of employment Agreement with GMR-Education Association
As noted in previous Board communication / report. The MN School Boards Association [MSBA] recommended to not commence employee negotiations until after the 2023 Legislative session and MSBA provides school districts "model" Agreement language. The Agreement with GMR-Education Association expired June 30, 2023.
Current terms and conditions of employment remain in-place until a new Agreement is approved. |
Subject: |
11.1.e. Negotiation(s) of employment Agreement with non-licensed staff
Agreements of employment for non-licensed staff expire June 30, 2024. It MAY be necessary to re-open negotiations with non-licensed staff to be in compliance with new Legislation enacted by the 2023 MN Legislature.
Subject: |
11.1.f. Year End Financial Audit
The GMR School District's Year-End (2022-2023) Financial Audit has been scheduled for To Be Determined.
The Public Accounting firm of Brady Martz (Thief River Falls, MN) is the District's Financial Auditor. |
Subject: |
11.2. Principal
Subject: |
12. Adjournment
Motion by__________________ Second by ____________________ to ADJOURN |
Subject: |
13. Communications