Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Moment of Silence
III. Recognition
IV. Changes to Agenda
V. Action Agenda
V.1. Consideration of One-Year Standards for Accreditation Waiver Requests.
V.1.a. Malvern School District is requesting a one-year Standards for Accreditation Waiver for Class Size.
V.1.b. Guy Perkins School District is requesting a one (1) year Standards for Accreditation Waiver for Class Size.
V.1.c. Concord School District is requesting a one (1) year Standards for Accreditation Waiver for Class Size.
V.1.d. Magnet Cove School District is requesting a one-year Standards for Accreditation Waiver for Class Size
V.1.e. Poyen School District is requesting a one-year Standards for Accreditation Waiver for Class Size.
V.2. Consideration of Request for Act 1240 Waivers for the Bauxite School District.
V.3. Consideration of the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Rules Governing Payments Under the Educational Freedom Account Program
V.4. Consideration of Appeal of Legal Transfer under Ark. Code 6-18-316.
VI. New Business
VII. Consent Agenda
VII.1. Minutes
VII.2. Report on Waivers to School Districts for Teachers Teaching Out of Area for Longer than Thirty (30) Days, Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-309
VII.3. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-105 Jean Bormann Herald
VII.4. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 24-006 Jami Eubanks
VII.5. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-115 Rebecca Webb
VII.6. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-119 Alisha Guyton
VII.7. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-157 Stephanie Fritts
VII.8. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-154 Nevada Mills
VII.9. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 24-001 Kaylee Nelson
VII.10. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 24-019 Susan Brock
VII.11. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-150 Crystal Tiarks
VII.12. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-057 Labrada Vann
VII.13. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-158 Emily McDowell
VII.14. Consideration of the Charter Authorizing Panel's Decision for Cross County Elementary Technology Academy Amendment Request
VII.15. Consideration of the Charter Authorizing Panel's Decision on Garfield Scholars' Academy New Open Enrollment Charter School Application
VIII. Reports
VIII.1. Watson Chapel School District Update
VIII.2. Board Liaison Reports
VIII.3. ATOY Report
VIII.4. Commissioner's Report
VIII.4.a. Office of Early Childhood Update
VIII.4.b. Level 5 District Quarterly Reports
IX. Public Comments
X. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | November 9, 2023 at 10:00 AM - State Board of Education | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Presenter: |
Dr. Sarah Moore
Subject: |
II. Moment of Silence
Presenter: |
Dr. Sarah Moore
Subject: |
III. Recognition
Presenter: |
Secretary Jacob Oliva
Subject: |
IV. Changes to Agenda
Presenter: |
Dr. Sarah Moore
Subject: |
V. Action Agenda
Subject: |
V.1. Consideration of One-Year Standards for Accreditation Waiver Requests.
Subject: |
V.1.a. Malvern School District is requesting a one-year Standards for Accreditation Waiver for Class Size.
Presenter: |
Hope Worsham, Assistant Commissioner of Public School Accountability
The district has two (2) third-grade classes that are over by one (1) student for a total of 26 in each class and three (3) fifth-grade classes that are over by one(1) for a total of 26 in each fifth-grade class.
Subject: |
V.1.b. Guy Perkins School District is requesting a one (1) year Standards for Accreditation Waiver for Class Size.
Presenter: |
Hope Worsham, Assistant Commissioner of Public School Accountability
The district has a second-grade class that is over by one (1) student for a total of 26 students and a first-grade class that is one (1) student away from the maximum of 25 students.
Subject: |
V.1.c. Concord School District is requesting a one (1) year Standards for Accreditation Waiver for Class Size.
Presenter: |
Hope Worsham, Assistant Commissioner of Public School Accountability
The district has a third-grade class that is over the student maximum by one (1) student for a total of 26 students.
Subject: |
V.1.d. Magnet Cove School District is requesting a one-year Standards for Accreditation Waiver for Class Size
Presenter: |
Hope Worsham, Assistant Commissioner of Public School Accountability
The district has one first-grade class that is over the maximum number of students by one (1) student for a total of 26 students.
Subject: |
V.1.e. Poyen School District is requesting a one-year Standards for Accreditation Waiver for Class Size.
Presenter: |
Hope Worsham, Assistant Commissioner of Public School Accountability
The district has 23 students for one (1) kindergarten class that has a half-time paraprofessional in the classroom.
Subject: |
V.2. Consideration of Request for Act 1240 Waivers for the Bauxite School District.
Presenter: |
Karli Saracini
The Bauxite School District is requesting a one-year waiver to allow two student teachers to teach under mentors.
Subject: |
V.3. Consideration of the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Rules Governing Payments Under the Educational Freedom Account Program
Presenter: |
Andres Rhodes
This rule establishes a process by which the Department can process payments under the Educational Freedom Account Program for approved participating schools or service providers. An emergency rule was approved by the State Board at its September meeting. This rule is a permanent rule.The Department recommends that the State Board approve this rule for public comment.
Subject: |
V.4. Consideration of Appeal of Legal Transfer under Ark. Code 6-18-316.
Presenter: |
Stephen Reynolds
The parent is appealing a denial of a legal transfer under Arkansas Code 6-18-316 by the Shirley School District. The resident school district is the Shirley School District. The receiving school district is the West Side School District.
Subject: |
VI. New Business
Subject: |
VII. Consent Agenda
Presenter: |
Dr. Sarah Moore
Subject: |
VII.1. Minutes
Presenter: |
Angela Scaife
Subject: |
VII.2. Report on Waivers to School Districts for Teachers Teaching Out of Area for Longer than Thirty (30) Days, Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-309
Presenter: |
Karli Saracini
Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-309 requires local school districts to secure a waiver when classrooms are staffed with unlicensed teachers for longer than 30 days. Requests were received from 109 school districts for a total of 372 waivers. There were also requests for long-term substitutes from 27 school districts requesting a total of 55 waivers for long-term substitutes. These requests have been reviewed, were either approved or denied by DESE staff, and are consistent with program guidelines.
Subject: |
VII.3. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-105 Jean Bormann Herald
Presenter: |
Whitney James
Violation of Standard 1. An educator maintains a professional relationship with each student, both in and outside the classroom. Violation of Standard 2. An educator maintains competence regarding his or her professional practice, inclusive of professional and ethical behavior, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and responsibilities relating to his or her organizational position. Violation of Standard 7 An educator maintains the confidentiality of information about students and colleagues obtained in the course of the educator's professional services that is protected under state law or regulations, federal law or regulations, or the written policies of the educator's school district, unless disclosure serves a professional purpose as allowed or required by law or regulations." The Professional Licensure Standards Board requests the State Board of Education order a Suspension of License for 6 months followed by a Probation of License for 1 year. Require Educator to complete the following by May 27, 2024, in order to move from suspension to probation: 1. Sensitivity training (SEL) as outlined by PLSB. If PLSB cannot provide training, the Educator will search and provide proof of completion. 2. College level SPED Law class with a passing grade. (All cost paid by Educator Herald)
Subject: |
VII.4. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 24-006 Jami Eubanks
Presenter: |
Whitney James
Violation of Standard 1. An educator maintains a professional relationship with each student, both in and outside the classroom. Violation of Standard 2. An educator maintains competence regarding his or her professional practice, inclusive of professional and ethical behavior, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and responsibilities relating to his or her organizational position. Violation of Standard 4. An educator entrusted with public funds and property, including school sponsored activity funds, honors that trust with honest, responsible stewardship. The Professional Licensure Standards Board requests the State Board of Education order a Probation of License for 1 year and assess a $200 fine. Require Educator to complete the following coursework/readings: Code of Ethics Training Provided by the PLSB (1.5 Hours), Title: Addressing Appropriate and Inappropriate Teacher-Student Relationships: A Secondary Education Professional Development Model Author: Ernest J. Zarra, III, Kern High School District Publication: CLEARvoz Journal Vol. 3, No. 2 (2016) Link:, Title: The 85% Solution: How Personal Accountability Guarantees Success -- No Nonsense, No Excuses (256p) Author: Linda Galindo ISBN 10: ISBN 13: 9780470500163, and LAG17029 Success Favors Well-Prepared Adults: Unpacking your Personality Package (1 Credit Hour). Require educator to provide written reflection on each training/reading on how it will impact her future interactions with students and professional practices. Due to the PLSB for approval within 90 days of the State Board Order. (All cost paid by Educator Eubanks)
Subject: |
VII.5. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-115 Rebecca Webb
Presenter: |
Whitney James
Violation of Standard 2. An educator maintains competence regarding his or her professional practice, inclusive of professional and ethical behavior, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and responsibilities relating to his or her organizational position. The Professional Licensure Standards Board requests the State Board of Education order a Written Reprimand and assess a $100 fine. Require Educator to complete the following coursework/readings: TCC22007: SMACtalk for Teachers: Online Etiquette (1 Credit Hour), and Code of Ethics Training Provided by the PLSB (1.5 Hours). Require educator to provide written reflection on how the trainings will impact the educator’s use of social media. Due to the PLSB for approval within 90 days of the State Board Order. (All cost paid by Educator Webb).
Subject: |
VII.6. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-119 Alisha Guyton
Presenter: |
Whitney James
Violation of Standard 1. An educator maintains a professional relationship with each student, both in and outside the classroom. Violation of Standard 2. An educator maintains competence regarding his or her professional practice, inclusive of professional and ethical behavior, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and responsibilities relating to his or her organizational position. Violation of Standard 8. An educator, while on school premises or at school-sponsored activities involving students, refrains from: a) using, possessing and/or being under the influence of alcohol or unauthorized drugs/substances, and/or possessing items prohibited by law, or b) possessing or using tobacco or tobacco-related products, e-cigarettes, e-liquid, or vapor products, or c) abusing/misusing prescription medications or other authorized substances as evidenced by impairment. The Professional Licensure Standards Board requests the State Board of Education order a Suspension of License for 1 year followed by a Probation of License for 2 years and assess a $400 fine. Require Educator to complete the following coursework/readings: Code of Ethics Training Provided by the PLSB (1.5 Hours). Require educator to provide written reflection on each training/reading on how it will impact her professional practices. Due to the PLSB for approval within 90 days of the State Board Order. Educator shall provide proof of continued attendance at an alcohol addiction management, recovery, and support program quarterly to the Ethics Subcommittee during suspension and probation. 30 days prior to the end of suspension, the educator shall provide a letter from a licensed medical professional stating the educator is ready to return to the classroom (All cost paid by Educator Guyton).
Subject: |
VII.7. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-157 Stephanie Fritts
Presenter: |
Whitney James
Violation of Standard 1. An educator maintains a professional relationship with each student, both in and outside the classroom. Violation of Standard 2. An educator maintains competence regarding his or her professional practice, inclusive of professional and ethical behavior, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and responsibilities relating to his or her organizational position. The Professional Licensure Standards Board requests the State Board of Education order a Probation of License for 18 months and assess a $250 fine. Require Educator to complete the following coursework/readings: Code of Ethics Training Provided by the PLSB (1.5 Hours), Title: The Power Paradox: How We Gain and Lose Influence (208p) Author: Dacher Keltner ISBN 10: 0143110292 ISBN 13: 978-0143110293, and Title: Teaching with Love & Logic: Taking Control of the Classroom Author: Jim Fay ISBN-10: 1942105231 ISBN-13: 978-1942105237. Require educator to provide written reflections on how each training/reading will influence the educator’s interactions with students in the future. Due to the PLSB for approval within 90 days of the State Board Order. (All cost paid by Educator Fritts)
Subject: |
VII.8. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-154 Nevada Mills
Presenter: |
Whitney James
Violation of Standard 1. An educator maintains a professional relationship with each student, both in and outside the classroom. Violation of Standard 2. An educator maintains competence regarding his or her professional practice, inclusive of professional and ethical behavior, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and responsibilities relating to his or her organizational position. The Professional Licensure Standards Board requests the State Board of Education order a Written Reprimand and assess a $100 fine.
Subject: |
VII.9. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 24-001 Kaylee Nelson
Presenter: |
Whitney James
Violation of Standard 1. An educator maintains a professional relationship with each student, both in and outside the classroom. Violation of Standard 2. An educator maintains competence regarding his or her professional practice, inclusive of professional and ethical behavior, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and responsibilities relating to his or her organizational position. The Professional Licensure Standards Board requests the State Board of Education order a Probation of License for 2 years and assess a $250 fine. Require Educator to complete the following coursework/readings: Code of Ethics Training Provided by the PLSB (1.5 Hours), Title: The Power Paradox: How We Gain and Lose Influence (208p) Author: Dacher Keltner ISBN 10: 0143110292 ISBN 13: 978-0143110293, ERC20080 We Are All in This Together: Building Student Relationships (1 Credit Hour), and LAG17029 Success Favors Well-Prepared Adults: Unpacking your Personality Package (1 Credit Hour). Require Educator to prepare written reflection on each training/reading on how they will impact the educator's future interactions and communication with students. Due to the PLSB for approval within 90 days of the State Board Order. (All cost paid by Educator Nelson).
Subject: |
VII.10. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 24-019 Susan Brock
Presenter: |
Whitney James
Violation of Standard 1. An educator maintains a professional relationship with each student, both in and outside the classroom. Violation of Standard 2. An educator maintains competence regarding his or her professional practice, inclusive of professional and ethical behavior, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and responsibilities relating to his or her organizational position. The Professional Licensure Standards Board requests the State Board of Education order a Written Reprimand and assess a $100 fine. Require Educator to complete the following coursework/readings: Code of Ethics Training Provided by the PLSB (1.5 Hours), Title: Classroom Management Success in 7 days or less: The Ultra-Effective Classroom Management System for Teachers (77p) Author: Rob Plevin ISBN-13: 978-1522001461 ISBN-10: 1522001468, Title: The 85% Solution: How Personal Accountability Guarantees Success -- No Nonsense, No Excuses (256p) Author: Linda Galindo ISBN 10: ISBN 13: 9780470500163, and Title: I Notice: A Step-by-Step Guide to Transform Student Potential Through Building Intentional Relationships Author: Claire E. Hallinan ISBN-10: 1733035613 ISBN-13: 978-1733035613. Require Educator to prepare written reflection for each training/reading on how it will impact the educator’s future interactions and communication with students. Due to the PLSB for approval within 90 days of the State Board Order. (All cost paid by Educator Brock).
Subject: |
VII.11. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-150 Crystal Tiarks
Presenter: |
Whitney James
Violation of Standard 1. An educator maintains a professional relationship with each student, both in and outside the classroom. Violation of Standard 2. an educator maintains competence regarding his or her professional practice, inclusive of professional and ethical behavior, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and responsibilities relating to his or her organizational position. The Professional Licensure Standards Board requests the State Board of Education order a Probation of License for 1 year and assess a $200 fine. Require Educator to complete the following coursework/readings: Code of Ethics Training Provided by the PLSB (1.5 Hours), and Title: The 85% Solution: How Personal Accountability Guarantees Success -- No Nonsense, No Excuses (256p) Author: Linda Galindo ISBN 10: ISBN 13: 9780470500163. Require Educator to prepare written reflection on each training/reading on how it will influence the educator’s future interactions with students. Due to the PLSB for approval within 90 days of the State Board Order. (All cost paid by Educator Tiarks).
Subject: |
VII.12. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-057 Labrada Vann
Presenter: |
Whitney James
Violation of Standard 1. An educator maintains a professional relationship with each student, both in and outside the classroom. Violation of Standard 2. An educator maintains competence regarding his or her professional practice, inclusive of professional and ethical behavior, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and responsibilities relating to his or her organizational position. The Professional Licensure Standards Board requests the State Board of Education order a Permanent Revocation of License and assess a $500 fine.
Subject: |
VII.13. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-158 Emily McDowell
Presenter: |
Whitney James
Violation of Standard 1. An educator maintains a professional relationship with each student, both in and outside the classroom. Violation of Standard 2. An educator maintains competence regarding his or her professional practice, inclusive of professional and ethical behavior, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and responsibilities relating to his or her organizational position. The Professional Licensure Standards Board requests the State Board of Education order a Probation of License for 2 years and assess a $250 fine. Require Educator to complete the following coursework/readings: Code of Ethics Training Provided by the PLSB (1.5 Hours), and Title: The 85% Solution: How Personal Accountability Guarantees Success -- No Nonsense, No Excuses (256p) Author: Linda Galindo ISBN 10: ISBN 13: 9780470500163. Require Educator to prepare written reflections on how the trainings/readings will impact the educator’s future interactions and communication with students (Due to the PLSB for approval within 90 days of the State Board Order. (All cost paid by Educator McDowell).
Subject: |
VII.14. Consideration of the Charter Authorizing Panel's Decision for Cross County Elementary Technology Academy Amendment Request
Presenter: |
Dorie Summons, Office of Public Charter Schools
Cross County Elementary Technology Academy requested a waiver of Rules Governing Class Size and Teaching Load Sections 3.01.3; 4.01; and Ark. Code Ann 6-17-812. The Charter Authorizing Panel voted unanimously to approve the amendment request.
Subject: |
VII.15. Consideration of the Charter Authorizing Panel's Decision on Garfield Scholars' Academy New Open Enrollment Charter School Application
Presenter: |
Dorie Summons, Office of Public Charter School
Garfield Scholars' Academy submitted an application to establish an open-enrollment charter school beginning in the 2024-2025 academic year. The charter will follow a traditional educational model. The applicant was asked to provide additional information. The Charter Authorizing Panel voted unanimously to approve the new charter school application.
Subject: |
VIII. Reports
Subject: |
VIII.1. Watson Chapel School District Update
Presenter: |
Watson Chapel School District
The State Board requested monthly updates from the Watson Chapel School District on progress made towards correcting Standards for Accreditation violations and other concerns noted by DESE.
Subject: |
VIII.2. Board Liaison Reports
Presenter: |
Dr. Sarah Moore
Subject: |
VIII.3. ATOY Report
Presenter: |
Capri Salaam
Subject: |
VIII.4. Commissioner's Report
Presenter: |
Secretary Jacob Oliva
Subject: |
VIII.4.a. Office of Early Childhood Update
Presenter: |
Tonya Williams
Subject: |
VIII.4.b. Level 5 District Quarterly Reports
Subject: |
IX. Public Comments
Subject: |
X. Adjournment