Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Moment of Silence
III. Recognition
III.1. Arkansas Regional Braille Challenge
IV. Changes to Agenda
V. Consent Agenda
V.1. Minutes 02-09-23
V.2. Consideration of Report on Waivers to School Districts for Teachers Teaching Out of Area for Longer than Thirty (30) Days, Ark. Code Ann. §6-17-309
V.3. Consent for the Arkansas Better Chance (ABC) Reallocation of FY23 Slots
V.4. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-049 Erin Michelle Lewter
V.5. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-048 Chadwick Braden Dixon
VI. Action Agenda
VI.1. Educational Service Cooperative Evaluations
VI.2. Marvell-Elaine School District
VI.3. Consideration of Charter Authorizing Panel’s Decision Regarding Charter Amendment Requests
VI.3.a. Arkansas Lighthouse Charter Schools
VI.3.b. Friendship Aspire Academies of Arkansas
VI.4. Consideration of Standards for Accreditation Violation of Standard 1-C.1.1.
VI.4.a. Consideration of Recommendation of Accredited-Cited Status
VI.4.b. Consideration of Appeal for Standards Violation of 1-C.1.1
VI.4.b.1) Consideration of Appeal of Accreditation - Citation status for Dumas High School - Dumas School District
VI.4.b.2) Consideration of Appeal of Accreditation Status- Citation Status for Fayetteville Virtual Academy- Fayetteville Public School District
VI.4.b.3) Consideration of Appeal of Accreditation - Citation status for Graduate Arkansas Charter School
VI.4.b.4) Consideration of Appeal of Accreditation - Citation status for Joe T. Robinson High School - Pulaski County Special School District
VI.4.b.5) Consideration of Appeal of Accreditation - Citation status for Driven Virtual Academy - Pulaski County SpecialSchool District
VI.5. Request for Waiver- LA-23-002; Johnson, Dennis
VI.6. Appointment of Nominating Committee for Chair and Vice-Chair
VII. New Business
VIII. Reports
VIII.1. Board Liaison Reports
VIII.2. ATOY Report
VIII.3. Commissioner's Report
IX. Public Comments
X. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | March 9, 2023 at 9:00 AM - State Board of Education | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Presenter: |
Ouida Newton
Subject: |
II. Moment of Silence
Presenter: |
Ouida Newton
Subject: |
III. Recognition
Presenter: |
Ouida Newton
Subject: |
III.1. Arkansas Regional Braille Challenge
Presenter: |
James Caton
To recognize Ms. Diya Chakraborty as the Varsity first-place winner.
Subject: |
IV. Changes to Agenda
Presenter: |
Ouida Newton
Subject: |
V. Consent Agenda
Presenter: |
Ouida Newton
Subject: |
V.1. Minutes 02-09-23
Presenter: |
Angela Scaife
Subject: |
V.2. Consideration of Report on Waivers to School Districts for Teachers Teaching Out of Area for Longer than Thirty (30) Days, Ark. Code Ann. §6-17-309
Presenter: |
Karli Saracini
Arkansas Code Annotated §6-17-309 requires local school districts to secure a waiver when classrooms are staffed with unlicensed teachers for longer than 30 days. Requests were received from 28 school districts for a total of 47 waivers. There were also requests for long-term substitutes from 56 school districts requesting a total of 100 waivers for long-term substitutes. These requests have been reviewed, were either approved or denied by Department staff, and are consistent with program guidelines.
Subject: |
V.3. Consent for the Arkansas Better Chance (ABC) Reallocation of FY23 Slots
Presenter: |
Lori Bridges
One hundred (100) ABC slots for FY23 program year have been voluntarily returned to ABC due to agency closures, inability to fill 100% of awarded slots, and/or community needs. ABC has reallocated ninety (90) of the one hundred (100) returned slots to agencies that have additional space to serve qualifying children on their wait list. This reallocation of slots will expand the availability of ABC programs to provide early childhood services to qualifying families and children in their communities.
Subject: |
V.4. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-049 Erin Michelle Lewter
Presenter: |
Whitney James
Violation of Standard 2. an educator maintains competence regarding his or her professional practice, inclusive of professional and ethical behavior, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and responsibilities relating to his or her organizational position. Violation of Standard 3. an educator honestly fulfills reporting obligations associated with professional practices. The Professional Licensure Standards Board requests the State Board of Education order a written reprimand and assess a $100 fine. (All cost paid by Educator Lewter) Require Educator to complete the following coursework/readings: Title: Flipping the Switch: Unleash the Power of Personal Accountability Using the QBQ! (144 p) Author: John G. Miller ISBN 10: 0399152334 ISBN 13: 978-0399152337, Code of Ethics provided by the PLSB staff. Require Educator to provide written reflections on each training indicating how educator has continued to improve her educational practices and services to students. Trainings to be completed within 90 days of the State Board Final Order.
Subject: |
V.5. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-048 Chadwick Braden Dixon
Presenter: |
Whitney James
Violation of Standard 1. An educator maintains a professional relationship with each student, both in and outside the classroom. Violation of Standard 2. an educator maintains competence regarding his or her professional practice, inclusive of professional and ethical behavior, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and responsibilities relating to his or her organizational position. The Professional Licensure Standards Board requests the State Board of Education order a written reprimand and assess a $100 fine. (All cost paid by Educator Dixon) Require Educator to complete the following coursework/readings: Arkansas IDEAS ERC23004, Code of Ethics as provided by the PLSB staff. Require Educator to provide written reflections for each training on how educator will interact with students in the future. Trainings to be completed within 90 days of the State Board Final Order.
Subject: |
VI. Action Agenda
Subject: |
VI.1. Educational Service Cooperative Evaluations
Presenter: |
Stacy Smith
Subject: |
VI.2. Marvell-Elaine School District
Presenter: |
DESE Legal
Update on Marvell-Elaine School district consolidation and SBE responsibilities.
Subject: |
VI.3. Consideration of Charter Authorizing Panel’s Decision Regarding Charter Amendment Requests
Presenter: |
Shastady Wagner
Subject: |
VI.3.a. Arkansas Lighthouse Charter Schools
Presenter: |
Shastady Wagner
The Charter Authorizing Panel voted unanimously to grant Arkansas Lighthouse Charter Schools amendment request. Lighthouse did not request a review of the Charter Authorizing Panel’s decision.
Subject: |
VI.3.b. Friendship Aspire Academies of Arkansas
Presenter: |
Shastady Wagner
The Charter Authorizing Panel voted unanimously to grant Friendship Aspire Academies of Arkansas amendment request. Friendship did not request a review of the Charter Authorizing Panel’s decision.
Subject: |
VI.4. Consideration of Standards for Accreditation Violation of Standard 1-C.1.1.
Presenter: |
Deborah Coffman
Standards for Accreditation: Standard 1-C.1.1. Each public school shall assess at least ninety-five percent (95%) of its students on the annual statewide student assessment.
The DESE requests the following public schools be placed in Accredited - Cited status until Fall 2023. |
Subject: |
VI.4.a. Consideration of Recommendation of Accredited-Cited Status
DESE recommends Accredited-Cited Status for the following schools for violation of 1-C.1.1 Each public school shall assess at least ninety-five percent of its students on the annual statewide student assessment. (S/C)
Subject: |
VI.4.b. Consideration of Appeal for Standards Violation of 1-C.1.1
DESE recommends Accredited-Cited Status for the following schools for violation of 1-C.1.1 Each public school shall assess at least ninety-five percent of its students on the annual statewide student assessment. (S/C).
The following schools have appealed the status.
Subject: |
VI.4.b.1) Consideration of Appeal of Accreditation - Citation status for Dumas High School - Dumas School District
DESE recommends Accredited-Cited Status for the school for violation of 1-C.1.1 Each public school shall assess at least ninety-five percent of its students on the annual statewide student assessment. (S/C)
The school has appealed. |
Subject: |
VI.4.b.2) Consideration of Appeal of Accreditation Status- Citation Status for Fayetteville Virtual Academy- Fayetteville Public School District
Presenter: |
Deborah Coffman
DESE recommends Accredited-Cited Status for the school for violation of 1-C.1.1 Each public school shall assess at least ninety-five percent of its students on the annual statewide student assessment. (S/C)
Subject: |
VI.4.b.3) Consideration of Appeal of Accreditation - Citation status for Graduate Arkansas Charter School
DESE recommends Accredited-Cited Status for the school for violation of 1-C.1.1 Each public school shall assess at least ninety-five percent of its students on the annual statewide student assessment. (S/C)
The school has appealed. |
Subject: |
VI.4.b.4) Consideration of Appeal of Accreditation - Citation status for Joe T. Robinson High School - Pulaski County Special School District
DESE recommends Accredited-Cited Status for the school for violation of 1-C.1.1 Each public school shall assess at least ninety-five percent of its students on the annual statewide student assessment. (S/C)
The school has appealed. |
Subject: |
VI.4.b.5) Consideration of Appeal of Accreditation - Citation status for Driven Virtual Academy - Pulaski County SpecialSchool District
DESE recommends Accredited-Cited Status for the school for violation of 1-C.1.1 Each public school shall assess at least ninety-five percent of its students on the annual statewide student assessment. (S/C)
The school has appealed. |
Subject: |
VI.5. Request for Waiver- LA-23-002; Johnson, Dennis
Presenter: |
Karli Saracini
The Arkansas Department of Education received information that the educator has a true report in the Child Maltreatment Central Registry. Per Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-410, the state board shall not issue a first-time license nor renew an existing license and shall revoke any existing license not up for renewal of any person who has a true report in the Child Maltreatment Central Registry. The educator is requesting a waiver.
Subject: |
VI.6. Appointment of Nominating Committee for Chair and Vice-Chair
In accordance with the State Board's Operating Procedures, the State Board Chair will appoint a three-member Nominating Committee to nominate a Chair and Vice-Chair to serve effective July 1, 2023. The Committee will report its nominations to the Board at its April meeting. The election will take place by a roll-call vote at the April or May meeting.
Subject: |
VII. New Business
Subject: |
VIII. Reports
Presenter: |
Ouida Newton
Subject: |
VIII.1. Board Liaison Reports
Presenter: |
Ouida Newton
Subject: |
VIII.2. ATOY Report
Presenter: |
Jessica Saum
Subject: |
VIII.3. Commissioner's Report
Presenter: |
Secretary Oliva
Subject: |
IX. Public Comments
Subject: |
X. Adjournment