Meeting Agenda
1. Informational Items - These items are provided for informational purposes only and no action is required.
1.A. Assistant Superintendent's Report
The purpose of this report is to provide regular updates to the Education Committee regarding teaching and learning. Assistant Superintendent Jeff Horton shared current information regarding implementation of district initiatives and school operations. |
1.B. Curriculum and Instruction Report
The purpose of this report is to provide regular updates to the Education Committee regarding teaching and learning. Director of Curriculum and Instruction Gail Netland Froyd shared current information regarding the status of the work of the curriculum and instruction department. |
1.C. Informational Presentations
1.C.1) 2018-19 Annual Bullying Report and Discussion on Behavior/Resolutions Reporting to School Board
Duluth Public Schools Climate Coordinator Ron Lake presented a report on the number of online complaints of bullying and incidents documented as bullying in Infinite Campus. |
1.C.2) 2018-19 Out of School Suspension (OSS) Report
Duluth Public Schools Climate Coordinator Ron Lake presented a report on the number of OSS incidents for the 2018-19 school year. |
1.D. Regulations
1.D.1) 5085R - Family and Student Handbook
Over the course of the 2018 -19 school year, the Family and Student Handbook Committee met to review and determine necessary revisions to the Family and Student Handbook. Revisions include language clarification, with a focus on Dress Code Regulation and Standards of Conduct, and recently adopted and/or updated school board policies and regulations. The Family and Student Handbook Committee is made up of Assistant Principals and District Administrators, including Assistant Superintendent Horton, Committee Chair Rachel Jackson, Mike Emerson, Jake Hintsala, Jon Flaa, Kyle Rock, Tom Tusken, Marcia Nelson, Darren Sheldon, Ron Lake and William Howes. Attached is revised Regulation 5085R - Family and Student Handbook for the 2019-20 school year. |
1.E. Grant Applications
1.E.1) Minnesota Department of Education - McKinney Vento Homeless Children and Youth Education Grant
Duluth Public Schools Families in Transition Coordinator Katie Danielson has submitted for and received an Official Grant Award Amendment (OGAA) for the McKinney Vento Homeless Children and Youth Education Grant in the amount of $40,000, which extends the grant until June 30, 2020. |
1.E.2) Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation Grant Application
Duluth East High School Activities Director Shawn Roed has submitted for and received a grant from the Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation in the amount of $2,000. Funds will be used to support the purchase of 3Dimensional Coaching, a training program and certification to increase our capacity to effectively coach the 21st century athlete. |
1.E.3) Northland Foundation Grant Application
Jen Jaros, Early Childhood Family Education, has submitted a grant application to the Northland Foundation in the amount of $5,000. If awarded, funds will be used to provide Infant Mental Health Consultation as part of the ECFE First Year Program. |
2. Action Items
2.A. Policies
2.A.1) 6109 - Duluth Public Schools Online Learning Policy - DELETION
In moving to the MSBA Model Policies, administration is recommending the deletion of Policy 6109 - Duluth Public Schools Online Learning Policy, which will be replaced with MSBA Policy 624 - Online Learning Options. |
2.A.2) NEW Policy 624 - Online Learning Options
Attached is revised MSBA Policy 624 - Online Learning Options, for the second reading. This policy would replace Policy 6190 - Duluth Public Schools Online Learning Policy. |
2.B. Resolutions
2.B.1) Resolution E-7-19-3661 - Acceptance of Grant Awards to Duluth Public Schools
Attached is Resolution E-7-19-3661 - Acceptance of Grant Awards to Duluth Public Schools, to accept and approve grant awards from the following organizations: Minnesota Department of Education Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation DSACF Business Leaders Fund |
2.C. Diploma Requests
The following students have met all graduation requirements for the Duluth Public Schools and should be awarded a Diploma: Jason-Chanh Chanthavong - June 13, 2019 Paul William Powe - July 8, 2019 |
2.D. 2019 Graduates
It is recommended by administration that the official minutes include a certified list of June 2019 graduates as submitted by the respective high schools. |
3. Future Items
Policy Updates |
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | July 16, 2019 at 6:30 PM - Education Committee - Regular School Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Informational Items - These items are provided for informational purposes only and no action is required.
Subject: |
1.A. Assistant Superintendent's Report
The purpose of this report is to provide regular updates to the Education Committee regarding teaching and learning. Assistant Superintendent Jeff Horton shared current information regarding implementation of district initiatives and school operations. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational. |
Subject: |
1.B. Curriculum and Instruction Report
The purpose of this report is to provide regular updates to the Education Committee regarding teaching and learning. Director of Curriculum and Instruction Gail Netland Froyd shared current information regarding the status of the work of the curriculum and instruction department. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational. |
Subject: |
1.C. Informational Presentations
Subject: |
1.C.1) 2018-19 Annual Bullying Report and Discussion on Behavior/Resolutions Reporting to School Board
Duluth Public Schools Climate Coordinator Ron Lake presented a report on the number of online complaints of bullying and incidents documented as bullying in Infinite Campus. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational. |
Subject: |
1.C.2) 2018-19 Out of School Suspension (OSS) Report
Duluth Public Schools Climate Coordinator Ron Lake presented a report on the number of OSS incidents for the 2018-19 school year. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational. |
Subject: |
1.D. Regulations
Subject: |
1.D.1) 5085R - Family and Student Handbook
Over the course of the 2018 -19 school year, the Family and Student Handbook Committee met to review and determine necessary revisions to the Family and Student Handbook. Revisions include language clarification, with a focus on Dress Code Regulation and Standards of Conduct, and recently adopted and/or updated school board policies and regulations. The Family and Student Handbook Committee is made up of Assistant Principals and District Administrators, including Assistant Superintendent Horton, Committee Chair Rachel Jackson, Mike Emerson, Jake Hintsala, Jon Flaa, Kyle Rock, Tom Tusken, Marcia Nelson, Darren Sheldon, Ron Lake and William Howes. Attached is revised Regulation 5085R - Family and Student Handbook for the 2019-20 school year. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational. |
Subject: |
1.E. Grant Applications
Subject: |
1.E.1) Minnesota Department of Education - McKinney Vento Homeless Children and Youth Education Grant
Duluth Public Schools Families in Transition Coordinator Katie Danielson has submitted for and received an Official Grant Award Amendment (OGAA) for the McKinney Vento Homeless Children and Youth Education Grant in the amount of $40,000, which extends the grant until June 30, 2020. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational. |
Subject: |
1.E.2) Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation Grant Application
Duluth East High School Activities Director Shawn Roed has submitted for and received a grant from the Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation in the amount of $2,000. Funds will be used to support the purchase of 3Dimensional Coaching, a training program and certification to increase our capacity to effectively coach the 21st century athlete. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational. |
Subject: |
1.E.3) Northland Foundation Grant Application
Jen Jaros, Early Childhood Family Education, has submitted a grant application to the Northland Foundation in the amount of $5,000. If awarded, funds will be used to provide Infant Mental Health Consultation as part of the ECFE First Year Program. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational. |
Subject: |
2. Action Items
Subject: |
2.A. Policies
Subject: |
2.A.1) 6109 - Duluth Public Schools Online Learning Policy - DELETION
In moving to the MSBA Model Policies, administration is recommending the deletion of Policy 6109 - Duluth Public Schools Online Learning Policy, which will be replaced with MSBA Policy 624 - Online Learning Options. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve the deletion of Policy 6109 - Duluth Public Schools Online Learning Policy for the second reading. |
Subject: |
2.A.2) NEW Policy 624 - Online Learning Options
Attached is revised MSBA Policy 624 - Online Learning Options, for the second reading. This policy would replace Policy 6190 - Duluth Public Schools Online Learning Policy. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve Policy 624 - Online Learning Options for the second reading. |
Subject: |
2.B. Resolutions
Subject: |
2.B.1) Resolution E-7-19-3661 - Acceptance of Grant Awards to Duluth Public Schools
Attached is Resolution E-7-19-3661 - Acceptance of Grant Awards to Duluth Public Schools, to accept and approve grant awards from the following organizations: Minnesota Department of Education Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation DSACF Business Leaders Fund |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board accept and approve Resolution E-7-19-3661 - Acceptance of Grant Awards to Duluth Public Schools. |
Subject: |
2.C. Diploma Requests
The following students have met all graduation requirements for the Duluth Public Schools and should be awarded a Diploma: Jason-Chanh Chanthavong - June 13, 2019 Paul William Powe - July 8, 2019 |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board accept and approve the above Diploma Requests. |
Subject: |
2.D. 2019 Graduates
It is recommended by administration that the official minutes include a certified list of June 2019 graduates as submitted by the respective high schools. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve the certified list of June 2019 graduates as submitted by the respective high schools. |
Subject: |
3. Future Items
Policy Updates |