Meeting Agenda
1. Financial Report
1.A. Financial Report
1.A.1) The final audit of the financial report for fiscal year ending June 30, 2018 will be presented by a representative of Wipfli at the January 15, 2019 Business Committee meeting.
1.A.2) Regular financial report is also attached.
1.B. Approval of Payment of Claims - Attached as an "extra"
1.C. Budget Revisions
1.D. Wire Transfers
1.E. Investment Transactions
1.F. APU Projections
1.G. Fundraisers
2. Bids, R.F.P.s and Quotes Reports
2.A. Bid - None
2.B. RFPs - None
2.C. Quotes - None
3. Policies and Regulations
3.A. New Policy 714 - Fund Balances
Attached is the MSBA Model Policy 714 - Fund Balances for the second reading. This policy would replace current policy 3017. |
3.B. Delete Policy 3017 - General Fund Reserve Balance
In moving to MSBA Model Policies, administration is recommending the deletion of Policy 3017 which will be replaced with MSBA Policy 714 - second reading. |
3.C. New Policy 307 - Conflict of Interest and Fiduciary Duty
Attached is new Policy 307 - Conflict of Interest and Fiduciary Duty for the first reading. There is no corresponding District or MSBA Model Policy. |
3.D. Annual Review of Policy 250 - School Board Compensation
This policy shall be reviewed in January of odd numbered years - first reading. If there are no changes, it will not go for a second read. |
4. Contracts, Change Orders, and Leases
4.A. Contracts
4.A.1) The Costin Group
Attached is an agreement with The Costin Group to perform government relations, public relations, and related services directed and approved by the Duluth Public Schools. |
4.B. Change Orders
4.B.1) PLACEHOLDER - Other Change Orders
4.C. Leases
4.C.1) The Welch Center, Inc., dba Valley Youth Center
Attached is a five year lease with the Valley Youth Center, which is located within the Memorial Park Community Center within Laura MacArthur Elementary School. The cost of this lease is $5.00 for the five year term from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2022. |
5. Resolutions
5.A. B-1-19-3623 - Acceptance of Donations
5.B. B-1-19-3624 - Authorized Bank Account Signer
5.C. B-1-19-3625 - 2019 Legislative Platform
5.D. PLACEHOLDER - Sale of Property
6. Informational - These items are provided for informational purposes only; no action is required.
6.A. Expenditure Contracts
The Superintendent or CFO/Executive Director of Business has signed these contracts during the month of December 2018. |
6.B. Extension or Renewal Contracts - None
6.C. No Cost Contracts
The Superintendent or CFO/Executive Director of Business has signed these contracts during the month of December 2018. |
6.D. Revenue Contracts
The Superintendent or CFO/Executive Director of Business has signed these contracts during the month of December 2018. |
6.E. Change Orders Signed - None
6.F. Facilities Management & Capital Project Status Report
6.G. Property Sale Updates
6.H. Compensatory Revenue Expenditures Update
7. Future Items
7.A. Policy Updates
7.B. Audit Engagement Letter (February 2019)
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 22, 2019 at 6:30 PM - Business Committee - Regular School Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Financial Report
Subject: |
1.A. Financial Report
Subject: |
1.A.1) The final audit of the financial report for fiscal year ending June 30, 2018 will be presented by a representative of Wipfli at the January 15, 2019 Business Committee meeting.
Subject: |
1.A.2) Regular financial report is also attached.
Subject: |
1.B. Approval of Payment of Claims - Attached as an "extra"
Subject: |
1.C. Budget Revisions
Subject: |
1.D. Wire Transfers
Subject: |
1.E. Investment Transactions
Subject: |
1.F. APU Projections
Subject: |
1.G. Fundraisers
Subject: |
2. Bids, R.F.P.s and Quotes Reports
Subject: |
2.A. Bid - None
Subject: |
2.B. RFPs - None
Subject: |
2.C. Quotes - None
Subject: |
3. Policies and Regulations
Subject: |
3.A. New Policy 714 - Fund Balances
Attached is the MSBA Model Policy 714 - Fund Balances for the second reading. This policy would replace current policy 3017. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve Policy 714 - second reading. |
Subject: |
3.B. Delete Policy 3017 - General Fund Reserve Balance
In moving to MSBA Model Policies, administration is recommending the deletion of Policy 3017 which will be replaced with MSBA Policy 714 - second reading. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve the deletion of Policy 3017 - second reading. |
Subject: |
3.C. New Policy 307 - Conflict of Interest and Fiduciary Duty
Attached is new Policy 307 - Conflict of Interest and Fiduciary Duty for the first reading. There is no corresponding District or MSBA Model Policy. |
Recommendation: It is Recommended that the Duluth School Board approve Policy 307 - first reading. |
Subject: |
3.D. Annual Review of Policy 250 - School Board Compensation
This policy shall be reviewed in January of odd numbered years - first reading. If there are no changes, it will not go for a second read. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board review this policy and determine if updates are needed - first reading. |
Subject: |
4. Contracts, Change Orders, and Leases
Subject: |
4.A. Contracts
Subject: |
4.A.1) The Costin Group
Attached is an agreement with The Costin Group to perform government relations, public relations, and related services directed and approved by the Duluth Public Schools. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth Public Schools approve this contract. |
Subject: |
4.B. Change Orders
Subject: |
4.B.1) PLACEHOLDER - Other Change Orders
Subject: |
4.C. Leases
Subject: |
4.C.1) The Welch Center, Inc., dba Valley Youth Center
Attached is a five year lease with the Valley Youth Center, which is located within the Memorial Park Community Center within Laura MacArthur Elementary School. The cost of this lease is $5.00 for the five year term from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2022. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve this lease. |
Subject: |
5. Resolutions
Subject: |
5.A. B-1-19-3623 - Acceptance of Donations
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve Resolution B-1-19-3623. |
Subject: |
5.B. B-1-19-3624 - Authorized Bank Account Signer
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth school Board approve Resolution B-1-19-3624. |
Subject: |
5.C. B-1-19-3625 - 2019 Legislative Platform
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve Resolution B-1-19-3625. |
Subject: |
5.D. PLACEHOLDER - Sale of Property
Subject: |
6. Informational - These items are provided for informational purposes only; no action is required.
Subject: |
6.A. Expenditure Contracts
The Superintendent or CFO/Executive Director of Business has signed these contracts during the month of December 2018. |
Subject: |
6.B. Extension or Renewal Contracts - None
Subject: |
6.C. No Cost Contracts
The Superintendent or CFO/Executive Director of Business has signed these contracts during the month of December 2018. |
Subject: |
6.D. Revenue Contracts
The Superintendent or CFO/Executive Director of Business has signed these contracts during the month of December 2018. |
Subject: |
6.E. Change Orders Signed - None
Subject: |
6.F. Facilities Management & Capital Project Status Report
Subject: |
6.G. Property Sale Updates
Subject: |
6.H. Compensatory Revenue Expenditures Update
Subject: |
7. Future Items
Subject: |
7.A. Policy Updates
Subject: |
7.B. Audit Engagement Letter (February 2019)