Meeting Agenda
1. Informational Items - These items are provided for informational purposes only and no action is required.
1.A. Assistant Superintendent's Report
As part of her monthly report, Assistant Superintendent Starzecki will highlight efforts in teaching and learning across ISD 709. Updates will be shared regarding implementation of District initiatives to support teaching and learning. |
1.B. Informational Presentations
1.B.1) Duluth Public Schools / Duluth Preschool Governing Board (School Board) Annual Training
Pam Rees, Duluth Head Start Director, will share information and updates regarding Duluth Head Start/Preschool programming. |
1.B.2) Record of Continuous Improvement (RCI) Presentations
Throughout the school year, each school will be providing an update to the school board regarding their school improvement plan called Record of Continuous Improvement. The work on the RCI is being led by the Continuous Improve Team (CIT). Each school has gone through a comprehensive needs assessment and developed action steps to improve student outcomes. This month the following schools will review the continuous improvement process for their site: Homecroft Elementary, Myers-Wilkins Elementary and Ordean East Middle School. |
1.B.3) Duluth Public Schools, MN Department of Education & MN Department of Human Rights Update
Assistant Superintendent Amy Starzecki will provide an update regarding the work being done in cooperation with the MDE and MDHR to address disproportionate student discipline and suspension rates across the district. |
1.C. Grant Applications
1.C.1) MDE Federal Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy (SRCL) Program Grant
Assistant Superintendent Amy Starzecki has submitted grant applications to the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) for the Federal Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy (SRCL) Program on behalf of Denfeld High School, Lincoln Park Middle School, Piedmont Elementary, Lowell Elementary, Laura MacArthur Elementary, Myers Wilkins Elementary and Chester Creek/Merritt Creek Residentials in the total amount of $1,419,886. If awarded, funds will be used to improve reading goals. This is a 2 year grant. |
1.C.2) MACAC National College Fair Grant
Marilee Tusken, Denfeld High School, has submitted a grant application to the Minnesota Association for College Admission Counseling (MACAC) in the amount of $300. If awarded, funds will be used to pay for busing to the Minnesota National College Fair in Minneapolis next fall, October 24 or 25, 2018. Denfeld Juniors and Seniors are given the option to attend this event. |
1.C.3) MDE Families in Transition Program Grant
Katie Danielson, Families in Transition Program Coordinator, has submitted a grant application to Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) in the amount of $50,000. If awarded, funds will be used to continue to support the Families in Transition Program within Duluth Public Schools. |
1.C.4) Action for Healthy Kids Grant
Rachel Thapa, Lincoln Park Middle School, has submitted a grant application to Action for Healthy Kids in the amount of $1,000. If awarded, funds will be used to support nutrition and physical activity efforts in schools through nutrition education and healthy food taste testings and cooking classes/opportunities during out of school time. |
1.C.5) Scott D. Anderson Leadership Foundation Fund Grant
Duluth Public Schools has submitted for and received a grant from the Scott D. Anderson Leadership Foundation Fund of the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation in the amount of $14, 593. Funds will be used to support the annual, week-long Scott Anderson Leadership Forum. |
1.C.6) Grant Applications - PLACEHOLDER
1.D. Regulations - PLACEHOLDER
2. Action Items
2.A. Presentation Items Requiring Approval
2.A.1) FY19 Federal Head Start Grant
Pam Rees, Head Start Director, will present an overview of the FY19 Federal Head Start Grant application for approval. |
2.B. Policies
2.B.1) 5010 - Age of Entrance - DELETION
In moving to the MSBA Model Policies, administration is recommending the deletion of Policy 5010, which will be replaced with MSBA Policy 607. |
2.B.2) 6085 - Organizational Plan for the Delivery of Instruction - DELETION
In moving to the MSBA Model Policies, administration is recommending the deletion of Policy 6085, which will be replaced with MSBA Policy 607. |
2.B.3) NEW Policy 607 - Organization of Grade Levels
Attached is revised MSBA Policy 607 for the second reading. This policy would replace Policies 5010 and 6085. |
2.B.4) Policy 513 - Student Promotion, Retention, and Program Design
Administration is recommending the revision of Policy 513. Attached is revised Policy 513 for the second reading. |
2.C. Resolutions
2.C.1) Resolution E-4-18-3535 - Acceptance of Grant Awards to Duluth Public Schools
Attached is Resolution E-4-18-3535 - Acceptance of Grant Awards to Duluth Public Schools, to accept and approve grant awards from the following organizations: DSACF - Duluth Public Schools Endowment Fund DSCAF - Scott D. Anderson Leadership Foundation Fund PLACEHOLDER |
2.D. Diploma Requests
The following students have met all graduation requirements for the Duluth Public Schools and should be awarded a Diploma: Samarrea Pearson - March 27, 2018 Rebecca L. Rutka - March 28, 2018 Adam Brickley Witta - March 29, 2018 PLACEHOLDER |
2.E. Extended Trip Requests - PLACEHOLDER
3. Future Items
EEAC Advisory Committee Update - May Response to AIE Resolution of Concurrence & Non-concurrence 2017 - May Policy Updates |
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | April 10, 2018 at 4:15 PM - Education Committee | |
Subject: |
1. Informational Items - These items are provided for informational purposes only and no action is required.
Subject: |
1.A. Assistant Superintendent's Report
As part of her monthly report, Assistant Superintendent Starzecki will highlight efforts in teaching and learning across ISD 709. Updates will be shared regarding implementation of District initiatives to support teaching and learning. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational. |
Subject: |
1.B. Informational Presentations
Subject: |
1.B.1) Duluth Public Schools / Duluth Preschool Governing Board (School Board) Annual Training
Pam Rees, Duluth Head Start Director, will share information and updates regarding Duluth Head Start/Preschool programming. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational. |
Subject: |
1.B.2) Record of Continuous Improvement (RCI) Presentations
Throughout the school year, each school will be providing an update to the school board regarding their school improvement plan called Record of Continuous Improvement. The work on the RCI is being led by the Continuous Improve Team (CIT). Each school has gone through a comprehensive needs assessment and developed action steps to improve student outcomes. This month the following schools will review the continuous improvement process for their site: Homecroft Elementary, Myers-Wilkins Elementary and Ordean East Middle School. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational. |
Subject: |
1.B.3) Duluth Public Schools, MN Department of Education & MN Department of Human Rights Update
Assistant Superintendent Amy Starzecki will provide an update regarding the work being done in cooperation with the MDE and MDHR to address disproportionate student discipline and suspension rates across the district. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational. |
Subject: |
1.C. Grant Applications
Subject: |
1.C.1) MDE Federal Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy (SRCL) Program Grant
Assistant Superintendent Amy Starzecki has submitted grant applications to the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) for the Federal Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy (SRCL) Program on behalf of Denfeld High School, Lincoln Park Middle School, Piedmont Elementary, Lowell Elementary, Laura MacArthur Elementary, Myers Wilkins Elementary and Chester Creek/Merritt Creek Residentials in the total amount of $1,419,886. If awarded, funds will be used to improve reading goals. This is a 2 year grant. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational. |
Subject: |
1.C.2) MACAC National College Fair Grant
Marilee Tusken, Denfeld High School, has submitted a grant application to the Minnesota Association for College Admission Counseling (MACAC) in the amount of $300. If awarded, funds will be used to pay for busing to the Minnesota National College Fair in Minneapolis next fall, October 24 or 25, 2018. Denfeld Juniors and Seniors are given the option to attend this event. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational. |
Subject: |
1.C.3) MDE Families in Transition Program Grant
Katie Danielson, Families in Transition Program Coordinator, has submitted a grant application to Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) in the amount of $50,000. If awarded, funds will be used to continue to support the Families in Transition Program within Duluth Public Schools. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational. |
Subject: |
1.C.4) Action for Healthy Kids Grant
Rachel Thapa, Lincoln Park Middle School, has submitted a grant application to Action for Healthy Kids in the amount of $1,000. If awarded, funds will be used to support nutrition and physical activity efforts in schools through nutrition education and healthy food taste testings and cooking classes/opportunities during out of school time. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational. |
Subject: |
1.C.5) Scott D. Anderson Leadership Foundation Fund Grant
Duluth Public Schools has submitted for and received a grant from the Scott D. Anderson Leadership Foundation Fund of the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation in the amount of $14, 593. Funds will be used to support the annual, week-long Scott Anderson Leadership Forum. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational. |
Subject: |
1.C.6) Grant Applications - PLACEHOLDER
Subject: |
1.D. Regulations - PLACEHOLDER
Subject: |
2. Action Items
Subject: |
2.A. Presentation Items Requiring Approval
Subject: |
2.A.1) FY19 Federal Head Start Grant
Pam Rees, Head Start Director, will present an overview of the FY19 Federal Head Start Grant application for approval. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board accept and approve the above item. |
Subject: |
2.B. Policies
Subject: |
2.B.1) 5010 - Age of Entrance - DELETION
In moving to the MSBA Model Policies, administration is recommending the deletion of Policy 5010, which will be replaced with MSBA Policy 607. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve the deletion of Policy 5010 for the second reading. |
Subject: |
2.B.2) 6085 - Organizational Plan for the Delivery of Instruction - DELETION
In moving to the MSBA Model Policies, administration is recommending the deletion of Policy 6085, which will be replaced with MSBA Policy 607. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve the deletion of Policy 6085 for the second reading. |
Subject: |
2.B.3) NEW Policy 607 - Organization of Grade Levels
Attached is revised MSBA Policy 607 for the second reading. This policy would replace Policies 5010 and 6085. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve Policy 607 for the second reading. |
Subject: |
2.B.4) Policy 513 - Student Promotion, Retention, and Program Design
Administration is recommending the revision of Policy 513. Attached is revised Policy 513 for the second reading. |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve revised Policy 513 for the second reading. |
Subject: |
2.C. Resolutions
Subject: |
2.C.1) Resolution E-4-18-3535 - Acceptance of Grant Awards to Duluth Public Schools
Attached is Resolution E-4-18-3535 - Acceptance of Grant Awards to Duluth Public Schools, to accept and approve grant awards from the following organizations: DSACF - Duluth Public Schools Endowment Fund DSCAF - Scott D. Anderson Leadership Foundation Fund PLACEHOLDER |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board accept and approve Resolution E-4-18-3535 - Acceptance of Grant Awards to Duluth Public Schools. |
Subject: |
2.D. Diploma Requests
The following students have met all graduation requirements for the Duluth Public Schools and should be awarded a Diploma: Samarrea Pearson - March 27, 2018 Rebecca L. Rutka - March 28, 2018 Adam Brickley Witta - March 29, 2018 PLACEHOLDER |
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board accept and approve the above Diploma Requests. |
Subject: |
2.E. Extended Trip Requests - PLACEHOLDER
Subject: |
3. Future Items
EEAC Advisory Committee Update - May Response to AIE Resolution of Concurrence & Non-concurrence 2017 - May Policy Updates |