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Meeting Agenda
1. Informational Items 
1.A. Informational Presentations
1.A.1) Unity/ALC Presentation

Adrian Norman, Unity/ALC Principal, and teachers, Joe Shingen and Phil Thouin, presented a snapshot of the technology being utilized by students and staff at Unity/ALC and shared an update on the status and progress of their new blended program.
1.A.2) Random Drug Testing Committee Update

A Random Drug Testing Committee, comprising of District and Building Administrators, a School Board Member, Activity Directors, School Social Workers and Nurses, and Police Liaison Officers, has been meeting since last Spring with the charge of exploring the possibility of implementing Random Drug Testing for Duluth Public Schools student athletes.  Committee members Tom Pearson, Shawn Roed, Ron Lake, and Tim Sworsky, presented information on their findings and plans moving forward.
1.B. Grant Applications (None)
2. Action Items
2.A. Presentation Items Requiring Approval
2.A.1) New Computer Science Principles Course Proposal

The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Job Outlook 2013 survey identified computer science as one of the five career fields in highest demand, particularly in Northeastern Minnesota. In order to develop the next generation of technology professionals, we need to introduce students to computing and its potential as a career. Therefore, it is recommended that Computer Science Principles be added to Business/Marketing/Computers offerings as a semester course for students in grades nine-twelve for the 2014-15 school year.
2.A.2) Recommended Middle and High School Course Offerings for the 2014-15 School Year

Kevin Abrahamson, Coordinator of Curriculum and Instruction, shareed information on recommended middle and high school course offerings for the 2014-15 school year including all recommended course content changes, dropped courses, and added courses.
2.B. Resolution E-1-14-3157 - Acceptance of Grant Awards to Duluth Public Schools

Attached is Resolution E-1-14-3157 - Acceptance of Grant Awards to Duluth Public Schools, to accept and approve grant awards from the following organization:

Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation
2.C. Extended Field Trip Requests

Fifth grade students from Homecroft Elementary will be traveling to Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center in Finland, Minnesota from February 10-12, 2014.  The objective of this trip is to provide students a learning opportunity in a natural setting and in a hands-on manner.  Class are tied into the Minnesota State Science, Physical Education, and Language Arts Standards.  The total cost of the trip is $12,133 and will be funded through fundraising activities, donations, student and chaperone fees, and grant dollars.

Fourth grade students from Congdon Park Elementary will be traveling to Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center in Finland, Minnesota from March 26-28, 2014. The objective of this trip is to provide students a learning opportunity in a natural setting and in a hands-on manner. Class are tied into the Minnesota State Science, Physical Education, and Language Arts Standards. The total cost of the trip is $13,175 and will be funded through fundraising activities, donations, and student and chaperone fees.

Fifth grade students from Meyers-Wilkins Elementary will be traveling to Deep Portage Environmental Learning Center in Hackensack, Minnesota from January 8-10, 2014.  The objective of the trip is to have students experience lessons guided by the Minnesota Grade Five Academic Standards in Science - Strand 4 - "Life Science."  Students will participate in positive individual and team-based activities to instill confidence.  The total cost of the trip is $4,360 and will be funded through fundraising activities.
2.D. Diploma Requests

The following students have completed all high school graduation requirements and should be awarded a diploma:

Thompson John Vallie - November 27, 2013
Sarah Katherine Denny - November 27, 2013
Justice Layne Lundquist - December 18, 2013
Jacob Robert Privette - January 17, 2014
Allen Michael Wever - January 17, 2014
2.E. Certificate of Attendance

A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded to the following East High School foreign exchange student in lieu of a diploma dated December 20, 2013:

Hee Jeong Christina Bae
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: January 21, 2014 at 6:30 PM - Education Committee - Regular School Board Meeting
1. Informational Items 
1.A. Informational Presentations
1.A.1) Unity/ALC Presentation

Adrian Norman, Unity/ALC Principal, and teachers, Joe Shingen and Phil Thouin, presented a snapshot of the technology being utilized by students and staff at Unity/ALC and shared an update on the status and progress of their new blended program.

Recommendation:  It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational.
1.A.2) Random Drug Testing Committee Update

A Random Drug Testing Committee, comprising of District and Building Administrators, a School Board Member, Activity Directors, School Social Workers and Nurses, and Police Liaison Officers, has been meeting since last Spring with the charge of exploring the possibility of implementing Random Drug Testing for Duluth Public Schools student athletes.  Committee members Tom Pearson, Shawn Roed, Ron Lake, and Tim Sworsky, presented information on their findings and plans moving forward.

Recommendation:  It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational.
1.B. Grant Applications (None)
2. Action Items
2.A. Presentation Items Requiring Approval
2.A.1) New Computer Science Principles Course Proposal

The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Job Outlook 2013 survey identified computer science as one of the five career fields in highest demand, particularly in Northeastern Minnesota. In order to develop the next generation of technology professionals, we need to introduce students to computing and its potential as a career. Therefore, it is recommended that Computer Science Principles be added to Business/Marketing/Computers offerings as a semester course for students in grades nine-twelve for the 2014-15 school year.

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board accept and approve the addition of the above course for the 2014-15 school year.
2.A.2) Recommended Middle and High School Course Offerings for the 2014-15 School Year

Kevin Abrahamson, Coordinator of Curriculum and Instruction, shareed information on recommended middle and high school course offerings for the 2014-15 school year including all recommended course content changes, dropped courses, and added courses.

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board accept and approve the recommended middle and high school course offerings for the 2014-15 school year.
2.B. Resolution E-1-14-3157 - Acceptance of Grant Awards to Duluth Public Schools

Attached is Resolution E-1-14-3157 - Acceptance of Grant Awards to Duluth Public Schools, to accept and approve grant awards from the following organization:

Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation

Recommendation:   It is recommended that the Duluth School Board accept and approve Resolution E-1-14-3157 - Acceptance of Grant Awards to Duluth Public Schools.
2.C. Extended Field Trip Requests

Fifth grade students from Homecroft Elementary will be traveling to Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center in Finland, Minnesota from February 10-12, 2014.  The objective of this trip is to provide students a learning opportunity in a natural setting and in a hands-on manner.  Class are tied into the Minnesota State Science, Physical Education, and Language Arts Standards.  The total cost of the trip is $12,133 and will be funded through fundraising activities, donations, student and chaperone fees, and grant dollars.

Fourth grade students from Congdon Park Elementary will be traveling to Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center in Finland, Minnesota from March 26-28, 2014. The objective of this trip is to provide students a learning opportunity in a natural setting and in a hands-on manner. Class are tied into the Minnesota State Science, Physical Education, and Language Arts Standards. The total cost of the trip is $13,175 and will be funded through fundraising activities, donations, and student and chaperone fees.

Fifth grade students from Meyers-Wilkins Elementary will be traveling to Deep Portage Environmental Learning Center in Hackensack, Minnesota from January 8-10, 2014.  The objective of the trip is to have students experience lessons guided by the Minnesota Grade Five Academic Standards in Science - Strand 4 - "Life Science."  Students will participate in positive individual and team-based activities to instill confidence.  The total cost of the trip is $4,360 and will be funded through fundraising activities.

Recommendation:  It is recommended that the Duluth School Board accept and approve the above Extended Field Trip Requests.
2.D. Diploma Requests

The following students have completed all high school graduation requirements and should be awarded a diploma:

Thompson John Vallie - November 27, 2013
Sarah Katherine Denny - November 27, 2013
Justice Layne Lundquist - December 18, 2013
Jacob Robert Privette - January 17, 2014
Allen Michael Wever - January 17, 2014

Recommendation:  It is recommended that the Duluth School Board accept and approve the above requested diploma awards.
2.E. Certificate of Attendance

A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded to the following East High School foreign exchange student in lieu of a diploma dated December 20, 2013:

Hee Jeong Christina Bae

Recommendation:  It is recommended that the Duluth School Board accept and approve the above Certificate of Attendance.

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