Meeting Agenda
I. Opening Ceremony
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Declaration of Quorum
I.C. Pledges of Allegiance
I.D. Invocation
II. Public Testimony
III. Public Hearing
III.A. 2024-2025 Proposed Budgets and Tax Rate
III.B. Public Testimony on Proposed 2024-2025 Budgets and Tax Rate
IV. Action Agenda
IV.A. Consider and Approve 2024-2025 Budgets
IV.B. Consider and Approve 2024-2025 Compensation Plan
IV.C. Discuss And Take Action On A Resolution Providing for the Defeasance and Calling for Redemption of Certain Outstanding District Obligations; Delegating to Certain District Officials and Staff the Authority to Effectuate Matters Therein Resolved; and Other Matters in Connection Therewith
IV.D. Consider and Approve 2024-2025 Tax Rate
IV.E. Consider and Approve Donation from APISD Education Foundation for Innovative Teaching grants
IV.F. Consider and Approve Budget Amendment #1 for the 2024-2025 School Year
IV.G. Consider and Approve RFP Awarded Vendor for Speech and Language Therapy Services for the 2024-2025 School Year
IV.H. Consider and Approve RFP Awarded Vendor for Occupational and Rehabilitative Services for the 2024-2025 School Year
IV.I. Consider and Approve RFP Awarded Vendor for HVAC Supplies, Equipment and Services for the 2024-2025 School Year
V. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 28, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Public and Special Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Opening Ceremony
Subject: |
I.A. Call to Order
Subject: |
I.B. Declaration of Quorum
Subject: |
I.C. Pledges of Allegiance
Subject: |
I.D. Invocation
Subject: |
II. Public Testimony
Pursuant to Board policy BED, the Board will allow every person who wishes to address the board on an agenda item to do so before the board’s consideration of the item. The Board shall not deliberate regarding any subject that is not included on the agenda posted with notice of this meeting. This is a time for the Board to stop, look, and listen to public comments. Each speaker will be allowed three minutes to address the Board.
Subject: |
III. Public Hearing
Presenter: |
Board President, Wanese Butler
The presiding officer will now open the public hearing to discuss the proposed budget and tax rate for the 2024-2025 school year.
Subject: |
III.A. 2024-2025 Proposed Budgets and Tax Rate
Presenter: |
Director of Business and Finance, Melinda Chapa
The proposed budgets and tax rate for the 2024-2025 school year have been provided for discussion.
Subject: |
III.B. Public Testimony on Proposed 2024-2025 Budgets and Tax Rate
The public is invited to comment on the proposed budgets and tax rate for the 2024-2025 school year.
Subject: |
IV. Action Agenda
Subject: |
IV.A. Consider and Approve 2024-2025 Budgets
Presenter: |
Director of Business and Finance, Melinda Chapa
Information is included on all budgets that need approval.
Subject: |
IV.B. Consider and Approve 2024-2025 Compensation Plan
Presenter: |
Director of Business and Finance, Melinda Chapa
The proposed 2024-2025 staff compensation plan has been provided for consideration.
Subject: |
IV.C. Discuss And Take Action On A Resolution Providing for the Defeasance and Calling for Redemption of Certain Outstanding District Obligations; Delegating to Certain District Officials and Staff the Authority to Effectuate Matters Therein Resolved; and Other Matters in Connection Therewith
Presenter: |
Director of Business and Finance, Melinda Chapa
The order authorizing the defeasance and redemption of a portion of the District's outstanding unlimited tax bonds, and approve an escrow agent and all other instruments and procedures related has been provided for consideration.
Subject: |
IV.D. Consider and Approve 2024-2025 Tax Rate
Presenter: |
Director of Business and Finance, Melinda Chapa
The proposed 2024-2025 tax rate has been provided for consideration.
Subject: |
IV.E. Consider and Approve Donation from APISD Education Foundation for Innovative Teaching grants
Presenter: |
Superintendent, Dr. Glenn Barnes
The donation form for the Innovative Teaching Grants from the APISD Education Foundation has been provided for consideration.
Subject: |
IV.F. Consider and Approve Budget Amendment #1 for the 2024-2025 School Year
Presenter: |
Director of Business and Finance, Melinda Chapa
Budget amendment #1 for the 2024-2025 school year has been provided for consideration.
Subject: |
IV.G. Consider and Approve RFP Awarded Vendor for Speech and Language Therapy Services for the 2024-2025 School Year
Presenter: |
Director of Business and Finance, Melinda Chapa
An RFP for Speech and Language Therapy Services was solicited on August 14 and August 21 in our local newspaper. The deadline to submit is August 28th at 2pm. The administration will prepare a vendor recommendation based on RFP's point system and will present it for possible consideration at Board meeting.
Subject: |
IV.H. Consider and Approve RFP Awarded Vendor for Occupational and Rehabilitative Services for the 2024-2025 School Year
Presenter: |
Director of Business and Finance, Melinda Chapa
An RFP for Occupational and Rehabilitative Services was solicited on August 14 and August 21 in our local newspaper. The deadline to submit is August 28th at 2pm. The administration will prepare a vendor recommendation based on RFP's point system and will present it for possible consideration at Board meeting.
Subject: |
IV.I. Consider and Approve RFP Awarded Vendor for HVAC Supplies, Equipment and Services for the 2024-2025 School Year
Presenter: |
Director of Business and Finance, Melinda Chapa
An RFP for HVAC Supplies, Equipment and Services was solicited on August 14 and August 21 in our local newspaper. The deadline to submit is August 28th at 2pm. The administration will prepare a vendor recommendation based on RFP's point system and will present it for possible consideration at Board meeting.
Subject: |
V. Adjourn