Meeting Agenda
1. North Valley High School Student Panel - Begins at 2:00 p.m.
2. BOARD REGULAR SESSION - Begins at 4:00 p.m. - North Valley HS Commons
3. Call to Order
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Approval of October 16, 2024 Board Agenda (ACTION)
6. Say Something Positive
7. Superintendent's Report
8. Community Partner of the Month Recognition
9. Consent Agenda (ACTION)
9.A. Routine Personnel Items - October 2024
9.B. Draft Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
9.C. Out of State Travel Request(s)
9.C.1. North Valley HS Athletic Director Tim Sam requests approval to attend the National Athletic Directors Conference in Austin, Texas from December 12-18, 2024. All travel expenses to be paid by the Oregon Athletic Directors Association.
9.C.2. Director Stephanie Allen-Hart requests approval for Life Skills Special Education Teacher, Brian Fitzsimmons, to attend a two-day Crisis Prevention and Intervention training in Vancouver, Washington, October 22-23, 2024. The Oregon Department of Education has offered a grant to fully pay for this training.
9.C.3. Lincoln Savage MS Principal Mark Higgins requests approval for himself and two teachers to travel to Nashville, Tennessee to attend training from the AMLE (Association for Middle Level Educators). Travel dates will be November 6-10, 2024 and all costs associated with attending this training will be paid for by LSMS building budget and the TREA professional development fund.
10. Community Comments
11. Reports - No Action
11.A. Division 22 Standards for Public and Secondary Schools - 2023-24, Assurances Report to the Community
11.B. Board Policies - First Reading
*AR's (Administrative Regulations) are included for information only as they do not require board approval.
11.C. School Board Academic Data Report
11.D. K-12 Health Lesson Opt-out Update
12. ACTION Items
12.A. Planned Course Statement
12.B. Recommendation to Award Contract for Design Services - Fort Vannoy Seismic Rehabilitation Project
13. Communication to the Board (No Action - Read Only)
13.A. Enrollment Reports
13.B. Financial Reports
13.C. Energy Use Comparisons
13.D. Payables
13.E. Site Council Minutes
13.E.1. Applegate School
13.E.2. Fleming Middle School
13.E.3. North Valley High School
13.E.4. Illinois Valley High School
13.E.5. Southern Oregon Success Academy
13.E.6. Evergreen Elementary
13.E.7. Lorna Byrne Middle School
13.E.8. Fruitdale Elementary
13.E.9. Hidden Valley High School
13.F. School Newsletters
13.F.1. Hidden Valley High School
13.F.2. Illinois Valley High School
13.F.3. Southern Oregon Success Academy (SOSA)
13.F.4. Lorna Byrne Middle School
13.F.5. Madrona Elementary
13.F.6. Fort Vannoy Elementary
13.F.7. Evergreen Elementary
13.F.8. Fleming Middle School
14. OSBA Annual Convention - November 8-9, 2024 at the Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront (Registration required - Contact Shelly if you would like to attend)
15. OSBA Legislative Roadshow - Monday, October 28, 2024, in the Cosmos Room at the Ashland Hills Hotel and Suites, Ashland. Dinner at 6:00 PM; the meeting begins at 6:30 PM. (RSVP is required - Jessica Bach @ SOESD or Shelly).
16. Suggested Future Agenda Items
17. Upcoming Meeting/Event Dates:
18. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | October 16, 2024 at 4:00 PM - Regular Session | |
Subject: |
1. North Valley High School Student Panel - Begins at 2:00 p.m.
Presenter: |
Subject: |
2. BOARD REGULAR SESSION - Begins at 4:00 p.m. - North Valley HS Commons
Presenter: |
Subject: |
3. Call to Order
Presenter: |
Rich Halsted, Board Chair
Subject: |
4. Pledge of Allegiance
Presenter: |
Rich Halsted, Board Chair
Subject: |
5. Approval of October 16, 2024 Board Agenda (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Rich Halsted, Board Chair
Subject: |
6. Say Something Positive
Presenter: |
Rich Halsted, Board Chair
Subject: |
7. Superintendent's Report
Presenter: |
Dave Valenzuela, Superintendent
Subject: |
8. Community Partner of the Month Recognition
Presenter: |
Dave Valenzuela, Superintendent
Subject: |
9. Consent Agenda (ACTION)
Items in the Consent Agenda will be approved by a single motion unless a member of the Board or Superintendent requests that an item or items be removed and voted upon separately.
Subject: |
9.A. Routine Personnel Items - October 2024
Subject: |
9.B. Draft Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
Subject: |
9.C. Out of State Travel Request(s)
Subject: |
9.C.1. North Valley HS Athletic Director Tim Sam requests approval to attend the National Athletic Directors Conference in Austin, Texas from December 12-18, 2024. All travel expenses to be paid by the Oregon Athletic Directors Association.
Subject: |
9.C.2. Director Stephanie Allen-Hart requests approval for Life Skills Special Education Teacher, Brian Fitzsimmons, to attend a two-day Crisis Prevention and Intervention training in Vancouver, Washington, October 22-23, 2024. The Oregon Department of Education has offered a grant to fully pay for this training.
Subject: |
9.C.3. Lincoln Savage MS Principal Mark Higgins requests approval for himself and two teachers to travel to Nashville, Tennessee to attend training from the AMLE (Association for Middle Level Educators). Travel dates will be November 6-10, 2024 and all costs associated with attending this training will be paid for by LSMS building budget and the TREA professional development fund.
Subject: |
10. Community Comments
School Board meetings are meetings of the School Board held in public, not meetings with the public. As a general rule, the Board will not engage in discussion with the public during this portion of the meeting. Please rest assured that all comments are carefully considered and will help guide future Board action. If you wish to speak, please complete the 'School Board Comment Card' if in-person or complete the Public Comment Request online at: to provide public comment virtually. There will be 20 minutes allotted for public input. When your name is called you will be allowed your 2-3 minutes to speak. Keep your remarks brief and respect the time limit. Complaints about staff members cannot be discussed in open session and must be handled through a complaint procedure.
Subject: |
11. Reports - No Action
Subject: |
11.A. Division 22 Standards for Public and Secondary Schools - 2023-24, Assurances Report to the Community
Presenter: |
Dave Valenzuela, Superintendent
Subject: |
11.B. Board Policies - First Reading
*AR's (Administrative Regulations) are included for information only as they do not require board approval.
Presenter: |
Dave Valenzuela, Superintendent
Subject: |
11.C. School Board Academic Data Report
Presenter: |
Dave Valenzuela, Superintendent
Subject: |
11.D. K-12 Health Lesson Opt-out Update
Presenter: |
Director Jessica Durrant & Travis Osborne
Subject: |
12. ACTION Items
Subject: |
12.A. Planned Course Statement
Presenter: |
Casey Alderson, Deputy Superintendent
Subject: |
12.B. Recommendation to Award Contract for Design Services - Fort Vannoy Seismic Rehabilitation Project
Presenter: |
Dave Valenzuela, Superintendent
Subject: |
13. Communication to the Board (No Action - Read Only)
Subject: |
13.A. Enrollment Reports
Subject: |
13.B. Financial Reports
Subject: |
13.C. Energy Use Comparisons
Subject: |
13.D. Payables
Subject: |
13.E. Site Council Minutes
Subject: |
13.E.1. Applegate School
Subject: |
13.E.2. Fleming Middle School
Subject: |
13.E.3. North Valley High School
Subject: |
13.E.4. Illinois Valley High School
Subject: |
13.E.5. Southern Oregon Success Academy
Subject: |
13.E.6. Evergreen Elementary
Subject: |
13.E.7. Lorna Byrne Middle School
Subject: |
13.E.8. Fruitdale Elementary
Subject: |
13.E.9. Hidden Valley High School
Subject: |
13.F. School Newsletters
Subject: |
13.F.1. Hidden Valley High School
Subject: |
13.F.2. Illinois Valley High School
Subject: |
13.F.3. Southern Oregon Success Academy (SOSA)
Subject: |
13.F.4. Lorna Byrne Middle School
Subject: |
13.F.5. Madrona Elementary
Subject: |
13.F.6. Fort Vannoy Elementary
Subject: |
13.F.7. Evergreen Elementary
Subject: |
13.F.8. Fleming Middle School
Subject: |
14. OSBA Annual Convention - November 8-9, 2024 at the Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront (Registration required - Contact Shelly if you would like to attend)
Subject: |
15. OSBA Legislative Roadshow - Monday, October 28, 2024, in the Cosmos Room at the Ashland Hills Hotel and Suites, Ashland. Dinner at 6:00 PM; the meeting begins at 6:30 PM. (RSVP is required - Jessica Bach @ SOESD or Shelly).
Subject: |
16. Suggested Future Agenda Items
Presenter: |
Rich Halsted, Board Chair
Subject: |
17. Upcoming Meeting/Event Dates:
Subject: |
18. Adjournment
Presenter: |
Rich Halsted, Board Chair