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Meeting Agenda
I. Call Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Invocation and Pledge to the United States Flag and Pledge to the Texas Flag - Regent Weston Cotten
III. Student Spotlight 
IV. Disposition of Minutes - Building Committee Meeting, June 18, 2024; Board Meeting, June 20, 2024; Board Budget Workshop, June 20, 2024; Policy Committee Meeting, June 25, 2024
V. Report of the Chairman
V.A. Building Committee Report
V.B. Policy Committee Report 
V.C. Audit & Investment Committee Report 
VI. Report of the President
VI.A. Lee College Update
VII. Informational Reports
VII.A. Report of Lee College Resignations and/or Retirements - Dr. Lynda Villanueva, President
VII.B. Review of the Vision 2028 Annual Planning and Evaluation Report - Douglas Walcerz, Provost and Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
VII.C. Financial Report - Annette Ferguson, Vice President of Finance & Administration
VIII. Public Comment
IX. Items of Action
IX.A. Personnel
IX.A.1. CONSENT AGENDA - Consideration of New Hires
IX.B. New Business
IX.B.1. Consideration of the "First Time Free at Lee" Program that will Provide Tuition, Fees and Textbooks to Students Attending Lee College for the First Time Since Finishing High School or Completing a GED
IX.B.2. Consideration of the "First Time Free at Lee" Program that will Provide Tuition, Fees and Textbooks to Students Attending Lee College Huntsville Center for the First Time Since Finishing High School or Completing a GED
IX.B.3. Consideration of Renewal of the Contract with ExamSoft
IX.B.4. Consideration to Contract with TMC Scrubs and Medical Supply, Inc., for Nursing Supply Kits
IX.B.5. Consideration to Award Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) for Property Insurance Coverage
IX.B.6. Consideration of Adoption of Board Policy Revisions for Local Policies
IX.B.7. Consideration of Compensation for College Employees Impacted by the Closures of College Locations Due to Hurricane Beryl
IX.B.8. Consideration of Ordinance and Resolution Adopting the Lee College District Budget
X. Executive Session
X.A. Chairman announces: The meeting of the Lee College Board of Regents on above listed date, after proper posting and in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code for the specific purposes provided, will recess from Open Meeting to Closed Meeting.  No action will be taken while the Board is recessed in Executive Session.

1. Consult with Board Attorney regarding legal advice on any item on the agenda. [TX Gov't Code Section 551.071]
2. Discussion of Lee College President's duties and responsibilities [TX Gov't Code Section 551.071]
X.B. Chairman announces: The Closed Meeting will adjourn and the Board will reconvene into Open Meeting. 
XI. Matters of Concern for Future Agendas
XII. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: July 30, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting of the Board of Regents
I. Call Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Invocation and Pledge to the United States Flag and Pledge to the Texas Flag - Regent Weston Cotten
III. Student Spotlight 
IV. Disposition of Minutes - Building Committee Meeting, June 18, 2024; Board Meeting, June 20, 2024; Board Budget Workshop, June 20, 2024; Policy Committee Meeting, June 25, 2024
V. Report of the Chairman
V.A. Building Committee Report
V.B. Policy Committee Report 
V.C. Audit & Investment Committee Report 
VI. Report of the President
VI.A. Lee College Update
VII. Informational Reports
VII.A. Report of Lee College Resignations and/or Retirements - Dr. Lynda Villanueva, President
VII.B. Review of the Vision 2028 Annual Planning and Evaluation Report - Douglas Walcerz, Provost and Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
VII.C. Financial Report - Annette Ferguson, Vice President of Finance & Administration
VIII. Public Comment
IX. Items of Action
IX.A. Personnel
IX.A.1. CONSENT AGENDA - Consideration of New Hires
IX.B. New Business
IX.B.1. Consideration of the "First Time Free at Lee" Program that will Provide Tuition, Fees and Textbooks to Students Attending Lee College for the First Time Since Finishing High School or Completing a GED
IX.B.2. Consideration of the "First Time Free at Lee" Program that will Provide Tuition, Fees and Textbooks to Students Attending Lee College Huntsville Center for the First Time Since Finishing High School or Completing a GED
IX.B.3. Consideration of Renewal of the Contract with ExamSoft
IX.B.4. Consideration to Contract with TMC Scrubs and Medical Supply, Inc., for Nursing Supply Kits
IX.B.5. Consideration to Award Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) for Property Insurance Coverage
IX.B.6. Consideration of Adoption of Board Policy Revisions for Local Policies
IX.B.7. Consideration of Compensation for College Employees Impacted by the Closures of College Locations Due to Hurricane Beryl
IX.B.8. Consideration of Ordinance and Resolution Adopting the Lee College District Budget
X. Executive Session
X.A. Chairman announces: The meeting of the Lee College Board of Regents on above listed date, after proper posting and in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code for the specific purposes provided, will recess from Open Meeting to Closed Meeting.  No action will be taken while the Board is recessed in Executive Session.

1. Consult with Board Attorney regarding legal advice on any item on the agenda. [TX Gov't Code Section 551.071]
2. Discussion of Lee College President's duties and responsibilities [TX Gov't Code Section 551.071]
X.B. Chairman announces: The Closed Meeting will adjourn and the Board will reconvene into Open Meeting. 
XI. Matters of Concern for Future Agendas
XII. Adjournment

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