Meeting Agenda
I. Board of Regents Meeting
I.A. Call to Order
Presenter: Chairman Tilman J. Fertitta |
I.B. Open Forum
Presenter: Chairman Tilman J. Fertitta |
I.C. Approval of Minutes |
II. Board of Regents Items
II.A. Presentation by University of Houston Faculty Senate President on "The role and representation of Faculty Senates - talking points for Legislative charges to the Higher Education Committee" |
III. Committee Reports Listing Consent Docket Items for Board Approval
All action items considered and unanimously approved by the Endowment Management Committee, Item A; the Audit and Compliance Committee, Item B; the Academic and Student Success Committee, Item C; the Facilities, Construction and Master Planning Committee, Item D; and the Finance and Administration Committee, Item E, held on Thursday, November 21, 2024, are listed under each Committee Report as Consent Docket Agenda items requiring final Board approval unless otherwise noted. Pursuant to Board By-Law 6.9, any regent may request that an individual item be removed from the Consent Docket Agenda and be considered by the full Board. |
III.A. Endowment Management Committee Report - November 21, 2024
Presenter: Chair Durga D. Agrawal |
III.A.1. Approval is requested for full liquidation of two managers to support the Fiscal Year 2024 Endowment Payout - University of Houston System
Action: Approval |
III.A.2. Approval is requested for changes to the University of Houston System Endowment Fund Statement of Investment Objectives and Policies
Action: Approval |
III.A.3. Approval is requested for the liquidation of the University of Houston Downtown Quasi Endowment for Freshman Success - University of Houston System
Action: Approval |
III.A.4. Approval is requested for the annual review of the University of Houston System Board of Regents Endowment Management Committee Charter
Action: Approval |
III.B. Audit and Compliance Committee Report - November 21, 2024
[No items were brought forward that would require further board approval] Presenter: Chair Gregory C. King |
III.C. Academic and Student Success Committee Report - November 21, 2024
Presenter: Chair Beth Madison |
III.C.1. Approval of Faculty Tenure - University of Houston System
Action: Approval |
III.C.2. Approval of New Academic Program(s) - University of Houston System |
III.C.3. Approval is requested for the University of Houston System Board of Regents Academic, Research, and Student Success Committee Charter
Action: Approval |
III.C.4. Presentation of Low Producing Programs Report and Approval of Program Closure – University of Houston System
Action: Approval |
III.D. Finance and Administration Committee Report - November 21, 2024
Presenter: Chair Ricky Raven |
III.D.1. Approval is requested to delegate authority to the Chancellor to negotiate and execute contracts exceeding $1 million for the purchase of goods or services, excluding construction contracts, at the University of Houston System
Action: Approval |
III.D.2. Approval is requested to delegate authority to the Chancellor to negotiate and execute construction contracts exceeding $1 million for projects at the University of Houston System
Action: Approval |
III.D.3. Approval is requested for a One-Time Payment to Eligible Faculty and Staff at the University of Houston
Action: Approval |
III.D.4. Approval is requested to delegate authority to the Chancellor to negotiate and execute contracts for the design and construction for the expansion of the Student Center North Building
Action: Approval |
III.D.5. Approval is requested of the annual update to the University of Houston-Downtown Master Plan
Action: Approval |
III.D.6. Approval is requested for the annual review of the University of Houston System Board of Regents Finance, Facilities and Administration Committee Charter
Action: Approval |
IV. Committee Report Item(s) not Addressed in the Consent Docket but requiring Final Board Approval
[No items were brought forward from the Committees requiring final Board approval] Presenter: Chairman Tilman J. Fertitta |
V. Board of Regents Item(s) cont'd
V.A. Approval is requested of proposed revisions/updates to the University of Houston System Board of Regents Policies
Action: Approval Presenter: Dona Cornell, Vice Chancellor of Legal Affairs, General Counsel |
V.B. Dismissal of a tenured faculty member- University of Houston System
Action: Approval Presenter: Dona Cornell, Vice Chancellor of Legal Affairs, General Counsel |
V.C. Annual Report on Intercollegiate Athletics at the University of Houston |
V.D. Review of Legislative Agenda Priorities – University of Houston System
Action: Information Presenter: Jason Smith, Vice Chancellor for Government and Community Relations |
V.E. Election of FY2024-2025 Officers for the UH System Board of Regents |
VI. Chancellor's Report: System Profile and Accomplishments
Presenter: Chancellor Renu Khator |
VII. Executive Session
Presenter: Chairman Tilman J. Fertitta |
VII.A. |
VIII. Report and Action from Executive Session
Presenter: Chairman Tilman J. Fertitta |
IX. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | November 21, 2024 at 2:30 PM - Board of Regents Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Board of Regents Meeting
Subject: |
I.A. Call to Order
Presenter: Chairman Tilman J. Fertitta |
Subject: |
I.B. Open Forum
Presenter: Chairman Tilman J. Fertitta |
Subject: |
I.C. Approval of Minutes |
Subject: |
II. Board of Regents Items
Subject: |
II.A. Presentation by University of Houston Faculty Senate President on "The role and representation of Faculty Senates - talking points for Legislative charges to the Higher Education Committee" |
Subject: |
III. Committee Reports Listing Consent Docket Items for Board Approval
All action items considered and unanimously approved by the Endowment Management Committee, Item A; the Audit and Compliance Committee, Item B; the Academic and Student Success Committee, Item C; the Facilities, Construction and Master Planning Committee, Item D; and the Finance and Administration Committee, Item E, held on Thursday, November 21, 2024, are listed under each Committee Report as Consent Docket Agenda items requiring final Board approval unless otherwise noted. Pursuant to Board By-Law 6.9, any regent may request that an individual item be removed from the Consent Docket Agenda and be considered by the full Board. |
Subject: |
III.A. Endowment Management Committee Report - November 21, 2024
Presenter: Chair Durga D. Agrawal |
Subject: |
III.A.1. Approval is requested for full liquidation of two managers to support the Fiscal Year 2024 Endowment Payout - University of Houston System
Action: Approval |
Subject: |
III.A.2. Approval is requested for changes to the University of Houston System Endowment Fund Statement of Investment Objectives and Policies
Action: Approval |
Subject: |
III.A.3. Approval is requested for the liquidation of the University of Houston Downtown Quasi Endowment for Freshman Success - University of Houston System
Action: Approval |
Subject: |
III.A.4. Approval is requested for the annual review of the University of Houston System Board of Regents Endowment Management Committee Charter
Action: Approval |
Subject: |
III.B. Audit and Compliance Committee Report - November 21, 2024
[No items were brought forward that would require further board approval] Presenter: Chair Gregory C. King |
Subject: |
III.C. Academic and Student Success Committee Report - November 21, 2024
Presenter: Chair Beth Madison |
Subject: |
III.C.1. Approval of Faculty Tenure - University of Houston System
Action: Approval |
Subject: |
III.C.2. Approval of New Academic Program(s) - University of Houston System |
Subject: |
III.C.3. Approval is requested for the University of Houston System Board of Regents Academic, Research, and Student Success Committee Charter
Action: Approval |
Subject: |
III.C.4. Presentation of Low Producing Programs Report and Approval of Program Closure – University of Houston System
Action: Approval |
Subject: |
III.D. Finance and Administration Committee Report - November 21, 2024
Presenter: Chair Ricky Raven |
Subject: |
III.D.1. Approval is requested to delegate authority to the Chancellor to negotiate and execute contracts exceeding $1 million for the purchase of goods or services, excluding construction contracts, at the University of Houston System
Action: Approval |
Subject: |
III.D.2. Approval is requested to delegate authority to the Chancellor to negotiate and execute construction contracts exceeding $1 million for projects at the University of Houston System
Action: Approval |
Subject: |
III.D.3. Approval is requested for a One-Time Payment to Eligible Faculty and Staff at the University of Houston
Action: Approval |
Subject: |
III.D.4. Approval is requested to delegate authority to the Chancellor to negotiate and execute contracts for the design and construction for the expansion of the Student Center North Building
Action: Approval |
Subject: |
III.D.5. Approval is requested of the annual update to the University of Houston-Downtown Master Plan
Action: Approval |
Subject: |
III.D.6. Approval is requested for the annual review of the University of Houston System Board of Regents Finance, Facilities and Administration Committee Charter
Action: Approval |
Subject: |
IV. Committee Report Item(s) not Addressed in the Consent Docket but requiring Final Board Approval
[No items were brought forward from the Committees requiring final Board approval] Presenter: Chairman Tilman J. Fertitta |
Subject: |
V. Board of Regents Item(s) cont'd
Subject: |
V.A. Approval is requested of proposed revisions/updates to the University of Houston System Board of Regents Policies
Action: Approval Presenter: Dona Cornell, Vice Chancellor of Legal Affairs, General Counsel |
Subject: |
V.B. Dismissal of a tenured faculty member- University of Houston System
Action: Approval Presenter: Dona Cornell, Vice Chancellor of Legal Affairs, General Counsel |
Subject: |
V.C. Annual Report on Intercollegiate Athletics at the University of Houston |
Subject: |
V.D. Review of Legislative Agenda Priorities – University of Houston System
Action: Information Presenter: Jason Smith, Vice Chancellor for Government and Community Relations |
Subject: |
V.E. Election of FY2024-2025 Officers for the UH System Board of Regents |
Subject: |
VI. Chancellor's Report: System Profile and Accomplishments
Presenter: Chancellor Renu Khator |
Subject: |
VII. Executive Session
Presenter: Chairman Tilman J. Fertitta |
Subject: |
VII.A. |
Subject: |
VIII. Report and Action from Executive Session
Presenter: Chairman Tilman J. Fertitta |
Subject: |
IX. Adjourn