Meeting Agenda
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance.
III. Quorum Call
David Baer Sara Daley Daniel Kreidermacher Jenny Koverman Bree Maki Dave Pringle Sarah Sommer |
IV. Approve the February 13, 2023 Meeting Agenda
V. L-A High School Student Report
VI. Open Forum
Guideline: Three minutes per speaker; 15 minutes maximum. Complaints about personnel or individuals are prohibited. No Board action is taken during the Open Forum. This is the only time during the Board meeting that audience participation is allowed unless scheduled prior. |
VII. Consent Agenda
A. Board Meeting Minutes: January 9, 2023, January 22, 2023 and January 30, 2023. B. Financial Reports a. Bank Reconciliation
b. Treasury Report c. Student Activity Account d. Board Bills e. Miscellaneous Payments f. Wire Payments g. Statement of Expenditures PERSONNEL
Accept resignation of Laura Noll, teacher and National Honor Advisor, effective January 27, 2023. Accept resignation of Barb Daley, teacher, effective June 9, 2023. Approve hire of Ethan Scheck as 2nd semester National Honor Advisor in accordance with EdMN/L-A 2021-2023 Master Agreement. Approve hire of Meagan Caron, Director, and Garry Johnson, Assistant Director for the Middle School Play in accordance with EdMN/L-A 2021-2023 Master Agreement. Approve hire of Sheila McDermott , teacher at MA step 16 in accordance with EdMN/L-A 2021-2023 Master Agreement effective 1/27/2023. Approve hire of Nicole Gilow, paraprofessional effective 2/1/2023 at $14.20 per hour. Approve hire of DeShawn Reed, paraprofessional, at $15.50/hour starting 1/24/2023. DONATIONS Accept donation of 450 books and 9 book shelves from Laura Noll. Thank you to the Rotary Club of Winona for providing all 3rd grade students and 3rd grade teachers personal student dictionaries. $1000.00 - Altura Builders, Kristi and Mark Ties (scholarship) $500.00 - Lewiston Lions Club, Washington DC trip $250.00- Lewiston Auto, Washington DC trip $20.00- Elizabeth Reps, Elementary Library books in Memory of Lee West $20.00- Kimberly and Dennis Wirt, Elementary Library books in Memory of Lee West Application to MSHSL Foundation for a grant to cover the costs for the purchase of an outdoor AED Package ($2253.00O |
VIII. Safe Learning Plan Required Review & Public Comment (No Changes Recommended)
IX. Dissolve the cooperative agreement with Saint Charles in boys and girls soccer and form a new boys and girls cooperative agreement with Saint Charles, Lewiston-Altura, and Lanesboro.
X. Policies and Forms on 1st Reading
XI. 2022-2023 Teacher Seniority List
XII. 2023-2024 School Year Calendar
XIII. Resolution Directing the Administration to Make Recommendations Regarding the Reduction and/or Discontinuance of Programs and Positions and Reasons Therefore
XIV. Discussion regarding next steps for possible operating levy increase and facility bond referendums
XV. PK-6 Principal's Report
XVI. High School Principal's Report
XVII. Superintendent's Report
XVIII. Board Committee Reports
XIX. Motion to go into Closed Session in accordance with MN Statutes Section 13D.05, subd. 3(c)3 to discuss the sale of the Altura School and Grounds at 325 1st Avenue, Altura, MN.
XX. Motion to reopen the meeting to the public.
XXI. Upcoming Meetings
Thursday, February 16th Strategic Planning 6:00pm (HS Library) Thursday, February 23rd, Policy Review 7:00am (Remote) Wednesday, March 1st, Facility Informational Meetings - Staff, 7:00am & 3:15pm -Community, 6:00pm Monday, March 13th: Regular Board Meeting 6:00pm (HS Library) Thursday, March 23rd: Policy Review Committee, 7:00am (remote) Monday, March 27th, 6:00pm (tentative)- working meeting with InGensa |
XXII. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 13, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting of ISD 857 | |
Subject: |
Call Meeting to Order
Subject: |
Pledge of Allegiance.
Subject: |
Quorum Call
David Baer Sara Daley Daniel Kreidermacher Jenny Koverman Bree Maki Dave Pringle Sarah Sommer |
Subject: |
Approve the February 13, 2023 Meeting Agenda
Subject: |
L-A High School Student Report
Subject: |
Open Forum
Guideline: Three minutes per speaker; 15 minutes maximum. Complaints about personnel or individuals are prohibited. No Board action is taken during the Open Forum. This is the only time during the Board meeting that audience participation is allowed unless scheduled prior. |
Subject: |
Consent Agenda
A. Board Meeting Minutes: January 9, 2023, January 22, 2023 and January 30, 2023. B. Financial Reports a. Bank Reconciliation
b. Treasury Report c. Student Activity Account d. Board Bills e. Miscellaneous Payments f. Wire Payments g. Statement of Expenditures PERSONNEL
Accept resignation of Laura Noll, teacher and National Honor Advisor, effective January 27, 2023. Accept resignation of Barb Daley, teacher, effective June 9, 2023. Approve hire of Ethan Scheck as 2nd semester National Honor Advisor in accordance with EdMN/L-A 2021-2023 Master Agreement. Approve hire of Meagan Caron, Director, and Garry Johnson, Assistant Director for the Middle School Play in accordance with EdMN/L-A 2021-2023 Master Agreement. Approve hire of Sheila McDermott , teacher at MA step 16 in accordance with EdMN/L-A 2021-2023 Master Agreement effective 1/27/2023. Approve hire of Nicole Gilow, paraprofessional effective 2/1/2023 at $14.20 per hour. Approve hire of DeShawn Reed, paraprofessional, at $15.50/hour starting 1/24/2023. DONATIONS Accept donation of 450 books and 9 book shelves from Laura Noll. Thank you to the Rotary Club of Winona for providing all 3rd grade students and 3rd grade teachers personal student dictionaries. $1000.00 - Altura Builders, Kristi and Mark Ties (scholarship) $500.00 - Lewiston Lions Club, Washington DC trip $250.00- Lewiston Auto, Washington DC trip $20.00- Elizabeth Reps, Elementary Library books in Memory of Lee West $20.00- Kimberly and Dennis Wirt, Elementary Library books in Memory of Lee West Application to MSHSL Foundation for a grant to cover the costs for the purchase of an outdoor AED Package ($2253.00O |
Subject: |
Safe Learning Plan Required Review & Public Comment (No Changes Recommended)
Subject: |
Dissolve the cooperative agreement with Saint Charles in boys and girls soccer and form a new boys and girls cooperative agreement with Saint Charles, Lewiston-Altura, and Lanesboro.
Subject: |
Policies and Forms on 1st Reading
Subject: |
2022-2023 Teacher Seniority List
Subject: |
2023-2024 School Year Calendar
Subject: |
Resolution Directing the Administration to Make Recommendations Regarding the Reduction and/or Discontinuance of Programs and Positions and Reasons Therefore
Subject: |
Discussion regarding next steps for possible operating levy increase and facility bond referendums
Subject: |
PK-6 Principal's Report
Subject: |
High School Principal's Report
Subject: |
Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
Board Committee Reports
Subject: |
Motion to go into Closed Session in accordance with MN Statutes Section 13D.05, subd. 3(c)3 to discuss the sale of the Altura School and Grounds at 325 1st Avenue, Altura, MN.
Subject: |
Motion to reopen the meeting to the public.
Subject: |
Upcoming Meetings
Thursday, February 16th Strategic Planning 6:00pm (HS Library) Thursday, February 23rd, Policy Review 7:00am (Remote) Wednesday, March 1st, Facility Informational Meetings - Staff, 7:00am & 3:15pm -Community, 6:00pm Monday, March 13th: Regular Board Meeting 6:00pm (HS Library) Thursday, March 23rd: Policy Review Committee, 7:00am (remote) Monday, March 27th, 6:00pm (tentative)- working meeting with InGensa |
Subject: |