Meeting Agenda
I. Call Meeting to Order by Acting Chair Maki
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Quorum Call
David Baer Sara Daley Jenny Koverman Daniel Kreidermacher Brein Maki Dave Pringle Sarah Sommer |
IV. Approve the January 9, 2023 Meeting Agenda
V. Ceremonial Oath of Office for All Board Members
I affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of this state, and that I will discharge faithfully the duties of the office of school board member of Independent School District No. 857 to the best of my judgment and ability. |
VI. L-A High School Student Report
VII. Open Forum
Guideline: Three minutes per speaker; 15 minutes maximum. Complaints about personnel or individuals are prohibited. No Board action is taken during the Open Forum. This is the only time during the Board meeting that audience participation is allowed unless scheduled prior. |
VIII. Elect Board Chairperson
IX. Elect Vice Chairperson
X. Elect Clerk
XI. Elect Treasurer
XII. Resolution to Delegate the Duties of Clerk and Treasurer to the Business Manager.
XIII. Set dates, times and locations for 2023 Regular Board Meetings.
2nd Mondays of Every Month: -January 9th -February 13th -March 13th -April 10th -May 8th -June 12 -July 10th -August 14th -September 11th -October 9th -November 13th -December 11th |
XIV. Designate Superintendent Gwen Carman as the Chief Financial Officer of the School District with authorization to pay bills in advance.
XV. Designate Superintendent Gwen Carman as the Identified Official with Authority for ISD 857 to authorize user access to State of Education secure websites.
XVI. Authorize the Superintendent, Business Manager and Finance Assistant to make Official District Electronic Transfers.
XVII. Designate Minnwest Bank of Lewiston, The Peoples State Bank in Altura, Merchants Bank in Winona and the Minnesota School District Liquid Asset Fund as official depositories for school district funds.
XVIII. Authorize updates to and use of 2023 computerized signature files and further authorize use of the 2022 signatures until updates are complete.
XIX. Designate Kennedy and Graven, Chartered as the official school district law firm and provide the Superintendent and Board Chair the authorization to contact legal counsel on matters relevant to the school district.
XX. Designate The St. Charles Press & Lewiston Journal as the official publication of the school district.
XXI. Board Chair Appoints Committee Members (# Needed, Typical mtg times, & Continuing Board Members 2022 Assignments Below)
A. Teacher Negotiations (3) (Meet as needed): Pringle B. Principal Negotiations (3) (Meet as needed): Sommer, Maki C. Activities Steering/MSHSL (2) (Wed PMs as needed): Maki & Sommer D. Meet & Confer (3) (Meet as needed): Pringle, E. District Staff Development (1) (7:00am remote 3-4/year): Maki F. Hiawatha Valley Education District: (1) Koverman G. Community Education & Early Childhood Advisory (1) 4/year- Monday PMs remote): Pringle (Alt: Sommer) H. Policy Review (1) (7:00am/4th Thursday): Sommer (Alt: ) I. Health & Safety/Wellness (1) (4/year, 7:15am remote): Sommer (Alt: ) J. Systems Accountability (1) (3/year- Monday PM): Koverman (Alt: Pringle) |
XXII. Designate a Board Representative to the MN State High School League.
XXIII. Set compensation for School Board Directors and Board Chairperson per regular, special and appointed committee meetings and MSBA Trainings (currently $65.00 per meeting for Directors, $80.00 for Board Chair).
XXIV. Consent Agenda
A. Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2022. B. Financial Reports Board Bills Student Activity Report Miscellaneous Payments Wire Payments Accept a donation from Jim and Beth Olson of 10 new winter jackets for elementary students with an estimated value of $450.00. Accept a donation of $402.00 from the MSHSL Foundation Grant. Accept a donation of $2115.00 for the Trap Shooting Club from The MN Deer Hunter's Association. Accept a donation of $40.00 for the Elementary School from the The Blackbaud Giving Fund. Approve increase of $20.00 per day for teacher substitute pay effective February 1, 2023. C. Personnel Accept the resignation of Michelle Obitz, paraprofessional, effective January 13, 2023.
XXV. 2023 Strategic Planning Process with True North Consulting Partners and Appointment of One Board Member to "Thought Leaders Team"
XXVI. Discussion with InGensa Regarding Facility Needs
XXVII. PK-6 Principal's Report
XXVIII. 7-12 High School Principal's Report
XXIX. Superintendent's Report
XXX. Board Committee Reports
XXXI. Motion to go into Closed Session in accordance with MN Statutes Section 13D.05, subd. 3(c)3 to discuss the sale of the Altura School and Grounds at 325 1st Avenue, Altura, MN.
XXXII. Reopen Meeting to the Public
XXXIII. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 9, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting of ISD 857 | |
Subject: |
Call Meeting to Order by Acting Chair Maki
Subject: |
Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
Quorum Call
David Baer Sara Daley Jenny Koverman Daniel Kreidermacher Brein Maki Dave Pringle Sarah Sommer |
Subject: |
Approve the January 9, 2023 Meeting Agenda
Subject: |
Ceremonial Oath of Office for All Board Members
I affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of this state, and that I will discharge faithfully the duties of the office of school board member of Independent School District No. 857 to the best of my judgment and ability. |
Subject: |
L-A High School Student Report
Subject: |
Open Forum
Guideline: Three minutes per speaker; 15 minutes maximum. Complaints about personnel or individuals are prohibited. No Board action is taken during the Open Forum. This is the only time during the Board meeting that audience participation is allowed unless scheduled prior. |
Subject: |
Elect Board Chairperson
Subject: |
Elect Vice Chairperson
Subject: |
Elect Clerk
Subject: |
Elect Treasurer
Subject: |
Resolution to Delegate the Duties of Clerk and Treasurer to the Business Manager.
Subject: |
Set dates, times and locations for 2023 Regular Board Meetings.
2nd Mondays of Every Month: -January 9th -February 13th -March 13th -April 10th -May 8th -June 12 -July 10th -August 14th -September 11th -October 9th -November 13th -December 11th |
Subject: |
Designate Superintendent Gwen Carman as the Chief Financial Officer of the School District with authorization to pay bills in advance.
Subject: |
Designate Superintendent Gwen Carman as the Identified Official with Authority for ISD 857 to authorize user access to State of Education secure websites.
Subject: |
Authorize the Superintendent, Business Manager and Finance Assistant to make Official District Electronic Transfers.
Subject: |
Designate Minnwest Bank of Lewiston, The Peoples State Bank in Altura, Merchants Bank in Winona and the Minnesota School District Liquid Asset Fund as official depositories for school district funds.
Subject: |
Authorize updates to and use of 2023 computerized signature files and further authorize use of the 2022 signatures until updates are complete.
Subject: |
Designate Kennedy and Graven, Chartered as the official school district law firm and provide the Superintendent and Board Chair the authorization to contact legal counsel on matters relevant to the school district.
Subject: |
Designate The St. Charles Press & Lewiston Journal as the official publication of the school district.
Subject: |
Board Chair Appoints Committee Members (# Needed, Typical mtg times, & Continuing Board Members 2022 Assignments Below)
A. Teacher Negotiations (3) (Meet as needed): Pringle B. Principal Negotiations (3) (Meet as needed): Sommer, Maki C. Activities Steering/MSHSL (2) (Wed PMs as needed): Maki & Sommer D. Meet & Confer (3) (Meet as needed): Pringle, E. District Staff Development (1) (7:00am remote 3-4/year): Maki F. Hiawatha Valley Education District: (1) Koverman G. Community Education & Early Childhood Advisory (1) 4/year- Monday PMs remote): Pringle (Alt: Sommer) H. Policy Review (1) (7:00am/4th Thursday): Sommer (Alt: ) I. Health & Safety/Wellness (1) (4/year, 7:15am remote): Sommer (Alt: ) J. Systems Accountability (1) (3/year- Monday PM): Koverman (Alt: Pringle) |
Subject: |
Designate a Board Representative to the MN State High School League.
Subject: |
Set compensation for School Board Directors and Board Chairperson per regular, special and appointed committee meetings and MSBA Trainings (currently $65.00 per meeting for Directors, $80.00 for Board Chair).
Subject: |
Consent Agenda
A. Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2022. B. Financial Reports Board Bills Student Activity Report Miscellaneous Payments Wire Payments Accept a donation from Jim and Beth Olson of 10 new winter jackets for elementary students with an estimated value of $450.00. Accept a donation of $402.00 from the MSHSL Foundation Grant. Accept a donation of $2115.00 for the Trap Shooting Club from The MN Deer Hunter's Association. Accept a donation of $40.00 for the Elementary School from the The Blackbaud Giving Fund. Approve increase of $20.00 per day for teacher substitute pay effective February 1, 2023. C. Personnel Accept the resignation of Michelle Obitz, paraprofessional, effective January 13, 2023.
Subject: |
2023 Strategic Planning Process with True North Consulting Partners and Appointment of One Board Member to "Thought Leaders Team"
Subject: |
Discussion with InGensa Regarding Facility Needs
Subject: |
PK-6 Principal's Report
Subject: |
7-12 High School Principal's Report
Subject: |
Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
Board Committee Reports
Subject: |
Motion to go into Closed Session in accordance with MN Statutes Section 13D.05, subd. 3(c)3 to discuss the sale of the Altura School and Grounds at 325 1st Avenue, Altura, MN.
Subject: |
Reopen Meeting to the Public
Subject: |