Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Discussion/Action to approve Agenda
5. Call to the Public
6. Discussion/Action to approve the first reading of the following policies:
A-0261 AC-R Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity A-0311 ACA-R Sexual Harassment A-0650 AD Educational Philosophy/School District Mission B-0050 BA School Board Operational Goals B-0100 BAA Evaluation of School Board/Board Self-Evaluation B-0250 BBAA Board Member Authority and Responsibilities B-0350 BBBA Board Member Qualifications B-0400 BBBB Board Member Oath of Office B-0550 BBBE Unexpired Term Fulfillment B-0750 BCA Board Member Ethics B-0800 BCB Board Member Conflict of Interest B-0900 BDA Board Organizational Meeting B-1250 BDG School Attorney B-1550 BEC Executive Sessions/Open Meetings B-1650 BEDA Notification of Board Meetings B-1700 BEDB Agenda B-1800 BEDC Quorum B-2050 BEDF Voting Method B-2100 BEDG Minutes B-2111 BEDG-R Minutes B-2181 BEDH-E Public Participation at Board Meetings B-3650 BK School Board Memberships C-0100 CB School Superintendent C-0150 CBA Qualifications and Duties of Superintendent C-0600 CBI Evaluation of Superintendent C-1950 CH Policy Implementation C-2450 CM School District Annual Report D-0311 DBC-R Budget Planning, Preparation, and Schedules D-0550 DBF Budget Hearings and Reviews/Adoption Process D-0750 DBI Budget Implementation D-0981 DD-E Funding Proposals, Grants, and Special Projects D-1000 DDA Funding Sources Outside the School System D-1450 DFB Revenues from School-Owned Real Estate D-1550 DFD Gate Receipts and Admissions D-1700 DFF Income from School Sales and Services D-1950 DGD Credit Cards D-1961 DGD-R Credit Cards D-1981 DGD-E Credit Cards D-2300 DIC Financial Reports and Statements D-2750 DJE Bidding/Purchasing Procedures D-2761 DJE-R Bidding/Purchasing Procedures D-2850 DJG Vendor/Contractor Relations D-2861 DJG-R Vendor/Contractor Relations D-3000 DKA Payroll Procedures/Schedules D-3031 DKA-E Payroll Procedures/Schedules D-3100 DKB Salary Reductions D-3350 DN School Properties Disposition E-0150 EB Environmental and Safety Program E-0161 EB-R Environmental and Safety Program E-0561 EBC-RA Emergencies E-0562 EBC-RB Emergencies E-0563 EBC-RC Emergencies E-0565 EBC-RE Emergencies (procedures for aftermath of suicide, tragedy, etc) E-0581 EBC-E Emergencies (procedures for aftermath of suicide, tragedy, etc) E-1200 ECB Building and Grounds Maintenance E-1711 EDB-R Maintenance and Control of Materials and Equipment E-1800 EDC Authorized Use of School-Owned Materials and Equipment E-2050 EEAA Walkers and Riders E-2250 EEAE Bus Safety Programs E-2700 EEAG Student Transportation Private Vehicles E-2850 EEB Business and Personnel Transportation Services E-3100 EF Food Services E-3111 EF-R Food Services E-3300 EFC Free and Reduced-Price Food Services E-3311 EFC-R Free and Reduced-Price Food Services E-3900 EGAD Copyright Compliance E-4500 EHB Data/Records Retention E-4511 EHB-R Data/Records Retention F-0400 FCB Retirement of Facilities |
7. Discussion/Action to approve the first reading of the following policies:
G-0150 GB General Personnel Policies G-0211 GBA-R Equal Employment Opportunity G-0300 GBAB Medical Marijuana Standards and Conditions for Employees G-0700 GBEAA Staff Conflict of Interest G-0750 GBEB Staff Conduct G-0781 GBEB-E Staff Conduct G-1000 GBECA Nonmedical Use or Abuse of Drugs and Alcohol G-1050 GBECB Alcohol Use by Staff members G-1350 GBGC Employee Assistance G-1381 GBGC-E Employee Assistance (bloodborne pathogen requirements) G-1400 GBGCA Wellness Programs G-1411 GBGCA-R Wellness Programs G-1450 GBGCB Staff Health and Safety G-1500 GBGD Workers’ Compensation G-1511 GBGD-R Workers’ Compensation G-1531 GBGD-E Workers’ Compensation G-1650 GBJ Personnel Records and Files G-2600 GCCB Professional/Support Staff Personal et al Leave G-2900 GCCC Professional/Support Staff Leaves of Absence W/O Pay G-2931 GCCC-EA Professional/Support Staff Leaves of Absence W/O Pay G-2932 GCCC-EB Professional/Support Staff Leaves of Absence W/O Pay G-2933 GCCC-EC Professional/Support Staff Leaves of Absence W/O Pay G-2934 GCCC-ED Professional/Support Staff Leaves of Absence W/O Pay G-2935 GCCC-EE Professional/Support Staff Leaves of Absence W/O Pay G-2981 GCCD-E Professional/Support Staff Military/Legal Leave G-3150 GCCH Professional/Support Staff Bereavement Leave G-3450 GCF Professional Staff Hiring G-3483 GCF-EC Professional Staff Hiring (Return to Employment) G-3484 GCF-ED Professional Staff Hiring (Eligibility Verification) G-3950 GCH Professional Staff Orientation and Training G-4600 GCL Professional Staff Schedules and Calendars G-5350 GCO Evaluation of Professional Staff Members G-5361 GCO-RA Evaluation of Professional Staff Members G-5600 GCP Professional Staff Promotions G-5800 GCQA Professional Staff Reduction in Force G-6100 GCQF Discipline, Suspension, and Dismissal of Professional Staff Members G-6300 GCRD Tutoring for Pay G-6800 GDB Support Staff Contracts and Compensation G-6850 GDBA Support Staff Salary Schedules G-6950 GDBC Support Staff Supplementary Pay/Overtime G-7000 GDBD Support Staff Fringe Benefits G-7050 GDC Support Staff Leaves and Absences (Absent Without Leave) G-7650 GDF Support Staff Hiring G-7685 GDF-EE Support Staff Hiring (Employment Eligibility Verification) G-8100 GDH Support Staff Orientation and Training G-8250 GDJ Support Staff Assignments and Transfers G-9050 GDP Support Staff Promotions and Reclassification G-9150 GDQA Support Staff Reduction in Force I-0200 IC School Year I-1050 IGD Curriculum Adoption I-1311 IHAA-R English Instruction I-1950 IHAMA Teaching About Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco I-2350 IHB Special Instructional Programs I-2361 IHB-R Special Instructional Programs (ID & Placement Exceptional Students) I-3300 IHBHD Online/Concurrent/Correspondence Courses I-3311 IHBHD-R Online/Concurrent/Correspondence Courses I-5250 IJ Instructional Resources and Materials I-5261 IJ-R Instructional Resources and Materials I-5950 IJL Library Materials Selection and Adoption I-5961 IJL-R Library Materials Selection and Adoption I-6000 IJM Special-Interest Materials Selection and Adoption I-6200 IJNC Resource Centers/Media Centers/School Libraries I-6300 IJND Technology Resources I-6311 IJND-R Technology Resources (movies/videos) I-6431 IJNDB-E Use of Technology Resources in Education (user agreement) I-6500 IJOA Field Trips I-6550 IJOB Community Resource Persons/Speakers I-6600 IJOC School Volunteers I-6711 IKA-R Grading/Assessment Systems I-6750 IKAA Tests and Examinations I-6761 IKAA-R Tests and Examinations I-7100 IKC Class Rankings/Grade Point Averages I-7150 IKD Honor Rolls I-7200 IKE Promotion and Retention of Students I-7212 IKE-RB Promotion and Retention of Students I-7261 IKEA-R Makeup Opportunities I-7350 IKF Graduation Requirements I-7362 IKF-RB Graduation Requirements (Alternative Requirements) I-7382 IKF-EB Graduation Requirements (Augmentation Points) I-7450 IKFB Graduation Exercises I-7850 ILE Evaluation of Instructional Programs (Supt/Board) I-7961 IMA-R Teaching Methods (lesson plans) I-8550 IMG Animals in Schools |
8. Discussion/Action to approve the first reading on the following policies:
J-0161 JB-R Equal Educational Opportunities J-0581 JEA-E Compulsory Attendance Ages J-0600 JEB Entrance Age Requirements J-0750 JFAA Admission of Resident Students J-0800 JFAB Tuition/Admission of Nonresidential Students J-0900 JFABB Admission of Exchange and Foreign Students J-0911 JFABB-R Admission of Exchange and Foreign Students J-0950 JFABC Admission of Transfer Students J-1000 JFABD Admission of Homeless Students J-1055 JFB Open Enrollment (SINGLE SCHOOL J-1561 JH-R Student Absences and Excuses (absence notification) J-1900 JHCB Released Time for Religious Instruction J-1950 JHD Exclusions and Exemptions from School Attendance J-1961 JHD-R Exclusions and Exemptions from School Attendance (chronic health) J-1981 JHD-EA Exclusions and Exemptions from School Attendance (exhibit) J-1982 JHD-EB Exclusions and Exemptions from School Attendance (medical cert) J-2011 JI-R Student Rights and Responsibilities J-2150 JIBA Student Government J-2850 JICEC Freedom of Expression J-2881 JICE-E Freedom of Expression J-3050 JICH Drug and Alcohol Use by Students J-3061 JICH-R Drug and Alcohol Use by Students J-3100 JICI Weapons in School J-3200 JICK Student Violence / Harassment / Intimidation / Bullying J-3211 JICK-R Student Violence / Harassment / Intimidation / Bullying J-3231 JICK-EA Student Violence / Harassment / Intimidation / Bullying J-3232 JICK-EB Student Violence / Harassment / Intimidation / Bullying J-3600 JII Student Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances J-3611 JII-R Student Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances J-3631 JII-EA Student Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances J-3632 JII-EB Student Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances J-3850 JJAB Limited Open/Closed Forum J-4050 JJE Student Fund-Raising Activities J-4150 JJG Contests for Students J-4161 JJG-R Contests for Students J-4350 JJIB Interscholastic Sports J-4363 JJIB-RC Interscholastic Sports J-4381 JJIB-E Interscholastic Sports J-4600 JK Student Discipline J-4611 JK-RA Student Discipline J-4700 JKB Detention of Students J-4711 JKB-R Detention of Students J-4850 JKD Student Suspension J-4900 JKE Expulsion of Students J-4950 JL Student Wellness J-4961 JL-RA Student Wellness J-4962 JL-RB Student Wellness J-5200 JLCB Immunizations of Students J-5211 JLCB-R Immunizations of Students (regulation) J-5231 JLCB-E Immunizations of Students (immunization schedule) J-5550 JLDA School Counselors and Psychologists J-6350 JLH Missing Students J-6500 JLIB Student Dismissal Precautions J-6750 JN Student Volunteers for School and Community Service J-6961 JQ-R Student Fees, Fines, and Charges J-7050 JR Student Records J-7061 JR-R Student Records J-7211 JRCA-R Request for Transfer of Records J-7300 JRE Student Biometric Information K-0150 KB Parental Involvement in Education K-0182 KB-EB Parental Involvement in Education K-1050 KDC School-Sponsored Information Media K-1100 KDCA Use of Students in Public Information Program K-1381 KE-E Public Concerns and Complaints K-1481 KEB-E Public Complaints About School Personnel K-1650 KF Community Use of School Facilities K-1681 KF-EA Community Use of School Facilities K-1683 KF-EC Community Use of School Facilities K-1700 KFA Public Conduct on School Property K-1750 KFAA Smoking on School Premises at Public Functions K-2250 KHB Advertising in Schools K-2600 KJA Relations with Booster Organizations L-0450 LBD Relations with Charter Schools L-0600 LDA Student Teaching and Internships |
9. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | October 18, 2011 at 6:30 PM - Special Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
Subject: |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
3. Roll Call
Subject: |
4. Discussion/Action to approve Agenda
Presenter: |
Dr. Rickel
It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the June 29, 2010 Agenda.
Subject: |
5. Call to the Public
This is the time for the public to comment. Members of the Board may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.01 (G), action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter; or to requesting the matter be put on a future agenda for further consideration at a later date.
Subject: |
6. Discussion/Action to approve the first reading of the following policies:
A-0261 AC-R Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity A-0311 ACA-R Sexual Harassment A-0650 AD Educational Philosophy/School District Mission B-0050 BA School Board Operational Goals B-0100 BAA Evaluation of School Board/Board Self-Evaluation B-0250 BBAA Board Member Authority and Responsibilities B-0350 BBBA Board Member Qualifications B-0400 BBBB Board Member Oath of Office B-0550 BBBE Unexpired Term Fulfillment B-0750 BCA Board Member Ethics B-0800 BCB Board Member Conflict of Interest B-0900 BDA Board Organizational Meeting B-1250 BDG School Attorney B-1550 BEC Executive Sessions/Open Meetings B-1650 BEDA Notification of Board Meetings B-1700 BEDB Agenda B-1800 BEDC Quorum B-2050 BEDF Voting Method B-2100 BEDG Minutes B-2111 BEDG-R Minutes B-2181 BEDH-E Public Participation at Board Meetings B-3650 BK School Board Memberships C-0100 CB School Superintendent C-0150 CBA Qualifications and Duties of Superintendent C-0600 CBI Evaluation of Superintendent C-1950 CH Policy Implementation C-2450 CM School District Annual Report D-0311 DBC-R Budget Planning, Preparation, and Schedules D-0550 DBF Budget Hearings and Reviews/Adoption Process D-0750 DBI Budget Implementation D-0981 DD-E Funding Proposals, Grants, and Special Projects D-1000 DDA Funding Sources Outside the School System D-1450 DFB Revenues from School-Owned Real Estate D-1550 DFD Gate Receipts and Admissions D-1700 DFF Income from School Sales and Services D-1950 DGD Credit Cards D-1961 DGD-R Credit Cards D-1981 DGD-E Credit Cards D-2300 DIC Financial Reports and Statements D-2750 DJE Bidding/Purchasing Procedures D-2761 DJE-R Bidding/Purchasing Procedures D-2850 DJG Vendor/Contractor Relations D-2861 DJG-R Vendor/Contractor Relations D-3000 DKA Payroll Procedures/Schedules D-3031 DKA-E Payroll Procedures/Schedules D-3100 DKB Salary Reductions D-3350 DN School Properties Disposition E-0150 EB Environmental and Safety Program E-0161 EB-R Environmental and Safety Program E-0561 EBC-RA Emergencies E-0562 EBC-RB Emergencies E-0563 EBC-RC Emergencies E-0565 EBC-RE Emergencies (procedures for aftermath of suicide, tragedy, etc) E-0581 EBC-E Emergencies (procedures for aftermath of suicide, tragedy, etc) E-1200 ECB Building and Grounds Maintenance E-1711 EDB-R Maintenance and Control of Materials and Equipment E-1800 EDC Authorized Use of School-Owned Materials and Equipment E-2050 EEAA Walkers and Riders E-2250 EEAE Bus Safety Programs E-2700 EEAG Student Transportation Private Vehicles E-2850 EEB Business and Personnel Transportation Services E-3100 EF Food Services E-3111 EF-R Food Services E-3300 EFC Free and Reduced-Price Food Services E-3311 EFC-R Free and Reduced-Price Food Services E-3900 EGAD Copyright Compliance E-4500 EHB Data/Records Retention E-4511 EHB-R Data/Records Retention F-0400 FCB Retirement of Facilities |
Presenter: |
Mr. Ryan
Subject: |
7. Discussion/Action to approve the first reading of the following policies:
G-0150 GB General Personnel Policies G-0211 GBA-R Equal Employment Opportunity G-0300 GBAB Medical Marijuana Standards and Conditions for Employees G-0700 GBEAA Staff Conflict of Interest G-0750 GBEB Staff Conduct G-0781 GBEB-E Staff Conduct G-1000 GBECA Nonmedical Use or Abuse of Drugs and Alcohol G-1050 GBECB Alcohol Use by Staff members G-1350 GBGC Employee Assistance G-1381 GBGC-E Employee Assistance (bloodborne pathogen requirements) G-1400 GBGCA Wellness Programs G-1411 GBGCA-R Wellness Programs G-1450 GBGCB Staff Health and Safety G-1500 GBGD Workers’ Compensation G-1511 GBGD-R Workers’ Compensation G-1531 GBGD-E Workers’ Compensation G-1650 GBJ Personnel Records and Files G-2600 GCCB Professional/Support Staff Personal et al Leave G-2900 GCCC Professional/Support Staff Leaves of Absence W/O Pay G-2931 GCCC-EA Professional/Support Staff Leaves of Absence W/O Pay G-2932 GCCC-EB Professional/Support Staff Leaves of Absence W/O Pay G-2933 GCCC-EC Professional/Support Staff Leaves of Absence W/O Pay G-2934 GCCC-ED Professional/Support Staff Leaves of Absence W/O Pay G-2935 GCCC-EE Professional/Support Staff Leaves of Absence W/O Pay G-2981 GCCD-E Professional/Support Staff Military/Legal Leave G-3150 GCCH Professional/Support Staff Bereavement Leave G-3450 GCF Professional Staff Hiring G-3483 GCF-EC Professional Staff Hiring (Return to Employment) G-3484 GCF-ED Professional Staff Hiring (Eligibility Verification) G-3950 GCH Professional Staff Orientation and Training G-4600 GCL Professional Staff Schedules and Calendars G-5350 GCO Evaluation of Professional Staff Members G-5361 GCO-RA Evaluation of Professional Staff Members G-5600 GCP Professional Staff Promotions G-5800 GCQA Professional Staff Reduction in Force G-6100 GCQF Discipline, Suspension, and Dismissal of Professional Staff Members G-6300 GCRD Tutoring for Pay G-6800 GDB Support Staff Contracts and Compensation G-6850 GDBA Support Staff Salary Schedules G-6950 GDBC Support Staff Supplementary Pay/Overtime G-7000 GDBD Support Staff Fringe Benefits G-7050 GDC Support Staff Leaves and Absences (Absent Without Leave) G-7650 GDF Support Staff Hiring G-7685 GDF-EE Support Staff Hiring (Employment Eligibility Verification) G-8100 GDH Support Staff Orientation and Training G-8250 GDJ Support Staff Assignments and Transfers G-9050 GDP Support Staff Promotions and Reclassification G-9150 GDQA Support Staff Reduction in Force I-0200 IC School Year I-1050 IGD Curriculum Adoption I-1311 IHAA-R English Instruction I-1950 IHAMA Teaching About Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco I-2350 IHB Special Instructional Programs I-2361 IHB-R Special Instructional Programs (ID & Placement Exceptional Students) I-3300 IHBHD Online/Concurrent/Correspondence Courses I-3311 IHBHD-R Online/Concurrent/Correspondence Courses I-5250 IJ Instructional Resources and Materials I-5261 IJ-R Instructional Resources and Materials I-5950 IJL Library Materials Selection and Adoption I-5961 IJL-R Library Materials Selection and Adoption I-6000 IJM Special-Interest Materials Selection and Adoption I-6200 IJNC Resource Centers/Media Centers/School Libraries I-6300 IJND Technology Resources I-6311 IJND-R Technology Resources (movies/videos) I-6431 IJNDB-E Use of Technology Resources in Education (user agreement) I-6500 IJOA Field Trips I-6550 IJOB Community Resource Persons/Speakers I-6600 IJOC School Volunteers I-6711 IKA-R Grading/Assessment Systems I-6750 IKAA Tests and Examinations I-6761 IKAA-R Tests and Examinations I-7100 IKC Class Rankings/Grade Point Averages I-7150 IKD Honor Rolls I-7200 IKE Promotion and Retention of Students I-7212 IKE-RB Promotion and Retention of Students I-7261 IKEA-R Makeup Opportunities I-7350 IKF Graduation Requirements I-7362 IKF-RB Graduation Requirements (Alternative Requirements) I-7382 IKF-EB Graduation Requirements (Augmentation Points) I-7450 IKFB Graduation Exercises I-7850 ILE Evaluation of Instructional Programs (Supt/Board) I-7961 IMA-R Teaching Methods (lesson plans) I-8550 IMG Animals in Schools |
Presenter: |
Mr. Ryan
Subject: |
8. Discussion/Action to approve the first reading on the following policies:
J-0161 JB-R Equal Educational Opportunities J-0581 JEA-E Compulsory Attendance Ages J-0600 JEB Entrance Age Requirements J-0750 JFAA Admission of Resident Students J-0800 JFAB Tuition/Admission of Nonresidential Students J-0900 JFABB Admission of Exchange and Foreign Students J-0911 JFABB-R Admission of Exchange and Foreign Students J-0950 JFABC Admission of Transfer Students J-1000 JFABD Admission of Homeless Students J-1055 JFB Open Enrollment (SINGLE SCHOOL J-1561 JH-R Student Absences and Excuses (absence notification) J-1900 JHCB Released Time for Religious Instruction J-1950 JHD Exclusions and Exemptions from School Attendance J-1961 JHD-R Exclusions and Exemptions from School Attendance (chronic health) J-1981 JHD-EA Exclusions and Exemptions from School Attendance (exhibit) J-1982 JHD-EB Exclusions and Exemptions from School Attendance (medical cert) J-2011 JI-R Student Rights and Responsibilities J-2150 JIBA Student Government J-2850 JICEC Freedom of Expression J-2881 JICE-E Freedom of Expression J-3050 JICH Drug and Alcohol Use by Students J-3061 JICH-R Drug and Alcohol Use by Students J-3100 JICI Weapons in School J-3200 JICK Student Violence / Harassment / Intimidation / Bullying J-3211 JICK-R Student Violence / Harassment / Intimidation / Bullying J-3231 JICK-EA Student Violence / Harassment / Intimidation / Bullying J-3232 JICK-EB Student Violence / Harassment / Intimidation / Bullying J-3600 JII Student Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances J-3611 JII-R Student Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances J-3631 JII-EA Student Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances J-3632 JII-EB Student Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances J-3850 JJAB Limited Open/Closed Forum J-4050 JJE Student Fund-Raising Activities J-4150 JJG Contests for Students J-4161 JJG-R Contests for Students J-4350 JJIB Interscholastic Sports J-4363 JJIB-RC Interscholastic Sports J-4381 JJIB-E Interscholastic Sports J-4600 JK Student Discipline J-4611 JK-RA Student Discipline J-4700 JKB Detention of Students J-4711 JKB-R Detention of Students J-4850 JKD Student Suspension J-4900 JKE Expulsion of Students J-4950 JL Student Wellness J-4961 JL-RA Student Wellness J-4962 JL-RB Student Wellness J-5200 JLCB Immunizations of Students J-5211 JLCB-R Immunizations of Students (regulation) J-5231 JLCB-E Immunizations of Students (immunization schedule) J-5550 JLDA School Counselors and Psychologists J-6350 JLH Missing Students J-6500 JLIB Student Dismissal Precautions J-6750 JN Student Volunteers for School and Community Service J-6961 JQ-R Student Fees, Fines, and Charges J-7050 JR Student Records J-7061 JR-R Student Records J-7211 JRCA-R Request for Transfer of Records J-7300 JRE Student Biometric Information K-0150 KB Parental Involvement in Education K-0182 KB-EB Parental Involvement in Education K-1050 KDC School-Sponsored Information Media K-1100 KDCA Use of Students in Public Information Program K-1381 KE-E Public Concerns and Complaints K-1481 KEB-E Public Complaints About School Personnel K-1650 KF Community Use of School Facilities K-1681 KF-EA Community Use of School Facilities K-1683 KF-EC Community Use of School Facilities K-1700 KFA Public Conduct on School Property K-1750 KFAA Smoking on School Premises at Public Functions K-2250 KHB Advertising in Schools K-2600 KJA Relations with Booster Organizations L-0450 LBD Relations with Charter Schools L-0600 LDA Student Teaching and Internships |
Presenter: |
Mr. Ryan
Subject: |
9. Adjourn