Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Declaration of a Quorum
V. Adoption of Agenda
VI. District Administrator Update
VII. Public Comment
VIII. Consent Agenda Items
VIII.A Approve the Minutes from the Regular Meeting on March 21, 2023
VIII.B Approve the Minutes from the Closed Session of the Regular Meeting on March 21, 2023
VIII.C Approve the Minutes from the Executive Board Meeting on March 24, 2023
VIII.D Approve the Minutes from the Closed Session of the Executive Board Meeting on March 24, 2023
VIII.E Approve the Invoices from March 18 - April 6, 2023
VIII.F Employment/Contract Adjustments
VIII.F1. Replacement Staff
VIII.F2. Retirement
VIII.F3. Above Pay
VIII.F4. Volunteer
VIII.G Donation(s)
IX. Update on safety restructure for drop-off and pick-up zones
X. Staff Reports
XI. Approve the 2024-2025 District calendar
XII. Approve Tomahawk Bus Service contract extension
XIII. ESSER six month update
XIV. School Board Election Results
XV. Social Media (Vaping) Lawsuit Information
XVI. Approve the 2nd reading of Policy 8802 - Patriotic Observances (New)
XVII. Approve revisions to the following policies:
XVII.A Policy 8450 - Control of Casual-Contact Communicable Diseases (Revised)
XVII.B Policy 8800 - Religious Activities and Observances (Revised)
XVIII. Board Referrals
XIX. CLOSED SESSION pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 19.85 (1)(c) "Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility."
XIX.A Personnel
XX. RECONVENE into open session
XXI. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | April 11, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Subject: |
II. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
III. Roll Call
Subject: |
IV. Declaration of a Quorum
Subject: |
V. Adoption of Agenda
Subject: |
VI. District Administrator Update
Subject: |
VII. Public Comment
Subject: |
VIII. Consent Agenda Items
Subject: |
VIII.A Approve the Minutes from the Regular Meeting on March 21, 2023
Subject: |
VIII.B Approve the Minutes from the Closed Session of the Regular Meeting on March 21, 2023
Subject: |
VIII.C Approve the Minutes from the Executive Board Meeting on March 24, 2023
Subject: |
VIII.D Approve the Minutes from the Closed Session of the Executive Board Meeting on March 24, 2023
Subject: |
VIII.E Approve the Invoices from March 18 - April 6, 2023
Subject: |
VIII.F Employment/Contract Adjustments
Subject: |
VIII.F1. Replacement Staff
Subject: |
VIII.F2. Retirement
Subject: |
VIII.F3. Above Pay
Subject: |
VIII.F4. Volunteer
Subject: |
VIII.G Donation(s)
Subject: |
IX. Update on safety restructure for drop-off and pick-up zones
Subject: |
X. Staff Reports
Subject: |
XI. Approve the 2024-2025 District calendar
Subject: |
XII. Approve Tomahawk Bus Service contract extension
Subject: |
XIII. ESSER six month update
Subject: |
XIV. School Board Election Results
Subject: |
XV. Social Media (Vaping) Lawsuit Information
Subject: |
XVI. Approve the 2nd reading of Policy 8802 - Patriotic Observances (New)
Subject: |
XVII. Approve revisions to the following policies:
Subject: |
XVII.A Policy 8450 - Control of Casual-Contact Communicable Diseases (Revised)
Subject: |
XVII.B Policy 8800 - Religious Activities and Observances (Revised)
Subject: |
XVIII. Board Referrals
Subject: |
XIX. CLOSED SESSION pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 19.85 (1)(c) "Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility."
Subject: |
XIX.A Personnel
Subject: |
XX. RECONVENE into open session
Subject: |
XXI. Adjourn