Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Recognition of new board members
4. Election of Officers
4.1. Chair
4.2. Vice Chair
4.3. Treasurer
4.4. Clerk
5. Recognition of Visitors
6. Public Forum-
The purpose of the Public Forum is to provide an opportunity for citizens to address the Walker-Hackensack-Akeley School Board. Any personnel items or items not on the agenda must be communicated to the site administrators or the Superintendent. They will follow-up on those items outside of the Board Meeting. When signing up to speak, a person will need to include the following information... o Your full name; o Address; o Phone number; o Number and name of the agenda item you wish to speak to; and o Your questions and/or comments on the agenda item |
7. Approval of prior meeting minutes
7.1. August 13, 2024 regular meeting minutes
7.2. December 13, 2024 special meeting minutes
8. Consent Agenda
9. Bills to Be Allowed
10. Reports
10.1. Financial Report
10.2. Principal Report
11. Superintendent's Announcements
12. Other Old or Unfinished Business
13. New Business
13.1. Designation of:
13.1.1. Depository - First National Bank North
13.1.2. Official Newspaper - The Pilot Independent
13.1.3. Meeting dates & times - 2nd Tuesday in February, April and August at 2:00 pm
13.1.4. Legal Counsel - Squires, Waldspurger & Mace, Pemberton Law
13.2. 2025-2026 School Calendar
13.3. Consider approving first reading of policy
13.3.1. Policy 201 Legal Status of the School Board
13.4. Consider waiving second reading and adopting new policies
13.4.1. Policy 101.1 Name of the School District
13.4.2. Policy 202 School Board Officers
13.4.3. Policy 203 Operation of the School Board - Governing Rules
13.4.4. Policy 203.1 School Board Procedures; Rules of Order
13.4.5. Policy 203.2 Order of the Regular School Board Meeting
13.4.6. Policy 203.5 School Board Meeting Agenda
13.4.7. Policy 203.6 Consent Agendas
13.4.8. Policy 204 School Board Meeting Minutes
13.4.9. Policy 205 Open Meetings and Closed Meetings
13.4.10. Policy 206 Public Participation in School Board Meetings
13.4.11. Policy 207 Public Hearings
13.4.12. Policy 305 Policy Implementation
13.4.13. Policy 306 Administrator Code of Ethics
13.4.14. Policy 414 Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect of Physical or Sexual Abuse
13.4.15. Policy 415 Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults
13.4.16. Policy 420 Students and Employees with Sexually Transmitted Diseases
13.4.17. Policy 421 Gifts to Employees and School Board Members
13.4.18. Policy 423 Employee-Student Relationships
13.4.19. Policy 425 Staff Development and Mentoring
13.5. Consider waiving second reading and approving updates to existing policies
13.5.1. Policy 102 Equal Educational Opportunity
13.5.2. Policy 410 Family and Medical Leave Policy
13.5.3. Policy 418 Drug-Free Workplace/Drug-Free School
13.5.4. Policy 419 Tobacco-Free Environment; Possession and Use
13.5.5. Policy 503 Student Attendance
14. Announcements and Dates
14.1. Next regular board meeting, April 8, 2025 2:00 pm
15. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 11, 2025 at 2:00 PM - Up North Learning Center Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
Subject: |
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
2. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
3. Recognition of new board members
Subject: |
4. Election of Officers
The 2024 Chair is the presiding officer. Once the officers are elected, the 2025 Chair will reconvene the meeting and continue the annual organizational activities.
The 2024 Chair will call THREE TIMES for nominations per office. As per Roberts Rules, no 2nds are needed for nominations. Any board member may move to close nominations at any time. Seconds and votes are needed upon final resolution of items. Motions may be introduced to close any nominations. If only one person is nominated for any office, 2024 Chair will move to the next office before calling for a vote. If more than one person is nominated for an office, the Chair will call for a vote on that office before moving on. If all four offices only have one nomination, the Chair will call for a motion and second to cast a unanimous ballot. The total election of officers is governed by the Minnesota open meeting law. All non-unanimous votes will be disclosed in the recorded minutes. The Chair will allow time before closing each nomination to allow time for every Director to comment. The 2024 Chair is the current presiding officer. Once the officers are elected, the 2025 Chair will reconvene the meeting and continue the annual organizational activities. |
Subject: |
4.1. Chair
Nominations are now in order for the office of Chair. __________ nominated __________. Are there any other nominations? __________ by __________. Are there any other nominations? __________ by __________. If there are no further nominations, nominations for the office of Chair are closed. Vote or announce __________ is the only candidate nominated for the office of Chair, and I declare them to be elected as Chair. Vote if needed: _______________________________________________
Subject: |
4.2. Vice Chair
Nominations are now in order for the office of Vice Chair. __________ nominated __________. Are there any other nominations? __________ by __________. Are there any other nominations? __________ by __________. If there are no further nominations, nominations for the office of Vice Chair are closed. Vote or announce __________ is the only candidate nominated for the office of Vice Chair, and I declare them to be elected as Vice Chair. Vote if needed: _______________________________________________
Subject: |
4.3. Treasurer
Nominations are now in order for the office of Treasurer. __________ nominated __________. Are there any other nominations? __________ by __________. Are there any other nominations? __________ by __________. If there are no further nominations, nominations for the office of Treasurer are closed. Vote or announce __________ is the only candidate nominated for the office of Treasurer, and I declare them to be elected as Treasurer. Vote if needed: _______________________________________________
Subject: |
4.4. Clerk
Nominations are now in order for the office of Clerk. __________ nominated __________. Are there any other nominations? __________ by __________. Are there any other nominations? __________ by __________. If there are no further nominations, nominations for the office of Clerk are closed. Vote or announce __________ is the only candidate nominated for the office of Clerk, and I declare them to be elected as Clerk. Vote if needed: _______________________________________________
Subject: |
5. Recognition of Visitors
Subject: |
6. Public Forum-
The purpose of the Public Forum is to provide an opportunity for citizens to address the Walker-Hackensack-Akeley School Board. Any personnel items or items not on the agenda must be communicated to the site administrators or the Superintendent. They will follow-up on those items outside of the Board Meeting. When signing up to speak, a person will need to include the following information... o Your full name; o Address; o Phone number; o Number and name of the agenda item you wish to speak to; and o Your questions and/or comments on the agenda item |
Subject: |
7. Approval of prior meeting minutes
Subject: |
7.1. August 13, 2024 regular meeting minutes
Subject: |
7.2. December 13, 2024 special meeting minutes
Subject: |
8. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
9. Bills to Be Allowed
Subject: |
10. Reports
Subject: |
10.1. Financial Report
Subject: |
10.2. Principal Report
Subject: |
11. Superintendent's Announcements
Subject: |
12. Other Old or Unfinished Business
Subject: |
13. New Business
Subject: |
13.1. Designation of:
Subject: |
13.1.1. Depository - First National Bank North
Subject: |
13.1.2. Official Newspaper - The Pilot Independent
Subject: |
13.1.3. Meeting dates & times - 2nd Tuesday in February, April and August at 2:00 pm
Subject: |
13.1.4. Legal Counsel - Squires, Waldspurger & Mace, Pemberton Law
Subject: |
13.2. 2025-2026 School Calendar
Subject: |
13.3. Consider approving first reading of policy
Subject: |
13.3.1. Policy 201 Legal Status of the School Board
Subject: |
13.4. Consider waiving second reading and adopting new policies
Subject: |
13.4.1. Policy 101.1 Name of the School District
Subject: |
13.4.2. Policy 202 School Board Officers
Subject: |
13.4.3. Policy 203 Operation of the School Board - Governing Rules
Subject: |
13.4.4. Policy 203.1 School Board Procedures; Rules of Order
Subject: |
13.4.5. Policy 203.2 Order of the Regular School Board Meeting
Subject: |
13.4.6. Policy 203.5 School Board Meeting Agenda
Subject: |
13.4.7. Policy 203.6 Consent Agendas
Subject: |
13.4.8. Policy 204 School Board Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
13.4.9. Policy 205 Open Meetings and Closed Meetings
Subject: |
13.4.10. Policy 206 Public Participation in School Board Meetings
Subject: |
13.4.11. Policy 207 Public Hearings
Subject: |
13.4.12. Policy 305 Policy Implementation
Subject: |
13.4.13. Policy 306 Administrator Code of Ethics
Subject: |
13.4.14. Policy 414 Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect of Physical or Sexual Abuse
Subject: |
13.4.15. Policy 415 Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults
Subject: |
13.4.16. Policy 420 Students and Employees with Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Subject: |
13.4.17. Policy 421 Gifts to Employees and School Board Members
Subject: |
13.4.18. Policy 423 Employee-Student Relationships
Subject: |
13.4.19. Policy 425 Staff Development and Mentoring
Subject: |
13.5. Consider waiving second reading and approving updates to existing policies
Subject: |
13.5.1. Policy 102 Equal Educational Opportunity
Subject: |
13.5.2. Policy 410 Family and Medical Leave Policy
Subject: |
13.5.3. Policy 418 Drug-Free Workplace/Drug-Free School
Subject: |
13.5.4. Policy 419 Tobacco-Free Environment; Possession and Use
Subject: |
13.5.5. Policy 503 Student Attendance
Subject: |
14. Announcements and Dates
Subject: |
14.1. Next regular board meeting, April 8, 2025 2:00 pm
Subject: |
15. Adjournment