Meeting Agenda
A. Call to Order
B. Roll Call
C. Student Led Pledge of Allegiance
D. Public Hearing
D.1. Present F.I.R.S.T. Ratings
E. Board Recognitions
E.1. Character Education Speakers
E.2. Innovative Teaching Grants Presentation by the Smithville Education Foundation
F. Public Communications
G. Consent Agenda
G.1. Minutes
G.2. Financial Statements
G.3. Investment Report
G.4. State Aid Comparison - Budgeted vs. Earned
G.5. Earned vs. TEA Payments
G.6. Tax Collection Report
G.7. Budget Amendments
G.8. Fund Balance Review
H. Information Items
H.1. Financial Report
H.2. Superintendent's Report
H.3. SISD Instructional/Curriculum Program Highlight: SJHS Project Lead the Way
H.4. Security Update
H.5. Tentative December Agenda Items
I. Action Items
I.1. Review and Approve 2021-2022 District Financial Audit
I.2. Personnel
I.2.a. Resignations of Certified Personnel
I.2.b. Employment of Certified Personnel
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | November 14, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
A. Call to Order
The Board President or his/her designee will call the meeting to order.
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B. Roll Call
The Board President or his/her designee will call the roll of members.
Subject: |
C. Student Led Pledge of Allegiance
Students representing the House System at Smithville Elementary will lead the group virtually in the Pledge of Allegiance. Those students are:
Owen Saunders - 1st Grade Nicholas Gil - 1st Grade Kohl Cooper - 1st Grade Harper Hodges - 2nd Grade Jake Chaloupka - 2nd Grade Marley Smith - 2nd Grade Mia McNeil - 3rd Grade Victoria Flores Tamayo - 3rd Grade Sidney Taylor - 3rd Grade Hayden Powell - 4th Grade Niko Ellington - 4th Grade Harper Rydin - 4th Grade Josiah Perez - 5th Grade Kiersa Henderson - 5th Grade Kaylee Taylor - 5th Grade |
Subject: |
D. Public Hearing
Subject: |
D.1. Present F.I.R.S.T. Ratings
As a mandate of the 77th Legislative session, districts must hold a public hearing to report the rating received by the district based upon financial performance in relation to the FIRST rating standards.
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E. Board Recognitions
Subject: |
E.1. Character Education Speakers
Student guest speakers will be present at each board meeting to read a short essay on the Character Trait of the Month.
This month the Board will hear from Sadie Finley, a second grader in Mrs. Heimann's class, and Audrey Chapin, a third grader in Mrs. Saffel's room. Their essays are on the character trait "service". |
Subject: |
E.2. Innovative Teaching Grants Presentation by the Smithville Education Foundation
The mission of the Smithville Education Foundation (SEF) is to support the Smithville Independent School District (SISD) by working together with our community to serve as a catalyst for generating and distributing resources to school staff to inspire students to excel.
The goal of the SEF is to help our teachers inspire greatness in their students and to support district and campus goals. To do so, SEF selects projects for funding that stimulate students' creatively, expand the existing curriculum, and provide for teacher enrichment to improve classroom instruction. Applicants for the grants must be faculty of SISD. Projects must support campus and/or district goals and must support the SEF mission. Most of the grants awarded will be between $500 and $900 and are dependent upon available SEF funds. Grant recipients have been chosen. A representative of the SEF will be present at the board meeting to present the grants to selected faculty. |
Subject: |
F. Public Communications
Citizens wishing to address the Board of Trustees have so indicated by listing their name on the Communications from the Public sign-in sheet located on the table at the entrance to the boardroom if the meeting is done in person, or at the link provided on the published board agenda if conducted remotely. Those signing have given a brief indication of the topics to be addressed.
Comments to the Board of Trustees under this provision will be limited to three minutes. The members of the Board of Trustees will listen to citizen presentations during this portion of a regularly scheduled meeting, but they will not comment or participate in a discussion of the topic. |
Subject: |
G. Consent Agenda
Board members routinely approve items on the consent agenda as a group. These are routine agenda items. Board members have the option to ask questions regarding any of the items listed under "consent agenda".
Subject: |
G.1. Minutes
State law requires that a record be kept in the form of official minutes on each meeting held by a governmental body and that these minutes be approved at the next regular meeting.
Attached are the minutes from October 24, 2022. |
Subject: |
G.2. Financial Statements
Monthly reporting of financial position in relation to the budget. The Board is provided monthly financial statements.
Subject: |
G.3. Investment Report
Meet legal reporting requirements for investments.
In order the meet legal reporting requirements for investments, the Board receives quarterly reports on District investments. |
Subject: |
G.4. State Aid Comparison - Budgeted vs. Earned
The Board has requested a monthly status report of earned state aid in relation to the budget.
Subject: |
G.5. Earned vs. TEA Payments
The Board has requested a monthly status report of earned state aid in relation to the budget.
Subject: |
G.6. Tax Collection Report
Attached is the Tax Assessor-Collector's Report.
Subject: |
G.7. Budget Amendments
Budget Amendments allow for properly appropriated funds for the necessary expenditures of the District. Budget Amendments on the function level require Board approval.
The business office provides monthly monitoring and reporting to the Board of Trustees of potential areas that require amendment and the reasons they are necessary. |
Subject: |
G.8. Fund Balance Review
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H. Information Items
Subject: |
H.1. Financial Report
The Chief Financial Officer, Jean Ann McCarthy, will review the financial disbursements for the previous month with the Board of Trustees. No action is required.
Subject: |
H.2. Superintendent's Report
The Superintendent will update the Board on important issues pertaining to the District.
Subject: |
H.3. SISD Instructional/Curriculum Program Highlight: SJHS Project Lead the Way
The Board will be presented with curriculum and program area highlights on a regular basis. The purpose of each presentation is to keep the Board informed of the academic progress within the district and on campuses.
This month we will be highlighting Project Lead the Way at Smithville Junior High. The instructor is Mr. John Harkrider. |
Subject: |
H.4. Security Update
Dr. Michael Caudill, Assistant Superintendent, will report to the Board on measures being taken in the district to address safety and security for students and staff.
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H.5. Tentative December Agenda Items
Tentative items to be included on the December agenda are:
a. Consent Agenda - Investment Policy Review b. Consent Agenda - Review Approved Providers of Investment c. Superintendent’s Self-Evaluation Submission to the Board d. Distribution of Superintendent Evaluation Materials |
Subject: |
I. Action Items
Subject: |
I.1. Review and Approve 2021-2022 District Financial Audit
As required by the Texas Education Agency, an annual audit of financial information is conducted to assure that all legal requirements are being met and sound fiscal responsibility is maintained. The audit was conducted by Armstrong, Vaughn and Assoc, P.C. Kim Roach, who is a Principal with Armstrong, will present the audit. Included in the board packet is the Management's Discussion and Analysis, Exhibit C-2 and the Governance Letter for the Board's review.
Subject: |
I.2. Personnel
Subject: |
I.2.a. Resignations of Certified Personnel
There are no resignations to report.
No action is required. |
Subject: |
I.2.b. Employment of Certified Personnel
According to Board Policy DC [Local], the Superintendent has the authority to make recommendations to the Board regarding the selection of all personnel.
There are no recommendations at this time. |