Meeting Agenda
II. Recognitions
II.A. Class of 2021
II.B. Graduation
II.C. Senior Awards
III. Legislative Update
IV. Important Dates
IV.A. July Organizational Meeting - July 12, 2021
VI. AP Research and AP Seminar Credit Proposal - Chris Kosiba and Amanda Szczesny
VII. Budget and Finance Report - Steve Goss
VII.A. Bond Update
VIII. School Bus Installment Purchase Agreement - Steve Goss
IX. Reconfirmation of Extended Continuity of Learning Plan (ECOL) Hearing
X. Audience
XII. Approval of the March 8, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
XIII. Approval of General Fund Invoices Totaling $622,468.84 - ROLL CALL VOTE
XIV. Approval of Purchase Card Disbursements for February 2021 Totaling $94,707.78 - ROLL CALL VOTE
XV. Resolution to Approve the purchase of six, 77 passenger school buses from Holland Bus Company, for a total cost of $533,478.00 - ROLL CALL VOTE
XVI. Approval of Extended Continuity Plan (ECOL) Reconfirmation - ROLL CALL VOTE
XVII. Approval of FMLA for Kelly Walters, Sunset Lake Teacher, beginning approximately May 21, 2021 through June 11, 2021
XVIII. Approval of the Resignation of Jeff Heisler, VMS Teacher, Effective Immediately
XIX. Approval to Extend the Following Administrative Team Members' Individual Contracts for the 2021-22 School Year Based on Evaluations through 2020-21
XIX.A. Principals
XIX.A.1. Adam Brush - HS Principal
XIX.A.2. Matt Hawkins - HS Asst. Principal
XIX.A.3. Matt VanDussen - MS Principal
XIX.A.4. Dennis Kirby - MS Asst. Principal
XIX.A.5. Mike Barwegen - TY Principal
XIX.A.6. Amie McCaw - SL Principal
XIX.A.7. Rick Place - Pathways Principal
XIX.B. Directors/Supervisors/Coordinators
XIX.B.1. Alyssa Thompson - Adult/Community Ed Director
XIX.B.2. Sarah Dyer - Food Service Director
XIX.B.3. Michael Roy - Athletic Director
XIX.B.4. Don Pucket - Director of Technology
XIX.B.5. Gail VanDaff - Director of Curriculum and Instruction
XIX.B.6. Karen McKinstry - Transportation Director
XX. Approval to Extend the Following Non-Line Position Contracts for the 2021-22 School Year Based on Evaluations through 2020-21
XX.A. Tim Fuller - Performing Arts Center Manager
XXI. Approval to Extend the Following Contract as per Contractual Agreement
XXI.A. Stephen Goss - Asst. Superintendent
XXII. Approval of the Following Retirement Requests effective June 11, 2021
XXII.A. Angie Getsinger - 33 Years of Service
XXII.B. Gary Boyle-Holmes - 37 Years of Service
XXII.C. Toni Thole - 25 Years of Service
XXII.D. Dave Nette - 27 Years of Service
XXII.E. Ruth Hook - 23 Years of Service
XXII.F. Krista Ragotzy - 22 Years of Service
XXIII. 1st Reading Approval of the AP Research and AP Seminar Credit Proposal - ROLL CALL VOTE
XXIV. 1st Reading Approval of VCS Policies 2260.01, 7440.01, and 8450.01 - ROLL CALL VOTE
XXV. 2nd Reading Approval of VCS Policies 5341, 5342, 5343, 8321, and 8330 - ROLL CALL VOTE
XXVI. Approval of 8th Grade Field Trip to Cedar Point on June 14, 2021
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | April 12, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
II. Recognitions
Subject: |
II.A. Class of 2021
Subject: |
II.B. Graduation
Subject: |
II.C. Senior Awards
Subject: |
III. Legislative Update
Subject: |
IV. Important Dates
Subject: |
IV.A. July Organizational Meeting - July 12, 2021
Subject: |
Subject: |
VI. AP Research and AP Seminar Credit Proposal - Chris Kosiba and Amanda Szczesny
Subject: |
VII. Budget and Finance Report - Steve Goss
Subject: |
VII.A. Bond Update
Subject: |
VIII. School Bus Installment Purchase Agreement - Steve Goss
Subject: |
IX. Reconfirmation of Extended Continuity of Learning Plan (ECOL) Hearing
Subject: |
X. Audience
Subject: |
Subject: |
XII. Approval of the March 8, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
XIII. Approval of General Fund Invoices Totaling $622,468.84 - ROLL CALL VOTE
Subject: |
XIV. Approval of Purchase Card Disbursements for February 2021 Totaling $94,707.78 - ROLL CALL VOTE
Subject: |
XV. Resolution to Approve the purchase of six, 77 passenger school buses from Holland Bus Company, for a total cost of $533,478.00 - ROLL CALL VOTE
Subject: |
XVI. Approval of Extended Continuity Plan (ECOL) Reconfirmation - ROLL CALL VOTE
Subject: |
XVII. Approval of FMLA for Kelly Walters, Sunset Lake Teacher, beginning approximately May 21, 2021 through June 11, 2021
Subject: |
XVIII. Approval of the Resignation of Jeff Heisler, VMS Teacher, Effective Immediately
Subject: |
XIX. Approval to Extend the Following Administrative Team Members' Individual Contracts for the 2021-22 School Year Based on Evaluations through 2020-21
Subject: |
XIX.A. Principals
Subject: |
XIX.A.1. Adam Brush - HS Principal
Subject: |
XIX.A.2. Matt Hawkins - HS Asst. Principal
Subject: |
XIX.A.3. Matt VanDussen - MS Principal
Subject: |
XIX.A.4. Dennis Kirby - MS Asst. Principal
Subject: |
XIX.A.5. Mike Barwegen - TY Principal
Subject: |
XIX.A.6. Amie McCaw - SL Principal
Subject: |
XIX.A.7. Rick Place - Pathways Principal
Subject: |
XIX.B. Directors/Supervisors/Coordinators
Subject: |
XIX.B.1. Alyssa Thompson - Adult/Community Ed Director
Subject: |
XIX.B.2. Sarah Dyer - Food Service Director
Subject: |
XIX.B.3. Michael Roy - Athletic Director
Subject: |
XIX.B.4. Don Pucket - Director of Technology
Subject: |
XIX.B.5. Gail VanDaff - Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Subject: |
XIX.B.6. Karen McKinstry - Transportation Director
Subject: |
XX. Approval to Extend the Following Non-Line Position Contracts for the 2021-22 School Year Based on Evaluations through 2020-21
Subject: |
XX.A. Tim Fuller - Performing Arts Center Manager
Subject: |
XXI. Approval to Extend the Following Contract as per Contractual Agreement
Subject: |
XXI.A. Stephen Goss - Asst. Superintendent
Subject: |
XXII. Approval of the Following Retirement Requests effective June 11, 2021
Subject: |
XXII.A. Angie Getsinger - 33 Years of Service
Subject: |
XXII.B. Gary Boyle-Holmes - 37 Years of Service
Subject: |
XXII.C. Toni Thole - 25 Years of Service
Subject: |
XXII.D. Dave Nette - 27 Years of Service
Subject: |
XXII.E. Ruth Hook - 23 Years of Service
Subject: |
XXII.F. Krista Ragotzy - 22 Years of Service
Subject: |
XXIII. 1st Reading Approval of the AP Research and AP Seminar Credit Proposal - ROLL CALL VOTE
Subject: |
XXIV. 1st Reading Approval of VCS Policies 2260.01, 7440.01, and 8450.01 - ROLL CALL VOTE
Subject: |
XXV. 2nd Reading Approval of VCS Policies 5341, 5342, 5343, 8321, and 8330 - ROLL CALL VOTE
Subject: |
XXVI. Approval of 8th Grade Field Trip to Cedar Point on June 14, 2021