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Meeting Agenda
1. Preliminary Business
1.1. Call to Order/Flag Salute
2. Review and Acceptance of Agenda
3. Board Chair Report   Information Item
4. Approval and Extension of Approval of Minutes                 Action Item
5. Introduction and Comments of Guests 
See policy link in description for the following excerpts:
Discussion or presentation concerning a published agenda item is limited to its designated place on the agenda, unless otherwise authorized by the Board chair.
Any person who is invited by the Board chair to speak to the Board during a meeting should state his/her name and address and, if speaking for an organization, the name and identity of the organization. A spokesperson should be designated to represent a group with a common purpose. 
Statements by members of the public should be brief and concise. 
The Board chair may use discretion to establish a time limit on discussion or oral presentation by visitors. (3 minute timeline for each comment with no more than seven comments allowed per meeting is usual protocol).
Questions asked by the public, when possible, will be answered by the Board chair or referred to the superintendent for reply. Questions requiring investigation may, at the discretion of the Board chair, be referred to the superintendent for response at a later time.
At the discretion of the Board chair, anyone wishing to speak before the Board, either as an individual or as a member of a group, on any agenda item or other topic, may do so by providing the Board secretary with a completed registration card or sign-in sheet, prior to the Board meeting in order to allow the chair to provide adequate time for each agenda item.
Comments Regarding Staff Members - Speakers may offer objective criticism of district operations and programs. The Board will not hear comments regarding any individual district staff member. The Board chair will direct the visitor to the procedures in Board policy KL - Public Complaints for Board consideration of a legitimate complaint involving a staff member. The association contract governing the employee’s rights will be followed. A commendation involving a staff member should be sent to the superintendent.
6. Principal / Director / Supervisor/ Invited Representatives and Guests      Reports
a. Stephen Cohen - Springdale Job Corps
b. Kerry Dockter, Learning Specialist - Special Education Successes
c. Pete Leone - CMS Student Projects
6.1. Student Representative to the Board              Information Item
7. Financial Reports/Matters
7.1. Report Information Item
7.2. See Consent Agenda Item 7.2
8. Superintendent's Report                         Information Items
8.1. Goals for 2023-2024
8.2. Enrollment Numbers/Application Process Update
8.3. Update on Corbett School Campus Upgrades/Grants
8.4. Strategic Planning/Future Planning
8.5. Superintendent's Contract Extension    Action Item
9. Consent Agenda                                 
10. Personnel
10.1. See Consent Agenda Items 10.1-10.8
11. Vacant Positions               Information Item
12. Curriculum
13. Students
14. Transportation, Buildings and Maintenance
14.1. See Consent Agenda Item 14.1
15. Co-Curricular Activities
16. Policy 
16.1. Policy Additions, Deletions and Administrative Regulations   See Action Item Under Consent Agent item 16.1.
17. Matters for the Good of the Order
18. Coming Events
18.1. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: May 15, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
1. Preliminary Business
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1.1. Call to Order/Flag Salute
Michelle Vo, Board Chair
2. Review and Acceptance of Agenda
Michelle Vo, Board Chair
3. Board Chair Report   Information Item
Michelle Vo, Board Chair
4. Approval and Extension of Approval of Minutes                 Action Item
Michelle Vo - Board Chair
RESOLUTION NO. 5.123-24-RESOLVED that the Board approve the minutes of the Regular Board meeting of March 13, 2024, and extension of the approval for April 17, 2024 minutes.
5. Introduction and Comments of Guests 
See policy link in description for the following excerpts:
Discussion or presentation concerning a published agenda item is limited to its designated place on the agenda, unless otherwise authorized by the Board chair.
Any person who is invited by the Board chair to speak to the Board during a meeting should state his/her name and address and, if speaking for an organization, the name and identity of the organization. A spokesperson should be designated to represent a group with a common purpose. 
Statements by members of the public should be brief and concise. 
The Board chair may use discretion to establish a time limit on discussion or oral presentation by visitors. (3 minute timeline for each comment with no more than seven comments allowed per meeting is usual protocol).
Questions asked by the public, when possible, will be answered by the Board chair or referred to the superintendent for reply. Questions requiring investigation may, at the discretion of the Board chair, be referred to the superintendent for response at a later time.
At the discretion of the Board chair, anyone wishing to speak before the Board, either as an individual or as a member of a group, on any agenda item or other topic, may do so by providing the Board secretary with a completed registration card or sign-in sheet, prior to the Board meeting in order to allow the chair to provide adequate time for each agenda item.
Comments Regarding Staff Members - Speakers may offer objective criticism of district operations and programs. The Board will not hear comments regarding any individual district staff member. The Board chair will direct the visitor to the procedures in Board policy KL - Public Complaints for Board consideration of a legitimate complaint involving a staff member. The association contract governing the employee’s rights will be followed. A commendation involving a staff member should be sent to the superintendent.
Michelle Vo - Board Chair
6. Principal / Director / Supervisor/ Invited Representatives and Guests      Reports
a. Stephen Cohen - Springdale Job Corps
b. Kerry Dockter, Learning Specialist - Special Education Successes
c. Pete Leone - CMS Student Projects
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D. - Superintendent
6.1. Student Representative to the Board              Information Item
Haley Potts, CHS Representative to the Board
7. Financial Reports/Matters
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent and Cindy Duley, Business Manager
7.1. Report Information Item
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent and Cindy Duley, Business Manager
7.2. See Consent Agenda Item 7.2
8. Superintendent's Report                         Information Items
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
8.1. Goals for 2023-2024
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
1) #OneCorbett
          - Improve District and Community Relationships
          - Align Curriculum and Student Experiences within Buildings and Classrooms. 

2) School-Based Mental Health
          - Increase Mental Health Offerings for Students, Staff, and Community

3) CTE and STEM
          - Increase CTE and STEM Experiences for All Students K-12
8.2. Enrollment Numbers/Application Process Update
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
8.3. Update on Corbett School Campus Upgrades/Grants
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
8.4. Strategic Planning/Future Planning
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
8.5. Superintendent's Contract Extension    Action Item
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D. and Michelle Vo, Board Chair
RESOLUTION NO. 5.124-24 - RESOLVED that the Board vote for the contract terms as presented in the attachment in the Board packet. 
9. Consent Agenda                                 
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
9.1**RESOLUTION ITEMS NO. 5.125-24 through 5.135-24** Action Items
7.2**RESOLUTION NO. 5.125-24** - RESOLVED 
that the Board confirm WHA Insurance as our Insurance Agent Broker of Record beginning in the 2024-25 school year. 
10.1**RESOLUTION NO. 5.126-24** - RESOLVED that the Board confirm the extra duty stipends for fall Outdoor School for CAPS 6th-8th  Teacher, John Neighbors and spring Outdoor School 6th Grade teachers Carrie Church and Claire Kennedy.
10.2**RESOLUTION NO. 5.127-24**- RESOLVED that the Board confirm the resignation of Sean Cease effective May 31, 2024. 
10.3**RESOLUTION NO. 5.128-24** - RESOLVED that the Board confirm the transfer of Cassie Duprey, 1.00 FTE Assistant Secondary Principal, to 1.00 FTE Grade School Principal for the 2024-25 school year.
10.4**RESOLUTION NO. 5.129-24** - RESOLVED that the Board confirm the recommendation to hire Amber Villa-Zang as 1.00 FTE Director of Curriculum, Assessment & School Improvement for the 2024-25 school year, beginning August 12, 2024.
10.5**RESOLUTION NO. 5.130-24** - RESOLVED that the Board confirm the recommendation to hire Tesla Wright, 1.00 FTE HS Spanish Teacher, effective August 15, 2024. 
10.6**RESOLUTION NO. 5.131-24**- RESOLVED that the Board confirm the recommendation to hire Neoma Ramseyer, 1.00 FTE 6th-12th Grade Learning Specialist, effective August 15, 2024. 
10.7**RESOLUTION NO. 5.132-24**- RESOLVED that the Board confirm the recommendation to hire L.Beeson, 1.00 FTE 6th Grade Teacher, effective August 15, 2024.
10.8**RESOLUTION NO. 5.133.24** - RESOLVED that the Board confirm the request for FMLA/OFLA for Brian Lutes, 1.00 FTE Middle School Principal, from May 6- May 19, 2024. 
14.1**RESOLUTION NO. 5.134-24** - RESOLVED that the Board confirm the surplus of the 1993 Nissan pickup truck.
16.1**RESOLUTION NO. 5.135-24**-RESOLVED that the Board have a second reading and adopt or delete the policies and administrative regulations as presented at the April 17, 2024, Board meeting.
10. Personnel
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent

OFLA leave effective February 22-May 23, 2024 for Amanda Brandt, .85 SPED Asst. FLS. OPFML approved 2/23/24-3/21/24 and 4/1/24-4/30/24 and 5/1/24-5/5/24 and 5/10/24-5/31/24.
OFLA leave effective April 24 - June 3, 2024, for Sandra Gabriel, .85 FTE SPED Asst. FLS. OPFML approved 4/24/24-6/3/24.
Nikki Joy, 1.00 FTE Preschool/ECE Assistant, will not be returning in 2024-25 from her leave of absence. 
Oregon PFML approved for Justin Gabriel, .85 FTE SPED Ed Asst., effective February 19-May 12, 2024. He returned to work May 9, 2024.
10.1. See Consent Agenda Items 10.1-10.8
11. Vacant Positions               Information Item
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
We have vacant positions open for the 2023-2024 and 2024-25 school year for: Substitute Bus Driver; .4 FTE Bus Driver; Substitute Custodian; and Type 20 Van Driver.
Openings for the 2024-2025 school year only: Varsity Football Head Coach; two Assistant Varsity Football coaches and Varsity Boys Soccer Coach for fall 2024; .83 FTE GS Educational Assistant (temporary '24-'25); 1.00 FTE K-12 Music Teacher, 1.00 FTE K-12 P.E./Health Teacher and 1.00 FTE K-12 Assistant Principal.
12. Curriculum
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
13. Students
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
14. Transportation, Buildings and Maintenance
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
14.1. See Consent Agenda Item 14.1
15. Co-Curricular Activities
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
16. Policy 
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
16.1. Policy Additions, Deletions and Administrative Regulations   See Action Item Under Consent Agent item 16.1.
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
Second read and adoption for the following:
a. Policy ACE - Nondiscrimination
b. Policy BBF - Board Member Standards of Conduct (Version 2)
c. Policy CBG - Evaluation of the Superintendent
d. Policy CCG - Evaluation of Administrators
e. Policy DJC - Bidding Requirements (Version 1) - Delete
f. Policy DJC - Bidding Requirements
g. Policy DJC-AR - Special Procurements and Exemptions from Competitive Bidding - Delete
h. Policy DJCA - Personal Services Contracts - Delete
i. Policy DJCA - AR - Personal Services Contracts - Delete
j. Policy EBBA - First Aid** - Delete
k. Policy EBBA- AR - First Aid - Infection Control - Delete
l. Policy EBBA - Student Health Services**
m. Policy EBBB - Injury or Illness Reports 
n. Policy EBC - Emergency Plan and First Aid**
o. Policy EBC/EBCA - Emergency Procedures and Disaster Plans - Delete
p. Policy EBCA - Safety Threats**
q. Policy EBCB - Emergency Procedure Drills and Instruction
r. Policy GBEB - Communicable Diseases in Schools
s. Policy GBEB-AR - Communicable Diseases in Schools 
t. Policy GBEBA - Staff - HIV, AIDS, and HBV - Delete
u. Policy GBN/JBA - Sexual Harassment
v. Policy GBNAB/JHFE - Suspected Abuse of a Child Reporting Requirements**
w. Policy GBNAB/JHFE - AR (1) - Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child
x. Policy GCDA/GDDA - Criminal Records Checks and Fingerprinting* - Delete
y. Policy GCDA/GDDA - Criminal Records Checks and Fingerprinting*
z. Policy GCDA/GDDA-AR - Criminal Records Checks and Fingerprinting - Delete
aa. Policy IGBAF-AR - Special Education - Individualized Education Program (IEP)**/*
bb. Policy IGBAG - Special Education - Procedural Safeguards**
cc. Policy JBA/GBN - Sexual Harassment
dd. Policy JBAA - Section 504 - Students** (Version 2)
ee. Policy JBAA - AR - Section 504 - Sudents**/*
ff. Policy JEA - Compulsory Attendance**
gg. Policy JEA - AR - Compulsory Attendance Notices and Citations**
hh. Policy JGAB - Use of Restraint or Seclusion** 
ii. Policy JGAB-AR - Use of Restraint or Seclusion**
jj. Policy JHC - Student Health Services and Requirements**- Delete
kk. Policy JHCA/JHCB - Immunization and School Sports Participation**
ll. Policy JHCCA - Students - HIV, HBV and AIDS** - Delete
mm. Policy JHFE/GBNAB - Suspected Abuse of a Child Reporting Requirements**
nn. Policy JHFE/GBNAB - AR(1) - Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child
oo. Policy KBA  - AR - Public Records Request
17. Matters for the Good of the Order
Board Directors
18. Coming Events
Michelle Vo - Board Chair
a.  May 22, 2024 - Wednesday, last day of school for seniors
b. May 27, 2024 - Monday, Memorial Day Holiday
c. May 29, 2024 - Wednesday, HS Graduation
d. May 30, 2024 - Thursday, GS/MS/CAPS Portfolio night
e. May 31, 2024 - Friday, last day of school for students
f. June 3, 2024 - Monday, Assessment
g. June 4, 2024 - Tuesday, Teacher Preparation and Employee Recognition Breakfast for board and staff, 8:00 a.m., GS Cafeteria
h. June 12, 2024 - Wednesday, Public Hearing of the Budget and Regular Board meeting, 7:00 p.m. CMS and via ZOOM
i. Summer OSBA Board conference in Salem, August 9-11, 2024
j. Annual OSBA Convention in Portland, November 7-9, 2024
18.1. Adjournment

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