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Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order - Board Working Retreat - 10:00am to 3:00pm
2. Land Acknowledgement
3. Approve Agenda
4. Public Comment Procedure 
5. In-person Public Comment
6. How Our Board Operates 
  1. Board Policies - AB - legal guidelines 

  2. Board Agreements - revised each year 

    1. Discuss attendance 

    2. Student representative participation and training

    3. Are there opportunities for consensus building when making decisions?

    4. Translation and accessibility 

  3. Our Core Values

7. Board Basics 

  • Board Packets - Send questions in advance to Chair & Michael

  • Board Discussion - Explain vote during discussion if no or abstention

  • Potential Quorum Violations
    • More than 2 Board members discussing Board business outside of a public meeting
    • Be cautious & consider public perception should more than 2 board members be having a discussion:  
      • Parking lot debrief 
      • School events or classroom visits
      • Serial meetings via phone or email (talk to more than one other board member about the same board topic outside of a public meeting)
  • Personnel - board approve/deny contracts; use executive session
  • Board-Public Interaction

    • Individual Board Member representation vs. speaking on behalf of the Parkrose School Board
    • Media Protocols (Policy BCB)
    • Handling Concerns/Complaints (Policy KL & others)

8. Legislative/Local Advocacy 

  • Kmart Lot

    • Update

    • Board advocacy and communication

  • City advocacy

  • County advocacy

  • OSAA

  • Local Option consideration

9. Discussion about Board Liaison Roles 

  • Parkrose Equity Team

    • What do we need from this team?

  • Wellness - two meetings a year, Oct/Nov & Feb/Mar

  • Parkrose Educational Foundation 

  • MESD Budget Committee 

  • Bargaining

    • Admin Agreement (No other bargaining this year!)

  • Legislative Advocacy 

  • OSBA Board

  • OSBA LPC Committee

10. Our Vision and Mission

  • Our recent shifts:

    • Flipping the dashboard- rethinking how we measure the quality and experience of our schools

    • Pounding the pavement- seeking out the voices of the underrepresented and centering their needs

    • Center students, staff and families

    • Equity work is first and foremost pedagogical. Giving students a chance to grapple with ideas and construct knowledge through learning experiences

      • A pedagogy that says, “I see you, I believe in you, you are safe to grow and thrive here, I want to hear your voice. 

    • A goal for coherence (Sticking together, slice through the old paradigm, and reimagine a new system- A shared depth and understanding about the purpose and nature of the work)

      • Eliminate the competing messages in our system

  • Building a Graduate Profile (This is an accessible, succinct description of what every graduate must know, understand, and be able to do- Could be considered Habits of Mind)

    • What really matters to us here, in this community, right now?

    • Cognitive, Emotional, Spiritual, and Physical Domains

      • Students and adults practice these core skills and competencies at all levels
      • Create an assessment system to measure what’s important
      • What did our students tell us? 
        • See examples- discuss

11. Next Up: 

  • Board Goals

  • Plan Working Sessions

    • First session is the initial development of the graduate profile

  • Board Professional Development

12. Reading of Public Comments 
13. Action Items
14. Discussion/Future Agenda Items
15. Correspondence/Announcements
15.A. Upcoming Meetings
15.B. Upcoming Events
16. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting


Meeting: August 5, 2023 at 10:00 AM - Board Working Retreat
1. Call to Order - Board Working Retreat - 10:00am to 3:00pm
2. Land Acknowledgement
Truth and acknowledgment are critical to building mutual respect and connection across differences. Please take a moment to consider the many legacies of violence, displacement, migration, and settlement that bring us together here today. The Parkrose Board of Education begins this effort by acknowledging that we are gathering on the ancestral and unceded lands of the Chinook, Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Cowlitz, Tualatin, Kalapuya, Molalla and many other tribes who made their homes along the Columbia River in the Portland area. We pay respect to their elders past and present. We acknowledge them as the past, current and future caretakers of this land.
3. Approve Agenda
4. Public Comment Procedure 
Virtual - If you wish to submit a public comment before, or during this Board Meeting, please fill out this electronic public comment form before "Public Comments" on the agenda:
In-person - Please fill out an Intent-to-Speak card and hand it to the Board Secretary prior to "Public Comments" on the agenda. 
5. In-person Public Comment
3 minute per person limit 
6. How Our Board Operates 
  1. Board Policies - AB - legal guidelines 

  2. Board Agreements - revised each year 

    1. Discuss attendance 

    2. Student representative participation and training

    3. Are there opportunities for consensus building when making decisions?

    4. Translation and accessibility 

  3. Our Core Values


7. Board Basics 

  • Board Packets - Send questions in advance to Chair & Michael

  • Board Discussion - Explain vote during discussion if no or abstention

  • Potential Quorum Violations
    • More than 2 Board members discussing Board business outside of a public meeting
    • Be cautious & consider public perception should more than 2 board members be having a discussion:  
      • Parking lot debrief 
      • School events or classroom visits
      • Serial meetings via phone or email (talk to more than one other board member about the same board topic outside of a public meeting)
  • Personnel - board approve/deny contracts; use executive session
  • Board-Public Interaction

    • Individual Board Member representation vs. speaking on behalf of the Parkrose School Board
    • Media Protocols (Policy BCB)
    • Handling Concerns/Complaints (Policy KL & others)

8. Legislative/Local Advocacy 

  • Kmart Lot

    • Update

    • Board advocacy and communication

  • City advocacy

  • County advocacy

  • OSAA

  • Local Option consideration


9. Discussion about Board Liaison Roles 

  • Parkrose Equity Team

    • What do we need from this team?

  • Wellness - two meetings a year, Oct/Nov & Feb/Mar

  • Parkrose Educational Foundation 

  • MESD Budget Committee 

  • Bargaining

    • Admin Agreement (No other bargaining this year!)

  • Legislative Advocacy 

  • OSBA Board

  • OSBA LPC Committee


10. Our Vision and Mission

  • Our recent shifts:

    • Flipping the dashboard- rethinking how we measure the quality and experience of our schools

    • Pounding the pavement- seeking out the voices of the underrepresented and centering their needs

    • Center students, staff and families

    • Equity work is first and foremost pedagogical. Giving students a chance to grapple with ideas and construct knowledge through learning experiences

      • A pedagogy that says, “I see you, I believe in you, you are safe to grow and thrive here, I want to hear your voice. 

    • A goal for coherence (Sticking together, slice through the old paradigm, and reimagine a new system- A shared depth and understanding about the purpose and nature of the work)

      • Eliminate the competing messages in our system

  • Building a Graduate Profile (This is an accessible, succinct description of what every graduate must know, understand, and be able to do- Could be considered Habits of Mind)

    • What really matters to us here, in this community, right now?

    • Cognitive, Emotional, Spiritual, and Physical Domains

      • Students and adults practice these core skills and competencies at all levels
      • Create an assessment system to measure what’s important
      • What did our students tell us? 
        • See examples- discuss

11. Next Up: 

  • Board Goals

  • Plan Working Sessions

    • First session is the initial development of the graduate profile

  • Board Professional Development

12. Reading of Public Comments 
13. Action Items
14. Discussion/Future Agenda Items
9 minutes
Future agenda items require discussion and board consensus. In proposing a new agenda item, please explain how the item 1) advances board goals; 2) impacts staff capacity or cost; and 3) is a priority based on our equity lens.
15. Correspondence/Announcements
2 minutes
15.A. Upcoming Meetings

Board Business Meeting, Monday, August 28, 2023
Board Working Session, Monday, September 11, 2023
15.B. Upcoming Events
16. Adjournment

Mission: We build a safe, creative community where our students can grow and have agency in their educational path by providing diverse learning opportunities, partnering with our wider community and building a foundation for life-long learning.

Vision: All students graduate our schools with a strong sense of identity, empathy and the critical skills they need to innovate and follow the path of their choosing from the moment they come through our doors.

If requested to do so at least 24 hours before a meeting held in public, the Board will make a reasonable effort to provide translation services. (Policy BD/BDA 12.13.21) Please email or call 503-408-2114. Zoom closed captioning provided for the hearing-impaired. Other appropriate auxiliary aids and services may be provided upon request and appropriate advance notice.

The district prohibits discrimination and harassment on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to, an individual’s perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status, or veterans’ status of any other persons with whom the individual associates. (AC 12.13.21)

Full policies and complaint forms can be requested from your school, the district office or accessed online at

Persons having questions about civil rights, equal opportunity, and nondiscrimination should contact Antoinette Harrison, Director of Student Services at or 503-408-2118.

BDDH - Public Comment at Board Meetings (12.13.21)

BDDH-AR Public Comment at Board Meetings Procedure (12.13.21)

KL - Public Complaints (10.28.19)

KL-AR(1) Public Complaint Procedure (10.28.19) 

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