Meeting Agenda
1. Student Presentation: Thomas Kelley, Student Storyteller from Roy Elementary.
Pledge of Allegiance: Thomas Kelley, Student from Roy Elementary Recognition: Lakeview Elementary Principal Stacy Rountree - Weber School District's Nominee for UAESP 2025 Principal of the Year. Presented by Elementary Education Assistant Director Kirt Swalberg |
2. Consent Calendar
2.A. Minutes
2.B. Warrant Register
2.C. Budget Update
2.D. New Hires
2.E. Bid/Purchase Approvals
2.F. Leave of Absence Requests
2.G. Approval of License and Endorsement Lists March 2025
2.H. Approval of the Gifted & Talented Program Participation and Goals Plan 2024-2025
2.I. Approval of School Land Trust Plan Amendment
2.J. Approve Updates of Policies for Consent Calendar - 7600 Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens, 7610 Handling of Bodily Fluids in Schools, 1140 Superintendent, 1150 Business Administrator
3. Recognition & Presentation: WSD Partnership with GOAL Foundation (Ogden Marathon) and Weber School Foundation - Introduced by Superintendent Gina Butters
Presenters - Troy Callantine, Alex Docta and Weber School Foundation Director Emily Oyler |
4. Presentation of Proposed Fee Schedule for 2025-2026 School Year - 1st Reading
5. Public Meeting - Public Comment on Proposed Fee Schedule
The public is encouraged to participate in the development and review of fee schedules. Each person desiring to participate will have up to 3 minutes to provide input regarding the proposed fee schedule. |
5.A. Approval of Proposed Fee Schedule for 2025-2026 School Year - 1st Reading
6. Recognitions
6.A. Jodi Coy, Roy Elementary - I Love Teaching Award
6.B. Sheri Nebeker, Mountain View Jr. High - I Love Teaching Award
7. Administrator Spotlight
7.A. Principal Kari Breeding, Hooper Elementary
8. Public Comment
9. Discussion/Action Items
9.A. Approval of New Boys' Junior High Sport to Replace Football for 2025-2026 School Year - 2nd Reading
9.B. Approval of Updated Policy 6400 Visitors to the Schools - 2nd Reading
9.C. Approval of Updated Policy 7300 Alcohol and Drug Abuse - Employees - 1st Reading
10. Closed Session
Closed meeting according to provisions of Utah Code 52-4-204,205 |
10.A. This is a strategy session to discuss the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual.
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | March 5, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Weber School District Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Student Presentation: Thomas Kelley, Student Storyteller from Roy Elementary.
Pledge of Allegiance: Thomas Kelley, Student from Roy Elementary Recognition: Lakeview Elementary Principal Stacy Rountree - Weber School District's Nominee for UAESP 2025 Principal of the Year. Presented by Elementary Education Assistant Director Kirt Swalberg |
Subject: |
2. Consent Calendar
Subject: |
2.A. Minutes
Subject: |
2.B. Warrant Register
Subject: |
2.C. Budget Update
Subject: |
2.D. New Hires
Subject: |
2.E. Bid/Purchase Approvals
Subject: |
2.F. Leave of Absence Requests
Subject: |
2.G. Approval of License and Endorsement Lists March 2025
Subject: |
2.H. Approval of the Gifted & Talented Program Participation and Goals Plan 2024-2025
Subject: |
2.I. Approval of School Land Trust Plan Amendment
Subject: |
2.J. Approve Updates of Policies for Consent Calendar - 7600 Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens, 7610 Handling of Bodily Fluids in Schools, 1140 Superintendent, 1150 Business Administrator
Subject: |
3. Recognition & Presentation: WSD Partnership with GOAL Foundation (Ogden Marathon) and Weber School Foundation - Introduced by Superintendent Gina Butters
Presenters - Troy Callantine, Alex Docta and Weber School Foundation Director Emily Oyler |
Subject: |
4. Presentation of Proposed Fee Schedule for 2025-2026 School Year - 1st Reading
Presenter: |
Rob Lake
Subject: |
5. Public Meeting - Public Comment on Proposed Fee Schedule
The public is encouraged to participate in the development and review of fee schedules. Each person desiring to participate will have up to 3 minutes to provide input regarding the proposed fee schedule. |
Subject: |
5.A. Approval of Proposed Fee Schedule for 2025-2026 School Year - 1st Reading
Presenter: |
Rob Lake
Subject: |
6. Recognitions
Subject: |
6.A. Jodi Coy, Roy Elementary - I Love Teaching Award
Presenter: |
Jared Abney
Subject: |
6.B. Sheri Nebeker, Mountain View Jr. High - I Love Teaching Award
Presenter: |
Clyde Moore
Subject: |
7. Administrator Spotlight
Subject: |
7.A. Principal Kari Breeding, Hooper Elementary
Presenter: |
Kari Breeding
Subject: |
8. Public Comment
Subject: |
9. Discussion/Action Items
Subject: |
9.A. Approval of New Boys' Junior High Sport to Replace Football for 2025-2026 School Year - 2nd Reading
Presenter: |
Rob Lake
Subject: |
9.B. Approval of Updated Policy 6400 Visitors to the Schools - 2nd Reading
Presenter: |
Heidi Alder
Subject: |
9.C. Approval of Updated Policy 7300 Alcohol and Drug Abuse - Employees - 1st Reading
Presenter: |
Heidi Alder
Subject: |
10. Closed Session
Closed meeting according to provisions of Utah Code 52-4-204,205 |
Subject: |
10.A. This is a strategy session to discuss the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual.