Meeting Agenda
I. Call To Order, Roll Call & Establish Quorum
II. Moment of Silence/Prayer
III. Pledge of Allegiance/Pledge to the Texas Flag
IV. VISION - Our vision is to ignite brilliance and impact lives by providing transformative learning opportunities that empower students for generations to come.
MISSION - To empower, inspire, and invest in our students and staff, igniting the best version of themselves. Together, we positively impact our community and the world. |
V. Public Participation (Open Forum) as per Policy BED (LOCAL): In accordance with board policy BED LOCAL, the Robstown ISD Board of Trustees welcomes comments from citizens on any agenda items or non-agenda items at any regular scheduled board meeting. In the event of a special board meeting/board workshop, public comments will be limited to agenda items ONLY. Those wishing to address the school board must provide their name for the record and observe a three-minute time limit. During this time, the Board of Trustees may not respond to the citizens' concerns as per the Texas Open Meetings Act.
VI. Open Public Hearing
VII. Public Hearing to discuss the Texas Academic Performance Report 2023-2024 (T.A.P.R.)
VIII. Close Public Hearing
IX. Awards/Recognitions:
IX.A. Proud You're a Picker Award
IX.B. Life Saver Award
IX.C. Igniting Brilliance Award
X. Madam President Remarks:
X.A. ESC II School Board Conference - February 22, 2025
X.B. Reschedule Board Meeting of March 10, 2025, to March 24, 2025
X.C. Cotton Picker Stadium Plaque
XI. Superintendent Reports:
XI.A. Superintendent Update
XII. Presentation/Informational Items:
XII.A. City of Robstown Police Department Donation to CTE
XII.B. Texas High School Welding Series Donation
XII.C. RISD Donations
XII.D. Spring Break - March 10, 2025, thru March 14, 2025
XII.E. Distribution of Update 124
XII.F. Academic Update/TIA Update
XII.G. M & O Update
XII.H. Safety Report
XII.I. SHARS/Federal Programs Update
XII.J. List of Bills
XII.K. Financial Statement Report
XIII. Consent Agenda Item(s):
XIII.A. Approval of Minutes
XIII.B. Budget Amendment #3
XIV. Action Item(s):
XIV.A. Discuss and Consider Approval of a One (1) Year Renewal Contract with Keach and
Associates for Property Insurance Effective March 17, 2025 |
XIV.B. Discuss and Consider Approval of the Targeted Improvement Plans for Lotspiech Leadership Academy and Seale Jr. High School for the 2024-2025 School Year
XV. Closed Session - Section 551.074 and 551.076 of the Texas Government Code
XV.A. Pursuant to Sections 551.074 and 551.076 of the Texas Government Code, the Board will Adjourn Into Closed Session for the Purpose of Considering the Appointments, Employments, Evaluations, Resignations, Reassignments, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of Employees
XV.B. Intruder Detection Audit Report (Robert Driscoll Elementary School)
XVI. Open Session:
XVI.A. Discuss and Consider Approval of Appointments, Employments, Evaluations, Resignations, Reassignments, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of Employees
XVII. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 10, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call To Order, Roll Call & Establish Quorum
Subject: |
II. Moment of Silence/Prayer
Subject: |
III. Pledge of Allegiance/Pledge to the Texas Flag
Subject: |
IV. VISION - Our vision is to ignite brilliance and impact lives by providing transformative learning opportunities that empower students for generations to come.
MISSION - To empower, inspire, and invest in our students and staff, igniting the best version of themselves. Together, we positively impact our community and the world. |
Subject: |
V. Public Participation (Open Forum) as per Policy BED (LOCAL): In accordance with board policy BED LOCAL, the Robstown ISD Board of Trustees welcomes comments from citizens on any agenda items or non-agenda items at any regular scheduled board meeting. In the event of a special board meeting/board workshop, public comments will be limited to agenda items ONLY. Those wishing to address the school board must provide their name for the record and observe a three-minute time limit. During this time, the Board of Trustees may not respond to the citizens' concerns as per the Texas Open Meetings Act.
Subject: |
VI. Open Public Hearing
Subject: |
VII. Public Hearing to discuss the Texas Academic Performance Report 2023-2024 (T.A.P.R.)
Subject: |
VIII. Close Public Hearing
Subject: |
IX. Awards/Recognitions:
Subject: |
IX.A. Proud You're a Picker Award
Subject: |
IX.B. Life Saver Award
Subject: |
IX.C. Igniting Brilliance Award
Subject: |
X. Madam President Remarks:
Subject: |
X.A. ESC II School Board Conference - February 22, 2025
Subject: |
X.B. Reschedule Board Meeting of March 10, 2025, to March 24, 2025
Subject: |
X.C. Cotton Picker Stadium Plaque
Subject: |
XI. Superintendent Reports:
Subject: |
XI.A. Superintendent Update
Subject: |
XII. Presentation/Informational Items:
Subject: |
XII.A. City of Robstown Police Department Donation to CTE
Subject: |
XII.B. Texas High School Welding Series Donation
Subject: |
XII.C. RISD Donations
Subject: |
XII.D. Spring Break - March 10, 2025, thru March 14, 2025
Subject: |
XII.E. Distribution of Update 124
Subject: |
XII.F. Academic Update/TIA Update
Subject: |
XII.G. M & O Update
Subject: |
XII.H. Safety Report
Subject: |
XII.I. SHARS/Federal Programs Update
Subject: |
XII.J. List of Bills
Subject: |
XII.K. Financial Statement Report
Subject: |
XIII. Consent Agenda Item(s):
Subject: |
XIII.A. Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
XIII.B. Budget Amendment #3
Subject: |
XIV. Action Item(s):
Subject: |
XIV.A. Discuss and Consider Approval of a One (1) Year Renewal Contract with Keach and
Associates for Property Insurance Effective March 17, 2025 |
Subject: |
XIV.B. Discuss and Consider Approval of the Targeted Improvement Plans for Lotspiech Leadership Academy and Seale Jr. High School for the 2024-2025 School Year
Subject: |
XV. Closed Session - Section 551.074 and 551.076 of the Texas Government Code
Subject: |
XV.A. Pursuant to Sections 551.074 and 551.076 of the Texas Government Code, the Board will Adjourn Into Closed Session for the Purpose of Considering the Appointments, Employments, Evaluations, Resignations, Reassignments, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of Employees
Subject: |
XV.B. Intruder Detection Audit Report (Robert Driscoll Elementary School)
Subject: |
XVI. Open Session:
Subject: |
XVI.A. Discuss and Consider Approval of Appointments, Employments, Evaluations, Resignations, Reassignments, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of Employees
Subject: |
XVII. Adjournment