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Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order:
2. 2014-15 School Calendar Options:
3. Change in Background Check Practice:
4. Capital Budget:
5. Digital Textbook Consortium Opportunity:
6. Policy Review:
7. Other:
8. Upcoming Events/Meetings:
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: February 10, 2014 at 6:00 PM - School Board Work Session
1. Call to Order:
2. 2014-15 School Calendar Options:
Dr. Smith
I have attached two calendars for 2014-15 for your review.  Essentially, the calendars are similar in format to our current year calendar.  Version 3 has spring break week aligning with Good Friday and it has a full two week holiday break in December/January.
3. Change in Background Check Practice:
Dr. Smith
We are required to initiate a background check on all employees we hire.  Currently, the employee pays a $15 fee (this goes back to the original days of a required BCA check when the cost for the BCA check was $15).  Several years ago, we expanded our criminal background checks to include a more thorough review of records wherever the employee had previously resided.  The cost of the background check exceeded the $15 requested from the potential employee and the district covered any additional cost.
I would like to recommend that we move to a new vendor for background checks - Trusted Employee, utilize their credit card payment option for candidates (full cost is the candidate's responsibility) and that we utilize the option to integrate the background check results with our AppliTrack application process.
Trusted Employee provides faster response time for background checks, provides the online payment option and integrates with our current application process.
There is no ongoing fee to be a partner with Trusted Employee - the only cost is for any background checks requested.
4. Capital Budget:
Dr. Smith
Building & Grounds Director Jeff Heine, Business Manager Chuck Keller and I reviewed our expected Capital Outlay requests for next year and would like to review it with the board at this time. 
A significant item of this proposal is the replacement of the South Gym roof at the high school for an estimated cost of $65,000.  We would like to begin requesting quotes for the roofing project in an effort to get a good proposal and get on contractor's work schedule for the beginning of the summer.
5. Digital Textbook Consortium Opportunity:
Dr. Smith/Mr. Wick
The MN Partnership for Collaborative Curriculum is an initiative created with the express purpose of developing standards based, open curriculum that may be shared with member districts.  Dr. Smith will take a few minutes to share some information about the consortium, the projects it is working on, the cost of membership and any other details that you may wonder about.
A one page summary of the project is attached for your information.  The project web address is listed for those wishing further information.
6. Policy Review:
Dr. Smith

We will review the following policy revisions that have been recommended by MSBA.  The five policies to be reviewed are:  605 - Alternative Programs (2nd reading); 608 -  Instructional Services  - Special Programs; 609 - Religion; and 610 - Field Trips; 611 - Home Schooling; and 613 - Graduation Requirements. I have attached copies of the current district policy and the revised version recommended by MSBA.  Let me know if you have any questions regarding these changes.
7. Other:
8. Upcoming Events/Meetings:
Monday, Feb. 24 -   5:30 Finance Committee Mtg.
                                6:00 Regular Board Mtg.
Monday, Mar. 10 -   6:00 p.m.  School Board Work Session

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