Meeting Agenda
1 Alpena County is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Finance Committee Meeting Time: Sep 15, 2021 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 842 6186 4537 Passcode: 090932 Dial by phone for audio only 1 301 715 8592 1 312 626 6799 1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 842 6186 4537 Passcode: 090932 |
2 9:30 a.m. Bonnie Friedrichs, County Clerk
2 1) Bills to pay
2 COMMITTEE ACTION ONLY: Motion to pay all bills as submitted.
3 9:35 a.m. Janelle Mott, Juvenile Officer
3 1) Child Care Fund’s monthly report (attached)
3 2) FY2021 Child Care Fund Budget (attached)
3 ACTION ITEM #1: The Committee recommends we approve the FY2021 Child Care Fund Budget Proposal in the amount of $884,825.00 for the Juvenile Division as presented.
4 9:40 a.m. Mark Hall, Emergency Services Coordinator
4 1) Pay Active 911 Invoice (attached)
4 ACTION ITEM #2: The Committee recommends we approve the annual renewal Active 911 invoice in the amount of $2,695.00 with this budgeted item to be paid out of line item #261-325-955.003, as presented.
4 2) West Shore Services Yearly Maintenance Contract for Warning Siren, Invoice #29104 (attached)
4 ACTION ITEM #3: The Committee recommends we approve the West Shore Services Invoice #29104 for the yearly maintenance agreement for the warning siren, in the amount of $3,320.00 from the 2021 budget line item #101-426-932 with $1,438.90 to be transferred from the County General Fund Balance to #101-426-932 for the agreement to no longer cross fiscal years, as presented.
4 3) Unication Pager Replacement Parts (attached)
4 ACTION ITEM #4: The Committee recommends to approve the purchase of G5 pager replacement parts (antennas, batteries and belt clips) from Tele-Rad Inc. in the amount of $1,416.30 from line item #261-325-970, as presented. This will require a transfer from the fund balance Pager Lease Reserve #261-000-385 to E-911 Improvement #261-325-970.
4 4) Purchase of MEVO Anywhere 4G Mobile Kit With 2 Phones (attached)
4 ACTION ITEM #5: The Committee recommends to approve the purchase of MEVO Anywhere 4G Mobile Kit with 2 Phones (mobile 911 calls) from INdigital Inc. in the amount of $6,392.38 from 2021 budget line item #261-325-970.003, as presented. (This purchase did not go out for bids due to the single source vendor.)
5 9:45 a.m. Liz Skiba, District Court Administrator
5 1) Federal Grant and State Grant Reimbursements (attached)
5 2) Financial Institution “Analysis Fees” (attached)
6 9:50 a.m. Mick Higgins, Assistant Airport Manager
6 1) Overfill Protection Equipment (attached)
6 ACTION ITEM #6: The Committee recommends to authorize the Treasurer to transfer $14,437.00 from the Airport Fund Balance to #295-595-977.001 FF Overfill Equipment for installation of overfill protection equipment on the County-owned fuel farm, as presented.
7 9:55 a.m. Commissioner Robert Adrian
7 1) Travel Budget
8 10:00 a.m. Kim Ludlow, County Treasurer
8 1) Monthly Reports (attached)
8 2) Plaza Pool Fund Deficit (attached)
8 ACTION ITEM #7: The Committee recommends authorizing the Treasurer to appropriate $10,000.00 to the Plaza Pool for 2021 to be transferred immediately to ensure the Plaza Pool Fund does not have a Fund Deficit at the end of the year, as presented.
Agenda Item Details
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Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 842 6186 4537 Passcode: 090932 Dial by your location 1 301 715 8592 1 312 626 6799 1 253 215 8782 1 346 248 7799 Meeting ID: 842 6186 4537 Passcode: 090932 |
Meeting: | September 15, 2021 at 9:30 AM - Finance Committee Meeting | |
Subject: |
1 Alpena County is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Finance Committee Meeting Time: Sep 15, 2021 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 842 6186 4537 Passcode: 090932 Dial by phone for audio only 1 301 715 8592 1 312 626 6799 1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 842 6186 4537 Passcode: 090932 |
Subject: |
2 9:30 a.m. Bonnie Friedrichs, County Clerk
Subject: |
2 1) Bills to pay
Subject: |
2 COMMITTEE ACTION ONLY: Motion to pay all bills as submitted.
Subject: |
3 9:35 a.m. Janelle Mott, Juvenile Officer
Subject: |
3 1) Child Care Fund’s monthly report (attached)
Subject: |
3 2) FY2021 Child Care Fund Budget (attached)
Subject: |
3 ACTION ITEM #1: The Committee recommends we approve the FY2021 Child Care Fund Budget Proposal in the amount of $884,825.00 for the Juvenile Division as presented.
Subject: |
4 9:40 a.m. Mark Hall, Emergency Services Coordinator
Subject: |
4 1) Pay Active 911 Invoice (attached)
Subject: |
4 ACTION ITEM #2: The Committee recommends we approve the annual renewal Active 911 invoice in the amount of $2,695.00 with this budgeted item to be paid out of line item #261-325-955.003, as presented.
Subject: |
4 2) West Shore Services Yearly Maintenance Contract for Warning Siren, Invoice #29104 (attached)
Subject: |
4 ACTION ITEM #3: The Committee recommends we approve the West Shore Services Invoice #29104 for the yearly maintenance agreement for the warning siren, in the amount of $3,320.00 from the 2021 budget line item #101-426-932 with $1,438.90 to be transferred from the County General Fund Balance to #101-426-932 for the agreement to no longer cross fiscal years, as presented.
Subject: |
4 3) Unication Pager Replacement Parts (attached)
Subject: |
4 ACTION ITEM #4: The Committee recommends to approve the purchase of G5 pager replacement parts (antennas, batteries and belt clips) from Tele-Rad Inc. in the amount of $1,416.30 from line item #261-325-970, as presented. This will require a transfer from the fund balance Pager Lease Reserve #261-000-385 to E-911 Improvement #261-325-970.
Subject: |
4 4) Purchase of MEVO Anywhere 4G Mobile Kit With 2 Phones (attached)
Subject: |
4 ACTION ITEM #5: The Committee recommends to approve the purchase of MEVO Anywhere 4G Mobile Kit with 2 Phones (mobile 911 calls) from INdigital Inc. in the amount of $6,392.38 from 2021 budget line item #261-325-970.003, as presented. (This purchase did not go out for bids due to the single source vendor.)
Subject: |
5 9:45 a.m. Liz Skiba, District Court Administrator
Subject: |
5 1) Federal Grant and State Grant Reimbursements (attached)
Subject: |
5 2) Financial Institution “Analysis Fees” (attached)
Subject: |
6 9:50 a.m. Mick Higgins, Assistant Airport Manager
Subject: |
6 1) Overfill Protection Equipment (attached)
Subject: |
6 ACTION ITEM #6: The Committee recommends to authorize the Treasurer to transfer $14,437.00 from the Airport Fund Balance to #295-595-977.001 FF Overfill Equipment for installation of overfill protection equipment on the County-owned fuel farm, as presented.
Subject: |
7 9:55 a.m. Commissioner Robert Adrian
Subject: |
7 1) Travel Budget
Subject: |
8 10:00 a.m. Kim Ludlow, County Treasurer
Subject: |
8 1) Monthly Reports (attached)
Subject: |
8 2) Plaza Pool Fund Deficit (attached)
Subject: |
8 ACTION ITEM #7: The Committee recommends authorizing the Treasurer to appropriate $10,000.00 to the Plaza Pool for 2021 to be transferred immediately to ensure the Plaza Pool Fund does not have a Fund Deficit at the end of the year, as presented.