Meeting Agenda
1. Winter Board Retreat - Day 1, 9:00 AM
2. Call to Order and Moment of Silence
3. Roll Call
4. Strategic Planning: 9:00AM - 3:00PM
4.A. Setting the Stage & Planning Process Overview
4.B. Observations & Reflections of SY18-19 Progress to Date
4.C. Goal #3: Staff Recruitment & Retention Deep Dive
4.C.1. Local Teachers - What are we defining as "local?"
4.C.2. SY19-20 Focus by Objective
4.D. Goal #2: Community Spirit Deep Dive
4.D.1. Early Career Education Immersion Program - Clarify Partners, etc...
4.D.2. SY19-20 Focus by Objective
4.E. Goal #1: Academic Success/Whole Child Deep Dive
4.E.1. Cultural Calendar
5. Winter Board Retreat - Day 2, 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
6. Call to Order and Moment of Silence
7. Executive Session regarding Attorney/Client Communications
7.A. Legal Matters
7.A.1. Recommendations regarding Board vote and ratification/confirmation of Action Item SB19-091
7.A.2. Status of Claims alleged by District employee
7.A.3. Recommendations regarding by-law amendments and organizational issues
7.A.4. Recommendations regarding District personnel document review
8. Strategic Planning
8.A. Goal #1: Academic Success Whole Child Deep Dive (Continued)
8.A.1. Alternative Education
8.A.2. Inupiaq Learning Framework
8.A.2.a. What are other partnership relationships that we need to be part of?
8.A.2.b. Writing Mapkuq Units - Grant Award?
8.A.3. Qatqinniagvik, Career Learning Program
8.A.4. Authentic Assessments
8.A.5. SY19-20 Focus by Objective
8.B. Summary of SY19-20 Priorities & Budget Implications
8.B.1. Goal 4#: Financial & Operational Stewardship
8.B.2. Goal 3#: Staff Recruitment & Retention
8.B.3. Goal 2#: Qargi/Community Spirit
8.B.4. Goal 1#: Academic Success/Whole Child
8.C. Wrap Up
8.C.1. Clarify Decisions Made: Outstanding Items
8.C.2. Next Steps
9. Closing Comments
10. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 6, 2019 at 9:00 AM - Winter Board Retreat | |
Subject: |
1. Winter Board Retreat - Day 1, 9:00 AM
Subject: |
2. Call to Order and Moment of Silence
The North Slope Borough School District Board of Education retreats discuss issues relevant to public education.The retreat will:
• Be a publicly noticed meeting. • Invite comments of individuals or groups for the purpose of further explaining an issue. • Not entertain motions. • Be recorded but no minutes will be generated. |
Subject: |
3. Roll Call
Subject: |
4. Strategic Planning: 9:00AM - 3:00PM
Subject: |
4.A. Setting the Stage & Planning Process Overview
Subject: |
4.B. Observations & Reflections of SY18-19 Progress to Date
Subject: |
4.C. Goal #3: Staff Recruitment & Retention Deep Dive
Subject: |
4.C.1. Local Teachers - What are we defining as "local?"
Subject: |
4.C.2. SY19-20 Focus by Objective
Subject: |
4.D. Goal #2: Community Spirit Deep Dive
Subject: |
4.D.1. Early Career Education Immersion Program - Clarify Partners, etc...
Subject: |
4.D.2. SY19-20 Focus by Objective
Subject: |
4.E. Goal #1: Academic Success/Whole Child Deep Dive
Subject: |
4.E.1. Cultural Calendar
Subject: |
5. Winter Board Retreat - Day 2, 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Subject: |
6. Call to Order and Moment of Silence
Subject: |
7. Executive Session regarding Attorney/Client Communications
Subject: |
7.A. Legal Matters
Subject: |
7.A.1. Recommendations regarding Board vote and ratification/confirmation of Action Item SB19-091
Subject: |
7.A.2. Status of Claims alleged by District employee
Subject: |
7.A.3. Recommendations regarding by-law amendments and organizational issues
Subject: |
7.A.4. Recommendations regarding District personnel document review
Subject: |
8. Strategic Planning
Subject: |
8.A. Goal #1: Academic Success Whole Child Deep Dive (Continued)
Subject: |
8.A.1. Alternative Education
Subject: |
8.A.2. Inupiaq Learning Framework
Subject: |
8.A.2.a. What are other partnership relationships that we need to be part of?
Subject: |
8.A.2.b. Writing Mapkuq Units - Grant Award?
Subject: |
8.A.3. Qatqinniagvik, Career Learning Program
Subject: |
8.A.4. Authentic Assessments
Subject: |
8.A.5. SY19-20 Focus by Objective
Subject: |
8.B. Summary of SY19-20 Priorities & Budget Implications
Subject: |
8.B.1. Goal 4#: Financial & Operational Stewardship
Subject: |
8.B.2. Goal 3#: Staff Recruitment & Retention
Subject: |
8.B.3. Goal 2#: Qargi/Community Spirit
Subject: |
8.B.4. Goal 1#: Academic Success/Whole Child
Subject: |
8.C. Wrap Up
Subject: |
8.C.1. Clarify Decisions Made: Outstanding Items
Subject: |
8.C.2. Next Steps
Subject: |
9. Closing Comments
Subject: |
10. Adjournment