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Meeting Agenda
1. Committee Chair Selection
2. LPSD Budget Overview from 9/16/24
3. 11.7.24 Finance Committee Presentation
4. Budget and Transparency Software 
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LPSD Mission: We will nourish student growth by investing in partnerships & implementing culturally responsive, place-based education.

LPSD Vision: We grow self-directed, life-long learners who are grounded in their culture & contribute to their communities.

Finance Committee Charges: 

The Finance Committee reviews and recommends to the Board regarding the existing and projected revenues and expenditures and suggests measures to overcome potential budget constraints and improve the district's fiscal solvency. Such recommendations ensure the District maximizes its revenue, uses its resources optimally, and is able to sustain effective operations on a long-term basis.

The Finance Committee regularly identifies areas of the budget or fiscal operations for in-depth analysis. Such projects are undertaken to address public input, develop the budget timeline and a budgetary plan, and review Administration assumptions.

Meeting: November 7, 2024 at 10:00 AM - Finance Committee Meeting
1. Committee Chair Selection
2. LPSD Budget Overview from 9/16/24
3. 11.7.24 Finance Committee Presentation
4. Budget and Transparency Software 

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