Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order at 7:30 P.M.
2. Roll Call
3. Listening Session
4. Recommendation to add items to the agenda from Board members or School Administrators
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Approval of Minutes
7. Business Services
7.1. Approve payment of checks, Purchasing Card electronic payments
7.2. Treasurer's Report
7.3. Greenbush Middle River School District Budget to Actual Expenditure Report
8. Reports:
8.1. Financial Update
8.2. Facility Report
8.3. Boards and Committees
8.4. Principal
8.5. Superintendent
9. Old Business
9.1. Reduction and Discontinuation of Educational Programs and Positions
9.1.a. Administration Recommendations: Reducing and Discontinuing Educational Programs and Positions
9.1.b. Approve Resolution Reducing and Discontinuing Educational Programs and Positions
10. New Business:
10.1. Personnel
10.1.a. Approve Hire: Food Service Dishwasher
10.1.b. Approve Resignation: Maintenance Supervisor & Boiler Operator
10.1.c. Approve Resignation: Principal
10.1.d. Approve Resignation: Teacher
10.2. Accept Gifts & Donations
10.3. Budget Reductions
10.3.a. Administration Recommendations for Nonrenewal and Placement on Unrequested Leave of Absence
10.3.b. Resolutions Nonrenewing Tier 1 and Tier 2 Teachers
10.3.c. Resolutions Nonrenewing Probationary Teacher
10.3.d. Resolutions Proposing Placement of a Continuing Contract/Tenured Teacher on Unrequested Leave of Absence
10.4. Policy Review
10.4.a. Policy 902 Use of School District Facilities and Equipment
10.4.b. Policy 511 Student Fundraising
11. Significant School Events and Communication:
11.1. Family, Career and Community Leaders of America - National Competition
11.2. Upcoming Events
12. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | April 15, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting (Preliminary Agenda) | ||||||||||||||||
Subject: |
1. Call to Order at 7:30 P.M.
Subject: |
2. Roll Call
Subject: |
3. Listening Session
All speakers are asked to complete the Listening Session Sign-in Form including as much detail as possible and including a printed / written copy of your presentation if one is available. This is an opportunity for the Board to listen, the Board will not engage in dialogue. As a general rule, the Board will not comment on or respond to any comments made by speakers. Please do not include names of Greenbush Middle River employees or representatives, their title, or location in your remarks for your own legal protection and the legal rights of staff.
Each speaker will have five (5) minutes to speak: speakers may not roll their time to another speaker. Speakers will be timed and are asked to complete their comments in this time frame. Board members may ask questions if needed. Please begin your presentation by stating your name and topic only. In the spirit of fairness to all participants, we request that you respect the format above. Thank you for taking the time today to attend this meeting and share your concerns and suggestions. |
Subject: |
4. Recommendation to add items to the agenda from Board members or School Administrators
Subject: |
5. Approval of Agenda
A motion was made by _____, seconded by _____to approve the agenda of the April 15, 2024 Regular Board Meeting as presented/amended.
Subject: |
6. Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by _____, seconded by _____to approve the minutes of the March 18, 2024 Regular Meeting.
A motion was made by _____, seconded by _____to approve the minutes of the March 22, 2024 Special Meeting. |
Subject: |
7. Business Services
Subject: |
7.1. Approve payment of checks, Purchasing Card electronic payments
A motion was made by _____, seconded by _____to approve the payment of bills check #41082 through #41135 a total of $110,741.72 and Purchasing Card electronic payments dated March 5, 2024 and Electronic Funds Transfers as submitted.
Subject: |
7.2. Treasurer's Report
Subject: |
7.3. Greenbush Middle River School District Budget to Actual Expenditure Report
01 General Fund
02 Food Service 04 Community Service 07 Debt Redemption 08 Scholarship Fund 09 Student Activities See attached |
Subject: |
8. Reports:
Subject: |
8.1. Financial Update
Presenter: Ehlers Public Finance Advisors
Matthew Hammer and Aaron Bushberger |
Subject: |
8.2. Facility Report
Update on facility status and preliminary LTFM planning
Presenter: Josh Kern, Maintenance & Boiler Operator |
Subject: |
8.3. Boards and Committees
Subject: |
8.4. Principal
Subject: |
8.5. Superintendent
Subject: |
9. Old Business
Subject: |
9.1. Reduction and Discontinuation of Educational Programs and Positions
Subject: |
9.1.a. Administration Recommendations: Reducing and Discontinuing Educational Programs and Positions
Administration proposes an adjustment to the recommendations on March 22 for reducing and discontinuing education programs and positions based on voluntary request from Industrial Technology instructor. The recommendation is to reduce the FACS program to .75 instead of .50 and to reduce the Industrial Technology program to .75.
Subject: |
9.1.b. Approve Resolution Reducing and Discontinuing Educational Programs and Positions
Board Member _____ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS the School Board of Independent District No. 2683, adopted a resolution on January 22, 2024 directing the Administration to make recommendations regarding the reduction and/or discontinuance of programs and positions, and WHEREAS, said recommendations have been received and considered by the School Board, BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board in Independent District No. 2683, as follows: That the following programs and positions, or portions thereof, be discontinued in addition to, or as an adjustment to, those approved by the Board at the March 22, 2024 Special Meeting. 1. .75 Family and Consumer Science Instruction (change from.50 FACS program reduction approved on March 22, 2024) 2. .75 Industrial Technology Instruction (in addition to program reductions approved on March 22, 2024) The motion for the adoption of the preceding resolution was duly seconded by _____ and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof, the following voted against the same: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted on April 15, 2024. |
Subject: |
10. New Business:
Subject: |
10.1. Personnel
Subject: |
10.1.a. Approve Hire: Food Service Dishwasher
Suggested Board Action: Motion by _____ second by _____ to approve the hire of Leonor Lorenson as food service dishwasher, effective March 4, 2024.
Subject: |
10.1.b. Approve Resignation: Maintenance Supervisor & Boiler Operator
Suggested Board Action: Motion by _____ second by _____ to approve and accept the resignation of Josh Kern, Maintenance Supervisor and Boiler Operator, effective April 30, 2024.
Subject: |
10.1.c. Approve Resignation: Principal
Suggested Board Action: Motion by _____ second by _____ to approve and accept the resignation of Daniel Carpenter, Principal, effective June 30, 2024.
Subject: |
10.1.d. Approve Resignation: Teacher
Suggested Board Action: Motion by _____ second by _____ to approve and accept the resignation of Elizabeth Brandon, Kindergarten teacher, effective June 30, 2024.
Subject: |
10.2. Accept Gifts & Donations
Suggested Board Action: Motion by _____ seconded by _____ to accept the following gifts and donations.
-$100.00- Jeanne Novacek for FACS department use -Pulley Weight Machine for weight room use -$3,000 Arlys Graff Trust to FCCLA -$1,500 Donation to Class of 2025 |
Subject: |
10.3. Budget Reductions
Subject: |
10.3.a. Administration Recommendations for Nonrenewal and Placement on Unrequested Leave of Absence
Recommendations to nonrenew Tier 1 and/or Tier 2 teachers:
a. Katerina Schafer, Tier 1 Art Teacher b. John Moore, Tier 2 Industrial Technology Teacher, reduce to .75 FTE Recommendations to nonrenew Probationary teachers: a. Brittany Burkel, .50 Science teacher |
Subject: |
10.3.b. Resolutions Nonrenewing Tier 1 and Tier 2 Teachers
RESOLUTION 1 _____introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, Katerina Schafer, is a Tier 1 teacher in Independent District No. 2683. BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent District No. 2683, that the teaching contract of Katerina Schafer, a Tier 1 teacher in Independent School District No. 2683, shall be nonrenewed at the end of the 2023-2024 school year, effective June 30, 2024; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that written notice be sent to said teacher regarding the nonrenewal of the teacher's teaching contract. The motion for the adoption of the preceding resolution was duly seconded by _____ and upon vote being taken thereon, The following voted in favor thereof, the following voted against the same. whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted on April 15, 2024 ______________________________________ RESOLUTION 2 _____ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, John Moore, is a Tier 2 teacher in Independent District No. 2683. BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent District No. 2683, that the teaching contract of John Moore, a Tier 2 teacher in Independent School District No. 2683, shall be reduced to .75 FTE , an equivalent of .25 nonrenewal, at the end of the 2023-2024 school year, effective June 30, 2024; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that written notice be sent to said teacher regarding the reduction and portional nonrenewal of the teacher's teaching contract. The motion for the adoption of the preceding resolution was duly seconded by _____ and upon vote being taken thereon, The following voted in favor thereof, the following voted against the same. whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted on April 15, 2024 |
Subject: |
10.3.c. Resolutions Nonrenewing Probationary Teacher
_____ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Brittany Burkel is a probationary teacher in Independent District No. 2683. BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent District No. 2683, that pursuant to Minn. Stat. 122A.40, subd. 51 and the District Master Agreement, the teaching contract of Brittany Burkel, a probationary teacher in Independent District No. 2683, shall be nonrenewed at the end of the 2023-2024 school year effective June 30, 2024. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that written notice be sent to said teacher regarding the nonrenewal of the teacher's teaching contract. The motion for the adoption of the preceding resolution was duly seconded by ______ and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof, the following voted against the same: whereupon s.aid resolution as declared duly passed and adopted on April 15, 2024 |
Subject: |
10.3.d. Resolutions Proposing Placement of a Continuing Contract/Tenured Teacher on Unrequested Leave of Absence
_____ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent District No. 2683, as follows: That it is proposed that Laura Dahl, a continuing contract/tenured teacher of said District, be placed on .25 full time equivalent (FTE) unrequested leave of absence with pay or fringe benefits reduced by same equivalent, at the end of the 2023-2024 school year effective June 30, 2024. Said action is taken in accordance with the District Master Agreement and pursuant to Minn. Stat. 122A.40, subd. 10. upon the grounds described in said statute and which are specifically as follows: 1. lack of pupils 2. financial limitations BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a notice of proposed placement on unrequested leave, together with a copy of this resolution be forwarded to said teacher and that an affidavit of the same be placed in her personnel file with a copy of the notice and resolution. The motion for the adoption of the preceding resolution was duly seconded by _____ and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof, the following voted against the same: weherupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted on April 15, 2024. ___________________________________ RESOLUTION 2 _____ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent District No. 2683, as follows: That it is proposed that Mara Gust, a continuing contract/tenured teacher of said District, be placed on 1.0 full time equivalent (FTE) unrequested leave of absence without pay or fringe benefits at the end of the 2023-2024 school year effective June 30, 2024. Said action is taken in accordance with the District Master Agreement and pursuant to Minn. Stat. 122A.40, subd. 10. upon the grounds described in said statute and which are specifically as follows: 1. lack of pupils 2. financial limitations BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a notice of proposed placement on unrequested leave, together with a copy of this resolution be forwarded to said teacher and that an affidavit of the same be placed in her personnel file with a copy of the notice and resolution. The motion for the adoption of the preceding resolution was duly seconded by _____ and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof, the following voted against the same: weherupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted on April 15, 2024. |
Subject: |
10.4. Policy Review
Subject: |
10.4.a. Policy 902 Use of School District Facilities and Equipment
Policy 902 reflects the MSBA model policy language and no revisions are recommended to the policy. A procedural form is attached that will facilitate information gathering and tracking of facility use. The Board may choose to require facility users to pay a fee and/or hold an insurance policy. Although no revisions are recommended, it is suggested that the board take action to reflect the review of this policy.
Suggested Board Action: Motion by_____, second by _____ to approve renewal of Policy 902 Use of School District Facilities and Equipment with no revisions. |
Subject: |
10.4.b. Policy 511 Student Fundraising
Policy 511 reflects the MSBA model policy language and no revisions are recommended to the policy. The policy requires administrator approval of all fundraisers and annual report of such activities. Attached is the procedural approval form that will be used for these purposes. Although no revisions to the policy are recommended, it is suggested that the board take action to reflect the review of this policy.
Suggested Board Action: Motion by_____, second by _____ to approve renewal of Policy 511 Student Fundraising with no revisions. |
Subject: |
11. Significant School Events and Communication:
Subject: |
11.1. Family, Career and Community Leaders of America - National Competition
Description: Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Competition was held in the Twin Cities April 5-9.
Qualifying for National Competition in Seattle, WA June 29-July 3 are: Sierra Westberg Audrey Gust Madi Pulk 1st Alternates: Brylie Kjersten, Kayle Vacura |
Subject: |
11.2. Upcoming Events
Next Regular School Board Meeting
May 20, 2024, 6:30 p.m. Greenbush Middle River School Library -- Greenbush, MN Next Regular Joint Powers Board Meeting May 8, 2024, 5:30 p.m. Tri County School Library -- Karlstad, MN Prom - April 27 Commencement - May 26, 2:00 p.m. |
Subject: |
12. Adjournment
Motion by _____,second by _____ to adjourn.