Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order at __:___ p.m.
2. Roll Call
2.1. Board Members Present:
Carrie Jo Howard, Shane Kilen, Brandon Kuznia, Joseph Melby, Alison Harder, Kurt Stenberg, Laurie Stromsodt |
2.2. Administration:
Supt. Larry Guggisberg, Principal Sharon Schultz |
2.3. Also Present:
3. Listening Session
4. Recommendation to add items to the agenda from Board members or school Administrators
5. Approval of Agenda
5.1. A motion was made by ____________________, seconded by ____________________ to approve the agenda of the October 21, 2019 Regular Board Meeting as presented / amended.
6. Approval of Minutes
6.1. A motion was made by ____________________, seconded by ____________________ to approve the minutes of the preceding regular meeting of September 16, 2019.
7. Business Services
7.1. Approval of Bills based on review by the Audit Committee (K. Stenberg & CJ. Howard)
7.2. Business Services Report
7.3. Greenbush Middle River School District Budget to Actual Expenditure Report (as previously requested by board member to provide on monthly basis).
8. Significant School Events and Communication:
8.1. Board acceptance of donations to the School.
9. Old Business
9.1. School Board Policy up-dates.
10. New Business:
10.1. Greenbush Middle River School District Seniority and Teacher Certification List
10.2. Principal report on Student & Staff safety: ALICE TRAINING
10.3. Board Approval: Replacement of phone system to improve student and staff communication & safety.
10.4. Board Approval: Snow Removal Bid
10.5. Resignation of Food Service staff member
10.6. Board Approval to transfer individual from a short-term Assistant Cook position to permanent Assistant Cook position.
10.7. Minnesota State High School League Foundation Application for Grant for Student Participation
11. Reports and Communication
11.1. Status of negotiations with GMR Education Association
11.2. Greenbush Middle River School District K-12 enrollment (as of October 1, 2019)
11.3. Community Education programming
11.4. October is [Anti-]Bullying Awareness Month
11.5. October is College Knowledge Month
11.6. Veterans Day Program on November 11, 2019
11.7. Report on Disposal of School Equipment and Supplies
11.8. Election for NW Service Cooperative Board of Directors
11.9. Flooded Road Conditions & Transportation of Students
12. Adjournment.
13. Calendar of Events to note:
14. Call to Order at __:___ p.m.
15. Roll Call
15.1. Board Members Present:
Carrie Jo Howard, Shane Kilen, Brandon Kuznia, Joseph Melby, Alison Harder, Kurt Stenberg, Laurie Stromsodt |
15.2. Administration:
Supt. Larry Guggisberg, Principal Sharon Schultz |
15.3. Also Present:
16. Listening Session
17. Recommendation to add items to the agenda from Board members or school Administrators
18. Approval of Agenda
18.1. A motion was made by ____________________, seconded by ____________________ to approve the agenda of the October 21, 2019 Regular Board Meeting as presented / amended.
19. Approval of Minutes
19.1. A motion was made by ____________________, seconded by ____________________ to approve the minutes of the preceding regular meeting of September 16, 2019.
20. Business Services
20.1. Approval of Bills based on review by the Audit Committee (K. Stenberg & CJ. Howard)
20.2. Business Services Report
20.3. Greenbush Middle River School District Budget to Actual Expenditure Report (as previously requested by board member to provide on monthly basis).
21. Significant School Events and Communication:
21.1. Board acceptance of donations to the School.
22. Old Business
22.1. School Board Policy up-dates.
23. New Business:
23.1. Greenbush Middle River School District Seniority and Teacher Certification List
23.2. Principal report on Student & Staff safety: ALICE TRAINING
23.3. Board Approval: Replacement of phone system to improve student and staff communication & safety.
23.4. Board Approval: Snow Removal Bid
23.5. Resignation of Food Service staff member
23.6. Board Approval to transfer individual from a short-term Assistant Cook position to permanent Assistant Cook position.
23.7. Minnesota State High School League Foundation Application for Grant for Student Participation
24. Reports and Communication
24.1. Status of negotiations with GMR Education Association
24.2. Greenbush Middle River School District K-12 enrollment (as of October 1, 2019)
24.3. Community Education programming
24.4. October is [Anti-]Bullying Awareness Month
24.5. October is College Knowledge Month
24.6. Veterans Day Program on November 11, 2019
24.7. Report on Disposal of School Equipment and Supplies
24.8. Election for NW Service Cooperative Board of Directors
24.9. Flooded Road Conditions & Transportation of Students
25. Adjournment.
26. Calendar of Events to note:
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | October 21, 2019 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order at __:___ p.m.
Subject: |
2. Roll Call
Subject: |
2.1. Board Members Present:
Carrie Jo Howard, Shane Kilen, Brandon Kuznia, Joseph Melby, Alison Harder, Kurt Stenberg, Laurie Stromsodt |
Subject: |
2.2. Administration:
Supt. Larry Guggisberg, Principal Sharon Schultz |
Subject: |
2.3. Also Present:
Subject: |
3. Listening Session
All speakers are asked to complete the Listening Session Sign-in Form including as much detail as possible and including a printed / written copy of your presentation if one is available.
This is an opportunity for the Board to listen, the Board will not engage in dialogue. As a general rule, the Board will not comment on or respond to any comments made by speakers. Please do not include names of Greenbush Middle River employees or representatives, their title, or location in your remarks for your own legal protection and the legal rights of staff. Each speaker will have five (5) minutes to speak: speakers may not roll their time to another speaker. Speakers will be timed and are asked to complete their comments in this time frame. Board members may ask questions if needed. Please begin your presentation by stating your name and topic only. In the spirit of fairness to all participants, we request that you respect the format above. Thank you for taking the time today to attend this meeting and share your concerns and suggestions. |
Subject: |
4. Recommendation to add items to the agenda from Board members or school Administrators
Subject: |
5. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
5.1. A motion was made by ____________________, seconded by ____________________ to approve the agenda of the October 21, 2019 Regular Board Meeting as presented / amended.
Subject: |
6. Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
6.1. A motion was made by ____________________, seconded by ____________________ to approve the minutes of the preceding regular meeting of September 16, 2019.
Subject: |
7. Business Services
Subject: |
7.1. Approval of Bills based on review by the Audit Committee (K. Stenberg & CJ. Howard)
A motion was made by ____________________, seconded by ____________________ to approve the payment of bills check #36538 through check #36662 for a total of $317,618.12 and Purchasing Card electronic payments of $197.46 dated September 5, 2019 and Electronic Funds Transfers as submitted.
Subject: |
7.2. Business Services Report
Subject: |
7.3. Greenbush Middle River School District Budget to Actual Expenditure Report (as previously requested by board member to provide on monthly basis).
Subject: |
8. Significant School Events and Communication:
Subject: |
8.1. Board acceptance of donations to the School.
The school receives tremendous support from the community. Direct support comes in the form of those items within this Agenda item which are recognized and accepted by the Board. There are MANY, MANY indirect support efforts which include but are limited to: Volunteer efforts, pumpkins donated for Elementary School Pumpkin Painting activity, Dig Pink (Breast Cancer Awareness) door prizes, Football Tailgating sponsorship and the annual Halloween Party. I am just starting to learn all these indirect support efforts which are too many to mention and I am sure I unintentionally omitted other support efforts. THANK YOU. A motion was made by ______________, seconded by _________________, to accept the following donation(s). Greenbush American Legion Post 88 to GMR School for Softball Scoreboard donation $2,500.00 Arlys Graff Trust Fund to GMR School for GMR Drama Department** $13,782.97 Arlys Graff Trust Fund to GMR School for First Robotics* $2,120.00 **= ..."Along with these funds, may I add my very best wishes for a successful school year in which students not only excel but are inspired to continue their learning and achievement." Patricia Hanauer, Trustee *= ..."wish the music and theater departments the very best as they provide opportunities and experiences from which students will benefit." Patricia Hanauer, Trustee |
Subject: |
9. Old Business
Subject: |
9.1. School Board Policy up-dates.
excerpt from August 19, 2019 School Board meeting. School Board consideration towards up-dating School Board Policies as recommended by Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA) A policy manual is recognized as the primary and most efficient way for the School Board to provide administrators, employees, students, parents, taxpayers and members of the entire school district community notice of the School Board’s beliefs and goals and methods of achieving those beliefs and goals. The impetus for school board policy development or change may come from a variety of sources. It may be triggered because of a change in the law, a change in school district practice, or a change in school board philosophy. School Board policies can be specific to each school district and a number of school board policies are mandatory and are necessary to meet the requirements of state or federal law. After recent review of the current Board Policy manual available, it appears the District’s Policy manual is in need of up-dating. The MN School Boards Association provides a policy service to school districts and recommends adoption of policies that are changed due to eg: Legislative changes, new rules or regulations, case law or best practice. Policies may be: (1) new; (2) Legislative and recommended changes; or (3) non-substantive changes or minor corrections. ----------------------------------------------- MSBA Policy Services is a joint effort of the Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA) and the Minnesota Association of School Administrators (MASA). The Policy Service is a comprehensive legal guide to be used in the efficient management of all aspects of the school system. The law firm of Knutson, Flynn & Deans did the legal work for this service. All model policies have been carefully examined by the law firm to insure compliance with federal and Minnesota laws. MSBA Policy Services began in 1995 and currently has more than 370 members. Each year subscribers will receive policy newsletter(s) and additional new or revised policies. All policies, administrative regulations, exhibits, and forms are numbered and organized by general categories. Every year the model policies will be reviewed and updated to reflect any changes by legislation or court decisions. Whenever a policy is updated, those changes will be part of the District's Policy Manual. Most school districts do not have the time and personnel to develop a comprehensive policy manual. In addition, school districts would require substantial legal assistance to develop policies on their own. MSBA believes school district’s enrolling in their Policy Services program is much more cost effective for school districts than policies developed and revised by their own legal counsel. - Legal Counsel has yet to review Mandated Policies which require alteration based on the size of GMR (Administrative) staffing - In the near future, Board approval (en masse, Board member review Annual Policies as per MSBA) |
Subject: |
10. New Business:
Subject: |
10.1. Greenbush Middle River School District Seniority and Teacher Certification List
The GMR School District Seniority and Teacher Certification List has been emailed to staff and posted in workrooms for review and comment by licensed staff. Suggested Board Action: Motion by ________________ and seconded by ____________ to approve approve the Teacher Seniority list as presented. |
Subject: |
10.2. Principal report on Student & Staff safety: ALICE TRAINING
Principal Schultz will provide a report on Student & Staff safety: ALICE TRAINING to the School Board. |
Subject: |
10.3. Board Approval: Replacement of phone system to improve student and staff communication & safety.
America's Safe Schools Week is October 21-27, 2019. Over time, GMR has made progress to ensure students and staff are in a safe learning environment. Two types of efforts include: (1) improving school culture via [anti] bullying efforts and creating a sense of belonging for EVERYONE in our school. ALICE Training, Crisis Plan; and (2) using technologies such as security cameras, Emergency Parent Alert Message System, Secured entrances and radios in buses to enhance safe schools. Phone system improvements, camera up-dates, Bus radio improvements, up-dating Crisis Plan (a mandated requirement) are areas in need of continuous improvement in the GMR School. With the current focus on keeping students and staff safe in schools, improving communication is important. Proposal to School Board The proposal is to replace the existing GMR phone system with a new(er) phone system, specifically with the phone system that was in the Middle River School building. That system was removed prior to the closing of the school. That system is approximately 5 years old and is in storage. The existing phone system in the GMR School is approx. 1990's technology. The current GMR phone system has limited capabilities and does not permit effective (public address) communication. The MR phone system would be a significant improvement over the existing communication system currently in place. The replacement system would use existing internal telephone analog cabling. Funding for this replacement effort would be from the District's SAFE SCHOOLS levy. If approved, Wikstrom Telephone Company would install the replacement system during the up-coming Christmas break. Although some components would need to be purchased, the majority of the ~$19,000 cost would be for labor performed by the telephone company. Suggested Board Action: Motion by ________________ and seconded by ____________ to approve use of FY 20 Safe School Levy funding to replace the Greenbush Middle River telephone and emergency communication system. |
Subject: |
10.4. Board Approval: Snow Removal Bid
Suggested Board Action: Motion by ________________ and seconded by ____________ to approve Dversten Snow Removal for snow removal for the 2019-2020 school year. |
Subject: |
10.5. Resignation of Food Service staff member
Suggested motion: A motion was made by ______________, seconded by _________________, to accept the resignation of Ms. Veronica Gerdes as a Food Service Assistant Cook. |
Subject: |
10.6. Board Approval to transfer individual from a short-term Assistant Cook position to permanent Assistant Cook position.
Suggested motion: A motion was made by ______________, seconded by _________________, to approve transfer and employment of Ms. Janet Pierce from a short-term Assistant Cook position to permanent Food Service Assistant Cook. |
Subject: |
10.7. Minnesota State High School League Foundation Application for Grant for Student Participation
The Primary goal of the Foundation is to award grants that assist, recognize, promote, and fund extra-curricular participation. Grants are awarded based upon gender balance, school size and geographic location to the extent possible. Suggested Board Action: Resolution as provided by the MN State High School League. |
Subject: |
11. Reports and Communication
Subject: |
11.1. Status of negotiations with GMR Education Association
To-date, two (2) meetings have been held between Teacher and Board Negotiations representatives. Most recently, language proposals, especially relating to Unrequested Leave of Absence (ULA) language have been exchanged back and forth. (Developing or negotiating ULA language ie is a requirement as a result of the 2017 MN Legislation). It is expected negotiation sessions will move forward with earnest in the weeks to come.
Subject: |
11.2. Greenbush Middle River School District K-12 enrollment (as of October 1, 2019)
Subject: |
11.3. Community Education programming
The District is attempting to improve its efforts in Community Education programming using Community Education funding obtained from State funding and local levies. Pre-school (Early Childhood Family Education) and Enrichment classes for youth and adults are being offered to District residents. |
Subject: |
11.4. October is [Anti-]Bullying Awareness Month
October is National [Anti-] Bullying Awareness Month. Every October, schools and organizations across the country observe National Bullying Prevention Month. The goal: encourage schools and communities to work together to stop bullying and cyber-bullying by increasing awareness of the prevalence and impact of bullying on all children of all ages. Target Team and Student Council are leading an anti-bullying campaign with some activities. October 23 is Unity Day and we are wearing orange. Some students and staff have purchased an orange t-shirt for Unity Day that says "Choose Kindness, Acceptance, Inclusion." |
Subject: |
11.5. October is College Knowledge Month
Subject: |
11.6. Veterans Day Program on November 11, 2019
We are pleased to host the Veterans Day program on November 11 @ 2:00 pm in the gym. Former Greenbush graduate and Chief Warrant Officer Candice Caudill will be the guest speaker. |
Subject: |
11.7. Report on Disposal of School Equipment and Supplies
Effective use of school building space (eg: storage availability) will at times require disposal of obsolete equipment and material(s). The GMR School District went thru a disposal process to eliminate its inventory of used or unwanted equipment and supplies. Program supervisors developed a list of items to dispose or longer needed. Protocol for disposal of obsolete equipment and materials largely followed the model MSBA Policy [802] for disposal of obsolete equipment and materials. Prior to sale of items via public bid, some equipment and materials (eg: Kitchen related items) were given to representatives of the Middle River Legacy Center. One kitchen equipment item was given to DISCOVER GREENBUSH, an organization whose mission is to promote local activities. All vehicle and lawn equipment items had at least two bids submitted to the District. The total revenue from the sale via public bid of miscellaneous items, lawn equipment, school vehicles and two scrapped buses was $9,809.50. |
Subject: |
11.8. Election for NW Service Cooperative Board of Directors
An Election Ballot for Board members to vote for NW Service Cooperative Board of Directors will be distributed to each Board member. There are three (3) vacancies which need to be filled. Each vacancy is a four year term There is one (1) vacancy which needs to be filled. This vacancy is a two year term. |
Subject: |
11.9. Flooded Road Conditions & Transportation of Students
Recent heavy rainfall has resulted in overland flooding in the NW corner (Juneberry Township) of the GMR School District. County Road #7 is impassable driving from east to west. As a result, in order to get students (~16) in the Juneberry area to school, the bus driver has to travel to Lake Bronson and then drive east to pick up students. As a result, the bus ride is a bit longer than usual. When the water recedes and / or the County addresses the road condition, the bus route should return to normal.
Subject: |
12. Adjournment.
Board Motion: Moved by ___________ and seconded by ___________to adjourn the meeting. |
Subject: |
13. Calendar of Events to note:
Community Halloween Party in the GMR Gym - Oct. 31 Fall Musical "Little Women" November 7-8-9 Veteran’s Day program - November 11 Minnesota Rural Education Annual State Conference - November 17-19 (First Robotics presenting on November 17) GMR Target Team annual Blood Drive - November 20 GMR National Honor Society Induction ceremony - November 22 MN School Boards Association State Conference January 16-17, 2020 |
Subject: |
14. Call to Order at __:___ p.m.
Subject: |
15. Roll Call
Subject: |
15.1. Board Members Present:
Carrie Jo Howard, Shane Kilen, Brandon Kuznia, Joseph Melby, Alison Harder, Kurt Stenberg, Laurie Stromsodt |
Subject: |
15.2. Administration:
Supt. Larry Guggisberg, Principal Sharon Schultz |
Subject: |
15.3. Also Present:
Subject: |
16. Listening Session
All speakers are asked to complete the Listening Session Sign-in Form including as much detail as possible and including a printed / written copy of your presentation if one is available.
This is an opportunity for the Board to listen, the Board will not engage in dialogue. As a general rule, the Board will not comment on or respond to any comments made by speakers. Please do not include names of Greenbush Middle River employees or representatives, their title, or location in your remarks for your own legal protection and the legal rights of staff. Each speaker will have five (5) minutes to speak: speakers may not roll their time to another speaker. Speakers will be timed and are asked to complete their comments in this time frame. Board members may ask questions if needed. Please begin your presentation by stating your name and topic only. In the spirit of fairness to all participants, we request that you respect the format above. Thank you for taking the time today to attend this meeting and share your concerns and suggestions. |
Subject: |
17. Recommendation to add items to the agenda from Board members or school Administrators
Subject: |
18. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
18.1. A motion was made by ____________________, seconded by ____________________ to approve the agenda of the October 21, 2019 Regular Board Meeting as presented / amended.
Subject: |
19. Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
19.1. A motion was made by ____________________, seconded by ____________________ to approve the minutes of the preceding regular meeting of September 16, 2019.
Subject: |
20. Business Services
Subject: |
20.1. Approval of Bills based on review by the Audit Committee (K. Stenberg & CJ. Howard)
A motion was made by ____________________, seconded by ____________________ to approve the payment of bills check #36538 through check #36662 for a total of $317,618.12 and Purchasing Card electronic payments of $197.46 dated September 5, 2019 and Electronic Funds Transfers as submitted.
Subject: |
20.2. Business Services Report
Subject: |
20.3. Greenbush Middle River School District Budget to Actual Expenditure Report (as previously requested by board member to provide on monthly basis).
Subject: |
21. Significant School Events and Communication:
Subject: |
21.1. Board acceptance of donations to the School.
The school receives tremendous support from the community. Direct support comes in the form of those items within this Agenda item which are recognized and accepted by the Board. There are MANY, MANY indirect support efforts which include but are limited to: Volunteer efforts, pumpkins donated for Elementary School Pumpkin Painting activity, Dig Pink (Breast Cancer Awareness) door prizes, Football Tailgating sponsorship and the annual Halloween Party. I am just starting to learn all these indirect support efforts which are too many to mention and I am sure I unintentionally omitted other support efforts. THANK YOU. A motion was made by ______________, seconded by _________________, to accept the following donation(s). Greenbush American Legion Post 88 to GMR School for Softball Scoreboard donation $2,500.00 Arlys Graff Trust Fund to GMR School for GMR Drama Department** $13,782.97 Arlys Graff Trust Fund to GMR School for First Robotics* $2,120.00 **= ..."Along with these funds, may I add my very best wishes for a successful school year in which students not only excel but are inspired to continue their learning and achievement." Patricia Hanauer, Trustee *= ..."wish the music and theater departments the very best as they provide opportunities and experiences from which students will benefit." Patricia Hanauer, Trustee |
Subject: |
22. Old Business
Subject: |
22.1. School Board Policy up-dates.
excerpt from August 19, 2019 School Board meeting. School Board consideration towards up-dating School Board Policies as recommended by Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA) A policy manual is recognized as the primary and most efficient way for the School Board to provide administrators, employees, students, parents, taxpayers and members of the entire school district community notice of the School Board’s beliefs and goals and methods of achieving those beliefs and goals. The impetus for school board policy development or change may come from a variety of sources. It may be triggered because of a change in the law, a change in school district practice, or a change in school board philosophy. School Board policies can be specific to each school district and a number of school board policies are mandatory and are necessary to meet the requirements of state or federal law. After recent review of the current Board Policy manual available, it appears the District’s Policy manual is in need of up-dating. The MN School Boards Association provides a policy service to school districts and recommends adoption of policies that are changed due to eg: Legislative changes, new rules or regulations, case law or best practice. Policies may be: (1) new; (2) Legislative and recommended changes; or (3) non-substantive changes or minor corrections. ----------------------------------------------- MSBA Policy Services is a joint effort of the Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA) and the Minnesota Association of School Administrators (MASA). The Policy Service is a comprehensive legal guide to be used in the efficient management of all aspects of the school system. The law firm of Knutson, Flynn & Deans did the legal work for this service. All model policies have been carefully examined by the law firm to insure compliance with federal and Minnesota laws. MSBA Policy Services began in 1995 and currently has more than 370 members. Each year subscribers will receive policy newsletter(s) and additional new or revised policies. All policies, administrative regulations, exhibits, and forms are numbered and organized by general categories. Every year the model policies will be reviewed and updated to reflect any changes by legislation or court decisions. Whenever a policy is updated, those changes will be part of the District's Policy Manual. Most school districts do not have the time and personnel to develop a comprehensive policy manual. In addition, school districts would require substantial legal assistance to develop policies on their own. MSBA believes school district’s enrolling in their Policy Services program is much more cost effective for school districts than policies developed and revised by their own legal counsel. - Legal Counsel has yet to review Mandated Policies which require alteration based on the size of GMR (Administrative) staffing - In the near future, Board approval (en masse, Board member review Annual Policies as per MSBA) |
Subject: |
23. New Business:
Subject: |
23.1. Greenbush Middle River School District Seniority and Teacher Certification List
The GMR School District Seniority and Teacher Certification List has been emailed to staff and posted in workrooms for review and comment by licensed staff. Suggested Board Action: Motion by ________________ and seconded by ____________ to approve approve the Teacher Seniority list as presented. |
Subject: |
23.2. Principal report on Student & Staff safety: ALICE TRAINING
Principal Schultz will provide a report on Student & Staff safety: ALICE TRAINING to the School Board. |
Subject: |
23.3. Board Approval: Replacement of phone system to improve student and staff communication & safety.
America's Safe Schools Week is October 21-27, 2019. Over time, GMR has made progress to ensure students and staff are in a safe learning environment. Two types of efforts include: (1) improving school culture via [anti] bullying efforts and creating a sense of belonging for EVERYONE in our school. ALICE Training, Crisis Plan; and (2) using technologies such as security cameras, Emergency Parent Alert Message System, Secured entrances and radios in buses to enhance safe schools. Phone system improvements, camera up-dates, Bus radio improvements, up-dating Crisis Plan (a mandated requirement) are areas in need of continuous improvement in the GMR School. With the current focus on keeping students and staff safe in schools, improving communication is important. Proposal to School Board The proposal is to replace the existing GMR phone system with a new(er) phone system, specifically with the phone system that was in the Middle River School building. That system was removed prior to the closing of the school. That system is approximately 5 years old and is in storage. The existing phone system in the GMR School is approx. 1990's technology. The current GMR phone system has limited capabilities and does not permit effective (public address) communication. The MR phone system would be a significant improvement over the existing communication system currently in place. The replacement system would use existing internal telephone analog cabling. Funding for this replacement effort would be from the District's SAFE SCHOOLS levy. If approved, Wikstrom Telephone Company would install the replacement system during the up-coming Christmas break. Although some components would need to be purchased, the majority of the ~$19,000 cost would be for labor performed by the telephone company. Suggested Board Action: Motion by ________________ and seconded by ____________ to approve use of FY 20 Safe School Levy funding to replace the Greenbush Middle River telephone and emergency communication system. |
Subject: |
23.4. Board Approval: Snow Removal Bid
Suggested Board Action: Motion by ________________ and seconded by ____________ to approve Dversten Snow Removal for snow removal for the 2019-2020 school year. |
Subject: |
23.5. Resignation of Food Service staff member
Suggested motion: A motion was made by ______________, seconded by _________________, to accept the resignation of Ms. Veronica Gerdes as a Food Service Assistant Cook. |
Subject: |
23.6. Board Approval to transfer individual from a short-term Assistant Cook position to permanent Assistant Cook position.
Suggested motion: A motion was made by ______________, seconded by _________________, to approve transfer and employment of Ms. Janet Pierce from a short-term Assistant Cook position to permanent Food Service Assistant Cook. |
Subject: |
23.7. Minnesota State High School League Foundation Application for Grant for Student Participation
The Primary goal of the Foundation is to award grants that assist, recognize, promote, and fund extra-curricular participation. Grants are awarded based upon gender balance, school size and geographic location to the extent possible. Suggested Board Action: Resolution as provided by the MN State High School League. |
Subject: |
24. Reports and Communication
Subject: |
24.1. Status of negotiations with GMR Education Association
To-date, two (2) meetings have been held between Teacher and Board Negotiations representatives. Most recently, language proposals, especially relating to Unrequested Leave of Absence (ULA) language have been exchanged back and forth. (Developing or negotiating ULA language is a requirement as a result of the 2017 MN Legislation). It is expected negotiation sessions will move forward with earnest in the weeks to come.
Subject: |
24.2. Greenbush Middle River School District K-12 enrollment (as of October 1, 2019)
Subject: |
24.3. Community Education programming
The District is attempting to improve its efforts in Community Education programming using Community Education funding obtained from State funding and local levies. Pre-school (Early Childhood Family Education) and Enrichment classes for youth and adults are being offered to District residents. |
Subject: |
24.4. October is [Anti-]Bullying Awareness Month
October is National [Anti-] Bullying Awareness Month. Every October, schools and organizations across the country observe National Bullying Prevention Month. The goal: encourage schools and communities to work together to stop bullying and cyber-bullying by increasing awareness of the prevalence and impact of bullying on all children of all ages. Target Team and Student Council are leading an anti-bullying campaign with some activities. October 23 is Unity Day and we are wearing orange. Some students and staff have purchased an orange t-shirt for Unity Day that says "Choose Kindness, Acceptance, Inclusion." |
Subject: |
24.5. October is College Knowledge Month
Subject: |
24.6. Veterans Day Program on November 11, 2019
We are pleased to host the Veterans Day program on November 11 @ 2:00 pm in the gym. Former Greenbush graduate and Chief Warrant Officer Candice Caudill will be the guest speaker. |
Subject: |
24.7. Report on Disposal of School Equipment and Supplies
Effective use of school building space (eg: storage availability) will at times require disposal of obsolete equipment and material(s). The GMR School District went thru a disposal process to eliminate its inventory of used or unwanted equipment and supplies. Program supervisors developed a list of items to dispose or longer needed. Protocol for disposal of obsolete equipment and materials largely followed the model MSBA Policy [802] for disposal of obsolete equipment and materials. Prior to sale of items via public bid, some equipment and materials (eg: Kitchen related items) were given to representatives of the Middle River Legacy Center. One kitchen equipment item was given to DISCOVER GREENBUSH, an organization whose mission is to promote local activities. All vehicle and lawn equipment items had at least two bids submitted to the District. The total revenue from the sale via public bid of miscellaneous items, lawn equipment, school vehicles and two scrapped buses was $9,809.50. |
Subject: |
24.8. Election for NW Service Cooperative Board of Directors
An Election Ballot for Board members to vote for NW Service Cooperative Board of Directors will be distributed to each Board member. There are three (3) vacancies which need to be filled. Each vacancy is a four year term There is one (1) vacancy which needs to be filled. This vacancy is a two year term. |
Subject: |
24.9. Flooded Road Conditions & Transportation of Students
Recent heavy rainfall has resulted in overland flooding in the NW corner (Juneberry Township) of the GMR School District. County Road #7 is impassable driving from east to west. As a result, in order to get students (~16) in the Juneberry area to school, the bus driver has to travel to Lake Bronson and then drive east to pick up students. As a result, the bus ride is a bit longer than usual. When the water recedes and / or the County addresses the road condition, the bus route should return to normal.
Subject: |
25. Adjournment.
Board Motion: Moved by ___________ and seconded by ___________to adjourn the meeting. |
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26. Calendar of Events to note:
Community Halloween Party in the GMR Gym - Oct. 31 Fall Musical "Little Women" November 7-8-9 Veteran’s Day program - November 11 Minnesota Rural Education Annual State Conference - November 17-19 (First Robotics presenting on November 17) GMR Target Team annual Blood Drive - November 20 GMR National Honor Society Induction ceremony - November 22 MN School Boards Association State Conference January 16-17, 2020 |