Meeting Agenda
1. Call of meeting to order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance and to the Texas Flag.
3. Moment of silence.
4. Roll Call:
4.A. Rupert Canales, Jr., President
4.B. Rene Valerio, Vice-President
4.C. Christine A. Santos, Secretary
4.D. Carlos Espinosa, Member
4.E. Pete Guerra, Member
4.F. Ralph Saenz, III., Member
4.G. Libby Vela, Member
5. Establish a Quorum
6. Recognition of Students.
7. Recognition of Parents.
8. Public forum
9. Approval of Minutes
9.A. Action Item:
9.A.1. Consideration and possible approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of August 12, 2015 and August 30, 2015.
10. Information Items:
10.A. Tax Collector's Report
10.B. Cafeteria Report
10.C. Bills paid
10.D. Income and Expense Comparison reports
10.E. CD's Now Account and Investments
10.F. TEA payment report
10.G. Schedule of construction costs
10.H. Telebank transfers
10.I. High School settlement money
10.J. Current funding projects
10.K. Status report on New Bernarda Jaime Jr. High School.
10.L. Aramark Report
10.M. Accountability Update
10.N. Edu-Care Early Learning Academy update.
10.O. Information from ICE Engineers regarding Walking Trail.
10.P. Set date for Facilities Committee Meeting.
10.Q. Legislative update meeting dates.
11. Action Items
11.A. Consideration and possible approval of budget amendments for the 2015-2016 school year, if any.
11.B. Consideration and possible approval of TTESS Appraisers.
11.C. Consideration and possible approval to submit Expedited Early Release waiver for the San Diego Independent School District.
11.D. Consideration and possible approval of a Resolution to name and nominate an individual or individuals to be placed on the Voting Ballot of the Jim Wells County Appraisal District.
11.E. Consideration and possible approval of a Resolution regarding change in the method or procedure of appointing Duval County Appraisal District Board Members.
11.F. Consideration and possible approval to add Alarm Security and Contracting Inc. to the SDISD vendor list.
11.G. Consideration and possible to accept RFP for Alarm Security and Monitoring System for Collins-Parr Elementary and San Diego High School Campuses.
11.H. Consideration and possible approval to nominate a Delegate to the TASA/TASB Delegate Assembly for the Convention in Austin.
11.I. Consideration and possible approval of any and all out of state travel by board members must be brought before the board and must have board approval.
12. Legal
12.A. Personnel
12.A.1. Announce resignations and retirements, if any.
12.A.2. Update on personnel to be hired by Dr. Sam Bueno, Superintendent of Schools.
12.A.3. Consultation with attorney regarding check approval practices.
12.A.4. Consideration and possible approval to transfer hiring authority of all at-will (all paraprofessionals, transportation and substitutes) employees from the Superintendent to the San Diego I.S.D. School Board of Trustees.
12.A.5. Consideration and possible approve to hire IT Technician.
12.B. Tax Resale Property
12.B.1. NONE.
13. Announcements:
14. Adjourn:
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 30, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Special Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call of meeting to order.
Subject: |
2. Pledge of Allegiance and to the Texas Flag.
Subject: |
3. Moment of silence.
Subject: |
4. Roll Call:
Subject: |
4.A. Rupert Canales, Jr., President
Subject: |
4.B. Rene Valerio, Vice-President
Subject: |
4.C. Christine A. Santos, Secretary
Subject: |
4.D. Carlos Espinosa, Member
Subject: |
4.E. Pete Guerra, Member
Subject: |
4.F. Ralph Saenz, III., Member
Subject: |
4.G. Libby Vela, Member
Subject: |
5. Establish a Quorum
Subject: |
6. Recognition of Students.
Subject: |
7. Recognition of Parents.
Subject: |
8. Public forum
Members of the audience will be given the opportunity to make presentations to the Board. No presentation shall be longer than five minutes. If needed, a closed meeting under Texas Government Code Sections 551.074 and 551.082 will take place to discuss and/or deliberate on employee complaints or student discipline issues.
Subject: |
9. Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
9.A. Action Item:
Subject: |
9.A.1. Consideration and possible approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of August 12, 2015 and August 30, 2015.
Subject: |
10. Information Items:
Subject: |
10.A. Tax Collector's Report
Subject: |
10.B. Cafeteria Report
Subject: |
10.C. Bills paid
Subject: |
10.D. Income and Expense Comparison reports
Subject: |
10.E. CD's Now Account and Investments
Subject: |
10.F. TEA payment report
Subject: |
10.G. Schedule of construction costs
Subject: |
10.H. Telebank transfers
Subject: |
10.I. High School settlement money
Subject: |
10.J. Current funding projects
Subject: |
10.K. Status report on New Bernarda Jaime Jr. High School.
Subject: |
10.L. Aramark Report
Subject: |
10.M. Accountability Update
Subject: |
10.N. Edu-Care Early Learning Academy update.
Subject: |
10.O. Information from ICE Engineers regarding Walking Trail.
Subject: |
10.P. Set date for Facilities Committee Meeting.
Subject: |
10.Q. Legislative update meeting dates.
Subject: |
11. Action Items
Subject: |
11.A. Consideration and possible approval of budget amendments for the 2015-2016 school year, if any.
Subject: |
11.B. Consideration and possible approval of TTESS Appraisers.
Subject: |
11.C. Consideration and possible approval to submit Expedited Early Release waiver for the San Diego Independent School District.
Subject: |
11.D. Consideration and possible approval of a Resolution to name and nominate an individual or individuals to be placed on the Voting Ballot of the Jim Wells County Appraisal District.
Subject: |
11.E. Consideration and possible approval of a Resolution regarding change in the method or procedure of appointing Duval County Appraisal District Board Members.
Subject: |
11.F. Consideration and possible approval to add Alarm Security and Contracting Inc. to the SDISD vendor list.
Subject: |
11.G. Consideration and possible to accept RFP for Alarm Security and Monitoring System for Collins-Parr Elementary and San Diego High School Campuses.
Subject: |
11.H. Consideration and possible approval to nominate a Delegate to the TASA/TASB Delegate Assembly for the Convention in Austin.
Subject: |
11.I. Consideration and possible approval of any and all out of state travel by board members must be brought before the board and must have board approval.
Subject: |
12. Legal
Closed meeting: Texas Government Code 551.071 to receive information from Attorney regarding any pending or contemplated litigation, or when the attorney will have an ethical duty of confidentiality, Section 551.072 to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property and Section 551.074 to deliberate the employment, evaluation, re-assignment, compensation, duties, discipline, or dismissal of an employee.
Action on items discussed in closed session will be taken when board reconvenes to open session. |
Subject: |
12.A. Personnel
Subject: |
12.A.1. Announce resignations and retirements, if any.
Subject: |
12.A.2. Update on personnel to be hired by Dr. Sam Bueno, Superintendent of Schools.
Subject: |
12.A.3. Consultation with attorney regarding check approval practices.
Subject: |
12.A.4. Consideration and possible approval to transfer hiring authority of all at-will (all paraprofessionals, transportation and substitutes) employees from the Superintendent to the San Diego I.S.D. School Board of Trustees.
Subject: |
12.A.5. Consideration and possible approve to hire IT Technician.
Subject: |
12.B. Tax Resale Property
Subject: |
12.B.1. NONE.
Subject: |
13. Announcements:
Subject: |
14. Adjourn: