Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Moment of Silence
III. Recognition
IV. Changes to Agenda
V. Action Agenda A. 10:00 a.m.
V.1. Consideration of the Consolidation of the Marvell-Elaine School District With One or More Districts Under Ark. Code Ann. 6-13-1601 et seq.
V.2. Consideration of Revisions to Arkansas Math Standards
V.3. Consideration of Revisions to Arkansas English Language Arts Standards
V.4. Consideration of Recommendation for a Waiver of First-Time Teacher Licensure Application Fees
V.5. Nominations for State Board Chair and Vice-Chair
VI. Reports
VI.1. Board Liaison Reports
VI.2. Commissioner's Report
VI.3. Quarterly Report for Schools Classified as In Need of Level 5
VI.4. ATOY Report
VII. Consent Agenda
VII.1. Minutes
VII.2. Report on Waivers to School Districts for Teachers Teaching Out of Area for Longer than Thirty (30) Days, Ark. Code Ann. §6-17-309
VII.3. Reallocation of Arkansas Better Chance (ABC) FY23 Slots
VII.4. Review of Loan and Bond Applications
VII.5. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 22-126 David Clark
VII.6. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-063 Donald Joseph Eveld, Jr.
VII.7. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-055 Leisha Nicole Jones
VII.8. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-001 Kaitlyn Barnes (AKA Kaitlyn Raines)
VIII. New Business
IX. Public Comments
X. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | April 13, 2023 at 10:00 AM - State Board of Education | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Presenter: |
Ouida Newton
Subject: |
II. Moment of Silence
Presenter: |
Ouida Newton
Subject: |
III. Recognition
Presenter: |
Ouida Newton
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IV. Changes to Agenda
Presenter: |
Ouida Newton
Subject: |
V. Action Agenda A. 10:00 a.m.
Subject: |
V.1. Consideration of the Consolidation of the Marvell-Elaine School District With One or More Districts Under Ark. Code Ann. 6-13-1601 et seq.
Pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. 6-13-1601 et seq., if a school district has fewer than three hundred fifty (350) students according to the school district average daily membership in the two years immediately preceding the current school year, the district must consolidate with or annex to one or more school districts unless it receives a minimum school district size waiver from the State Board of Education. The Marvell-Elaine School District fell below 350 ADM in the two school years immediately preceding the current school year. On December 8, 2022, the State Board denied the District's petition for a minimum school district size waiver. Because the District did not file a petition for voluntary annexation or consolidation by March 1, 2023, the State Board must consolidate the District with one or more school districts no later than May 1, 2023, with the consolidation to take effect on July 1, 2023.
Subject: |
V.2. Consideration of Revisions to Arkansas Math Standards
Presenter: |
Dr. Kiffany Pride / Kisa Norman
Consideration of the Math Standards is respectfully submitted to the State Board of Education for approval. Groups of educators, representative of the State, revised the standards for grades K-8, Algebra I, and Geometry. Schools will fully implement in the 2023-2024 school year.
Subject: |
V.3. Consideration of Revisions to Arkansas English Language Arts Standards
Presenter: |
Dr. Kiffany Pride / Sandy Shepard / Amber Pirnique
Consideration of the English Language Arts Standards is respectfully submitted to the State Board of Education for approval. Groups of educators, representative of the State, revised the standards for grades K-12. Schools will fully implement in the 2023-2024 school year.
Subject: |
V.4. Consideration of Recommendation for a Waiver of First-Time Teacher Licensure Application Fees
Presenter: |
Ivy Pfeffer
At its regularly-scheduled meeting on March 3, 2023, the Professional Licensure Standards Board voted unanimously to recommend to the State Board of Education a waiver of first-time teacher licensure application fees for the following period: May 1, 2023 - August 31, 2023. The Professional Licensure Standards Board requests that the State Board of Education accept the recommendation and approve the waiver for the specified period.
Subject: |
V.5. Nominations for State Board Chair and Vice-Chair
The Nominating Committee will present its recommendations to the State Board for the appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair (effective July 1, 2023). The State Board may vote for Chair and Vice-Chair at its March meeting, or it may defer the vote until its regularly scheduled May meeting.
Subject: |
VI. Reports
Presenter: |
Ouida Newton
Subject: |
VI.1. Board Liaison Reports
Presenter: |
Ouida Newton
Subject: |
VI.2. Commissioner's Report
Presenter: |
Secretary Oliva
Subject: |
VI.3. Quarterly Report for Schools Classified as In Need of Level 5
Presenter: |
Stacy Smith
Subject: |
VI.4. ATOY Report
Presenter: |
Jessica Saum
Subject: |
VII. Consent Agenda
Presenter: |
Ouida Newton
Subject: |
VII.1. Minutes
Presenter: |
Angela Scaife
Subject: |
VII.2. Report on Waivers to School Districts for Teachers Teaching Out of Area for Longer than Thirty (30) Days, Ark. Code Ann. §6-17-309
Presenter: |
Karli Saracini
Arkansas Code Annotated §6-17-309 requires local school districts to secure a waiver when classrooms are staffed with unlicensed teachers for longer than 30 days. Requests were received from 15 school districts for a total of 22 waivers. There were also requests for long-term substitutes from 37 school districts requesting a total of 57 waivers for long-term substitutes. These requests have been reviewed, were either approved or denied by Department staff, and are consistent with program guidelines.
Subject: |
VII.3. Reallocation of Arkansas Better Chance (ABC) FY23 Slots
Presenter: |
Lori Bridges
Arkansas Better Chance (ABC) is relocating nine (9) ABC center-based slots to the Hector School District ABC Program. Hector School District ABC Pre-Kindergarten Program opened a pre-k classroom that has been serving ABC qualifying families since September 2022. This reallocation of slots will expand the availability of ABC funding to the Hector School District ABC Program to provide early childhood services to qualifying families and children in their community.
Subject: |
VII.4. Review of Loan and Bond Applications
Presenter: |
Anita Freer
The members of the Arkansas State Board of Education are requested to review the following:
Commercial Bond Applications - 6 Voted With the recommendation to approve all applications from the Loan Committee and additional information provided by the school district in its application package and:
Subject: |
VII.5. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 22-126 David Clark
Presenter: |
Whitney James
Violation of Standard 2. an educator maintains competence regarding his or her professional practice, inclusive of professional and ethical behavior, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and responsibilities relating to his or her organizational position. The Professional Licensure Standards Board requests the State Board of Education order a written reprimand and assess a $100 fine. (All cost paid by Educator Clark) Require Educator to complete the following coursework/readings: Code of Ethics Training Provided by the PLSB (1.5 Hours), LAG17029 Success Favors Well-Prepared Adults: Unpacking your Personality Package (1 Credit Hour), Title: I Notice: A Step-by-Step Guide to Transform Student Potential Through Building Intentional Relationships Author: Claire E. Hallinan ISBN-10: 1733035613 ISBN-13: 978-1733035613. Require Educator to prepare written reflections on how each of these trainings will impact his interactions with students in the future and how he will utilize these strategies going forward to be approved by the Ethics Subcommittee upon completion. To be completed within 90 days of the State Board Final Order.
Subject: |
VII.6. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-063 Donald Joseph Eveld, Jr.
Presenter: |
Whitney James
Violation of Standard 2. an educator maintains competence regarding his or her professional practice, inclusive of professional and ethical behavior, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and responsibilities relating to his or her organizational position. Violation of Standard 3. An educator honestly fulfills reporting obligations associated with professional practices. The Professional Licensure Standards Board requests the State Board of Education order a 6 month probation of license and assess a $150 fine. (All cost paid by Educator Eveld) Require Educator to complete the following coursework/readings: Code of Ethics Training Provided by the PLSB (1.5 Hours), ERB21002 Be the Reason: The Educator's Role in Combating Child Maltreatment (1 Hour), Mandated Reporter: Requirements in Arkansas (1.5 Credit Hours). Require Educator to provide a written reflections on each training indicating how it will affect the educator’s practices in the future to be approved by the Ethics Subcommittee upon completion. To be completed within 90 days of the State Board Order.
Subject: |
VII.7. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-055 Leisha Nicole Jones
Presenter: |
Whitney James
Violation of Standard 1. An educator maintains a professional relationship with each student, both in and outside the classroom. Violation of Standard 2. an educator maintains competence regarding his or her professional practice, inclusive of professional and ethical behavior, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and responsibilities relating to his or her organizational position. The Professional Licensure Standards Board requests the State Board of Education order a 6 month probation of license and assess a $150 fine. (All cost paid by Educator Jones) Require Educator to complete the following coursework/readings: Code of Ethics Training Provided by the PLSB (1.5 Hours), ERC23004, Title: Real Talk About Classroom Management: 50 Best Practices That Work and Show You Believe in Your Students (296p) Author: Serena Pariser ISBN-13: 978-1544317755 ISBN-10: 1544317751, Title: Classroom Management Success in 7 days or less: The Ultra-Effective Classroom Management System for Teachers (77p) Author: Rob Plevin ISBN-13: 978-1522001461 ISBN-10: 1522001468, ERC20080 We Are All in This Together: Building Student Relationships (1 Credit Hour), Title: Flipping the Switch: Unleash the Power of Personal Accountability Using the QBQ! (144 p) Author: John G. Miller ISBN 10: 0399152334 ISBN 13: 978-0399152337. Require Educator to prepare written reflections on each training indicating how educator will utilize and incorporate those trainings in her professional practices to be approved by the Ethics Subcommittee upon completion. To be completed within 90 days of the State Board Order.
Subject: |
VII.8. Consideration of the Recommendation of the Professional Licensure Standards Board for Case 23-001 Kaitlyn Barnes (AKA Kaitlyn Raines)
Presenter: |
Whitney James
Violation of Standard 1. An educator maintains a professional relationship with each student, both in and outside the classroom. The Professional Licensure Standards Board requests the State Board of Education order a permanent revocation of the educator’s license.
Subject: |
VIII. New Business
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IX. Public Comments
Subject: |
X. Adjournment