Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order & Pledge to the Flag – Chair, Mike Domin
Members: Tom Nixon, Mike Domin, Barb Neprud, Abby Geotz, Bob Sandin, Maurice Slepica and Superintendent Jamie Skjeveland Advisory Student Board Representatives: Sage Stangel and Will Silgen |
2. Welcome to Visitors
3. Public Comments on Agenda Items
4. Board Discussion/Comments on the Following Items
4.1. Board Committee Assignments for 2016-2017
4.2. First Reading of Policy 721 - Uniform Grant Guidance Policy Regarding Federal Revenue Sources
4.3. Policy Review Process
Policy 301 - First Reading of Revision Policy 302 - First Reading of Revision Policy 303 - First Reading of Revision |
5. Approve Agenda (Addendum, if included)
6. Approve Minutes - May 23, 2016 Regular Board Meeting
7. Informational Items Included in Packet:
7.1. Coordinator Reports
7.2. Administrative Reports
7.2.a. Activities Director
7.2.b. Community Education
7.2.c. Secondary Principal
7.2.d. Elementary Principal
7.3. Committee Reports
7.3.a. Finance
8. Consent Calendar:
8.1. Approve Bills Presented
8.2. Acceptance and Filing of Financial Reports
8.3. Accept Monetary Awards and Donations as Follows:
8.3.a. Booster Club:
$2,500 for Dance Team Uniforms $308 for Boys Golf Hotel - Section Tournament $60 for State Track Meet meals |
9. Personnel Consent Items:
9.1. Accept Resignation of Chesna Siegford, 2 Day per Week, 7 Hour per Student Contact Day Paraprofessional, Effective at the End of the Day on May 18, 2016
9.2. Accept Resignation of Cassidy Haukos, 7 Hour per Student Contact Day Paraprofessional, Effective at the End of the Day on May 31, 2016
9.3. Accept Resignation of Stephanie White, 8-Hour per Day 206 Day Clerical, Effective at the End of the Day on June 13, 2016 and Authorize Filling the Position
9.4. Accept Resignation of Kristin Lattery, 3.5 Hour Per Student Contact Day Food Service, Effective May 20, 2016 and Authorize Filling the Position at 3 Hours per Day
9.5. Employ Kristin Lattery, 5.5 Hour per Day 176-Day Food Service, Effective May 23, 2016
9.6. Accept Resignation of Randy Swanhost, Varsity Girls Basketball Coach, and Authorize Filling the Position
9.7. Employ Dennis Wittrock, Varsity Girls Tennis Coach, Effective with the 2016-17 Season
9.8. Authorize Additional 1.0 f.t.e. Elementary Title I Teacher Position for 2016-2017 and Authorize Filling the Position
9.9. Employ Jared Matson, 1.0 f.t.e. Activities Director/Dean of Students, Effective with the Start of the 2016-17 School Year
9.10. Employ Lisa Rydberg, Curriculum and Assessment Coordinator, for the 2016-17 School Year an Additional 20 Day Extended Contract, With 10 Days Before and 10 Days After the Regular School Year, Submitted by Time Card
9.11. Employ Nicole Doyle, Secondary Guidance Counselor, for the 2016-17 School Year an Additional 10 Day Extended Contract, With 5 Days Before and 5 Days After the Regular School Year, Submitted by Time Card
9.12. Employ Lora Vosacek, Elementary Teacher (Title I), Effective with the Start of the 2016-2017 School Year
9.13. Accept Resignation of Shannon Larson, 7 Hour per Student Contact Day Paraprofessional, Effective at the End of the 2015-16 School Year
9.14. Employ Shannon Larson, 8-Hour per Day 206 Day Clerical, Effective with the Start of the 2016-2017 School Year
9.15. Set Substitute and Other Employees Wage Rates For 2016-2017 School Year
10. Action Items:
10.1. Second Reading and Adoption of Revisions to Policy 206 - Public Participation at Board Meetings
10.2. Second Reading and Adoption of Revisions to Policy 207 - Public Hearings
10.3. Second Reading and Adoption of Revisions to Policy 208 - Development, Adoption and Implementation of Policies
10.4. Second Reading and Adoption of Policy 209 - Code of Ethics
10.5. Second Reading and Adoption of Policy 210 - Conflict of Interest - School Board Members
10.6. Second Reading and Adoption of Policy 211 - Criminal or Civil Action Against School Dstrict, School Board Member, Employee or Student
10.7. Second Reading and Adoption of Policy 212 - School Board Member Development
10.8. Second Reading and Adoption of Policy 213 - School Board Committees
10.9. Second Reading and Adoption of Revisions to Policy 214 - Out of State Travel by School Board Members
10.10. Second Reading and Adoption of Early Entry Into Kindergarten Policy
10.11. Approve 2016-17 Staff Development Budget
10.12. Approve Modification to 2016-17 School Calendar - Move High School Conferences from October 31, 2016 to November 1, 2016
10.13. Authorize Bidding for Milk, Bread and Trash Collection
10.14. Adopt Resolution Relating to the Election of School Board Members and Calling the School District General Election
10.15. Adopt 2015-2016 Revised Budget
10.16. Adopt 2016-2017 Preliminary Budget
10.17. Authorize the Superintendent to Sign the Following Annual Agreements
Agreement for Ice Time With the Hallett Community Center Agreement for Health Careers Class With the Cuyuna Regional Medical Center Agreement for AthleticTrainer Services With the Cuyuna Regional Medical Center Approve Membership in the Minnesota State High School League Approve Post-Secondary Enrollment Option Agreement With Post-Secondary Institution(s) Approve Concurrent Enrollment Agreement With Post-Seconary Institution(s) Approve Contract with NJPA-Family Services Collaborative Worker Approve Contract with Lepmiz Speech Clinician Services Approve Contract for Hearing Interpreter Professional Services Approve Student Teaching Agreements Contract With Northern Pines For the Day Treatment Program |
10.18. Set Meal Prices for 2016-2017
10.19. Set Activity Fees and Gate Fees for 2016-2017
10.20. Set Facility Use/Rental Fees for 2016-2017 With No Change
10.21. Authorize Employment of Barb Neprud for 2016-2017 Supplemental Extra Curricular
10.22. Approve Jamie Skjeveland, LEA for Title I Programs 2016-2017
11. Public Comments
12. Regular Board Meeting – July 25, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. -- Forum Room-Secondary Building
13. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 27, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order & Pledge to the Flag – Chair, Mike Domin
Members: Tom Nixon, Mike Domin, Barb Neprud, Abby Geotz, Bob Sandin, Maurice Slepica and Superintendent Jamie Skjeveland Advisory Student Board Representatives: Sage Stangel and Will Silgen |
Subject: |
2. Welcome to Visitors
Subject: |
3. Public Comments on Agenda Items
Subject: |
4. Board Discussion/Comments on the Following Items
Subject: |
4.1. Board Committee Assignments for 2016-2017
Subject: |
4.2. First Reading of Policy 721 - Uniform Grant Guidance Policy Regarding Federal Revenue Sources
Subject: |
4.3. Policy Review Process
Policy 301 - First Reading of Revision Policy 302 - First Reading of Revision Policy 303 - First Reading of Revision |
Subject: |
5. Approve Agenda (Addendum, if included)
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
6. Approve Minutes - May 23, 2016 Regular Board Meeting
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
7. Informational Items Included in Packet:
Subject: |
7.1. Coordinator Reports
Subject: |
7.2. Administrative Reports
Subject: |
7.2.a. Activities Director
Subject: |
7.2.b. Community Education
Subject: |
7.2.c. Secondary Principal
Subject: |
7.2.d. Elementary Principal
Subject: |
7.3. Committee Reports
Subject: |
7.3.a. Finance
Subject: |
8. Consent Calendar:
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
8.1. Approve Bills Presented
Subject: |
8.2. Acceptance and Filing of Financial Reports
Subject: |
8.3. Accept Monetary Awards and Donations as Follows:
Subject: |
8.3.a. Booster Club:
$2,500 for Dance Team Uniforms $308 for Boys Golf Hotel - Section Tournament $60 for State Track Meet meals |
Subject: |
9. Personnel Consent Items:
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
9.1. Accept Resignation of Chesna Siegford, 2 Day per Week, 7 Hour per Student Contact Day Paraprofessional, Effective at the End of the Day on May 18, 2016
Subject: |
9.2. Accept Resignation of Cassidy Haukos, 7 Hour per Student Contact Day Paraprofessional, Effective at the End of the Day on May 31, 2016
Subject: |
9.3. Accept Resignation of Stephanie White, 8-Hour per Day 206 Day Clerical, Effective at the End of the Day on June 13, 2016 and Authorize Filling the Position
Subject: |
9.4. Accept Resignation of Kristin Lattery, 3.5 Hour Per Student Contact Day Food Service, Effective May 20, 2016 and Authorize Filling the Position at 3 Hours per Day
Subject: |
9.5. Employ Kristin Lattery, 5.5 Hour per Day 176-Day Food Service, Effective May 23, 2016
Subject: |
9.6. Accept Resignation of Randy Swanhost, Varsity Girls Basketball Coach, and Authorize Filling the Position
Subject: |
9.7. Employ Dennis Wittrock, Varsity Girls Tennis Coach, Effective with the 2016-17 Season
Subject: |
9.8. Authorize Additional 1.0 f.t.e. Elementary Title I Teacher Position for 2016-2017 and Authorize Filling the Position
Subject: |
9.9. Employ Jared Matson, 1.0 f.t.e. Activities Director/Dean of Students, Effective with the Start of the 2016-17 School Year
Subject: |
9.10. Employ Lisa Rydberg, Curriculum and Assessment Coordinator, for the 2016-17 School Year an Additional 20 Day Extended Contract, With 10 Days Before and 10 Days After the Regular School Year, Submitted by Time Card
Subject: |
9.11. Employ Nicole Doyle, Secondary Guidance Counselor, for the 2016-17 School Year an Additional 10 Day Extended Contract, With 5 Days Before and 5 Days After the Regular School Year, Submitted by Time Card
Subject: |
9.12. Employ Lora Vosacek, Elementary Teacher (Title I), Effective with the Start of the 2016-2017 School Year
Subject: |
9.13. Accept Resignation of Shannon Larson, 7 Hour per Student Contact Day Paraprofessional, Effective at the End of the 2015-16 School Year
Subject: |
9.14. Employ Shannon Larson, 8-Hour per Day 206 Day Clerical, Effective with the Start of the 2016-2017 School Year
Subject: |
9.15. Set Substitute and Other Employees Wage Rates For 2016-2017 School Year
Subject: |
10. Action Items:
Subject: |
10.1. Second Reading and Adoption of Revisions to Policy 206 - Public Participation at Board Meetings
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.2. Second Reading and Adoption of Revisions to Policy 207 - Public Hearings
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.3. Second Reading and Adoption of Revisions to Policy 208 - Development, Adoption and Implementation of Policies
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.4. Second Reading and Adoption of Policy 209 - Code of Ethics
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.5. Second Reading and Adoption of Policy 210 - Conflict of Interest - School Board Members
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.6. Second Reading and Adoption of Policy 211 - Criminal or Civil Action Against School Dstrict, School Board Member, Employee or Student
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.7. Second Reading and Adoption of Policy 212 - School Board Member Development
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.8. Second Reading and Adoption of Policy 213 - School Board Committees
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.9. Second Reading and Adoption of Revisions to Policy 214 - Out of State Travel by School Board Members
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.10. Second Reading and Adoption of Early Entry Into Kindergarten Policy
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.11. Approve 2016-17 Staff Development Budget
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.12. Approve Modification to 2016-17 School Calendar - Move High School Conferences from October 31, 2016 to November 1, 2016
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.13. Authorize Bidding for Milk, Bread and Trash Collection
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.14. Adopt Resolution Relating to the Election of School Board Members and Calling the School District General Election
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.15. Adopt 2015-2016 Revised Budget
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.16. Adopt 2016-2017 Preliminary Budget
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.17. Authorize the Superintendent to Sign the Following Annual Agreements
Agreement for Ice Time With the Hallett Community Center Agreement for Health Careers Class With the Cuyuna Regional Medical Center Agreement for AthleticTrainer Services With the Cuyuna Regional Medical Center Approve Membership in the Minnesota State High School League Approve Post-Secondary Enrollment Option Agreement With Post-Secondary Institution(s) Approve Concurrent Enrollment Agreement With Post-Seconary Institution(s) Approve Contract with NJPA-Family Services Collaborative Worker Approve Contract with Lepmiz Speech Clinician Services Approve Contract for Hearing Interpreter Professional Services Approve Student Teaching Agreements Contract With Northern Pines For the Day Treatment Program |
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.18. Set Meal Prices for 2016-2017
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.19. Set Activity Fees and Gate Fees for 2016-2017
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.20. Set Facility Use/Rental Fees for 2016-2017 With No Change
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.21. Authorize Employment of Barb Neprud for 2016-2017 Supplemental Extra Curricular
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
10.22. Approve Jamie Skjeveland, LEA for Title I Programs 2016-2017
M_____ 2nd_____
Subject: |
11. Public Comments
Subject: |
12. Regular Board Meeting – July 25, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. -- Forum Room-Secondary Building
Subject: |
13. Adjourn
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