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Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. CANCELED CLOSED PORTION OF THE MEETING - Preliminary Discussion of Allegations Against an Individual Subject to the Board's Authority
The Open Meeting Law, Minnesota Statute section 13D.05, subdivision 2(b), states that a public body shall close a meeting for the preliminary consideration of allegations against an individual subject to its authority.

4. Approval of Administrative Hires/Contracts
4.A. Approval of Interim Director of Curriculum and Instruction (One Year)
4.B. Approval of Assistant Superintendent Hire and Contract
5. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: July 7, 2020 at 4:00 PM - Special School Board Meeting-Administrative Hires (Closed portion canceled)
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. CANCELED CLOSED PORTION OF THE MEETING - Preliminary Discussion of Allegations Against an Individual Subject to the Board's Authority
The Open Meeting Law, Minnesota Statute section 13D.05, subdivision 2(b), states that a public body shall close a meeting for the preliminary consideration of allegations against an individual subject to its authority.

4. Approval of Administrative Hires/Contracts
4.A. Approval of Interim Director of Curriculum and Instruction (One Year)
4.B. Approval of Assistant Superintendent Hire and Contract
5. Adjournment

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