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Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
1.A. Roll Call
1.B. Invocation:  
1.C. Pledge: 
1.D. Mission Statement:  
2. Public Comments
3. New Business/Action Items
3.A. Discuss and Consider Action to Approve Budget Amendments
3.B. Discuss and Consider Action on the Creation of a Special Finance Committee
3.C. Discuss and Consider Action to Adopt the 2024-2025 Budget
3.D. Discuss and Consider Action to Approve the Ordinance to Set the Tax Rate for Tax Year 2024
3.E. Discuss and Consider possible action to approve the TASB  Endorsement Form
4. Adjourn to Closed session:  Under Texas Government Code Chapter 551, The board will recess this open session and convene in a closed meeting to discuss items on the agenda.  The board may conveniently meet in such a closed or executive session or meeting, concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by Texas government code chapter 551. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.074 and 551.071, deliberation and consultation with legal counsel regarding:
4.A. The appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of school district administrator(s)
4.B. The appropriate process for addressing a complaint filed by a school district administrator
5. Recovene to Open Meeting:  The Board will take appropriate action on items, if necessary, as discussed in Closed Session
6. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: August 26, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Budget & Tax Rate Adoption
1. Call to Order
Board President
1.A. Roll Call
Board President
1.B. Invocation:  
Josie Smith-Wright
1.C. Pledge: 
D'Anna Robinson
1.D. Mission Statement:  
Gloria Torres
2. Public Comments
3. New Business/Action Items
3.A. Discuss and Consider Action to Approve Budget Amendments
Amanda Smith, Chief Financial Officer; Dr. Elmer Avellaneda, Superintendent of Schools
2023-2024 Proposed Budet Revision from the General Operating Fund
3.B. Discuss and Consider Action on the Creation of a Special Finance Committee
Dr. Elmer Avellaneda, Superintendent of Schools
Following Board Policy BDB, administration recommends the board create a special advisory committee to assist in balancing the general fund budget.

Board policy states:  "The President shall appoint members to special committees created by the Board to fulfill specific assignments, unless otherwise provided by Board action.  These committees may include Direct personnel and citizens.  The function of committees shall be fact-finding, deliberative, and advisory, but not administrative.  Special committees shall report their findings to the Board and shall be dissolved upon completion of the assigned task or vote of the Board.

The President of the Board and the Superintendent shall be ex officio members of all Board Committees, unless otherwise provided by Board action.

''A committee that includes less than a quorum of board members is not subject to the Open Meetings Act if it serves a purely advisory function, with no power to supervise or control public business.''
3.C. Discuss and Consider Action to Adopt the 2024-2025 Budget
Amanda Smith, Chief Financial Officer; Dr. Elmer Avellaneda, Superintendent of Schools
No later than August 31st, the Board must legally adopt the annual budgets for the General Fund (Fund 199), the Food Service Fund ( Fund 240), and the Dept Service Fund (Fund 599).  Each of the three budgets must be adopted separately.
3.D. Discuss and Consider Action to Approve the Ordinance to Set the Tax Rate for Tax Year 2024
Amanda Smith, Chief Financial Officer; Dr. Elmer Avellaneda, Superintendent of Schools
3.E. Discuss and Consider possible action to approve the TASB  Endorsement Form
Dr. Elmer Avellaneda, Superintendent of Schools
Bryan Holubec, is seeking GISD's board members candidacy nomination to fill a position on the TASB Board of Directors.
4. Adjourn to Closed session:  Under Texas Government Code Chapter 551, The board will recess this open session and convene in a closed meeting to discuss items on the agenda.  The board may conveniently meet in such a closed or executive session or meeting, concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by Texas government code chapter 551. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.074 and 551.071, deliberation and consultation with legal counsel regarding:
4.A. The appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of school district administrator(s)
4.B. The appropriate process for addressing a complaint filed by a school district administrator
5. Recovene to Open Meeting:  The Board will take appropriate action on items, if necessary, as discussed in Closed Session
6. Adjourn

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