Meeting Agenda
I. Welcome, Introduction, & Roll Call
I.A. Pledge of Allegiance
I.B. New Mexico Flag Salute
II. Review and Approval of Minutes
II.A. May 21, 2018, Work Session
II.B. May 21, 2018, Regular Meeting
III. Consideration and Approval of Agenda
IV. Information/Presentations (Non-Action Items)
IV.A. Program/Presentations
IV.A.1. New Mexico Department of Transportation Resolution and Bond Project Update - Barry Ward, Director of Maintenance/Grounds
IV.A.2. Update on OHS Reorganization - Mr. Coker, SHS Principal
IV.A.3. PreK AfterSchool - Gabriela Walden, PreK Coordinator
IV.B. Information to the Board
IV.B.1. Superintendent
IV.B.1.a. District Updates
IV.B.1.b. Armed Security Guards
IV.B.1.c. Silver Consolidated Schools Staff Dress Code Policy
IV.B.2. Candy Milam, Associate Superintendent
IV.B.2.a. District Updates
IV.B.2.b. Elementary Arts Application 2018-19 SY
IV.B.2.c. Consolidated ESEA Application 2018-19 SY
IV.B.2.d. Cindy Ruff, Special Education Director
IV.B.3. Michele McCain, Director of Finance
IV.B.3.a. Presentation of Final Terms Certificate for General Obligation School Building Bonds, Series 2018
IV.B.4. Board of Education
IV.B.4.a. Finance Sub-Committee Report
IV.B.4.b. Safety and Security Sub-Committee Report
IV.B.4.c. Board President
IV.B.4.c.(1) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 141: EE - Transportation Services / EE-E - Transportation Services (Transportation Service Provider Requirements)
IV.B.4.c.(2) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 142: EE - Student Transportation / EEA-R - Student Transportation / EEA-E Student Transportation (School Bus Incident Report)
IV.B.4.c.(3) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 143: EEAA - Eligibility for Bus transportation/Walkers and Riders
IV.B.4.c.(4) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 144: EEAB - Special Education Student Transportation
IV.B.4.c.(5) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 145: EEAE - Bus Safety Program / EEAE-R Bus Safety Program (Emergency Procedures)
IV.B.4.c.(6) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 146: EEAEA - Bus Driver Requirements, training, and Responsibilities (Includes Bus Assistants and Substitutes)
IV.B.4.c.(7) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 147: EEAEB - Bus Purchasing and Maintenance
IV.B.4.c.(8) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 148: EEAEC - Student Conduct on School Busses
IV.B.4.c.(9) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 149: EEAFA - Transportation to Student Activities / EEAFA-E - Transportation to Student Activities (Responsibilities)
IV.B.4.c.(10) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 150: EEAFB - Extracurricular Activity Event Driver Requirements - OMIT POLICY
IV.B.4.c.(11) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 151: EEAG - Student Transportation in Private Vehicles
IV.B.4.c.(12) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 152: GDF - Support Staff Hiring
IV.B.4.c.(13) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 153: JJJ - Extracurricular Activity Eligibility
IV.B.4.c.(14) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 154: JKD - Student Suspension / Expulsion
IV.B.4.c.(15) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 155: JLCD - Administering Medicines
IV.B.4.c.(16) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 156: JLCG - Do Not Resuscitate Orders / JLCGR - Do Not Resuscitate Orders
IV.B.4.d. Comments
V. Open Public Comments (20 minutes)
VI. Action Items
VI.A. Consent Agenda/Approval of:
VI.A.1. Budget/Finance/Purchasing
VI.A.1.a. Financial Reports
VI.A.1.a.(1) Total amount of checks written in May 2018
VI.A.1.b. Budget Adjustment Requests
VI.A.1.c. Award of Bids & Proposals
VI.A.1.d. Donations
VI.A.1.e. Conflict of Interest Disclosures
VI.A.2. Transportation
VI.A.2.a. Bus Drivers
VI.A.2.b. Activity Drivers
VI.A.2.c. Feeder Routes
VI.B. Consideration and approval of Silver Consolidated Schools Armed Security Guards.
VI.C. Consideration and approval of Final Terms Certificate for General Obligation School Building Bonds, Series 2018.
VI.D. Consideration and approval of Silver Consolidated Schools Staff Dress Code Policy.
VI.E. Consideration and approval of Silver Consolidated Schools FY Budget 2018-19.
VI.F. Consideration and approval of Resolution for Cooperative Agreement Project Number SP-1-19 (979) Control Number HW2 L100379.
VI.G. Consideration and approval of Elementary Arts Application 2018-2019 SY.
VI.H. Consideration and approval of Consolidated ESEA Application 2018-19 SY.
VI.I. Consideration and approval of IDEA-B Special Education Application 2018-19 SY.
VII. Future Meetings & Proposed Agenda Items
VII.A. Next Scheduled Work Session and Regular Board Meeting – July 16, 2018
VII.B. 2018 Leadership Retreat - July 13-14, 2018, Taos, NM
VII.C. 2018 Annual Convention - December 7-8, 2018 Albuquerque, NM
VIII. Open Public Comments (10 minutes)
IX. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Closed Pursuant to 10-15-1, H-2 through H-9, NMSA, 1978
IX.A. H (2) – Limited personnel matters (staffing)
IX.B. H (7) – Attorney/Client privilege-litigation (reports)
X. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 18, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Welcome, Introduction, & Roll Call
Subject: |
I.A. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
I.B. New Mexico Flag Salute
“I salute the flag of the state of New Mexico, the Zia symbol of perfect friendship
among united cultures.” |
Subject: |
II. Review and Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
II.A. May 21, 2018, Work Session
Subject: |
II.B. May 21, 2018, Regular Meeting
Subject: |
III. Consideration and Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
IV. Information/Presentations (Non-Action Items)
Subject: |
IV.A. Program/Presentations
Subject: |
IV.A.1. New Mexico Department of Transportation Resolution and Bond Project Update - Barry Ward, Director of Maintenance/Grounds
Subject: |
IV.A.2. Update on OHS Reorganization - Mr. Coker, SHS Principal
Subject: |
IV.A.3. PreK AfterSchool - Gabriela Walden, PreK Coordinator
Subject: |
Subject: |
IV.B. Information to the Board
Subject: |
IV.B.1. Superintendent
Subject: |
IV.B.1.a. District Updates
Subject: |
IV.B.1.b. Armed Security Guards
Subject: |
IV.B.1.c. Silver Consolidated Schools Staff Dress Code Policy
Subject: |
IV.B.2. Candy Milam, Associate Superintendent
Subject: |
IV.B.2.a. District Updates
Subject: |
IV.B.2.b. Elementary Arts Application 2018-19 SY
Subject: |
IV.B.2.c. Consolidated ESEA Application 2018-19 SY
Subject: |
IV.B.2.d. Cindy Ruff, Special Education Director
Subject: |
IV.B.3. Michele McCain, Director of Finance
Subject: |
IV.B.3.a. Presentation of Final Terms Certificate for General Obligation School Building Bonds, Series 2018
Subject: |
IV.B.4. Board of Education
Subject: |
IV.B.4.a. Finance Sub-Committee Report
Subject: |
IV.B.4.b. Safety and Security Sub-Committee Report
Subject: |
IV.B.4.c. Board President
Subject: |
IV.B.4.c.(1) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 141: EE - Transportation Services / EE-E - Transportation Services (Transportation Service Provider Requirements)
Subject: |
IV.B.4.c.(2) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 142: EE - Student Transportation / EEA-R - Student Transportation / EEA-E Student Transportation (School Bus Incident Report)
Subject: |
IV.B.4.c.(3) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 143: EEAA - Eligibility for Bus transportation/Walkers and Riders
Subject: |
IV.B.4.c.(4) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 144: EEAB - Special Education Student Transportation
Subject: |
IV.B.4.c.(5) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 145: EEAE - Bus Safety Program / EEAE-R Bus Safety Program (Emergency Procedures)
Subject: |
IV.B.4.c.(6) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 146: EEAEA - Bus Driver Requirements, training, and Responsibilities (Includes Bus Assistants and Substitutes)
Subject: |
IV.B.4.c.(7) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 147: EEAEB - Bus Purchasing and Maintenance
Subject: |
IV.B.4.c.(8) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 148: EEAEC - Student Conduct on School Busses
Subject: |
IV.B.4.c.(9) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 149: EEAFA - Transportation to Student Activities / EEAFA-E - Transportation to Student Activities (Responsibilities)
Subject: |
IV.B.4.c.(10) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 150: EEAFB - Extracurricular Activity Event Driver Requirements - OMIT POLICY
Subject: |
IV.B.4.c.(11) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 151: EEAG - Student Transportation in Private Vehicles
Subject: |
IV.B.4.c.(12) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 152: GDF - Support Staff Hiring
Subject: |
IV.B.4.c.(13) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 153: JJJ - Extracurricular Activity Eligibility
Subject: |
IV.B.4.c.(14) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 154: JKD - Student Suspension / Expulsion
Subject: |
IV.B.4.c.(15) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 155: JLCD - Administering Medicines
Subject: |
IV.B.4.c.(16) 1st Reading: Policy Advisory No. 156: JLCG - Do Not Resuscitate Orders / JLCGR - Do Not Resuscitate Orders
Subject: |
IV.B.4.d. Comments
Subject: |
V. Open Public Comments (20 minutes)
Subject: |
VI. Action Items
Subject: |
VI.A. Consent Agenda/Approval of:
Subject: |
VI.A.1. Budget/Finance/Purchasing
Subject: |
VI.A.1.a. Financial Reports
Subject: |
VI.A.1.a.(1) Total amount of checks written in May 2018
Subject: |
VI.A.1.b. Budget Adjustment Requests
Subject: |
VI.A.1.c. Award of Bids & Proposals
Subject: |
VI.A.1.d. Donations
Subject: |
VI.A.1.e. Conflict of Interest Disclosures
Subject: |
VI.A.2. Transportation
Subject: |
VI.A.2.a. Bus Drivers
Subject: |
VI.A.2.b. Activity Drivers
Subject: |
VI.A.2.c. Feeder Routes
Subject: |
VI.B. Consideration and approval of Silver Consolidated Schools Armed Security Guards.
Subject: |
VI.C. Consideration and approval of Final Terms Certificate for General Obligation School Building Bonds, Series 2018.
Subject: |
VI.D. Consideration and approval of Silver Consolidated Schools Staff Dress Code Policy.
Subject: |
VI.E. Consideration and approval of Silver Consolidated Schools FY Budget 2018-19.
Subject: |
VI.F. Consideration and approval of Resolution for Cooperative Agreement Project Number SP-1-19 (979) Control Number HW2 L100379.
Subject: |
VI.G. Consideration and approval of Elementary Arts Application 2018-2019 SY.
Subject: |
VI.H. Consideration and approval of Consolidated ESEA Application 2018-19 SY.
Subject: |
VI.I. Consideration and approval of IDEA-B Special Education Application 2018-19 SY.
Subject: |
VII. Future Meetings & Proposed Agenda Items
Subject: |
VII.A. Next Scheduled Work Session and Regular Board Meeting – July 16, 2018
Subject: |
VII.B. 2018 Leadership Retreat - July 13-14, 2018, Taos, NM
Subject: |
VII.C. 2018 Annual Convention - December 7-8, 2018 Albuquerque, NM
Subject: |
VIII. Open Public Comments (10 minutes)
Subject: |
IX. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Closed Pursuant to 10-15-1, H-2 through H-9, NMSA, 1978
Subject: |
IX.A. H (2) – Limited personnel matters (staffing)
Subject: |
IX.B. H (7) – Attorney/Client privilege-litigation (reports)
Subject: |
X. Adjournment