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Meeting Agenda
1. Opening Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Public Hearing for FIRST (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas) Rating
3. Recognition of Visitors, Open Forum 
4. Superintendent Report
4.A. Moak Casey Presentation
4.B. Board Training Dec 5 at Region 8
4.C. Harts Bluff Alumni Reunion
4.D. Education Foundation Donations
4.E. Four Day School Week Discussion
4.F. Monthly Financial Report
4.G. Next Meeting Date
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Minutes of the October 15, 2024 Regular Meeting
5.B. Overnight trip:
- High School Cheerleaders for State Competition on January 17th in Fort Worth.  
- UIL Congress team to Austin January 6-8 for State Meet.  
- HS Baseball to Carthage for Gary Tournament Feb 27-March 1
- Greenhand Chapter Conducting team to state LDE contest in Huntsville on December 5-7
5.C. List of Bills Paid
6. Action Items
6.A. Deliberation and consideration to approve Annual Independent Financial Audit
6.B. Deliberation and consideration on resolution authorizing one-time retention stipend payments. 
6.C. Deliberation and consideration on additions/revisions/deletions of local policies resulting from the Policy Review Session conducted on September 12, with drafts prepared by TASB Policy Service (see attached list)
6.D. Deliberation and consideration of curriculum materials for the 2025-2026 school year
6.E. Deliberation and consideration of Teacher Incentive Allotment Handbook
7. Recess to Closed Session - For the purpose of consideration of matters for which closed or executive sessions are authorized by Title 5, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code §071-084, whereupon the Superintendent, at the request of the President of the Board of Education, will present for the Board's discussion the following matters:
A. Personnel Matters: Employment, Retirement(s), Termination(s)/Proposed Termination(s), Proposed Nonrenewal(s), Request(s) for Leave of Absence, Request(s) for Extended Leave Without Pay, Resignation(s), Reassignment(s), Job Abandonment, Proposed Extension of Probationary Contract(s), Proposed Suspension Without Pay
B. Discussion of Real Property
C. Discussion regarding security devices or security audits; (1) the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel or devices; or(2) a security audit.
7.A. Superintendent Evaluation Packet
8. Reconvene in Open Session
8.A. Action, if any, on items discussed in closed session
9. Comments From Individual Board Members
9.A. Board of Trustees expressions of thanks, congratulations, and condolences.
10. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: November 21, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting and Public Hearing
1. Opening Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Public Hearing for FIRST (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas) Rating
3. Recognition of Visitors, Open Forum 
4. Superintendent Report
4.A. Moak Casey Presentation
4.B. Board Training Dec 5 at Region 8
4.C. Harts Bluff Alumni Reunion
4.D. Education Foundation Donations
4.E. Four Day School Week Discussion
4.F. Monthly Financial Report
4.G. Next Meeting Date
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Minutes of the October 15, 2024 Regular Meeting
5.B. Overnight trip:
- High School Cheerleaders for State Competition on January 17th in Fort Worth.  
- UIL Congress team to Austin January 6-8 for State Meet.  
- HS Baseball to Carthage for Gary Tournament Feb 27-March 1
- Greenhand Chapter Conducting team to state LDE contest in Huntsville on December 5-7
5.C. List of Bills Paid
6. Action Items
6.A. Deliberation and consideration to approve Annual Independent Financial Audit
6.B. Deliberation and consideration on resolution authorizing one-time retention stipend payments. 
6.C. Deliberation and consideration on additions/revisions/deletions of local policies resulting from the Policy Review Session conducted on September 12, with drafts prepared by TASB Policy Service (see attached list)
6.D. Deliberation and consideration of curriculum materials for the 2025-2026 school year
6.E. Deliberation and consideration of Teacher Incentive Allotment Handbook
7. Recess to Closed Session - For the purpose of consideration of matters for which closed or executive sessions are authorized by Title 5, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code §071-084, whereupon the Superintendent, at the request of the President of the Board of Education, will present for the Board's discussion the following matters:
A. Personnel Matters: Employment, Retirement(s), Termination(s)/Proposed Termination(s), Proposed Nonrenewal(s), Request(s) for Leave of Absence, Request(s) for Extended Leave Without Pay, Resignation(s), Reassignment(s), Job Abandonment, Proposed Extension of Probationary Contract(s), Proposed Suspension Without Pay
B. Discussion of Real Property
C. Discussion regarding security devices or security audits; (1) the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel or devices; or(2) a security audit.
7.A. Superintendent Evaluation Packet
8. Reconvene in Open Session
8.A. Action, if any, on items discussed in closed session
9. Comments From Individual Board Members
9.A. Board of Trustees expressions of thanks, congratulations, and condolences.
10. Adjourn

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