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Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order "This meeting of the Harts Bluff Independent School District is called to order. Let the record show that there is a quorum of board members present, that this meeting has been duly called and that Notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code 551".
2. Opening Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognition of Visitors, Open Forum (Limit of Five Minutes)
4. Student Musical Performance
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Minutes of the September 17, 2013 Regular Board Meeting and the September 17, 2013 Special Meeting
5.B. List of Bills Paid
5.C. September TexPool and Tax Collection Report
5.D. Monthly Financial Report
6. Public Hearing - Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST)
7. Superintendents Report
7.A. Quarterly Financial Report
7.B. Enrollment Update
7.C. TASB/TASA Convention Overview
7.D. Follow-up Board Training from September with Bill Nemir
7.E. Nomination for Titus County Appraisal Board
8. Action Items
8.A. District/Campus Improvement Plan
8.B. Bilingual Exception Waiver
9. Information Items
9.A. ESL Program Evaluation 2012-13
9.B. Report on Number of ESL/LEP Students
9.C. Policy FDA - Local
10. Recess to Closed Session - For the purpose of consideration of matters for which closed or executive sessions are authorized by Title 5, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code §071-084, whereupon the Superintendent, at the request of the President of the Board of Education, will present for the Board's discussion the following matters:
10.A. Board Discussion of Personnel Matters under § 551.074:  Employment, Retirement(s), Termination(s)/Proposed Termination(s), Proposed Nonrenewal(s), Request(s) for Leave of Absence, Request(s) for Extended Leave Without Pay, Resignation(s), Reassignment(s), Job Abandonment, Proposed Extension of Probationary Contract(s), Proposed Suspension Without Pay
10.B. Discussion of Real Property under § 551.072
11. Reconvene in Open Session
11.A. Action as a Result of Closed Session
12. Comments From Individual Board Members
12.A. Board of Trustees expressions of thanks, congratulations, and condolences.
13. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: October 17, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order "This meeting of the Harts Bluff Independent School District is called to order. Let the record show that there is a quorum of board members present, that this meeting has been duly called and that Notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code 551".
2. Opening Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognition of Visitors, Open Forum (Limit of Five Minutes)
4. Student Musical Performance
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Minutes of the September 17, 2013 Regular Board Meeting and the September 17, 2013 Special Meeting
5.B. List of Bills Paid
5.C. September TexPool and Tax Collection Report
5.D. Monthly Financial Report
6. Public Hearing - Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST)
7. Superintendents Report
7.A. Quarterly Financial Report
7.B. Enrollment Update
7.C. TASB/TASA Convention Overview
7.D. Follow-up Board Training from September with Bill Nemir
7.E. Nomination for Titus County Appraisal Board
8. Action Items
8.A. District/Campus Improvement Plan
8.B. Bilingual Exception Waiver
9. Information Items
9.A. ESL Program Evaluation 2012-13
9.B. Report on Number of ESL/LEP Students
9.C. Policy FDA - Local
10. Recess to Closed Session - For the purpose of consideration of matters for which closed or executive sessions are authorized by Title 5, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code §071-084, whereupon the Superintendent, at the request of the President of the Board of Education, will present for the Board's discussion the following matters:
10.A. Board Discussion of Personnel Matters under § 551.074:  Employment, Retirement(s), Termination(s)/Proposed Termination(s), Proposed Nonrenewal(s), Request(s) for Leave of Absence, Request(s) for Extended Leave Without Pay, Resignation(s), Reassignment(s), Job Abandonment, Proposed Extension of Probationary Contract(s), Proposed Suspension Without Pay
10.B. Discussion of Real Property under § 551.072
11. Reconvene in Open Session
11.A. Action as a Result of Closed Session
12. Comments From Individual Board Members
12.A. Board of Trustees expressions of thanks, congratulations, and condolences.
13. Adjourn

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