Meeting Agenda
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge
3. Public Comments/Audience Participation
4. Special Recognition
4.A. Teacher of the Year- Tebra Hopson
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Minutes from May 23, 2011 Regular Board Meeting.
5.B. Financial Reports
6. Construction Report-Consider and take action on contracts, purchase orders, and change orders for construction projects
7. Preliminary TAKS Results for Spring of 2011
8. Discipline Data Validation Plan
9. Requisitions Over $10,000 for Weight Room Equipment/Sound System for Auditorium & Gymnasium.
10. Selecting a 2011 TASB Delegate and Alternate.
11. Change July Regular Board Meeting to July 21.
12. Discussion of Use of Education Jobs Fund Grant
13. Update 90
14. Memorandum of Understanding Between Smith County Juvenile Board & Winona ISD
15. Information Item
15.A. Set date for Special Called Meeting/Budget Workshop
16. Closed Meeting as Authorized Under Texas Government code, including but not limited to Section 551.074- Personnel Matters
16.A. Hiring of Certified Personnel- Speech Pathlogist
16.B. Resignations
17. Consider Action on matters discussed in Closed Session
18. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 20, 2011 at 7:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
Call Meeting to Order
Subject: |
Invocation and Pledge
Subject: |
Public Comments/Audience Participation
Subject: |
Special Recognition
Subject: |
Teacher of the Year- Tebra Hopson
Subject: |
Consent Agenda
Subject: |
Minutes from May 23, 2011 Regular Board Meeting.
Subject: |
Financial Reports
Subject: |
Construction Report-Consider and take action on contracts, purchase orders, and change orders for construction projects
Subject: |
Preliminary TAKS Results for Spring of 2011
Subject: |
Discipline Data Validation Plan
Subject: |
Requisitions Over $10,000 for Weight Room Equipment/Sound System for Auditorium & Gymnasium.
Subject: |
Selecting a 2011 TASB Delegate and Alternate.
Subject: |
Change July Regular Board Meeting to July 21.
Subject: |
Discussion of Use of Education Jobs Fund Grant
Subject: |
Update 90
Subject: |
Memorandum of Understanding Between Smith County Juvenile Board & Winona ISD
Subject: |
Information Item
Subject: |
Set date for Special Called Meeting/Budget Workshop
Subject: |
Closed Meeting as Authorized Under Texas Government code, including but not limited to Section 551.074- Personnel Matters
Subject: |
Hiring of Certified Personnel- Speech Pathlogist
Subject: |
Subject: |
Consider Action on matters discussed in Closed Session
Subject: |