Meeting Agenda
I. Call the Meeting to Order.
A. Invocation B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Mission and Vision Statement. |
II. Welcome Visitors.
A. Audience wanting to make a report. B. Public Comment. |
III. Discussion Items/Information Items.
IV. SHAC Information/Updates.
V. Elementary/Rolling Hills Accountability Presentation.
VI. Middle School Accountability Presentation.
VII. High School Accountability Data.
VIII. District Accountability Data.
IX. District Improvement Plan.
X. Action Items.
XI. Future Meeting Date.
XII. New Business/Future Agenda Items.
XIII. Adjournment.
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | October 2, 2024 at 1:15 PM - District Site Base/SHAC | |
Subject: |
I. Call the Meeting to Order.
A. Invocation B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Mission and Vision Statement. |
Presenter: |
Richard Kelley/Administration
Subject: |
II. Welcome Visitors.
A. Audience wanting to make a report. B. Public Comment. |
Presenter: |
Richard Kelley/Administration
Subject: |
III. Discussion Items/Information Items.
Presenter: |
Richard Kelley/Andy Nies
Subject: |
IV. SHAC Information/Updates.
Presenter: |
Richard Kelley/Administration
Subject: |
V. Elementary/Rolling Hills Accountability Presentation.
Presenter: |
Erin Brandstatt/Administration
Subject: |
VI. Middle School Accountability Presentation.
Presenter: |
Rachel Freeman/Administration
Subject: |
VII. High School Accountability Data.
Presenter: |
Jeremy Chettinger/Administration
Subject: |
VIII. District Accountability Data.
Presenter: |
Penny Rosson/Administration
Subject: |
IX. District Improvement Plan.
Presenter: |
Richard Kelley/Administration
Subject: |
X. Action Items.
Presenter: |
Richard Kelley/Administration
Subject: |
XI. Future Meeting Date.
Presenter: |
Richard Kelley/Administration
Subject: |
XII. New Business/Future Agenda Items.
Presenter: |
Richard Kelley/Administration
Subject: |
XIII. Adjournment.
Presenter: |
Richard Kelley/Administration