Meeting Agenda
1.A. Members of the public who wish to address the board on an agenda item will have a five minute time limit to address the board. (Ten minutes if a translator is required). You must submit a request for public comment by 5:00 PM before the meeting starts.
2.A. Recognition of VV North Elementary Tiger Star Readers.
2.B. Recognition of 7th Grade Girls Soccer Team and 8th Grade Boys Basketball Team.
2.C. Recognition of the Boys and Girls Wrestling Program for season performances.
2.D. Report on District Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances as of January 31, 2025 Budget and Actual (Unaudited and Unadjusted) by Fund.
2.E. Report on District Expenditures by Organization and Object as of January 31, 2025 Budget and Actual (Unaudited and Unadjusted) by Fund.
3.A. Consider and take action to approve the minutes for the Special Board Meeting and Board Workshop of February 25, 2025.
4.A. Discussion and action to cast the Valley View ISD Board of Trustees' votes for candidate(s) for the Region One Education Service Center Board of Directors 2025 Election.
4.B. Consider and take action to approve the budget amendment reimbursing the Maintenance and Operations Budget in the amount of $84,000.00 as recommended by the administration.
4.C. Consider and take action to approve the Workday Calendar for the 2025-2026 school-year, as recommended by the administration.
4.D. Consider and take action to approve the purchase of a 7.5T HVAC split system for the Valley View High School STEM classroom, as recommended by administration.
4.E. Consider and take action to approve the following expenses over $10,000.00 as recommended by the administration:
4.E.1. Renewal of District and campus website platform Apptegy CMS in the amount of $18,671.00 (Local Funds: Department Budget)
4.E.2. Purchase of five Reach-in Freezers and one Reach-in Refrigerator in the average amount of $35,000.00 (Child Nutrition Funds)
4.F. Consider and take action to approve the following student trip(s) as recommended by the administration:
4.F.1. VVHS Theatre - UIL (University Interscholastic League) Bi-District One Act Play at Corpus Christi, TX, March 21-22, 2025.
5.A. Texas Government Code Section: 551.074-Personnel
5.A.1. Discuss and consider staff resignations.
5.A.2. Discuss and consider staff recommendations.
6.A. Texas Government Code Section: 551.074-Personnel
6.A.1. Consider and take action to approve staff resignations as recommended by the administration.
6.A.2. Consider and take action to approve staff recommendations as recommended by the administration.
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | March 10, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Members of the public who wish to address the board on an agenda item will have a five minute time limit to address the board. (Ten minutes if a translator is required). You must submit a request for public comment by 5:00 PM before the meeting starts.
Subject: |
Subject: |
Recognition of VV North Elementary Tiger Star Readers.
Subject: |
Recognition of 7th Grade Girls Soccer Team and 8th Grade Boys Basketball Team.
Subject: |
Recognition of the Boys and Girls Wrestling Program for season performances.
Subject: |
Report on District Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances as of January 31, 2025 Budget and Actual (Unaudited and Unadjusted) by Fund.
Subject: |
Report on District Expenditures by Organization and Object as of January 31, 2025 Budget and Actual (Unaudited and Unadjusted) by Fund.
Subject: |
Subject: |
Consider and take action to approve the minutes for the Special Board Meeting and Board Workshop of February 25, 2025.
Subject: |
Subject: |
Discussion and action to cast the Valley View ISD Board of Trustees' votes for candidate(s) for the Region One Education Service Center Board of Directors 2025 Election.
Subject: |
Consider and take action to approve the budget amendment reimbursing the Maintenance and Operations Budget in the amount of $84,000.00 as recommended by the administration.
Subject: |
Consider and take action to approve the Workday Calendar for the 2025-2026 school-year, as recommended by the administration.
Subject: |
Consider and take action to approve the purchase of a 7.5T HVAC split system for the Valley View High School STEM classroom, as recommended by administration.
Subject: |
Consider and take action to approve the following expenses over $10,000.00 as recommended by the administration:
Subject: |
Renewal of District and campus website platform Apptegy CMS in the amount of $18,671.00 (Local Funds: Department Budget)
Subject: |
Purchase of five Reach-in Freezers and one Reach-in Refrigerator in the average amount of $35,000.00 (Child Nutrition Funds)
Subject: |
Consider and take action to approve the following student trip(s) as recommended by the administration:
Subject: |
VVHS Theatre - UIL (University Interscholastic League) Bi-District One Act Play at Corpus Christi, TX, March 21-22, 2025.
Subject: |
Subject: |
Texas Government Code Section: 551.074-Personnel
Subject: |
Discuss and consider staff resignations.
Subject: |
Discuss and consider staff recommendations.
Subject: |
Subject: |
Texas Government Code Section: 551.074-Personnel
Subject: |
Consider and take action to approve staff resignations as recommended by the administration.
Subject: |
Consider and take action to approve staff recommendations as recommended by the administration.
Subject: |