Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
1.A. Declaration of Quorum
1.B. Closed Session (6:00 pm to 7:00 pm)
2. Reconvene after Closed Meeting
2.A. Recognition of Veterans
2.B. Invocation
2.C. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognitions
3.A. Administrative Personnel
3.B. Presentation of the 2012 Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) Award
3.C. Ambassador Awards for local Chamber of Commerce organizations
3.D. Boy Scout Visitors
4. Intermission to meet the Trustees
5. Citizen Inquiries
6. Report
7. Hearing Officer Recommendation
8. Emergency Adoption
9. Trustee Election
10. Staff Compensation Plan
11. Staffing 2013-14
12. Contract Award
13. Highpoint Contract
14. Online Auction Service
15. Lunch Pricing
16. Jason Project
17. Items removed from the Consent Agenda
18. Consent Agenda
18.A. Dollar Volume Contract with Houston Chronicle newspaper for period July 1 through June 30, 2014 for publication of legal advertisements/notices and bids
18.B. Investment Advisory Agreements with RBC Public Fund Services and Public Trust Investors, LLC, to act as investment advisors with respect to the assets placed under the investment manager's supervision
18.C. Renewal of Gulf Coast Area Association of School Boards (GCAASB) membership and dues for the 2013-14 school year
18.D. Renewal of Bid #14-111 Workers' Compensation Stop Loss with Midwest Employer through the Frost Agency for plan year beginning september 1, 2013
18.E. Renewal of Bid 14-114 - 401A Teacher/Employee Recruitment and Retention Program (TERRP), through Interlocal Agreement with Region 10 effective September 1, 2013
18.F. Renewal of Bid #14-120
18.G. Renewal of Bid #14-130 toner cartridges
18.H. Bid #14-131 Region 20 Education Service Center Master Interlocal Agreement
18.I. Continuation of Bid #14-132 SunGard Public Sector blanket agreement
18.J. Bid #14-134 Scholastic purchases
18.K. Renewal of CSP #14-139 Athletic Healthcare Services
18.L. Renewal of Bid #14-143 CYS Agreement (Community Youth Services)
18.M. Bid #14-144 automated cooling tower and closed loop treatment
18.N. Renewal of Bid #14-151 bus and truck tires
18.O. Bid #14-155 walking path for Vistas
18.P. CSP #14-156 student accident insurance
18.Q. Renewal of Bid #14-158 workers' compensation administration with Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) through Interlocal Agreement beginning plan year September 1, 2013
18.R. Bid #14-159 career and technical education purchase of supplemental materials through IMA Instructional Materials Allotment
18.S. Bid #13-279 tutoring services and authorization for superintendent to negotiate and execute the contract on behalf of the district
18.T. Renewal of Bid #13-295 subscription to ParentLink emergency notification system and ParentLink 9 upgrade for mobile apps
18.U. Renewal of Bid #13-298 food service chips and vending snacks
18.V. Bid #13-303 athletic food concessions
18.W. Bid #13-304 Northwest Harris County Co-Op for the Hearing Impaired (NWHCC) Shared Services Agreement
18.X. Renewal of Bid #13-313 custodial chemicals and supplies
18.Y. CSP #13-320 occupational therapy speech services
18.Z. Texas Education Agency (TEA) Application for Expedited and General State Waivers
19. Minutes
20. Board Agenda Calendar Review
21.A. Follow-up on prior reports/requests for information
21.B. Comments from Board Members and Administrators
22. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | July 8, 2013 at 6:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
Call to Order
Subject: |
Declaration of Quorum
State for the record, the names of trustees representing the quorum
Subject: |
Closed Session (6:00 pm to 7:00 pm)
Request to have a closed session as authorized by the Texas Government Code in accordance with Sections 551.071 private consultation with the board's attorney, including board governance, 551.072 discussing purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, 551.074 discussing employment, evaluation, or discipline of personnel, including superintendent's contract and evaluation, 551.076 discussing security personnel and devices, 551.082 discussing disciplinary matters or complaints regarding school children and/or school district employees, 551.0821 discussing personally identifiable information about public school students, and 551.087 deliberation regarding economic development negotiations.
Subject: |
Reconvene after Closed Meeting
Subject: |
Recognition of Veterans
Subject: |
Presenter: Mr. Lanham
Subject: |
Pledge of Allegiance
Presenter: Mr. Smith
Subject: |
Subject: |
Administrative Personnel
Subject: |
Presentation of the 2012 Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) Award
Subject: |
Ambassador Awards for local Chamber of Commerce organizations
Subject: |
Boy Scout Visitors
Subject: |
Intermission to meet the Trustees
Subject: |
Citizen Inquiries
Approximately 20 minutes of each regular meeting will be allocated to citizen inquiries. After registering with the board secretary prior to the meeting, a school district resident, employee, vendor, or potential vendor shall have an opportunity to address the Board of Trustees for the four specific purposes as dictated by the state laws governing open meetings: 1) to discuss an item that appears on the agenda/notice of meeting, 2) to make a request for specific factual information, 3) to ask for a recitation of existing policy, and 4) to redress grievances. In accordance with the law, no deliberation, discussion or decision will be made other than to consider a proposal to place the subject on the agenda for a subsequent meeting, unless the subject is listed on the board agenda, in which case it may be discussed by the board. Factual information only in regard to a citizen inquiry may be shared at any point by the superintendent. A written response or acknowledgment will be provided. Oral comments are limited to five minutes in length, unless extended by a majority of the trustees, and must not mention any individuals by name or position or contain any personally identifiable reference.
Subject: |
2013 STAAR Results and Graduation Rate
Subject: |
Hearing Officer Recommendation
Consideration and approval of the independent hearing officer's recommendation regarding a student matter
Subject: |
Emergency Adoption
Approval of emergency changes to the intermediate and high school student handbooks based on House Bill 5
Subject: |
Trustee Election
Approval of joint election with the City of Houston on November 5, 2013, for the Klein ISD School Board Election
Subject: |
Staff Compensation Plan
Approval of the adoption of the 2013-14 staff compensation plan
Subject: |
Staffing 2013-14
Consideration and approval of additional campus and districtwide personnel for the 2013-14 school year
Subject: |
Contract Award
Approval of the contract award for the facility assessment consultant to develop the Long Range Capital Plan
Subject: |
Highpoint Contract
Approval of the 2013-14 Highpoint annual contract with Harris County Department of Education (HCDE)
Subject: |
Online Auction Service
Approval of sale of obsolete, unusable, and non-repairable surplus property by public auction in accordance with section 11.151(c) of the Texas Education Code during July 2013 via national online website service
Subject: |
Lunch Pricing
Approval to increase elementary, intermediate, high school, and adult lunch prices for 2013-14 per the National School Lunch Program
Subject: |
Jason Project
Approval of expenditures in the amount of $224,545 associated with the Jason Project funded by a Chevron grant
Subject: |
Items removed from the Consent Agenda
Subject: |
Consent Agenda
Subject: |
Dollar Volume Contract with Houston Chronicle newspaper for period July 1 through June 30, 2014 for publication of legal advertisements/notices and bids
Subject: |
Investment Advisory Agreements with RBC Public Fund Services and Public Trust Investors, LLC, to act as investment advisors with respect to the assets placed under the investment manager's supervision
Subject: |
Renewal of Gulf Coast Area Association of School Boards (GCAASB) membership and dues for the 2013-14 school year
Subject: |
Renewal of Bid #14-111 Workers' Compensation Stop Loss with Midwest Employer through the Frost Agency for plan year beginning september 1, 2013
Subject: |
Renewal of Bid 14-114 - 401A Teacher/Employee Recruitment and Retention Program (TERRP), through Interlocal Agreement with Region 10 effective September 1, 2013
Subject: |
Renewal of Bid #14-120
Subject: |
Renewal of Bid #14-130 toner cartridges
Subject: |
Bid #14-131 Region 20 Education Service Center Master Interlocal Agreement
Subject: |
Continuation of Bid #14-132 SunGard Public Sector blanket agreement
Subject: |
Bid #14-134 Scholastic purchases
Subject: |
Renewal of CSP #14-139 Athletic Healthcare Services
Subject: |
Renewal of Bid #14-143 CYS Agreement (Community Youth Services)
Subject: |
Bid #14-144 automated cooling tower and closed loop treatment
Subject: |
Renewal of Bid #14-151 bus and truck tires
Subject: |
Bid #14-155 walking path for Vistas
Subject: |
CSP #14-156 student accident insurance
Subject: |
Renewal of Bid #14-158 workers' compensation administration with Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) through Interlocal Agreement beginning plan year September 1, 2013
Subject: |
Bid #14-159 career and technical education purchase of supplemental materials through IMA Instructional Materials Allotment
Subject: |
Bid #13-279 tutoring services and authorization for superintendent to negotiate and execute the contract on behalf of the district
Subject: |
Renewal of Bid #13-295 subscription to ParentLink emergency notification system and ParentLink 9 upgrade for mobile apps
Subject: |
Renewal of Bid #13-298 food service chips and vending snacks
Subject: |
Bid #13-303 athletic food concessions
Subject: |
Bid #13-304 Northwest Harris County Co-Op for the Hearing Impaired (NWHCC) Shared Services Agreement
Subject: |
Renewal of Bid #13-313 custodial chemicals and supplies
Subject: |
CSP #13-320 occupational therapy speech services
Subject: |
Texas Education Agency (TEA) Application for Expedited and General State Waivers
Subject: |
Approval of Minutes of regular meeting on June 10, 2013
Subject: |
Board Agenda Calendar Review
Subject: |
Subject: |
Follow-up on prior reports/requests for information
Subject: |
Comments from Board Members and Administrators
Subject: |