Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
1.A. Declaration of Quorum
1.B. Closed Session (6:00 pm to 7:00 pm)
2. Reconvene after Closed Meeting
2.A. Recognition of Veterans
2.B. Invocation
2.C. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognitions
3.A. Students and Teachers
3.B. Administrative Personnel
3.C. Presentation of the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and presentation of the Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting Award from the Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO) regarding the Klein ISD Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)
3.D. Boy Scout Visitors
4. Intermission to meet the Trustees
5. Citizen Inquiries
6. Report
7. Attendance Zones
8. Proposed Termination of Continuing Contract
9. DIR Purchases
10. Resolution
11. Resolution
12. Resolution
13. Schedule of Expenditures
14. Bonds, Series 2013
15. Class Size Exception
16. Contract Award
17. E-Rate
18. Lease Agreement
19. Items removed from the Consent Agenda
20. Consent Agenda
20.A. Campus Improvement Plans
20.B. Continuation of the Interlocal Agreement with Ft. Worth ISD, the lead for the Texas consortium to participate in the Bank of America's purchasing card program
20.C. Continuation of Bid #13-192 beverage and vending machine provider
20.D. Renewal of Bid #13-223 PE uniforms
20.E. Bid #13-225 warehouse stock
20.F. Bid #13-253 athletic training room supplies
20.G. Visionary Leaders Institute professional services
20.H. Renewal of partnership agreement with St. Thomas University to offer Master's Degree programs for Klein ISD employees
20.I. Dollar Volume Contract with the Houston Chronicle newspaper for the period March 1, 2013, to February 28, 2014, for the publication of legal advertisements/notices and bids
20.J. Sale of obsolete, unusable and non-repairable surplus property by public auction, in accordance with section 11.151(c) of the Texas Education Code, during February 2013 via national online website service
20.K. Charter School Statement of Impact Application
21. Minutes
22. Board Agenda Calendar Review
23. KISD Events Calendar
24.A. Follow-up on prior reports/requests for information
24.B. Comments from Board Members and Administrators
25. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 11, 2013 at 6:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
Call to Order
Subject: |
Declaration of Quorum
State for the record, the names of trustees representing the quorum
Subject: |
Closed Session (6:00 pm to 7:00 pm)
Request to have a closed session as authorized by the Texas Government Code in accordance with Sections 551.071 private consultation with the board's attorney, including board governance, 551.072 discussing purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, 551.074 discussing employment, evaluation, or discipline of personnel, including superintendent's contract and evaluation, 551.076 discussing security personnel, 551.082 discussing disciplinary matters or complaints regarding school children and/or school district employees, 551.0821 discussing personally identifiable information about public school students, and 551.087 deliberation regarding economic development negotiations.
Subject: |
Reconvene after Closed Meeting
Subject: |
Recognition of Veterans
Subject: |
Presenter: Mr. Smith
Subject: |
Pledge of Allegiance
Presenter: Mr. Mann
Subject: |
Subject: |
Students and Teachers
Haude Elementary School and McDougle Elementary School
Presenters: Mr. Smith and Mr. Pilkington |
Subject: |
Administrative Personnel
Subject: |
Presentation of the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and presentation of the Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting Award from the Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO) regarding the Klein ISD Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)
Subject: |
Boy Scout Visitors
Subject: |
Intermission to meet the Trustees
Subject: |
Citizen Inquiries
Approximately 20 minutes of each regular meeting will be allocated to citizen inquiries. After registering with the board secretary prior to the meeting, a school district resident, employee, vendor, or potential vendor shall have an opportunity to address the Board of Trustees for the four specific purposes as dictated by the state laws governing open meetings: 1) to discuss an item that appears on the agenda/notice of meeting, 2) to make a request for specific factual information, 3) to ask for a recitation of existing policy, and 4) to redress grievances. In accordance with the law, no deliberation, discussion or decision will be made other than to consider a proposal to place the subject on the agenda for a subsequent meeting, unless the subject is listed on the board agenda, in which case it may be discussed by the board. Factual information only in regard to a citizen inquiry may be shared at any point by the superintendent. A written response or acknowledgment will be provided. Oral comments are limited to five minutes in length, unless extended by a majority of the trustees, and must not mention any individuals by name or position or contain any personally identifiable reference.
Subject: |
2012 STAAR Update
Subject: |
Attendance Zones
Approval of the attendance zone changes due to the opening of Bernshausen Elementary School effective for the 2013-14 school year and a modification of the intermediate zones for 2014-15
Subject: |
Proposed Termination of Continuing Contract
Consider and approve the Superintendent's recommendation to propose termination of continuing contract teacher for good cause (Klein High School) and authorize the Superintendent to give notice of same
Subject: |
DIR Purchases
Approval of the Department of Information Resources (DIR) purchases of technology/computer equipment and related peripherals
Subject: |
Approval and adoption of the Resolution to suspend the district's policy EIA (Local) Academic Achievement - Grading/Progress Reports to Parents on the end-of-course assessment 15 percent provision for the 2012-13 school year
Subject: |
Consider and approve Resolution that opposes vouchers, taxpayer savings grants, tax credits, or any other provisions that would divert money away from public schools
Subject: |
Approval of Resolution authorizing participation in the TexPool Investment Pools and the Authorized Representative Add Form for Lone Star Investment Pool
Subject: |
Schedule of Expenditures
Approval of Schedule of Estimated Expenditures for Series 2013 Bond Sale
Subject: |
Bonds, Series 2013
Approval and review of the Schedule of Events and authorization for the district's financial advisor and bond counsel to begin preparation of the preliminary official statement (POS) and notice of sale on the $38 million Unlimited Tax Schoolhouse Bonds, Series 2013, and a refunding amount to be determined at the next board meeting
Subject: |
Class Size Exception
Approval of the request to the Texas Education Agency for a maximum class size exception
Subject: |
Contract Award
Approval of the contract award for the Central Office renovation project
Subject: |
Approval of E-Rate Priority I: #13-259 Student Email Services (2 year renewal); #13-260 Internet Access, Voice and Video Data (2 year renewal); and E-Rate Priority II: #13-244 Avaya Nortel Infrastructure Equipment; #13-245 Aruba Wireless Equipment; #13-246 Cisco Video Conferencing Equipment; and approval and authorization for superintendent to negotiate and sign E-Rate contracts for the district after final negotiations
Subject: |
Lease Agreement
Approval of Lease Agreement for two tracts of district property with Zachary-Odebrecht Parkway Builders for Grand Parkway construction
Subject: |
Items removed from the Consent Agenda
Subject: |
Consent Agenda
Subject: |
Campus Improvement Plans
Subject: |
Continuation of the Interlocal Agreement with Ft. Worth ISD, the lead for the Texas consortium to participate in the Bank of America's purchasing card program
Subject: |
Continuation of Bid #13-192 beverage and vending machine provider
Subject: |
Renewal of Bid #13-223 PE uniforms
Subject: |
Bid #13-225 warehouse stock
Subject: |
Bid #13-253 athletic training room supplies
Subject: |
Visionary Leaders Institute professional services
Subject: |
Renewal of partnership agreement with St. Thomas University to offer Master's Degree programs for Klein ISD employees
Subject: |
Dollar Volume Contract with the Houston Chronicle newspaper for the period March 1, 2013, to February 28, 2014, for the publication of legal advertisements/notices and bids
Subject: |
Sale of obsolete, unusable and non-repairable surplus property by public auction, in accordance with section 11.151(c) of the Texas Education Code, during February 2013 via national online website service
Subject: |
Charter School Statement of Impact Application
Subject: |
Approval of Minutes of regular meeting on January 14, 2013, and Minutes of special meetings on January 11 and 12, 2013
Subject: |
Board Agenda Calendar Review
Subject: |
KISD Events Calendar
Subject: |
Subject: |
Follow-up on prior reports/requests for information
Subject: |
Comments from Board Members and Administrators
Subject: |